configuration proxy in httpd.conf - apache

Good day,
As my understanding. Forward proxy is something like a middle man to help to do redirect.
For example, I have a web application, and I want to call a web services. And I want it to go through a proxy.
So it will become something like follow:
Application --> proxy server --> web services
However, I found something from internet which is I not understand. The proxy configuration is configure at httpd.conf.
<VirtualHost *:80>
ProxyPass /
As my understanding, this means that any request with "/" will direct to
I am start confuse here, this is something like doing redirect, is it anything related to proxy? If yes, where to put the proxy IP?
Kindly advise.

The proxy IP is already declared in the server block by declaring
<VirtualHost *:80>
It like saying tha on the local IP port 80, yu have a virtual server doing whatever is in the server block.
The difference between redirecting and proxying is that in redirect you are redirected to a different URL.
For example if you redirect the above, if you hit localhost:80 --->
Check out the ProxyRemote directive for proxying remote if that's the matter.


Apache virtualhost with a domain

I have an apache server with a bought domain.
I want to know if it is possible to redirect some web pages... For example
I have a NextCloud Server that I want to access by
And a plex server I want to access by
PD: I don't have the possibilities of subdomains like because I didn't hire it when I bought the domain
Is this possible? How do I need to configure apache virtualhost? Thanks!
You mention that you want to access by and by I will therefore take for granted that you do not want the site address to change in your client's browser. So no redirection here. Redirection would change the address bar value.
Then the option you want is a reverse proxy. It will "hide" the fact that the client is being served pages by another site or application.
You have system 1 with an Apache server that responds to
You have system 2 with an application that responds to
You have system 3 with an a plex application that reponds to
Therefore on system 1, in the configuration file for your Apache (most probably httpd.conf), you will:
load the proxy modules
add these lines in your <VirtualHost>:
<VirtualHost *:80>
ProxyPass "/nextcloud" ""
ProxyPassReverse "/nextcloud" ""
ProxyPass "/plex ""
ProxyPassReverse "/plex" ""
Now and can be IP addresses, but using dns is so much better for flexibility. Adjust this sample as required.
Complete mod_proxy documentation:

how to load jsf application sits behind apache reverse proxy

I have a jsf 2.x web app serving incoming requests behind apache reverse proxy server. The app name is "foo" hosted on tomcat server in which fqdn is "" and the reverse proxy server's fqdn is "".
So I created foo_conf file in the proxy server having following directive:
<VirtualHost *:4443>
ProxyPass /foo
ProxyPassReverse /foo
Three scenarios I observed after restarting the proxy server:
If I don't go through reverse proxy server, I have access to resources by entering url of ""
If I go through the proxy server entering url of "" the server returns "http status 404 - /foo/" to a client.
If I fully specify resource and pass to the proxy server such as "" then I have access to resources just fine.
What I would like to achieve is entering "" would properly points to "". I'd appreciate your advice and guidance on this matter. Thank you!

Apache hybris configuration to proxy pass HTTP and HTTP(S) yacceleratorstorefront (electronic store) URL to Hybris Server

I am trying to access the yacceleratorstorefront/electronics/en/?site=electronics URL from apache web server to Hybris where the electronic store URL is configured. The electronic store URL is accessible and working from any of the server in environment if apache web server is BY PASSED is my Hybris server.
ERROR ━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━
HTTP Status 500 - Cannot find CMSSite associated with current URL ━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━
type Status report
message Cannot find CMSSite associated with current URL
description The server encountered an internal error that prevented it from fulfilling this request.
Any suggestion or advice is highly appreciated. Thank you in advance.
-Regards, S#BS
------------------------------------------------httpd Code below----------------------------------------------------
<VirtualHost *:80> ProxyPreserveHost On
ProxyPass / ProxyPassReverse /
ServerName localhost</VirtualHost>
<VirtualHost *:443> ServerName localhost
#ProxyRequests Off #ProxyPreserveHost On ProxyPass / ProxyPassReverse /
SSLEngine on SSLCertificateFile /etc/httpd/certs/ SSLCertificateKeyFile /etc/httpd/certs/
The error message indicates that you are not setting the ?site=electronics parameter at the http version of you proxy (it also seems to be missing in the proxypass setting for port 80).
I'm not an apache buff but maybe it works if you configure your proxy settings for port 80 in the same way:
<VirtualHost *:80>
ProxyPreserveHost On
ProxyPass /
ProxyPassReverse /
ServerName localhost
Just some more info: Apart from the site parameter approach you can also use a host name approach.
Not sure if you have access to the hybris wiki, but here are some more details:
(its for Telco accelerator, but it works the same for any other storefront).
Not sure how that works together with apache, I assume you have to setup some sub domains or something.
Does it work if you try to access apache on https directly? (There it seems you have the correct url containing the site parameter).
Note: The site parameter is basically only needed for the first http request of a session. It is used to determine which storefront, i.e. BaseSite is supposed to be used. All subsequent requests (of the same session) shouldn't require the site parameter.
Hope that helps!
Your http config is fine. Your https config is wrong.
Do not put ?site=electronics or anything like that in your apache config.
The site detection works based on the URL. In the sample data you are using that is at least a regex looking for "electronics" in the hostname.
One single apache config will be able to support all sites. You do not need to specify the site. You do not need to specify /yacceleratorstorefront.
Simply edit your hosts file to include " electronics.rtfm"
Now access http://electronics.rtfm/
You can avoid adding the site in the URL by going in HMC: WCMS > Websites
Under the Properties tab, add a new URL pattern that will match your site.
Once it is done, URLs that match the site's pattern will automatically use that site.
Using URL patterns for each site will simplify the web server's configuration.

Send subdomain to node.js

My work runs a couple different internal web apps on an ubuntu server (10.10) running apache. I'm currently developing another web app, and am seriously considering developing on top of a custom-built node.js web server. My reasoning for wanting to do this is:
Security - Pages will be served with a, instead of just serving the (potentially malicious) user whatever they ask for.
Ease of setup - my intentions are for this to be an open-source project, and node.js is much easier for users to set up, rather than dealing with apache/IIS/etc.
My question is, on a server where I've got apache listening to port 80, how can I pass off a certain subdomains to node.js. I've seen a couple articles about using apache virtual hosts to pass it off, but that seems to defeat the purpose of using node.js. If I have to go through apache, then all three of my reasons for avoiding apache/IIS have voided themselves.
I know I could use a different port (:8080?), but from an end-user standpoint, it's pretty confusing having to put in custom ports. Any alternative ideas?
<VirtualHost *:80>
ProxyPreserveHost on
ProxyPass / http://localhost:8080/
Thanks to
if node is running, be sure to enable also few apache mods:
a2enmod proxy
a2enmod proxy_balancer
a2enmod proxy_express
a2enmod proxy_http
in file /etc/apache2/sites-available/
<VirtualHost *:80>
<Location "/">
ProxyPreserveHost On
ProxyPass http://localhost:3000/
ProxyPassReverse http://localhost:3000/
then of course service apache2 reload
How about doing things the other way round : bind node to port 80, handle the traffic targeted at the subdomain and use it as a reverse proxy to apache for everything else ?
Let me start from the ground up:
You have a DNS. And a dns server maps one DNS to one IP!
You then have apache running on your computer that listens for connections on port 80 for http:// and on port 443 for https://. http://example/ is actually a request on http://example:80/.
You can't use node.js to listen on the same machine on the same port as apache. That's why using port 8080 is viable.
You can also map the subdomain to a different IP. The only caveat here is that you need to have a public IP Address.
You can't serve port 80 from both Apache and node.js. Having Apache as a reverse proxy wouldn't be much efficient and that's why nginx is popular in this scenario. Other alternative than nginx based reverse proxy can be as Khez suggested mapping your subdomain to different IP address which will node.js program listen to or maybe use node.js itself as a reverse proxy for Apache.
You could configure a virtual host in apache for your new site and add a permanent redirect within it to the localhost and port used by node.js.
This is how I do it on a server with several other virtual hosts and my node.js application running on port 3000:
NameVirtualHost *:80
[Other virtual hosts omitted for brevity]
RedirectMatch (.*) http://localhost:3000$1

Images missing when using ProxyPassMatch to redirect aspx requests

<VirtualHost *:80>
ProxyPassMatch ^(/.*\.aspx.*)$1
I am running IIS on port 8080, and Apache on port 80. I have gotten the above in the apache config to successfully redirect ASP.NET pages to IIS, but the images on the pages are missing. I was thinking I need some sort of Reverse Proxy rule that says "if the request for the image or other resource is coming from a aspx page, then add port 8080", but I'm not sure how to accomplish this.
Can you use a different virtual host name, or subdirectory, for the IIS server? That way you can match on the host header in your mod_proxy setup.