how to filter data in sql based on percentile - sql

I have 2 tables, the first one is contain customer information such as id,age, and name . the second table is contain their id, information of product they purchase, and the purchase_date (the date is from 2016 to 2018)
Table 1
my desired result is to generate the table that contain customer_name and product who made purchase in 2017 and older than 75% of customer that make purchase in 2016.

Depending on your flavor of SQL, you can get quartiles using the more general ntile analytical function. This basically adds a new column to your query.
SELECT MIN(customer_age) as min_age FROM (
SELECT customer_id, customer_age, ntile(4) OVER(ORDER BY customer_age) AS q4 FROM table1
WHERE customer_id IN (
SELECT customer_id FROM table2 WHERE purchase_date = 2016)
) q
WHERE q4=4
This returns the lowest age of the 4th-quartile customers, which can be used in a subquery against the customers who made purchases in 2017.
The argument to ntile is how many buckets you want to divide into. In this case 75%+ equals 4th quartile, so 4 buckets is OK. The OVER() clause specifies what you want to sort by (customer_age in our case), and also lets us partition (group) the data if we want to, say, create multiple rankings for different years or countries.

Age is a horrible field to include in a database. Every day it changes. You should have date-of-birth or something similar.
To get the 75% oldest value in 2016, there are several possibilities. I usually go for row_number() and count(*):
select min(customer_age)
from (select c.*,
row_number() over (order by customer_age) as seqnum,
count(*) over () as cnt
from customers c join
where exists (select 1
from customer_products cp
where cp.customer_id = c.customer_id and
cp.purchase_date >= '2016-01-01' and
cp.purchase_date < '2017-01-01'
where seqnum >= 0.75 * cnt;
Then, to use this for a query for 2017:
with a2016 as (
select min(customer_age) as customer_age
from (select c.*,
row_number() over (order by customer_age) as seqnum,
count(*) over () as cnt
from customers c
where exists (select 1
from customer_products cp
where cp.customer_id = c.customer_id and
cp.purchase_date >= '2016-01-01' and
cp.purchase_date < '2017-01-01'
) c
where seqnum >= 0.75 * cnt
select c.*, cp.product_id
from customers c join
customer_products cp
on cp.customer_id = c.customer_id and
cp.purchase_date >= '2017-01-01' and
cp.purchase_date < '2018-01-01' join
a2016 a
on c.customer_age >= a.customer_age;


Create a column with daily count in impala

I want to create a count column which will has the count per day. I have managed to do it like this:
select book, orders, s.common_id,s.order_date,d.customer_region,t.cnt
from books_tbt as s
inner join customer_tbt as d
on s.common_id = d.common_id
inner join (select count(*) as cnt,order_date from customer_tbt where customer !='null'
group by order_date) as t
on t.order_date = d.order_date
where d.customer !='null'
and s.order_date = 20220122
group by book, orders, s.common_id,s.order_date,d.customer_region,t.cnt;
I want to ask if there is a more efficient way to do it?
You can simply use COUNT(*) OVER( Partitioned by ORDER_DATE Order by ORDER_DATE) window function to calculate count for an order date.
select book, orders, s.common_id,s.order_date,d.customer_region,d.cnt
from books_tbt as s
inner join
( select d.*, COUNT(*) OVER( Partition by ORDER_DATE Order by ORDER_DATE) as cnt from customer_tbt d) as d on s.common_id = d.common_id -- count(*) over can not be calculated together with group by so we are using a sub qry
where d.customer !='null'
and s.order_date = 20220122
group by book, orders, s.common_id,s.order_date,d.customer_region,d.cnt;

SQL get top 3 values / bottom 3 values with group by and sum

I am working on a restaurant management system. There I have two tables
My customer wants to see a report top 3 selling items / least selling 3 items by the month
For the moment I did something like this
SUM(qty) AS qty,
MONTHNAME(order_details.createdAt) AS mon,,
INNER JOIN dishes ON order_details.dishId =
GROUP BY order_details.dishId , MONTHNAME(order_details.createdAt)) t
ORDER BY t.qty
This gives me all the dishes sold count order by qty.
I have to manually filter max 3 records and reject the rest. There should be a SQL way of doing this. How do I do this in SQL?
You would use row_number() for this purpose. You don't specify the database you are using, so I am guessing at the appropriate date functions. I also assume that you mean a month within a year, so you need to take the year into account as well:
FROM (SELECT YEAR(od.CreatedAt) as yyyy,
MONTH(od.createdAt) as mm,
SUM(qty) AS qty,
od.dishId,, d.imageUrl,
ROW_NUMBER() OVER (PARTITION BY YEAR(od.CreatedAt), MONTH(od.createdAt) ORDER BY SUM(qty) DESC) as seqnum_desc,
ROW_NUMBER() OVER (PARTITION BY YEAR(od.CreatedAt), MONTH(od.createdAt) ORDER BY SUM(qty) DESC) as seqnum_asc
FROM rms.order_details od INNER JOIN
dishes d
ON od.dishId =
GROUP BY YEAR(od.CreatedAt), MONTH(od.CreatedAt), od.dishId
) ym
WHERE seqnum_asc <= 3 OR
seqnum_desc <= 3;
Using the above info i used i combination of group by, order by and limit
as shown below. I hope this is what you are looking for
count(od.dishId) AS 'qty',
date_format(od.createdAt,'%Y-%m') as 'month'
rms.order_details od
group by date_format(od.createdAt,'%Y-%m'),od.dishId
order by qty desc
limit 3) t
join rms.dishes d on (t.dishId =

SQLite Getting multiple results with LIMIT 1

I have the following problem.
Part of a task is to determine the visitor(s) with the most money spent between 2000 and 2020.
It just looks like this.
SELECT UserEMail FROM Visitor
JOIN Ticket ON Visitor.UserEMail = Ticket.VisitorUserEMail
where Ticket.Date> date('2000-01-01') AND Ticket.Date < date ('2020-12-31')
Group by Ticket.VisitorUserEMail
order by SUM(Price) DESC;
Is it possible to output more than one person if both have spent the same amount?
Use rank():
SELECT VisitorUserEMail
FROM (SELECT VisitorUserEMail, SUM(PRICE) as sum_price,
RANK() OVER (ORDER BY SUM(Price) DESC) as seqnum
FROM Ticket t
WHERE t.Date >= date('2000-01-01') AND Ticket.Date <= date('2021-01-01')
GROUP BY t.VisitorUserEMail
) t
WHERE seqnum = 1;
Note: You don't need the JOIN, assuming that ticket buyers are actually visitors. If that assumption is not true, then use the JOIN.
Use a CTE that returns all the total prices for each email and with NOT EXISTS select the rows with the top total price:
WITH cte AS (
SELECT VisitorUserEMail, SUM(Price) SumPrice
FROM Ticket
WHERE Date >= '2000-01-01' AND Date <= '2020-12-31'
GROUP BY VisitorUserEMail
SELECT c.VisitorUserEMail
FROM cte c
WHERE SumPrice > c.SumPrice
WITH cte AS (
SELECT VisitorUserEMail, SUM(Price) SumPrice
FROM Ticket
WHERE Date >= '2000-01-01' AND Date <= '2020-12-31'
GROUP BY VisitorUserEMail
SELECT VisitorUserEMail
FROM cte
WHERE SumPrice = (SELECT MAX(SumPrice) FROM cte)
Note that you don't need the function date() because the result of date('2000-01-01') is '2000-01-01'.
Also I think that the conditions in the WHERE clause should include the =, right?

How to do a group by without having to pass all the columns from the select?

I have the following select, whose goal is to select all customers who had no sales since the day X, and also bringing the date of the last sale and the number of the sale:
select s.customerId, s.saleId, max ( from sales s
group by s.customerId, s.saleId
having max( <= '05-16-2013'
This way it brings me the following:
19 | 300 | 26/09/2005
19 | 356 | 29/09/2005
27 | 842 | 10/05/2012
In another words, the first 2 lines are from the same customer (id 19), I wish to get only one record for each client, which would be the record with the max date, in the case, the second record from this list.
By that logic, I should take off s.saleId from the "group by" clause, but if I do, of course, I get the error:
Invalid expression in the select list (not contained in either an
aggregate function or the GROUP BY clause)
I'm using Firebird 1.5
How can I do this?
GROUP BY summarizes data by aggregating a group of rows, returning one row per group. You're using the aggregate function max(), which will return the maximum value from one column for a group of rows.
Let's look at some data. I renamed the column you called "date".
create table sales (
customerId integer not null,
saleId integer not null,
saledate date not null
insert into sales values
(1, 10, '2013-05-13'),
(1, 11, '2013-05-14'),
(1, 12, '2013-05-14'),
(1, 13, '2013-05-17'),
(2, 20, '2013-05-11'),
(2, 21, '2013-05-16'),
(2, 31, '2013-05-17'),
(2, 32, '2013-03-01'),
(3, 33, '2013-05-14'),
(3, 35, '2013-05-14');
You said
In another words, the first 2 lines are from the same customer(id 19), i wish he'd get only one record for each client, which would be the record with the max date, in the case, the second record from this list.
select s.customerId, max (s.saledate)
from sales s
where s.saledate <= '2013-05-16'
group by s.customerId
order by customerId;
customerId max
1 2013-05-14
2 2013-05-16
3 2013-05-14
What does that table mean? It means that the latest date on or before May 16 on which customer "1" bought something was May 14; the latest date on or before May 16 on which customer "2" bought something was May 16. If you use this derived table in joins, it will return predictable results with consistent meaning.
Now let's look at a slightly different query. MySQL permits this syntax, and returns the result set below.
select s.customerId, s.saleId, max(s.saledate) max_sale
from sales s
where s.saledate <= '2013-05-16'
group by s.customerId
order by customerId;
customerId saleId max_sale
1 10 2013-05-14
2 20 2013-05-16
3 33 2013-05-14
The sale with ID "10" didn't happen on May 14; it happened on May 13. This query has produced a falsehood. Joining this derived table with the table of sales transactions will compound the error.
That's why Firebird correctly raises an error. The solution is to drop saleId from the SELECT clause.
Now, having said all that, you can find the customers who have had no sales since May 16 like this.
select distinct customerId from sales
where customerID not in
(select customerId
from sales
where saledate >= '2013-05-16')
And you can get the right customerId and the "right" saleId like this. (I say "right" saleId, because there could be more than one on the day in question. I just chose the max.)
select sales.customerId, sales.saledate, max(saleId)
from sales
inner join (select customerId, max(saledate) max_date
from sales
where saledate < '2013-05-16'
group by customerId) max_dates
on sales.customerId = max_dates.customerId
and sales.saledate = max_dates.max_date
inner join (select distinct customerId
from sales
where customerID not in
(select customerId
from sales
where saledate >= '2013-05-16')) no_sales
on sales.customerId = no_sales.customerId
group by sales.customerId, sales.saledate
Personally, I find common table expressions make it easier for me to read SQL statements like that without getting lost in the SELECTs.
with no_sales as (
select distinct customerId
from sales
where customerID not in
(select customerId
from sales
where saledate >= '2013-05-16')
max_dates as (
select customerId, max(saledate) max_date
from sales
where saledate < '2013-05-16'
group by customerId
select sales.customerId, sales.saledate, max(saleId)
from sales
inner join max_dates
on sales.customerId = max_dates.customerId
and sales.saledate = max_dates.max_date
inner join no_sales
on sales.customerId = no_sales.customerId
group by sales.customerId, sales.saledate
then you can use following query ..
EDIT changes made after comment by likeitlikeit for only one row per CustomerID even when we will have one case where we have multiple saleID for customer with certain condition -
select x.customerID, max(x.saleID), max(x.x_date) from (
select s.customerId, s.saleId, max ( x_date from sales s
group by s.customerId, s.saleId
having max( <= '05-16-2013'
and max( = ( select max(
from sales s1
where s1.customeId = s.customerId))x
group by x.customerID
You can Try Maxing the s.saleId (Max(s.saleId)) and removing it from the Group By clause
A subquery should do the job, I can't test it right now but it seems ok:
SELECT s.customerId, s.saleId, subq.maxdate
FROM sales AS s
INNER JOIN (SELECT customerId, MAX(date) AS maxdate
FROM sales
GROUP BY customerId, saleId
HAVING MAX( <= '05-16-2013'
) AS subq
ON s.customerId = subq.customerId AND = subq.maxdate

How can you use SQL to return values for a specified date or closest date < specified date?

I've written an SQL statement to return a list of prices based on a date parameter, but I am finding that on some dates, the price is missing. I am looking for a way to modify this statement to return the price on the date specified, but if that is not available return the price for the most recent price available before the date specified.
Select date, grp, id, price
date In ('12/31/2009', '11/30/2009') And
grp In ('Group1')
For example, in the I would like to be able to re-write the statement above to return all of the records below, showing appropriate parameter dates for all records. Assume this is a subset of a table with daily prices and the values below are the last prices for the months noted.
12/31/2009 Group1 1111 100
12/31/2009 Group1 2222 99
12/29/2009 Group1 3333 98
11/30/2009 Group1 1111 100
11/28/2009 Group1 2222 99
11/30/2009 Group1 3333 98
Thanks to some help from srgerg below, I have been able to create a statement that works for one date at a time, but I would still like to find a way to pass multiple dates to the query.
Select, p1.grp,, p1.price
price_table As p1 Inner Join
(Select Max( As maxdt, id
price_table As p2
Where <= '12/31/2009'
Group By As p On p.maxdt = And =
Where grp in ('Group1')
You could try something like this:
SELECT date, grp, id
, (SELECT TOP 1 price
FROM price_table P2
AND P1.grp = P2.grp
AND <=
FROM price_table P1
WHERE IN ('12/31/2009', '11/30/2009')
AND P1.grp IN ('Group1')
Edit To get the last record for each month, group and id you could try this:
SELECT date, grp, id, price
FROM price_table P1
FROM price_table P2
WHERE P1.grp = P2.grp
AND P1.grp In ('Group1')
Here's my approach to solving to this problem:
Associate every search date with a date in the table.
Use search dates as (additional) group terms.
Rank the dates in descending order, partitioning them by group terms.
Select those with the desired group term values and rank = 1.
The script:
WITH price_grouped AS (
date, grp, id, price,
dategrp = CASE
WHEN date <= '11/30/2009' THEN '11/30/2009'
WHEN date <= '12/31/2009' THEN '12/31/2009'
/* extend the list of dates here */
FROM price_table
price_ranked AS (
date, grp, id, price, dategrp,
rank = RANK() OVER (PARTITION BY grp, dategrp ORDER BY date DESC)
FROM price_grouped
SELECT date, grp, id, price
FROM price_ranked
WHERE grp IN ('Group1')
AND rank = 1
The above solution may seem not very handy because of the necessity to repeat each search date twice. An alternative to that might be to define the search date list as a separate CTE and, accordingly, assign the dates in a different way:
WITH search_dates (Date) AS (
SELECT '11/30/2009' UNION ALL
SELECT '12/31/2009'
/* extend the list of dates here */
price_grouped AS (
SELECT, p.grp,, p.price,
dategrp = MIN(d.Date)
FROM price_table p
INNER JOIN search_dates d ON <= d.Date
GROUP BY, p.grp,, p.price
price_ranked AS (
date, grp, id, price, dategrp,
rank = RANK() OVER (PARTITION BY grp, dategrp ORDER BY date DESC)
FROM price_grouped
SELECT date, grp, id, price
FROM price_ranked
WHERE grp IN ('Group1')
AND rank = 1
But take into account that the former solution will most probably be more performant.