I want to get all keys in redis?
this is a codis version
so, there is no scan() or scan_iter() or keys()...
I know there is a function
but how to use it in python?
not redis-cli
i made it!!!
in python, just use send_command('SLOTSSCAN', slot, cursor)
then the response is what i want
Is it possible to add a minimum version to a module listed in the depend section of a META6.json file?
It uses the same syntax as the Version class. You can use, for instance, v1.0+, or, in META6.json, simply "1.0+"
To declare a dependency on Foo of version 1 or higher one would do the same as if one was asking zef to install Foo:ver<1.0+>:
zef install "Foo:ver<1.0+>"
"depends" : [
Long form identities use version literals for api and ver attributes, and strings for any other (such as auth, file, name, etc). So to describe such a dependency you should write it the same way you would if you were useing it using the literal form :foo<...> ala use Test:ver<6.d+>. This is opposed to :foo(...) form which can run anything, e.g. use Test:ver(do { say 42; v6.d+ }), which would allow arbitrary code execution by just searching for dependencies and thus is not a valid way to describe something in a META6.json
I need to store the data presented in the graphs on the Google Ngram website. For example, I want to store the occurences of "it's" as a percentage from 1800-2008, as presented in the following link: https://books.google.com/ngrams/graph?content=it%27s&year_start=1800&year_end=2008&corpus=0&smoothing=3&share=&direct_url=t1%3B%2Cit%27s%3B%2Cc0.
The data I want is the data you're able to scroll over on the graph. How can I extract this for about 140 different terms (e.g. "it's", "they're", "she's", etc.)?
econpy wrote a nice little module in Python that you can use through a command-line interface.
For your "it's" example, you would need to type this command in a terminal / windows console:
python getngrams.py it's -startYear=1800 -endYear=2008 -corpus=eng_2009 -smoothing=3
This will automatically save the query result in a CSV file named after your query parameters.
econpy's package, in #HugoMailhot's answer, no longer works (2021) and seems not maintained.
Here's a updated version, with some improvements for easier integration into Python code:
You can call this from the command line (as in econpy's) to create a CSV file, e.g.
getngrams.py it's -startYear=1800 -endYear=2008 -corpus=eng_2009 -smoothing=3
or call it from python to get (and plot) data directly in python, e.g.:
from getngrams import ngrams
df = ngrams('bells and whistles -startYear=1900 -endYear=2018 -smoothing=2')
The xkcd functionality is still there too.
(Issues / bug fix pull requests /etc welcome there)
so I have a sqlite3 table with the following schema:
Im wondering how to be able to fill some of those with content of a python variable.Number,id,number_a and team dont have to be filled.So basically, I have 3 python variable
So I want to be able to insert at the right place the content of the python variable.I tried this so far:
cur.execute("INSERT INTO mytable('number','name','prename','id','number_a','location_num','team') VALUES('','?','?','','','?','')",(thename,),(theprename,),(thelocation_num,))
However it doesnt work.I dont know how to do that.
thank you
You can use
cur.execute("""INSERT INTO mytable
(thename, theprename, thelocation_num))
If autocommit is not enabled, you also need to call connection.commit() in order to write the changes to disk.
Is there any way to use Laravel's Auth and Hash, but change the bcrypt cost?
The default is defined here http://laravel.com/api/source-class-Illuminate.Hashing.BcryptHasher.html
Take a look at the make method.
You can pass an options array as the second parameter, where you can define the cost value.
Hash::make('stringtobehashed', array('cost' => 20));
I know this thread is very old, but just for quick reference,
If you're using Laravel 4.0 and up, change cost to rounds. You can look at the code here.
Alternatively and as of Laravel 4.2, you can set the rounds once and for all, in some ServiceProvider's boot method (probably in the AppServiceProvider), using:
I am using a route like this
match "/v1/:method" => "v1#index"
My intention here is capture the name of the api method and then send the request to that method inside the controller.
def index
self.send params[:method], params
I figured this would send the other parameters as an argument to the method, but it didn't work. So my question is how can I pass the non-method parameters in a query string?
#query_parameters does exactly what you want:
It's also the most efficient solution since it doesn't construct a new hash, like the other ones do.
Stolen from the work of a colleague. I find this a slightly more robust solution, since it will work even if there are changes to the path parameters:
I sort of solved this problem by doing this: