Get bookmark index using system.Information() - vba

I'm using below line to get a selected drop down from an endoresment.
But I'm unable to get the correct bookmark index through Selection.Information(30) hence getting incorrect bookmark name.
Can any one please help me here.

The more "conventional" way to get the name of the currently active/selected bookmark name is:
Since this appears to be a form field, it's also possible to get the name via that collection:
In a comment the request is for the bookmark index, although the request in the Question is for the bookmark name... In any case, to get the bookmark index get the count of all bookmarks from the start of the document to the end of the selection. (Note that this gets the index of the last previous bookmark, which is not necessary in the selection):
bkmIndex = ActiveDocument.Range(0, Selection.Range.End).Bookmarks.Count
Debug.Print ActiveDocument.Bookmarks(bkmIndex).Name
Please note that Information(30) is an old Word Basic value (I had to look it up in 1995 literature) that has no official equivalent in the VBA object model. It still works for reasons of backwards compatibility, but in such cases there are no guarantees that it will continue to work.


Word VB How to add a word to a user custom dictionary

The dictionary object does not contain a method to do this. Do I just write into the dictionary file itself? If so, I presume I can just append to the end and do not need to preserve the alphabetical order. How do I refresh Word so that the new word is no longer underscored with red showing a spelling error?
You'd need to make sure the dictionary is not loaded in Word. Use the CustomDictionaries ([filename]).Delete method. (This removes it from memory and does not delete the file.)
The open the file (it's plain text) and add the terms at the end - there's no need to sort them.
Use CustomDictionaries.Add( [filename]) to re-load it.
It may be necessary to force a spell-check to get Word to remove the "spelling error" markings already present in the document. Having Word continually checking spelling in the document would slow things down - it needs to be re-triggered.

Unable to extract and re-insert MS Word Content Control using VBA and InsertXML

This question is related to my other question: Range.InsertXML using Transform
In MS Word it is easy to insert a content control using VBA, for example:
ThisDocument.ContentControls.Add wdContentControlRichText, Selection.Range
I've recently started exploring more in the XML side of things, e.g.:
Debug.Print ThisDocument.Range.XML seems to (or actually does) produce the XML for a Word document. However, if I create a NEW, BLANK document and add a Content Control I am unable to extract and reinsert the Content Control (oCC).
My steps:
added 2 blank paragraphs to a new document
added oCC to the 2nd paragraph
selected the oCC paragraph
immediate window: thisdocument.Paragraphs(1).Range.InsertXML selection.Range.XML
At first glance it LOOKS like the Content Control was duplicated, BUT on closer inspection, it was deleted and only the formatted text remains (see image, top paragraph is actually just formatted text).
Thinking I could out smart MS Word I set the properties of the Content Control to '...can not be deleted', but that didn't help.
I've also tried to insert into a separate document in case the issue had something to do with duplication of something that ought to have been unique.
In a nutshell:
To answer this question I need a way to insert a Content Control to a document using a combination of VBA and XML (or confirmation that what I am attempting is not possible).
Just realized I should use Selection.Range.WordOpenXML instead of Selection.Range.XML

VBA getcrossreferenceitems(wdRefTypeNumberedItem) Paragraph Cut Off?

I'm using excel vba to extract information from a word document.
In the word document, there are levels of numbered lists. For example:
1. ABC
1.1 DEF
1.1.1 ABCDEF
2. AAA
2.1 BBB
2.1.1. CCC
and I need to get the full context of each heading in each level and put them into an excel range, i.e. {"1.ABC", "1.1 DEF", "1.1.1 ABCDEF", "2. AAA", "2.1 BBB", "2.1.1. CCC"}
The function I use is:
For Each sec In objDoc.getcrossreferenceitems(wdRefTypeNumberedItem)
However, my headings are truncated if the headings are too long. For example, I have (random text is added for confidentiality reasons):
"5.2.11. Current References: As part of the evaluation process, XXX will conduct 2340AERTQ3493YR. When selecting ADT34534FDGSR, please ensure that they are AERA34AEFDS."
But only
5.2.11. Current References: As part of the evaluation process, XXX will conduct 234
is displayed, and the rest of the sentence is gone.
If anybody has an alternate solution, please let me know.
i confirm this behavior. A workeable albeit and elaborate solution is to scan the document for all numbered items which gives you the full text and then cross reference that result against the list returned by the GetCrossReferenceItems. There's quite some work involved but works and gives you the ability to create one list with referable Headings and NumberedItems, which is what I did to build a more user friendly alternative to Word's own implementation.
You'll have to match the formatting Word applies to the list returned by GetCrossReferenceItems, ie. the identation and removal of special characters.
Be careful with track changes. There is a bug in GetCrossReferenceItems which means that items (in my case headers) that have a tracked change at the beginning of the text are not returned by GetCrossReferenceItems but internally are still on the list so the index is offset. If the item in question is item 11, then GetCrossReferenceItems gives the item belonging to item 12 the item 11. A workaround is to accept all revisions before GetCrossReferenceItems and undo it after.
It's not easy but works.
I met a similar problem in MSWord. I found some paragraph's text are shorten in the following code
Sub bug()
items = ActiveDocument.GetCrossReferenceItems(wdRefTypeNumberedItem)
For idx = 1 To UBound(items)
MsgBox items(idx)
End Sub
I have to use a some long solution( in Python, sorry. But is is easy to rewrite in VBA):
varHeadings = []
for par in objDoc.Paragraph:
if par.Range.ListFormat.ListType == win32com.client.constants.wdListOutlineNumbering:
idx = par.Range.ListFormat.ListString
txt = par.Range.Text.strip('\n').strip('\r')
varHeadings.append('%s%s' % (idx, par.Range.Text))
which does work. However, as I have said, it is some tedious. So did I miss some VBA function in MSWord, or GetCrossReferenceItems has known bug and can not found any replacement in VBA? - Search the whole registry for a value only?

So I'm trying to make a programm that searches the WHOLE registry for one specific value WITHOUT declaring the location of the key. It should just search for the value and print it in a msg box but the only way I found was to declare the location and search for the key then. The code should also take the value of a text box and search for this specific value. I don't really know what I could possible do next so I'm trying to get some help from you guys. If you have snippets, articels or smth like that pls send it 2 me :)

Printing custom ranges or items in Word 2010 using VBA

I am fairly new to VBA (Word 2010) and I'm unsure if something I'd like to do is even possible in the way that I want to do it, or if I need to investigate completely different avenues. I want to be able to print ranges (or items) that are not currently enumerated as part of either wdPrintOutRange or wdPrintOutItem. Is it possible to define a member of a wd enumeration?
As an example, I'd like to be able to print comments by a particular user. wdPrintComments is a member of the wdPrintOutItem enumeration, but, I only want comments that have an Initial value of JQC. Can I define a wdPrintCommentsJQC constant? My code is reasonably simple; I have a userform that lets the user pick some settings (comments by user, endnotes only, etc.) and a Run button whose Click event should generate a PrintOut method with the proper attributes. Am I on the wrong track?
(If it matters, the Initial values will be known to me as I write the code. I have a discrete list.)
No, it's not possible to add a constant to a predefined enumeration type.
However, one possible way to do this would be to build a string of page numbers which contain the items you wish to print, open the print dialog in the "dialogs" collection, and set it to print a specified range, andinsert the string containing the list of pages (separate them with commas). Finally, execute the .show method of the print dialog to show it to the user and give them the opportunity to set any other items and click the "ok" button. I've done something very similar when I needed to print a specific chapter of a long document, and so I had to specify the "from" section and page and the "to" section and page for the user. Below I just show how to specify a list of pages instead of the ".form" and "to" I was using:
With Dialogs(wdDialogFilePrint)
.Range = wdPrintRangeOfPages
.Pages = "3,5,7-11"
end with
I'm not sure how you want to print the comments (or other elements), but you could create another document and insert what you want to print on this document.
According to what you want, you could insert them as they were (comments, footnotes, etc) or as plain text, or any other format.