Mailbox permissions changed automatically whm - permissions

I faced problem for accessing webmail in cpanel. it say user don't have authorize to access. after that when i go in WHM and use Repair Mailbox Permissions i see some ownership and permissions changed and everything become fine.
Now the problem is after some time it cause problem and show error message again.
Fixed ownership on /home/x/mail/ was (501:505), now (501:502)
Fixed permissions on /home/x/mail/ was (0600), now (0640)
any idea?

It's because your WHM version changes. if you recently do some changes is your WHM version (Updating), you see this kind of error may happen. So it may take some times to fixed.
In the other hand put your IP into cPHulk Brute Force Protection whitelist too.


Does bin/bash access allow the user to find the server password?

I had a server that had a lot of users on it, its operating system was cloudlinux and had cpanel!
This server is used for Python projects and had bin/bash!!! access
Suddenly the command rm -rf * was typed on the server and all the data was deleted !!!
We quickly uploaded the backups and hacked the possibility and restricted ssh access to the root server!
But the next night we were hacked again, this time with the monitoring we had at whm! , we noticed that someone enters whm and quickly changes the password !!!
My question is whether users with access to bin/bash! can find the root password ???
We are now giving users access to JailShell in CPanel and full SSH access is closed. Do you have any idea how this happened?
Did you encounter a similar case?
Does bin/bash access allow the user to see the password?
Thank you for sharing your comments with us
It's difficult to obtain a Linux password, even with full access to the computer. That's because the passwords are stored in hashed form. Probably the only reliable way to get a password is to install a trick password change program, which does the change, but also sends the password somewhere else.
However, you don't need the password to get full access to a computer. There are several other ways in, and anyone who can access /bin/bash is likely to be able to test them and probably find one that works. Once they get full access, most intruders will install some other program that will let them in in the future, even if the original security hole is patched.
Once a machine is compromised, it's pretty important to burn it and start fresh. You can't trust it otherwise.

Protect VPS,WHM,cPanel

Please guys help me, I want prevent my old developer from access to my VPS,WHM and cPanel what I should do. I don't want to lose my work.
I saw there is password for Virtuozzo Power Panel, WHM and cPanel there is my thing i need to change it.
like how I know if he have SSH access or not. or any recovery can he recover the passwords
If you have given Password, SSH and FTP access to your developer you can consider doing the following:
Change your WHM's root password
Change all of your cPanel accounts' passwords (or those that your
developer had access to, if he had access to the whole WHM - you
might want to change all passwords)
Make sure there aren't any authorized SSH keys for the root user.
This can be seen through WHM's interface, docs here
Make sure there aren't any authized SSH keys for any cPanel user as
well. This can be done through each cPanel account's SSH Access
Check all cPanel accounts for unauthorized FTP accounts.
You can also take a look at the cron jobs that are running as well.
Ultimatively you should also consider looking for any backdoors that
might be present in the scripts that your developer was working on.

What should the permissions and ownership for Drupal on LAMP stack?

What has me confused is why a directory or part of my Drupal site to suddenly return the message of "Forbidden" - that I, as first use, cannot access various parts of the site in the admin area. I changed the permission on the default/sites/files directory to 777. That probably is giving to too much access to everyone. However, it was only after doing that, that I got a message of Forbidden - that I don't have access to various parts of the admin area. I am the first user.
I changed the permissions on this directory because when I tried to update some modules, I got an error that file could not be created.
I have cpanel/whm on a dedicated vps server. So, one issue is how to find out what the user and group ownership should be on a server that hosts various domains through cpanel. It appears that for other accounts have user:owner permissions that match the account name. I am not sure if the default group:owner should remain as www-data:www-data for example, on Ubuntu or if cpanel/whm says, "make the apache group and user equal to the account name."
Thanks in advance for any help,
First of all, I'm going to assume you're talking about Drupal 7, but really, there's little difference in this case.
Try reading about permissions here
Its very simple that the folder should have user:user ownership and correct permissions with folders having 755 permissions respectively. The server might be running on suphp hence you cannot have wrong user with wrong permissions.

MediaWiki: 500 Internal Server Error after authenticating

I've been trying to research this for hours now, and I can't find any related articles.
I have an installation of MediaWiki that is under SSL and uses an extension of the AuthPlugin to authenticate users to an external database upon their login.
If I access the wiki without being logged in, I can see the content that anonymous users would see just fine. If, however, I log into the site, the wiki is no longer available, and only brings up a 500 Internal Server Error.
I've checked the error logs, and nothing shows up there corresponding to the bad request.
On a staging server, I have the same codebase running under non-SSL, and I do not encounter any issues when logged in, so I'm thinking there might be something to do with tthe combination of SSL and the AuthPlugin.
Anyone out there encounter similar using extensions of AuthPlugin under SSL?
Start by turning on PHP debugging and logging, so you can actually see the error instead of having to guess what the 500 means:
I ran into this same issue for one wiki user after an upgrade. All other wiki users could still log in. My issue was due to the user using a skin that did not work. After changing the user's skin to Vector(default) he could log in again. I couldn't figure out how to change another user's preferences as an Admin, so I ended up running an update statement to the mysql database. Hope this helps someone else.

phpmyadmin bummer

I think i did some nasty crap today...
I deleted the user (admin root) in phpmyadmin (XAMPP)
now I can't create new users.
Any idea how to fix, or should I just try re-install the hole XAMPP packet :-/
I use Leopard iMac.
There is a method for resetting permissions in the MySQL manual. It deals with resetting the root password rather than recreating the root account, however I think you should be able to modify the method to re-insert the root account without any trouble.
Following the steps listed there (either method), if you change step 3 to insert a new account (fields might vary, this worked for my particular install):
INSERT INTO user VALUES('localhost','root',PASSWORD('some_pass'),'Y','Y','Y','Y','Y','Y','Y','Y','Y','Y','Y','Y','Y','Y');
You should be able to take it from there and get the permissions back up to snuff.