How to generate headings from within Vue Components in Vuepress - vue.js

Is there a way to generate the same heading and link in sidevar, from within a vue component as you would if using normal markdown headings?
I have a Vue component inside Vuepress, that generates a list of links, but I want it to generate linked headings as well, so I can link to it easily when answering someone's question.
I know the link in the Heading uses a router-link, but I cant want to have name collision detection as well.


Is it possible to use NuxtLink to a Vue "component" in the components directory vs. a "page" route

I'm trying to create a form that I want to use modularly by linking to it from multiple page templates. Using just the straight vue-cli I would simply create a route to the file that has the form defined that I store in the "components" directory and then wrap a button linking to the form in a <router-link to="componentFormName"><btn></btn></router-link>. I'm having some difficulty determining how to do the equivalent in Nuxt. Any insights would be greatly appreciated. It seems the <NuxtLink></NuxtLink> only works with Vue files in the "Pages" directory.
You probably want to use dynamic components here:
With something like this
<component :is="currentTabComponent"></component>
With currentTabComponent being one of the component to mount. You can mount a component depending of the current route with a relation between the URL and the component name too.
Also, Vue does not have any knowledge of "route", and everything is a component. Nothing really changes with a page because it is also a component at the end of the day. Or you could write one inside of it.
Maybe an example of your use-case would be helpful here.

Should I use code splitting on every component in vue?

I have an application in vue with typescript. I saw when I use import to load component then I got component-bundle with all the code of component inside.
I wonder if should I do this for every component I want to load, for example: I have app.vue inside I have toolbar.vue and drawer.vue. in my router components I have others vue components.
What I'm afraid that gonna happened is app.js is loaded then components inside the route definition(500k), then I get the toolbar component (1.5mb). and I'll get flashing screen weird.
So, should I use splitting bundle for every component in my app?
You can do code splitting if you are not expecting that particular component to be re-used for every page.
Take for example the Header and Footer component. Since they will be used in almost all of the pages, there is no reason to code split as you want it to be loaded along with the bundle for all pages.
Take for example you have a component where it has a Blog Widget. This component will only load in the /blog page. Therefore, this is a good use case to be using code splitting as you do not need the Blog Widget to be bundled in other pages except in the /blog page.
I can only provide you with a generic answer and using the Header and Footer components are the best way to express different use cases. As for the rest of the components, you have to decide for yourself if it is worth to code split or not.

Velocity template that output multiple files

Is there any way to write a velocity template that outputs multiple files in different paths.
I am making a velocity template that generates a Vue.js component file which has its html in a separate file.
For example.. creating Vue component with the name Sidebar will generate:
No. You would typically use two different templates, but you would merge them with the same context.
Documentations are usually generated using specific tools that extract objects/methods formatted comments to produce html. Such a tool would typically run on the generated component.

Using Vue Components in Moqui Screens

Is it possible to use VusJS Components into Moqui Screens?
I know for sure that you can render Basic HTML but I wasn't able to find a hook for the VueJS app.
The need comes from the following scenario:
While form-single widget can be made collapsible, form-list cannot. So I wanted to use vue-collapsible ( but I don't know where I am supposed to register the component.
If there's no way to use vue, maybe you can help me with my concrete issue.
In the 'vuet' render mode which is used in the /vapps path (as opposed to /apps) it isn't actually HTML sent to the client it is a Vue Template. If you look at the text returned by the server you'll see a number of Vue Components already being used (see the WebrootVue.js file for their source). You can see this in Chrome using the Sources or Network tab in the tools window or similar tools in other browsers. If you inspect an element you'll be looking at the rendered HTML, ie after Vue runs the components to change the Vue Template to HTML.
This means that if you include the necessary JavaScript file(s), and CSS file(s) if needed, then you can use any Vue component in the Vue Template returned. You can do this inline in XML Screen files using the render-mode.text element with the #type=vuet.
None of this runs under NPM in the way VueJS is used in Moqui Framework through XML Screens. In other words it isn't a pre-packaged Vue app with 100% client/browser rendering but rather is a hybrid client and server rendered approach.
You can include scripts in this Moqui hybrid approach using the script element with a #src attribute for the script file which the WebrootVue.js file loads on the fly. There are various examples of this for additional JS scripts like Chart.JS

How to use shopify polaris css components?

I want to use Polaris css components for my shopify app. I have go through their document As mentioned there I have include their css and html code for a component but some components are not working functionally like Date picker I have put html code on my page but I am not able to change month, select date etc.
I think I have to load js for get that working but I didn't found any js link in their document.
Can you please help me out?
If you are using the CSS-only version, we do not provide any JS. The CSS version is meant for someone who does not want to use React and is willing to write the scripts required for any interactive components. If you are using the React components, you will not find everything; as you've identified, this is not exactly like Bootstrap or similar frameworks. This is a more selective set of components that encompass patterns that have been established for Shopify's own applications. We will probably add more components in the future, though; if there's something you feel is obviously missing, please feel free to leave an issue.