Why i am not getting the subtotal of rows - pandas

I am trying to get subtotal using pandas pivoting. I don't know why i am getting only column subtotal?
data = {'TypeOfInvestor':['Stocks', 'Bonds', 'Real Estate'],
'InvestorA': [96, 181, 88],
'InvestorB': [185, 3, 152],
'InvestorC': [39, 29, 142]}
df = pd.DataFrame(data)
pt = pd.pivot_table(df, values=['InvestorA', 'InvestorB', 'InvestorC'],
aggfunc=np.sum, margins=True, margins_name='Total')
I expect to get subtotal of columns and subtotal of rows using pivot_table, but i am getting only subtotal of columns.

You can add this fairly easy by using .sum with axis=1:
pt['Total']= pt.sum(axis=1)
InvestorA InvestorB InvestorC Total
Bonds 181 3 29 213
Real Estate 88 152 142 382
Stocks 96 185 39 320
Total 365 340 210 915


Remove related row from pandas dataframe

I have the following dataframe:
So I have 6 rows in this dataframe, but I would like to get rid of the related rows resulting in 3 rows. The coordinate column equals 100 between the two related rows, and I would like to keep the one with the lowest value (so the one less than 50. If both are 50, simply one of them). The resulting dataframe would thus be:
Hopefully someone has a good solution for this problem.
You can sort the values and get the first value per group using a frozenset of the 2 ids as grouper:
.groupby(df[['id', 'relatedId']].agg(frozenset, axis=1), as_index=False)
id relatedId coordinate
0 130 128 40
1 125 123 45
2 132 135 50
Alternatively, to keep the original order, and original indices, use idxmin per group:
group = df[['id', 'relatedId']].agg(frozenset, axis=1)
idx = df['coordinate'].groupby(group).idxmin()
id relatedId coordinate
1 125 123 45
3 132 135 50
4 130 128 40

create seaborn facetgrid based on crosstab table

my dataframe is structured:
ACTIVITY 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018
WALK 198 501 485 394 461
RUN 187 446 413 371 495
JUMP 45 97 88 103 78
JOG 1125 2150 2482 2140 2734
SLIDE 1156 2357 2530 2044 1956
my visualization goal: facetgrid of bar charts showing the percentage points over time, with each bar either positive/negative depending on percentage change of the year of course. each facet is an INCIDENT type, if that makes sense. for example, one facet would be a barplot of WALK, the other would be RUN, and so on and so forth. x-axis would be time of course (2014, 2015, 2016, etc) and y-axis would be the value (%change) from each year.
in my analysis, i added pct_change columns for every year except the baseline 2014 using simple pct_change() function that takes in two columns from df and spits back out a new calculated column:
df['%change_2015'] = pct_change(df['2014'],df['2015'])
df['%change_2016'] = pct_change(df['2015'],df['2016'])
... etc.
so with these new columns, i think i have the elements i need for my data visualization goal. how can i do it with seaborn facetgrids? specifically bar plots?
augmented dataframe (slice view):
ACTIVITY 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 %change_2015 %change_2016
WALK 198 501 485 394 461 153.03 -3.19
RUN 187 446 413 371 495 xyz xyz
JUMP 45 97 88 103 78 xyz xyz
i tried reading through the seaborn documentation but i was having trouble understanding the configurations: https://seaborn.pydata.org/generated/seaborn.FacetGrid.html
is the problem the way my dataframe is ordered and structured? i hope all of that made sense. i appreciate any help with this.
import pandas as pd
cols = 'ACTIVITY', '%change_2015', '%change_2016'
data = [['Jump', '10.1', '-3.19'],['Run', '9.35', '-3.19'], ['Run', '4.35', '-1.19']]
df = pd.DataFrame(data, columns = cols)
dfm = pd.melt(df, id_vars=['ACTIVITY'], value_vars=['%change_2015', '%change_2016'])
dfm['value'] = dfm['value'].astype(float)
import seaborn as sns
g = sns.FacetGrid(dfm, col='variable')
g.map(sns.barplot, 'ACTIVITY', "value")
Based on your comment:
g = sns.FacetGrid(dfm, col='ACTIVITY')
g.map(sns.barplot, 'variable', "value")

Empty Dataframe after being populated from URL

html_data = requests.get('https://www.macrotrends.net/stocks/charts/GME/gamestop/revenue')
soup = BeautifulSoup(html_data.text, 'lxml')
all_tables = soup.find_all('table', attrs={'class': 'historical_data_table table'})
gme_revenue = pd.DataFrame(columns=["Date", "Revenue"])
for table in all_tables:
if table.find('th').getText().startswith("Gamestop Quarterly Revenue"):
for row in table.find_all("tr"):
col = row.find_all("td")
if len(col) == 2:
date = col[0].text
revenue = col[1].text.replace('$', '').replace(',', '')
gme_revenue = gme_revenue.append({"Date": date, "Revenue": revenue}, ignore_index=True)
however, when I try to make a table, it comes up empty as
Empty DataFrame
Columns: [Date, Revenue]
Index: []
and after I do a test, this appears:
unsure on why my data frame is empty. I've even copied the code from another data frame and it still doesn't work.
Help is appreciated.
if table.find('th').getText().startswith("Gamestop Quarterly Revenue"):
if 'Quarterly' in table.find('th').text:
and it should work
Date Revenue
0 2020-10-31 1005
1 2020-07-31 942
2 2020-04-30 1021
3 2020-01-31 2194
4 2019-10-31 1439
... ... ...
59 2006-01-31 1667
60 2005-10-31 534
61 2005-07-31 416
62 2005-04-30 475
63 2005-01-31 709
64 rows × 2 columns

pandas dataframe how to shift rows based on date

I am trying to assess the impact of a promotional campaign on our customers. The goal is to assess revenue from the point the promotion was offered. However promotion was offered for different customers at different points. How do I rearrange the data to Month 0, Month 1, Month 2, Month 3. Month 0 being the month the customer first got the promotion.
With below self explanatory code you can get your desired output:
# Create DataFrame
import pandas as pd
df = pd.DataFrame({"Account":[1,2,3,4,5,6],\
"Promotion Month":["Sep-18","Aug-18","Jul-18","May-18","Aug-18","Jun-18"]})
df = df.set_index("Account")
cols = ["May-18","Jun-18","Jul-18","Aug-18","Sep-18","Oct-18","Nov-18","Dec-18","Promotion Month"]
df = df[cols]
# Define function to select the four months after promotion
def selectMonths(row):
cols = df.columns.to_list()
colMonth0 = cols.index(row["Promotion Month"])
colsOut = cols[colMonth0:colMonth0+4]
out = pd.Series(row[colsOut].to_list())
return out
# Apply the function and set the index and columns of output DataFrame
out = df.apply(selectMonths, axis=1)
out.index = df.index
out.columns=["Month 0","Month 1","Month 2","Month 3"]
Then the output you get is:
>>> out
Month 0 Month 1 Month 2 Month 3
1 218 199 231 173
2 174 209 206 196
3 175 178 165 205
4 158 189 167 233
5 223 204 212 234
6 200 204 204 225

Column names after transposing a dataframe

I have a small dataframe - six rows (not counting the header) and 53 columns (a store name, and the rest weekly sales for the past year). Each row contains a particular store and each column the store's name and sales for each week. I need to transpose the data so that the weeks appear as rows, the stores appear as columns, and their sales appear as the rows.
To generate the input data:
df_store = pd.read_excel(SourcePath+SourceFile, sheet_name='StoreSales', header=0, usecols=['StoreName'])
# Number rows of all irrelevant stores.
row_numbers = [x+1 for x in df_stores[(df_store['StoreName'] != 'Store1') & (df_store['StoreName'] != 'Store2')
& (df_store['StoreName'] !='Store3')].index]
# Read in entire Excel file, skipping the rows of irrelevant stores.
df_store = pd.read_excel(SourcePath+SourceFile, sheet_name='StoreSales', header=0, usecols = "A:BE",
skiprows = row_numbers, converters = {'StoreName' : str})
# Transpose dataframe
df_store_t = df_store.transpose()
My output puts index numbers above each store name ( 0 to 5), and then each column starts out as StoreName (above the week), then each store name. Yet, I cannot manipulate them by their names.
Is there a way to clear those index numbers so that I can work directly with the resulting column names (e.g., rename "StoreName" to "WeekEnding" and make reference to each store columns ("Store1", "Store2", etc.?)
IIUC, you need to set_index first, then transpose, T:
See this example:
df = pd.DataFrame({'Store':[*'ABCDE'],
'Week 1':np.random.randint(50,200, 5),
'Week 2':np.random.randint(50,200, 5),
'Week 3':np.random.randint(50,200, 5)})
Input Dataframe:
Store Week 1 Week 2 Week 3
0 A 99 163 148
1 B 119 86 92
2 C 145 98 162
3 D 144 143 199
4 E 50 181 177
Now, set_index and transpose:
df_out = df.set_index('Store').T
Store A B C D E
Week 1 99 119 145 144 50
Week 2 163 86 98 143 181
Week 3 148 92 162 199 177