DPDK SRIOV multiple vlan traffic over single VF of SRIOV passthrough - kvm

When trying to use RTE API's for VLAN offload and VLAN filtering I observe that both VLAN tagged and untagged packets are being sent out.
API's used:
rte_eth_dev_set_vlan_offload ,
DPDK - 18.08
RHEL - 7.6
Driver - igb_uio
Is there a way to allow only VLAN tagged packets to be sent out?

Not sure if I understand correctly - you're trying to strip vlan tags from tx packets? Why would you want to offload that? If you forward packets from somewhere else they already have their tags stripped by rx offload. If you create them yourself, well - you're in control.
Regardless, if you'd want to offload tx vlan insertion:
rte_eth_dev_set_vlan_offload only sets RX offload flags.
You'll probably have to set the tx offload flag in your port config manually, like in this abridged snippet from the DPDK Flow Filtering example code:
struct rte_eth_conf port_conf = {
.txmode = {
.offloads =


What does RHPort mean in tinyusb?

Looking through tinyusb, am a bit confused on the meaning of RHPort - cannot find much on Internet, grepping through source gives me results like:
tinyusb/docs/info/changelog.rst:- Add rhport to hcd_init()
tinyusb/docs/info/changelog.rst: - Support multiple usb ports with rhport=1 is high
tinyusb/examples/device/cdc_dual_ports/src/tusb_config.h:// RHPort max operational speed can defined by board.mk
tinyusb/examples/device/cdc_dual_ports/src/tusb_config.h:// Device mode with rhport and speed defined by board.mk
tinyusb/examples/device/cdc_msc/src/tusb_config.h:// RHPort number used for device can be defined by board.mk, default to port 0
... and trying to think of what could "RH" possibly stand for as an acronym, the only thing that pops in my head is "Right Honourable" :)
So, what is the meaning of RHPort in (tiny)USB?
Ok, I think I found at least some sort of an explanation ...
Anyways, https://docs.tinyusb.org/en/latest/reference/getting_started.html says:
Port Selection
If a board has several ports, one port is chosen by default in the
individual board.mk file. Use option PORT=x To choose another port.
For example to select the HS port of a STM32F746Disco board, use:
$ make BOARD=stm32f746disco PORT=1 all
A bit tricky to find where that PORT is used, then - but for the above example, it is most likely in https://github.com/hathach/tinyusb/blob/master/hw/bsp/stm32f7/family.mk :
... which then gets used in e.g. https://github.com/hathach/tinyusb/blob/master/examples/device/dfu_runtime/src/main.c :
// init device stack on configured roothub port
... which reveals, that "RH" in "RHPort" most likely stands for "Root Hub".
So, my guess is, that for boards that have multiple physical USB port connectors, the RHPort determines which of those ports is tinyusb targeting?

STM32F103 SPI different pins does not work

I am currently working on a project with LoRaWAN technology using STM32F103C8T6 microcontroller. For LoRa I am using SPI in Full-Duplex Master mode (spi1 specifically) and in CubeIDE when you activate SPI1, automatically pins PA5, PA6 and PA7 are activated (ver1):
However, PCB is designed and printed and those pins are unfortunately busy. Because, before it was planned to use other SPI1 pins (PB3, PB4, PB5) (ver2):
So, when I use ver1, all is good, LoRa connects to server and sends data without a problem. However, when I use ver2, it does not work at all. I debugged to find where is problem and found out that, SPI read fails (when version of LoRa is read, it returns 0). Thus, ASSERT fires and code is stuck in infinite loop. I could not find any reference of difference of SPI pins in the internet.
Can anyone explain the difference of these pins? And is it possible to use ver2? Thanks beforehand.
P.S. I am using HAL Library + LMIC library (for LoRa) and the configuration of SPI are the same for both ver1 and ver2. Here is code of configuration, if needed:
void MX_SPI1_Init(void)
hspi1.Instance = SPI1;
hspi1.Init.Mode = SPI_MODE_MASTER;
hspi1.Init.Direction = SPI_DIRECTION_2LINES;
hspi1.Init.DataSize = SPI_DATASIZE_8BIT;
hspi1.Init.CLKPolarity = SPI_POLARITY_LOW;
hspi1.Init.CLKPhase = SPI_PHASE_1EDGE;
hspi1.Init.NSS = SPI_NSS_SOFT;
hspi1.Init.BaudRatePrescaler = SPI_BAUDRATEPRESCALER_64;
hspi1.Init.FirstBit = SPI_FIRSTBIT_MSB;
hspi1.Init.CRCPolynomial = 10;
if (HAL_SPI_Init(&hspi1) != HAL_OK)
P.S.S: I also gave this question in electronics stackexchange, but there was no answer there, so I decided to share the question here too.
After lots of tries, I found out that, remapped SPI1 does not work together with I2C1, because of I2C1-SMBA pin overlap with SP1 MOSI pin (PB5), even if you are not using SMBA. You can find about that here: STM32F103x8 errata chapter 2.8.7
So, I guess, I will use I2C2 for avoiding collision. The only change I should make on PCB would be redirecting I2C1 pins to I2C2 (2 pins), which is way better than redirecting SPI1 pins (3 pins) and other elements occupying ver1 (also 3) pins.

Openthread CLI UDP communication from main.c (NRF52840)

We are working with NRF52840 dongles and want to be able to have them relay data over an OpenThread mesh network through UDP automatically. We have found within the OpenThread API a solid Udp.h library with all the Udp functions we need to create code that runs on the dongles from the main.c.
Below is our code that should broadcast the message: "Hallo" to all nodes that have an open socket on port 1994.
We have read that the ipv6 address ff03::1 is reserved for multicast UDP broadcasting and it works perfectly when manually performed with the CLI udp commands.
CLI: Udp open, udp send ff03::1 1994 Hallo
With all the nodes that have udp open, udp bind :: 1994, receiving the Hallo message from the sending node.
We are trying to recreate this in the main.c of our nodes so that we can provide the nodes with some intelligence of their own.
This piece of code is run once when the push button on the dongle is pressed.
The code compiles perfectly and we have tested the functions that have a return with the RGB led (green OK, red not) to confirm that there weren't any errors produced (sadly not all functions return a no_error value)
void udpSend(){
const char *buf = "Hallo";
otMessageInfo messageInfo;
otInstance *myInstance;
myInstance = thread_ot_instance_get();
otUdpSocket mySocket;
memset(&messageInfo, 0, sizeof(messageInfo));
// messageInfo.mPeerAddr = otIp6GetUnicastAddresses(myInstance)->mNext->mNext->mAddress;
otIp6AddressFromString("ff03::1", &messageInfo.mPeerAddr);
messageInfo.mPeerPort = 1994;
messageInfo.mInterfaceId = OT_NETIF_INTERFACE_ID_THREAD;
otUdpOpen(myInstance, &mySocket, NULL, NULL);
otMessage *test_Message = otUdpNewMessage(myInstance, NULL);
otMessageSetLength(test_Message, sizeof(buf));
if (otMessageAppend(test_Message, &buf, sizeof(buf)) == OT_ERROR_NONE){
nrf_gpio_pin_write(LED2_G, 0);
nrf_gpio_pin_write(LED2_R, 0);
otUdpSend(&mySocket, test_Message, &messageInfo);
Now, we aren't exactly experts, so we are not sure why this isn't working as we had a lot of trouble figuring out how everything is called/initialised.
We hope to create a way to send and receive data through UDP through the code, so that they can operate autonomously.
We would really appreciate it if someone could assist us with our project!
There are a few errors in your code:
Remove the call to otMessageSetLength(). The message length is automatically increased as part of otMessageAppend().
The call to otMessageAppend() should be: otMessageAppend(test_message, buf, (uint16_t)strlen(buf)).
Removed the & before buf.
Replaced sizeof() with strlen().
Couple other things you should consider:
After calling otUdpNewMessage(), if any following call returns an error, make sure to call otMessageFree() on the message buffer.
Custody is only given to OpenThread after a successful call to otUdpSend().
Do not call udpSend() from interrupt context.
OpenThread library was designed to assume a single thread of execution.
Hope that helps.

How to use DCCP with twisted ? (Datagram Congestion Control Protocol)

At the interface level DCCP is like TCP: you connect and then send/receive bytes.
I was wondering it's possible to make dccp connections in twisted by just adapting the wrappers for tcp...
According to the sample code (below) what needs to be changed is:
at socket instantiation: use different parameters
before using the socket: set some options
Then everything else would be the same...
Hints: I've spotted addressFamily and socketType in the sources of twisted but I have no idea on how to cleanly set them in the protocol factory. Also the protocol number, the 3rd parameter, here IPPROTO_DCCP, is always keeped to default. I have no clue either on how to access the socket to call setsockopt
import socket
socket.SOCK_DCCP = 6
socket.IPPROTO_DCCP = 33
socket.SOL_DCCP = 269
packet_size = 256
address = (socket.gethostname(),12345)
# Create sockets
server,client = [socket.socket(socket.AF_INET, socket.SOCK_DCCP,
socket.IPPROTO_DCCP) for i in range(2)]
for s in (server,client):
s.setsockopt(socket.SOL_DCCP, socket.DCCP_SOCKOPT_PACKET_SIZE, packet_size)
s.setsockopt(socket.SOL_DCCP, socket.DCCP_SOCKOPT_SERVICE, True)
# Connect sockets
s,a = server.accept()
# Echo
while True:
client.send(raw_input("IN: "))
print "OUT:", s.recv(1024)
More about DCCP:
TL;DR: dccp is a protocol that provides congestion control (like tcp) without guaranteeing reliability or in-order delivery of data (like udp). The standard linux kernel implements dccp.

Message protocol for embedded device

I'm building an embedded device with a couple of sensors. The device will 'stream' digital data from these sensors over Bluetooth or USB.
Most of the communication will be from the embedded device to the host. The host will infrequently be sending control messages, to control the gain etc.
Since the physical and data link layers are taken care of, I'm looking for a simple message protocol that will make it easy to develop user applications to process/display data on the host computer. Does anyone have any suggestions?
A simple text protocol may be the best for this application.
Use the communication channel as a bi-directional serial pipe.
The device can stream sensor values in ASCII (text) format, separated by commas, with each set separated by the newline character. The rate is preferably set by the host.
For example,
21204,32014 (new line character '\n' - 0x0A) at the end of each line
This makes it easier to test, to stream the values to a file, import in to a spreadsheet etc.
Similarly commands to the device too, is best done in text.
SET GAIN_1 2 ( sent by host )
OK ( reply by device )
SET GAIN_2 4 (sent by host )
OK ( reply by device )
SET GAIN_9 2 (sent by host )
ERROR ( reply by device if it does not understand)
SET RATE 500 ( set the sensor dump rate to every 500 ms )