Create timestamp with fractional seconds - awk

awk can generate a timestamp with strftime function, e.g.
$ awk 'BEGIN {print strftime("%Y/%m/%d %H:%M:%S")}'
2019/03/26 08:50:42
But I need a timestamp with fractional seconds, ideally down to nanoseconds. gnu date can do this with the %N element:
$ date "+%Y/%m/%d %H:%M:%S.%N"
2019/03/26 08:52:32.753019800
But it is relatively inefficient to invoke date from within awk compared to calling strftime, and I need high performance as I'm processing many large files with awk and need to generate many timestamps while processing the files. Is there a way that awk can efficiently generate a timestamp that includes fractional seconds (ideally nanoseconds, but milliseconds would be acceptable)?
Adding an example of what I am trying to perform:
awk -v logFile="$logFile" -v outputFile="$outputFile" '
print "[" strftime("%Y%m%d %H%M%S") "] Starting to process " FILENAME "." >> logFile
data[$1] += $2
print "[" strftime("%Y%m%d %H%M%S") "] Processed " NR " records." >> logFile
for (id in data) {
print id ": " data[id] >> outputFile
' oneOfManyLargeFiles

If you are really in need of subsecond timing, then any call to an external command such as date or reading an external system file such as /proc/uptime or /proc/rct defeats the purpose of the subsecond accuracy. Both cases require to many resources to retrieve the requested information (i.e. the time)
Since the OP already makes use of GNU awk, you could make use of a dynamic extension. Dynamic extensions are a way of adding new functionality to awk by implementing new functions written in C or C++ and dynamically loading them with gawk. How to write these functions is extensively written down in the GNU awk manual.
Luckily, GNU awk 4.2.1 comes with a set of default dynamic libraries which can be loaded at will. One of these libraries is a time library with two simple functions:
the_time = gettimeofday()
Return the time in seconds that has elapsed since 1970-01-01 UTC as a floating-point value. If the time is unavailable on this platform, return -1 and set ERRNO. The returned time should have sub-second precision, but the actual precision may vary based on the platform. If the standard C gettimeofday() system call is available on this platform, then it simply returns the value. Otherwise, if on MS-Windows, it tries to use GetSystemTimeAsFileTime().
result = sleep(seconds)
Attempt to sleep for seconds seconds. If seconds is negative, or the attempt to sleep fails, return -1 and set ERRNO. Otherwise, return zero after sleeping for the indicated amount of time. Note that seconds may be a floating-point (nonintegral) value. Implementation details: depending on platform availability, this function tries to use nanosleep() or select() to implement the delay.
source: GNU awk manual
It is now possible to call this function in a rather straightforward way:
awk '#load "time"; BEGIN{printf "%.6f", gettimeofday()}'
In order to demonstrate that this method is faster then the more classic implementations, I timed all 3 implementations using gettimeofday():
awk '#load "time"
function get_uptime( a) {
if((getline line < "/proc/uptime") > 0)
split(line,a," ")
return a[1]
function curtime( cmd, line, time) {
cmd = "date \047+%Y/%m/%d %H:%M:%S.%N\047"
if ( (cmd | getline line) > 0 ) {
time = line
else {
print "Error: " cmd " failed" | "cat>&2"
return time
t1=getimeofday(); curtime(); t2=gettimeofday();
print "curtime()",t2-t1
t1=getimeofday(); get_uptime(); t2=gettimeofday();
print "get_uptime()",t2-t1
t1=getimeofday(); gettimeofday(); t2=gettimeofday();
print "gettimeofday()",t2-t1
which outputs:
curtime() 0.00519109
get_uptime() 7.98702e-05
gettimeofday() 9.53674e-07
While it is evident that curtime() is the slowest as it loads an external binary, it is rather startling to see that awk is blazingly fast in processing an extra external /proc/ file.

If you are on Linux, you could use /proc/uptime:
$ cat /proc/uptime
123970.49 354146.84
to get some centiseconds (the first value is the uptime) and compute the time difference between the beginning and whenever something happens:
$ while true ; do echo ping ; sleep 0.989 ; done | # yes | awk got confusing
awk '
function get_uptime( a, line) {
if((getline line < "/proc/uptime") > 0)
split(line,a," ")
return a[1]
if(!wut) # define here the cause
print get_uptime()-basetime # calculate time difference


How to handle 3 files with awk?

Ok, so after spending 2 days, I am not able solve it and I am almost out of time now. It might be a very silly question, so please bear with me. My awk script does something like this:
BEGIN{ n=50; i=n; }
# Read file-1, which has just 1 column
# Read file-2 which has 4 columns
# Do something
END {...}
It works fine. But now I want to extend it to read 3 files. Let's say, instead of hard-coding the value of "n", I need to read a properties file and set value of "n" from that. I found this question and have tried something like this:
BEGIN{ n=0; i=0; }
# Block A
# Try to read file-0
# Block B
# Read file-1, which has just 1 column
# Block C
# Read file-2 which has 4 columns
# Do something
END {...}
But it is not working. Block A is executed for file-0, I am able to read the property from properties files. But Block B is executed for both files file-1 and file-2. And Block C is never executed.
Can someone please help me solve this? I have never used awk before and the syntax is very confusing. Also, if someone can explain how awk reads input from different files, that will be very helpful.
Please let me know if I need to add more details to the question.
If you have gawk, just test ARGIND:
awk '
ARGIND == 1 { do file 1 stuff; next }
ARGIND == 2 { do file 2 stuff; next }
' file1 file2
If you don't have gawk, get it.
In other awks though you can just test for the file name:
awk '
FILENAME == ARGV[1] { do file 1 stuff; next }
FILENAME == ARGV[2] { do file 2 stuff; next }
' file1 file2
That only fails if you want to parse the same file twice, if that's the case you need to add a count of the number of times that file's been opened.
Update: The solution below works, as long as all input files are nonempty, but see #Ed Morton's answer for a simpler and more robust way of adding file-specific handling.
However, this answer still provides a hopefully helpful explanation of some awk basics and why the OP's approach didn't work.
Try the following (note that I've made the indices 1-based, as that's how awk does it):
awk '
# Increment the current-file index, if a new file is being processed.
FNR == 1 { ++fIndex }
# Process current line if from 1st file.
fIndex == 1 {
print "file 1: " FILENAME
# Process current line if from 2nd file.
fIndex == 2 {
print "file 2: " FILENAME
# Process current line (from all remaining files).
print "file " fIndex ": " FILENAME
' file-1 file-2 file-3
Pattern FNR==1 is true whenever a new input file is starting to get processed (FNR contains the input file-relative line number).
Every time a new file starts processing, fIndexis incremented and thus reflects the 1-based index of the current input file. Tip of the hat to #twalberg's helpful answer.
Note that an uninitialized awk variable used in a numeric context defaults to 0, so there's no need to initialize fIndex (unless you want a different start value).
Patterns such as fIndex == 1 can then be used to execute blocks for lines from a specific input file only (assuming the block ends in next).
The last block is then executed for all input files that don't have file-specific blocks (above).
As for why your approach didn't work:
Your 2nd and 3rd blocks are potentially executed unconditionally, for lines from all input files, because they are not preceded by a pattern (condition).
So your 2nd block is entered for lines from all subsequent input files, and its next statement then prevents the 3rd block from ever getting reached.
Potential misconceptions:
Perhaps you think that each block functions as a loop processing a single input file. This is NOT how awk works. Instead, the entire awk program is processed in a loop, with each iteration processing a single input line, starting with all lines from file 1, then from file 2, ...
An awk program can have any number of blocks (typically preceded by patterns), and whether they're executed for the current input line is solely governed by whether the pattern evaluates to true; if there is no pattern, the block is executed unconditionally (across input files). However, as you've already discovered, next inside a block can be used to skip subsequent blocks (pattern-block pairs).
Perhaps you need to consider adding some additional structure like this:
BEGIN { file_number=1 }
FNR==1 { ++file_number }
file_number==3 && /something_else/ { ...}

How to use mktime to change time with miliseconds info. retained?

for example
I want to add 13.29s to 2013-4-24 3:10:50.50
how to handle the milisecond ?
I've tried to use mktime and strftime, but it seems that can only deal with seconds...
awk is really a powerful tool, but I don't think awk was the best choice here, I would go with gnu date.
see the test with your example data:
#add 13.29s to date 2013-4-24 3:10:50.50
kent$ date -d'+13.29 second 2013-4-24 3:10:50.50' +"%F %T.%N"
2013-04-24 03:11:03.790000000
well I know that there are trailing zeros for nano seconds. but I think it wouldn't be problem for you if you want to remove them.
you can invoke external command from awk, if using awk is a must for you.
Not simple thing to do, but here we go:
time="2013-4-24 3:10:50.50"
echo "13.29" | awk '{split(v,a,"[ -:.]");t=mktime(a[1]" "a[2]" "a[3]" "a[4]" "a[5]" "a[6])+(a[7]/100)+$1;print strftime("%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S",t)"."(t-int(t))*100}' v="$time"
2013-04-24 03:11:03.79
With explanation
echo "13.29" | awk '
split(v,a,"[ -:.]") # Split the date string into separate parts
t=mktime(a[1]" "a[2]" "a[3]" "a[4]" "a[5]" "a[6])+(a[7]/100)+$1 # Convert to epoch time and add milliseconds and calcualte the new value
print strftime("%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S",t)"."(t-int(t))*100 # Convert back to normal time format and print it out
' v="$time" # Read the variable

Perl SQL file write delayed

Here is the simple perl script fetching data from SQL.
Read data and write on a file OUTFILE, and print the data on screen for every 10000th line.
One thing I am curious is that the printing the data on screen terminates very quickly(in 30 seconds), however, data fetching and writing on a file ends very slowly(30 minutes later).
The amount of data is not large. The output files size is less than 100Mbyte.
while ( my ($a,$b) = $curSqlEid->fetchrow_array() )
printf OUTFILE ("%s,%d\n", $a,$b);
$counter ++;
if($counter % 10000 == 0){
printf ("%s,%d\n", $a,$b);
You are suffering from buffering.
Handles other than STDERR are buffered by default, and most handles use a block buffering. That means Perl will wait until there is 8KB* of data to write before sending anything to the system.
STDOUT is special. When is attached to a terminal (and only then), it uses a different kind of buffering: line buffering. When using line buffering, the data is flushed every time a newline is encountered in the data to write.
You can see this by running
$ perl -e'print "abc"; print "def"; sleep 5; print "\n"; sleep 5;'
[ 5 seconds pass ]
[ 5 seconds pass ]
$ perl -e'print "abc"; print "def"; sleep 5; print "\n"; sleep 5;' | cat
[ 10 seconds pass ]
The solution is to turn off buffering.
use IO::Handle qw( ); # Not needed on Perl 5.14 or later
* — 8KB is the default. It can be configured when Perl is compiled. It used to be a non-configurable 4KB until 5.14.
I think you are seeing the output file size as 0 while the script is running and displaying on the console. Do not go by that. The file size will show up only once the script has finished. This is due to output buffering.
Anyways, the delay cannot be as large as 30 min. Once the script is done, you should see the output file data.
I tried various things, but the final conclusion is that python and perl has basically different handling data flow from DB. It looks like in perl, it is possible to handle data line by line while the data is transferred from DB. However, in Python it needs to wait until the entire data download from the server to process it.

pre-populate associative array keys in awk?

I've written a munin plugin that uses slurm's sacct to monitor job states on a HPC cluster. I've written it in sh + awk (rather than my usual tool of choice, perl).
The script works, but it took me ages to figure out how to pre-populate the associative array of possible states (some/most may not be present in sacct output, and i want them to default to zero). Google wasn't much help, and the best I could come up with was to use split on a string to produce a temporary array, which I then iterated over.
I came up with this:
num = split("cancelled completed completing failed nodefail pending running suspended timeout",statenames," ");
for (i=1;i<=num;i++) {
states[statenames[i]] = 0
This works, but seems clumsy compared to how i'd do it in perl, like this:
foreach (qw(cancelled completed completing failed nodefail pending running suspended timeout)) {
$states{$_} = 0;
or this
%states = map {$_ => 0} qw(cancelled completed completing failed nodefail pending running suspended timeout);
my question is: is there a way of doing this in awk that is similar to either of the perl versions?
[ edited ]
to clarify, here's a sample of the sacct output i'm piping into awk. Note that the only states in this output are RUNNING, COMPLETED, and CANCELLED - the others don't exist (because they haven't occurred today), but i want them in my script's output anyway (in a form usable by munin as "statename.value 0").
# sacct -X -P -o 'state' -n
[ edited again ]
and here's sample output from my munin plugin:
# ./slurm-sacct
suspended.value 0
pending.value 0
nodefail.value 0
failed.value 0
running.value 6
completing.value 0
completed.value 5
timeout.value 0
cancelled.value 1
The script runs and does what I want, I just wanted to know if there was a better way to initialise the associative array.
You probably don't need to do it at all. Variables in awk are dynamic, which means they're automatically initialized when they are first used (either assigned to or accessed), and this applies to array elements as well.
A variable will be initialized to 0 if it's accessed in a numeric context, or to the empty string otherwise. (At least gawk does this, though I'm not sure if it's implementation-dependent) So if you're doing something like counting the number of jobs that are in each state, the entire program is as simple as something like
{ states[$1]++ }
for (state in states) print state, states[state]
Each time the expression states[$1]++ is executed, it will check for the existence of states[$1] and initialize it to 0 if it doesn't already exist.
EDIT: From your comment I'm guessing you want to print out a line for each possible state, regardless of whether there are any jobs in that state or not. In that case, you need to include all the possible state names, and there is no shortcut notation for doing so as there is in Perl. As far as I know, what you've already found is about as clean as it gets. (Awk is not really designed with that usage in mind)
I'd suggest the following:
{ states[$1]++ }
split("cancelled completed completing failed nodefail pending running suspended timeout",statenames," ");
for (state in statenames) print state, states[state]+0
Perhaps Craig can use instead of :
print "Timeout states ",states[timeout],".";
print "Timeout states ",int(states[timeout]),".";
In my case if there is no timeout state in awk input, the first print will give:
Timeout states .
While the second will give:
Timeout states 0.
I think a more natural approach in awk would be to have a separate file of keys. Consider a file keys.txt with one key per line. You could then do something like this:
printf "key1\nkey2\nkey2\nkey5" |
awk '
FILENAME == "keys.txt" {
counts[$0] = 0
for (key in counts) {
print key, counts[key]
}' keys.txt -
With five keys in keys.txt, this produces:
key1 1
key2 2
key3 0
key4 0
key5 1
Although the keys are shown in order here, that's just incidental and shouldn't be relied upon.
For the specific example, you could also skip the associative array altogether. Instead, you could minimally process the lines with awk and use sort | uniq -c to tabulate the counts. The presence of all keys could be ensured using join against a file of keys.
awk is somewhat clumsier (I would say "less terse") than Perl.
You could write this (similar to #Michael's answer):
pipeline of data |
awk '
NR == FNR {statenames[$1]=0; next}
{ usual processing }
END { usual output }
' <(printf "%s\n" cancelled completed completing failed nodefail pending running suspended timeout) -
One tweak to #DavidZaslavsky's answer might be to print the states in the order you specified them on the split() line. That would be:
{ states[tolower($1)]++ }
n = split("cancelled completed completing failed nodefail pending running suspended timeout",statenames)
for (i=1; i<=n; i++) {
state = statenames[i]
print state, states[state]+0
I also converted the input to lower case so it matches your hard-coded values, got rid of the unnecessary 3rd arg to split() and the subsequent null statement (trailing semi-colon).
In case you want to account for finding state names in your input that weren't in your hard-coded set, you could tweak it to:
{ states[tolower($1)]++ }
n = split("cancelled completed completing failed nodefail pending running suspended timeout",statenames)
for (i=1; i<=n; i++) {
state = statenames[i]
print state, states[state]+0
delete states[state]
for (state in states) {
print "WARNING: found new state name %s\n",state | "cat>&2"
print state, states[state]+0

Processing apache logs quickly

I'm currently running an awk script to process a large (8.1GB) access-log file, and it's taking forever to finish. In 20 minutes, it wrote 14MB of the (1000 +- 500)MB I expect it to write, and I wonder if I can process it much faster somehow.
Here is the awk script:
awk '{t=$4" "$5; gsub("[\[\]\/]"," ",t); sub(":"," ",t);printf("%s,",$1);system("date -d \""t"\" +%s");}' $1
For non-awkers, the script reads each line, gets the date information, modifies it to a format the utility date recognizes and calls it to represent the date as the number of seconds since 1970, finally returning it as a line of a .csv file, along with the IP.
Example input: - - [22/Jan/2010:05:54:55 +0100] "GET (...)"
Returned output:,124237889
#OP, your script is slow mainly due to the excessive call of system date command for every line in the file, and its a big file as well (in the GB). If you have gawk, use its internal mktime() command to do the date to epoch seconds conversion
awk 'BEGIN{
gsub(/\[/,"",$4); gsub(":","/",$4); gsub(/\]/,"",$5)
n=split($4, DATE,"/")
MKTIME= mktime(year" "date[mth]" "day" "hr" "min" "sec)
print $1,MKTIME
}' file
$ more file - - [22/Jan/2010:05:54:55 +0100] "GET (...)"
$ ./ 1264110895
If you really really need it to be faster, you can do what I did. I rewrote an Apache log file analyzer using Ragel. Ragel allows you to mix regular expressions with C code. The regular expressions get transformed into very efficient C code and then compiled. Unfortunately, this requires that you are very comfortable writing code in C. I no longer have this analyzer. It processed 1 GB of Apache access logs in 1 or 2 seconds.
You may have limited success removing unnecessary printfs from your awk statement and replacing them with something simpler.
If you are using gawk, you can massage your date and time into a format that mktime (a gawk function) understands. It will give you the same timestamp you're using now and save you the overhead of repeated system() calls.
This little Python script handles a ~400MB worth of copies of your example line in about 3 minutes on my machine producing ~200MB of output (keep in mind your sample line was quite short, so that's a handicap):
import time
src = open('x.log', 'r')
dest = open('x.csv', 'w')
for line in src:
ip = line[:line.index(' ')]
date = line[line.index('[') + 1:line.index(']') - 6]
t = time.mktime(time.strptime(date, '%d/%b/%Y:%X'))
A minor problem is that it doesn't handle timezones (strptime() problem), but you could either hardcode that or add a little extra to take care of it.
But to be honest, something as simple as that should be just as easy to rewrite in C.
gawk '{
gsub(/\//," ",dt);
"date -d \""dt"\" +%s"|getline ts;
print $1, ts
}' yourfile