App-debug.html not working on - rally

I'm currently developing a custom app that needs to be deployed on the server.
During the development I would like to use the App-debug.html to quickly see code changes without having to build and paste new html code, but this doesn't work.
I've changed the "server" in config.json, but keeps getting an error in console
Failed to load resource: the server responded with a status of 403 ()
Does anyone know what else I should do?

Try checking if the sysadmin has blocked the Custom HTML app in the subscription settings:
Allow Custom HTML app: true
Enable Cross-Origin Resource Sharing: true


Auth0 login locally

I have an application and an api, in terms of auth0, an static frontend and a expressjs backend, in production both are working. I setup Auth0 and users are able to login with Google accounts.
In production is working, but the problem I am facing is when I am working on my locally, when I run the application on my computer and I try to login I get the following error
Unhandled Runtime Error
Error: Request failed with status code 401
In the application setup I have
Allowed Callback URLs, http://localhost:3000,
Allowed Logout URLs, http://localhost:3000
Allowed Web Origins, http://localhost:3000
and in the frontend
redirectUri={(process.browser) ? window && window.location.origin : 'http://localhost:3000'}
scope="read:current_user update:current_user_metadata"
If further information is needed, just let me know
I am not sure if I am missing some config or there is something I should change?

Cypress_- Failed to load resource: net::ERR_EMPTY_RESPONSE

My UI page keeps on loading when I try to perform a click operation. Which in return needs to fetch data using API call in the back end and display it in UI. Attached screenshot for reference.
Access to XMLHttpRequest at '' (redirected from '') from origin '' has been blocked by CORS policy: No 'Access-Control-Allow-Origin' header is present on the requested resource
I had the very same issue with the same error message. My symfony php backend is running locally in docker. XDebug is also installed. Following 2 lines in the backend resolved this issue and I was finally able to login.
touch /var/www/html/xdebug.log
chmod 777 /var/www/html/xdebug.log

virto commerce deployement from Github

I have successfully deployed the virto platform and storefront on to azure.
the CMS content connection string was taken from the platform appsettings and assigned to the storefront CMS connection setting. The Api Hmac App Id and secret keys are assigned as per the documentation.
Platform and storefront are synced in azure with the latest.
however, when the storefront url is entered in the browser, it does not show the storefront, insted the following error occurs.
This page isn’t working our is currently unable to handle this request.
please advise if anyone encountered such error. Did I miss any other settings?
First of all, that is NOT CMS connection string related issue.
Second, try these:
restart platform app service
restart storefront app service
clear browser cookies / open page in anonymous mode. The url should start with https, not http
wait for 30 seconds as this could be a timeout issue on slower service configurations
Third: set ASPNETCORE_ENVIRONMENT=Development as described in to get error stacktrace

2sxc: can not install any apps

I have recently installed the latest version of the base app from codeplex ( ) to DNN vesion 7.4.0, created a new admin page and added the module there.
from there I have tried to add a new app ( and the install pop up flashes for a split second then nothing happens.
checking the console I see;
/desktopmodules/tosic_sexycontent/dist/dnn/ui.html?sxcver=…true&user%5BcanDevelop%5D=true&approot=%2F&dialog=dash-view&items=%5B%5D:1 XMLHttpRequest cannot load Response for preflight is invalid (redirect)
/desktopmodules/tosic_sexycontent/dist/dnn/ui.html?sxcver=…rue&user%5BcanDevelop%5D=true&approot=%2F&dialog=app-import&items=%5B%5D:1 XMLHttpRequest cannot load Response for preflight is invalid (redirect)
enter image description here
I have tried reinstalling the base module and recycling the app pool
have also set page skin to default Gravity skin.

Bigcommerce authentication get request only returns scope and code, context is missing

I am kicking off the Bigcommerce app installation process by following the instructions given in this official documentation page apparently I am following every thing. I have https Auth Callback url setup in the app configuration page
NOTE: I am using ngrok to tunnel my localhost to internet.
When Install my app I receive the code and scope objects in the Get Request but not the context object.
Please help me with what did I missed ? and how I can get the context object ?
I tested it without ngrok and its the same.