Powerpoint VBA to search for and change colour/highlight keywords in textbox - vba

I am very new to VB and am exploring this method to simplify mundane manual work process of highlighting certain text in Powerpoint textboxes.
My intention is for VBA to search for keywords in the textbox, then changes the colour of this line and also a few other lines. e.g. search for the line that contains the word "video", if it returns that line 7 contains this word, I want to change the colour of line 7 and maybe lines 3, 10 and 11 to red colour.

Since your question is generic, We can only give a generic response.
First thing you need to know about VBA in powerpoint for your issue is that you need to access things like objects. You'll first need to access the current Slide and Shape your textbox is in. In this example, Let's assume the textbox you want to access is in the first slide, in the first shape:
Set oTextbox = ActivePresentation.Slides(1).Shapes(1)
With oTextbox
text = .TextFrame.TextRange.Characters.Text 'To access the textbox text.
If InStr(1,text,"some_text")
.TextFrame.TextRange.Font.Color.RGB = [255 0 0] 'To change the color of a textbox.
End If
End With
.TextFrame.TextRange.Characters.Text accesses the shape's text.
To search for a given text in the textbox, you can use the InStr
command to see if the text you want is in your textbox.
.TextFrame.TextRange.Font.Color.RGB accesses the text's color.
This is at least a start for you.


PowerPoint VBA - Search an highlight Text

I want code a search function via VBA that searches for a specific text and highlights the first result in PowerPoint (like the normal search window, that can be opened with Ctrl + F).
I want to code this in VBA, because I want to search for multiple texts (I have a sub, where I deliver the search text as parameter) and do not want to have to type the search texts manually in the search window.
Having a sub with a parameter is not the problem.
The problem is highlighting the first result.
I found this code here (the first answer in this topic):
powerpoint search box vba
The only thing that I need is to switch to the slide and highlight the text.

MS Word Ignores Content Control Inside a Rich Text Box

Is there a reason why my MS Word VBA macro is ignoring a dropdown list I placed inside a shape (a rich text box)? I've tried referring to it by tag, name, number, etc. I even had the macro tell me the count of content controls:
I get 0.
Nothing works. If I take it out of the shape, it works fine. MS Word gives me a count of 1 item. But for some reason MS Word won't acknowledge it inside the shape. Any help on how to do this?
Edited as my previous post was completely wrong.
Each textbox in the main text story is a Shape which you can access using an index number. A shape has various properties but text etc. is in its Textframe, if it has one. But in that case the Range you need is not called Range but TextRange. So, e.g. the first contentControl in Shape 2 is
You will probably need to iterate through your shapes and you may need to verify that a given shape is a textbox and/or that it has a TextFrame.
If your text box is in another Story such as a header or footer, you will probably need to identify the relevant StoryRange.

powerpoint 2010 vba - noncontiguous text selection

I would like to select all characters in a Powerpoint textbox (Version 2010) that have a certain defined style (e.g. all bold characters). Manually, one can create a non-contiguous text selection in a single text box by simply holding the control key while selecting. With VBA, I failed so far. This is my very simple approach:
Dim c As TextRange
For Each c In ActiveWindow.Selection.ShapeRange(1).TextFrame.TextRange.Characters
If c.Font.Bold Then c.Select
Next c
While this all works nicely when going through this stepwise, the c.Select will always "unselect" what was selected before and there is no option to extend the selection (unlike with shape selections). I end up with just the last bold character being selected.
The selection itself is what I want as end result to give the user the option to further modify the font etc.
Does anyone have a suggestion (or is this not at all accessible via VBA?)
Thanks a lot

Traversing word-by-word in VBA through the contents of a Word textbox

Given a Microsoft Word textbox filled with formatted text, how do I use VBA to:
Iterate through the textbox content, word-by-word
At each iteration, copy/cut out that one word (including its formatting) out of the text box
Append (i.e. paste) that cut formatted word into the end of a second Microsoft Word textbox
[My situation is as follows: I have multiple continuous related texts (i.e. text + footnotes + a second set of footnotes, etc.), and my goal is to programatically lay all of that out in Word text boxes on pages of a Microsoft Word document.
I will set up the second box (that one that the words are being pasted into) to be auto-sizing, and I will then stop the "cut-paste" process once the second box gets to a certain size (which will be programatically determined based on page margins, other textboxes already occupying the page, etc.).]
I'm breaking my head over this for weeks with no results! Thanks a LOT to anyone who can send me in the right direction...

VBA in Word 2010: how do I fix the relative position of a TextBox?

Writing VBA in Microsoft Word 2010 (no-one's favourite job). I'm trying to fix the vertical position of a textbox to a location in the document, so that as text is added before, the text box retains its relative position (i.e. moves down if text is inserted before the location it's linked to).
My code is
ActiveDocument.Shapes.AddTextbox(msoTextOrientationHorizontal, 372, 400, 120, 120).Select
With Selection
.TypeText Text:="Text box placement test"
With .ShapeRange
.RelativeHorizontalPosition = wdRelativeHorizontalPositionColumn
.RelativeVerticalPosition = wdRelativeVerticalPositionPage
The key I think is this last property, RelativeVerticalPosition.
I have tried changing it to wdRelativeVerticalPositionLine: this works for the first paragraph (i.e. the text box is fixed to the position in text, so if text is added before it moves correctly): however, for the second and later paragraphs the vertical position is completely wrong.
I have tried changing the LockAnchor property but that makes no change.
The frustration is that this can be done manually (Page layout, Arrange group, Wrap text, more layout options, position, move object with text = checked) but Word won't let me record a macro where I change a textbox's properties, so I can't find the combination of settings to make it work.
Any suggestions? Or is this just one of the consequences of using 20+ year old code?
First, you've got to set RelativeVerticalPosition as well.
Second, be careful with using .ShapeRange. Incorrent usage of .ShapeRange may be the problem in some cases.
That's a small snippet from my code. Just tested it with Word 2010.
Dim oShp As Shape
Set oShp = Selection.ShapeRange(1)
oShp.RelativeHorizontalPosition = wdRelativeHorizontalPositionColumn
oShp.RelativeVerticalPosition = wdRelativeVerticalPositionLine
So if your "move object with text" is unchecked, it'll become checked after running the code.