ISO-8583 message processing(defining priority of messages) - iso8583

I need to get an understanding of ISO-8583 message platform,lets say i want to perform a authorization of a card transaction,so in real time at a particular instance lets say i got 100000 requests from network(VISA/MASTERCARD) all for authorization,how do i define priority of there request and the response,can the connection pool handle it(in my case its HIKARI),how is it done banks/financial institutions for authorizing a request.Please provide me some insights on how to manage all these requests.Should i go for a MQ?
Tech used are:-spring boot,hibernate,spring-tcp-starter

Your question doesn't seem to be very well researched as there are a ton of switch platforms out there that due this today and many of their technology guides can be found on the web including for major vendors like ACI, FIS, AJB,.. etc if you look yard enough.
I have worked with several iso-interface specifications, commercial switches, and home grown platforms and it is actually pretty consistent in how they do the core realtime processing.
This information on prioritization is generally in each ISO-8583 message processing specification and is made explicitly clear in almost every specification I've ever read written by someone who is familar with ISO-8533 and not just making up their own variant or copying someone elses.
That said.. in general at a high level authorizations / financials (0100, 0200) requests always have high priority than force posts (0x20) messages.
Administrative messages in the 05xx and 06xx and 08xx sometimes also get bumped up above other advices.. but these are still advices and almost always auths/financials are always processed first as they A) Impact the customer B) have much tighter timers than any advice by usually more than double or more.
Most switches I have seen do it entirely in memory without going to MQ and or some other disk for core authorization process to manage these.. but not to say there is not some sort of home grown middle ware sometimes involved.. but non-realtime processes regularly use a MQ process to queue or disk queuing these up into processes not in-line of the approval for this Store-and-forward (SAF) processing.. but many of these still use memory only processing for the front of their queue.
It is important to also differentiate between 100000 requests and 100000 transactions.. the various exchanges both internal and external make a big difference in the number of actual requests/responses in flight at even given time.. a basic transaction can be accomplished in like two messages.. but some of the more complex ones can easily exceed 20 messages just for a pre-authorization or a completion component.
If you are dealing with largely batch transaction bursts.. I can see the challenge of queuing but almost every application I have seen has a max in flight for advices and requests separate of each other.. and sometimes even with different timers.. and the apps pumping the transactions almost always wait for the response back before sending more.. and this tends to work fine for just about everyone.. including big posting batches from retailers and card networks. So if your app doesn't have them.. you probably need to add them.

In fact your 100000 requests should be sorted by (Terminal ID and/or Merchant ID) + (timestamp/local timestamp) + (STAN and/or RRN).
Duplicated transaction requests expected to be rejected.
If you simulating multiple requests from single terminal (or host) with same test card details the increasing of STAN/RRN would be a case.
Please refer to previous answers about STAN and RRN ISO 8583 fields.
In ISO message, what's the use of stan and rrn ?


How to limit the number of outgoing web request per second?

Right now, I am working on an ASP.NET Core Web API that calls an external web service and uses the returned data in its own response. This is working fine.
However, I discovered that the external service is not as scalable as I would like to. Therefore, as discussed with the company providing this external service, the number of outgoing requests needs to be limited to one per second. I als use caching to reduce the number of outgoing requests but this has been shown to be not effective enough because (as logically) it only works when a lot of requests are the same so cache data can be reused.
I have been doing some investigation on rate limiting but the documented examples and types are far more complicated than what I need. This is not about partitions, tokens or concurrency. What I want is far more simple. Just 1 outgoing request per second and that´s all.
I am not that experienced when it comes to rate limiting. I just started reading the referred documentation and found out that there is a nice and professional package for it. But the examples are more complicated than what I need for the reasons explained. It is not about tokens or concurrency or so. It is the number of outgoing requests per second that needs to be limited.
Possibly, there is a way using the package System.Threading.RateLimiting in such a way that this is possible by applying the RateLimiter class correctly. Otherwise, I may need to write my own DelegateHandler implementation to do this. But there must be a straightforward way which people with experience in rate limiting can explain me.
So how to limit the number of outgoing web request per second?
In addition, what I want to prevent is a 429 or so in case of to many request. In such a situation, the process should just take more waiting time in order to complete so the number of outgoing requests is limited.

Philips Hue command limitation

First of all I'm developing my own C# library for controlling Philips Hue, which means I'm not using the official SDK. (I'm guessing that the SDK will make sure you won't have any problems)
I'm a little confused about the limitation in the Core concepts page in the API, which states:
We can’t send commands to the lights too fast. If you stick to around 10 commands per second to the /lights resource as maximum you should be fine. For /groups commands you should keep to a maximum of 1 per second.
I intend to respect this limitation, but does the limitation still apply when you are performing GET requests on the /lights resource, or is it only for sending actual commands with PUT requests to /lights/<id>/state that change the state of the light? Same question goes for the /groups resource.
Also is it even possible to damage anything by sending too many requests, or will it just take longer to get all responses?
My overall question is: How should I understand the API limitation?
A more specific sub-question is: Should I wait 100 ms before sending another /lights command, relative to when I received a response, or relative to when I sent the previous command?
Another sub-question is: Should I consider this limitation only when using PUT requests on e.g. /lights/<id>/state, or on all request types GET/PUT/POST/DELETE
I don't know if anything was changed in firmware updates, but I have discovered that the bridge might not be so simple as you would think, and that the API description isn't very clear.
I've done a little testing while running firmware 01009914.
The bridge seems to have some kind of queue of incoming commands. I sent {"bri":254} to a group 9 times and 1 final command of {"bri":1}. From the first command to when the light is actually dimmed, takes roughly 3-4 seconds. Each time I sent a command the bridge replied almost instantly with success token.
I did the same small tests sending other commands, 10 of each JSON object:
{"bri":254} 3-4 seconds
{"on":true, "bri":254} 6-7 seconds
{"on":true, "bri":254, "alert":"none", "effect":"none"} 12-13 seconds
This actually shows that each change of attributes takes roughly 0.3 seconds for the bridge to handle.
I will claim that for each attribute we change, the bridge takes about 300 ms to finish, and the limitation of commands should be understood as: As long as you stick with changing one attribute of a group each second, you should be fine.
Note: I only tried with one group consisting of three lights, and I don't know if the bridge actually does have a queue of incoming commands, and in case it does have a queue, I don't know what the limit of items in it is.
Now we have some official clarification of the Hue System Performance.
I'm fairly certain that the 10 commands per second is a guideline to prevent failure of the Bridge, and is a technical limitation of the hardware. Any more than that and you're apt to overload the bridge. I believe this applies to commands as well as requests.
Both approaches are reasonable. For laziness' sake, you could wait for 100ms to send a response, but I would only rely on this method if you don't plan on any other interactions with the Bridge.
I consider this limitation on all request types.
You won't damage anything if you send commands too fast. However, if you send commands too fast the bridge might become unresponsive and/or some messages can be ignored.
When it comes to the bridge, the way I think of it is that the bridge is more or less single threaded, so it works best if you make sure you don't send the next command before the previous one has returned.
In practice we've found that this works much better than waiting a fixed time between each request. In fact, you can pretty much send commands as fast as you want as long as you wait for the previous one to finish.
When you send a command to the bridge, the bridge has to then send it to the lamps through Zigbee. Since it's a mesh network in some cases the message has to make a couple of hops from lamp to lamp before it reaches the target. Depending on how many lamps you have and how many hops the signal needs to take, this can take a while. Also, it's possible that some messages randomly take much longer than others.
In general the system is not designed to handle very fast changes, but if you keep the above in mind you can make many cool effects :)

Is Message Queuing the right strategy for a high-bandwidth data feed?

I have a huge network of data-collection servers which generate a large volume of real-time data.
In the past I've provided partners with the ability to get this data in near-real-time using HTTP GET's. But for many reasons I'm eager to ditch this.
So yeah... I'm eager to build out a new distribution system and I was thinking that a Message Queuing System was the way to go.
I need to be able to distribute data from my sources to a number of different partners. Some partners receive all of it, others just get a portion. And, if a partner gets disconnected, they need to be able to reconnect and not miss any data. (Although, for the sake of disk and memory I'd like their queued messages to expire after hour or so)
Lastly I need the system to be able to handle tens of thousands of enqueue's per minute.
Do you think Message Queuing is an appropriate scheme?
I was looking at using RabbitMQ. Is it difficult to maintain?
Thanks Very Much!
I cannot tell you if it is the right strategy in your specific case, but message products are indeed used in high message rate systems every day.
Much of the investment world uses various products, both commercial (Tibco) and Open source (ZeroMQ) to name just two, to handle market data from exchanges and other sources. These are likely at least as active as your data sensors are.
The publish/subscribe model, where some receivers want some messages and some receivers want all, along with late-join or other so-called guaranteed messaging are indeed standard features on most of these products.
So do go ahead and investigate products, I have not used RabbitMQ myself, so cannot comment on it specifically, however with a minimal abstraction layer, you should be able to insulate yourself from too many platform specific calls, and therefore allow you to swap message-bus implementers if the need arises. (You may even want to build such a shim as part of a proof-of-concept to test out more than one product for your specific purpose. You get experience in multiple products, flesh out the facade layer, and get up to speed on the products)
Good Luck

What is an MQ and why do I want to use it?

On my team at work, we use the IBM MQ technology a lot for cross-application communication. I've seen lately on Hacker News and other places about other MQ technologies like RabbitMQ. I have a basic understanding of what it is (a commonly checked area to put and get messages), but what I want to know what exactly is it good at? How will I know where I want to use it and when? Why not just stick with more rudimentary forms of interprocess messaging?
All the explanations so far are accurate and to the point - but might be missing something: one of the main benefits of message queueing: resilience.
Imagine this: you need to communicate with two or three other systems. A common approach these days will be web services which is fine if you need an answers right away.
However: web services can be down and not available - what do you do then? Putting your message into a message queue (which has a component on your machine/server, too) typically will work in this scenario - your message just doesn't get delivered and thus processed right now - but it will later on, when the other side of the service comes back online.
So in many cases, using message queues to connect disparate systems is a more reliable, more robust way of sending messages back and forth. It doesn't work well for everything (if you want to know the current stock price for MSFT, putting that request into a queue might not be the best of ideas) - but in lots of cases, like putting an order into your supplier's message queue, it works really well and can help ease some of the reliability issues with other technologies.
MQ stands for messaging queue.
It's an abstraction layer that allows multiple processes (likely on different machines) to communicate via various models (e.g., point-to-point, publish subscribe, etc.). Depending on the implementation, it can be configured for things like guaranteed reliability, error reporting, security, discovery, performance, etc.
You can do all this manually with sockets, but it's very difficult.
For example: Suppose you want to processes to communicate, but one of them can die in the middle and later get reconnected. How would you ensure that interim messages were not lost? MQ solutions can do that for you.
Message queueuing systems are supposed to give you several bonuses. Among most important ones are monitoring and transactional behavior.
Transactional design is important if you want to be immune to failures, such as power failure. Imagine that you want to notify a bank system of ATM money withdrawal, and it has to be done exactly once per request, no matter what servers failed temporarily in the middle. MQ systems would allow you to coordinate transactions across multiple database, MQ and other systems.
Needless to say, such systems are very slow compared to named pipes, TCP or other non-transactional tools. If high performance is required, you would not allow your messages to be written thru disk. Instead, it will complicate your design - to achieve exotic reliable AND fast communication, which pushes the designer into really non-trivial tricks.
MQ systems normally allow users to watch the queue contents, write plugins, clear queus, etc.
MQ simply stands for Message Queue.
You would use one when you need to reliably send a inter-process/cross-platform/cross-application message that isn't time dependent.
The Message Queue receives the message, places it in the proper queue, and waits for the application to retrieve the message when ready.
reference: web services can be down and not available - what do you do then?
As an extension to that; what if your local network and your local pc is down as well?? While you wait for the system to recover the dependent deployed systems elsewhere waiting for that data needs to see an alternative data stream.
Otherwise, that might not be good enough 'real time' response for today's and very soon in the future Internet of Things (IOT) requirements.
if you want true parallel, non volatile storage of various FIFO streams(at least at some point along the signal chain) use an FPGA and FRAM memory. FRAM runs at clock speed and FPGA devices can be reprogrammed on the fly adding and taking away however many independent parallel data streams are needed(within established constraints of course).

using BOSH/similar technique for existing application/system

We've an existing system which connects to the the back end via http (apache/ssl) and polls the server for new messages, needless to say we have scalability issues.
I'm researching on removing this polling and have come across BOSH/XMPP but I'm not sure how we should take the BOSH technique (using long lived http connection).
I've seen there are few libraries available but the entire thing seems bloaty since we do not need buddy lists etc and simply want to notify the clients of available messages.
The client is written in C/C++ and works across most OS so that is an important factor. The server is in Java.
does bosh result in huge number of httpd processes? since it has to keep all the clients connected, what would be the limit on that. we are also planning to move to 64 bit JVM/apache what would be the max limit of clients in that case.
any hints?
I would note that BOSH is separate from XMPP, so there's no "buddy lists" involved. XMPP-over-BOSH is what you're thinking of there.
Take a look at and associated blog posts (probably by Jack Moffitt) about how they use BOSH (and also XMPP) to deliver real-time information to large numbers of users.
As for the scaling issues with Apache, I don't know — presumably each connection is using few resources, so you can increase the number of connections per Apache process. But you could also check out some of the connection manager technologies (like punjab) mentioned on the BOSH page above.