Is Kotlin's mapIndexed guaranteed to retain ordering - kotlin

mapIndexed on an array curiously returns a List not an array which isn't immediately intuitive.
I also noticed that kotlin.collections.mapIndexed documentation does not mention retention of ordering but kotlin.sequences.mapindexed does.
I know that since it's not explicit in the doc, I shouldn't rely on it, but wondering if it's an intentional omission.

I believe it is an omittion, it wouldn't be that practical to change the order of the elements, it would be highly unperformant.
The order is at least guaranteed by the implementation of the method as you can see below.
An enhanced for loop is used to loop through the whole collection and it applies the change only to the concerned index.
The fact that it returns a List is logical, since you'll get the same List back (actually a full copy - but with the same objects), only with the changes required.
* Applies the given [transform] function to each element and its index in the original collection
* and appends the results to the given [destination].
* #param [transform] function that takes the index of an element and the element itself
* and returns the result of the transform applied to the element.
public inline fun <T, R, C : MutableCollection<in R>> Iterable<T>.mapIndexedTo(destination: C, transform: (index: Int, T) -> R): C {
var index = 0
for (item in this)
destination.add(transform(checkIndexOverflow(index++), item))
return destination

Order is retained in the results.
Check out my code here - changing the first item in the list:
val convertedResults = mutableListOf<DisplayItem>()
myList.mapIndexedNotNullTo(convertedResults) { index, item ->
val member = DisplayItem(item)
if ( == "id_007") {
// add it first in the list
convertedResults.add(0, member)
} else
This works well. But I don't know how to measure the performance here. Tell me what do you think about this code.

An indication that the order is retained is also in /libraries/stdlib/test/collections/IterableTests.kt (link to latest revision in master at this time) of the official Kotlin repository
abstract class IterableTests<T : Iterable<String>>(val createFrom: (Array<out String>) -> T, val empty: T) {
fun createFrom(vararg items: String): T = createFrom(items)
val data = createFrom("foo", "bar")
fun mapIndexed() {
val shortened = data.mapIndexed { index, value -> value.substring(0..index) }
assertEquals(2, shortened.size)
assertEquals(listOf("f", "ba"), shortened)
So the test also assumes the same order for output. This is odd by the way as this code is not only used for testing List and others but also for testing an unordered Set.
Similar code is used for testing mapIndexed on arrays of all types.


What is the best way to manage an object through a list of sequential domino operations?

Let us suppose we have an Order class and a method in which some services make a sequence of operations
fun doStuff(order: Order): Order {
val orderByServiceA = serviceA.operationA(order: Order)
val orderByServiceB = serviceB.operationB(orderByServiceA: Order)
val orderByServiceC = serviceC.operationC(orderByServiceB: Order)
return orderByServiceC
I create a common interface who can be implemented by the services
interface IOrderService {
fun operation(order: Order): Order
So the method above become
fun doStuff(order: Order): Order {
val orderByServiceA = serviceA.operation(order: Order)
val orderByServiceB = serviceB.operation(orderByServiceA: Order)
val orderByServiceC = serviceC.operation(orderByServiceB: Order)
return orderByServiceC
There's some kind of repetition in this code so, next step is to make this function open for extension and closed for modification.
I add into a list all the instances of IOrderService, so the function changes like
fun doStuff(order: Order): Order {
orderServices.forEach { service ->
This solution is quite good because if I want to add another service who implement the operation function, it's very easy to do it.
But there is a problem.. the order object passed in the last solution it's the same for all the services so the solution proposed it's different from the first implementation.
Every service need to do the operation function based on the previous result
So I'm quite stuck at this point, because I would like to find a clean solution..
I was thinking at some design pattern for example Observer (but it's a one-to-many solution and it's not the case) Memento pattern (but probably I would continue to have a sequential list of operations), publish subscribe... but I don't think any of those are the right choise.
It's like a domino in which the object is passed to a first service, the result to the second one, etc. etc. and of course the final result returned by the doStuff method.
Any suggestions to complete the last piece of code? Thanks a lot!
I think you really overcomplicate with all these patterns. What you described is... just a simple loop!
fun doStuff(order: Order): Order {
var curr = order
for (service in orderServices) {
curr = service.operation(curr)
return curr
If you like functional programming then it can be solved even simpler by reducing/folding the list of services:
fun doStuff(order: Order): Order {
return orderServices.fold(order) { o, svc -> svc.operation(o) }
See documentation for more info about fold():
#broot's answer covers the general way of doing it—like they say, fold is the basic operation for accumulating a result as you iterate over some stuff—but if you wanted to write it out explicitly, you can just chain your calls:
fun doStuff(order: Order) =
order.let { serviceA.operationA(it) }
.let { serviceB.operationB(it) }
.let { serviceC.operationC(it) }
And if you use function references instead, where the parameter or receiver is automatically passed to the function you're referencing, you can do this:
fun doStuff(order: Order) =
So you end up with this very clear pipeline of operations that the original Order is being passed through, step by step.
The other nice thing about this is your types don't need to be consistent: operationB could take a completely different parameter from operationA, all that matters is that what comes out of operationA is the same type that goes into operationB. Whereas with a fold, the accumulator—the value being passed from one step to the next—is a fixed type, and the collection of functions you're iterating over have a fixed type too; in this case they all need to take an Order and return an Order. They're both useful, and you have options—use whatever fits the situation!

Why do Kotlin Sets have indices?

I'm curious as to why Kotlin Sets have indices. You can access elements by using mySet.elementAt(index). No other language I know has this feature. Is the feature any useful if sets aren't supposed to be ordered and yet they have indices? Also, doesn't this feature make Sets in Kotlin slower than other Sets in other languages?
Set has the elementAt method, not because it is based on indices (so it is not "slower than other languages" just because it has this method), but because it implements Iterable<T>. elementAt is an extension function on Iterable<T>:
fun <T> Iterable<T>.elementAt(index: Int): T
What a Set is based on depends on which concrete implementation of Set you use (Set is just an interface). HashSet is based on a hash table, for example.
So Set gets this elementAt method "for free" just because it implements Iterable<T>. The only way for it to not have elementAt is to not implement Iterable<T>, but that would mean you can't iterate over a Set. That's not very useful, is it? Also, as I'll talk about later, elementAt does have its uses.
Since elementAt is an extension function on Iterable<T>, all it can do really, is to ask to the iterator to give it n elements, and return the last element. This is how it is implemented.
public fun <T> Iterable<T>.elementAt(index: Int): T {
if (this is List)
return get(index)
return elementAtOrElse(index) { throw IndexOutOfBoundsException("Collection doesn't contain element at index $index.") }
public fun <T> Iterable<T>.elementAtOrElse(index: Int, defaultValue: (Int) -> T): T {
if (this is List)
return this.getOrElse(index, defaultValue)
if (index < 0)
return defaultValue(index)
val iterator = iterator()
var count = 0
while (iterator.hasNext()) {
val element =
if (index == count++)
return element
return defaultValue(index)
If your Set does not have a particular order (e.g. HashSet), then its iterator will return elements in no particular order either, so using elementAt(x) is not very meaningful. On the other hand, if you are using an ordered set, like a LinkedHashSet (this is what setOf and mutableSetOf creates), then using elementAt does make sense.
Also note that elementAt does have O(n) time, but that doesn't mean that accessing the set using the set's methods (e.g. contains) also has O(n) time. That also depends on which concrete implementation of Set you use. Both LinkedHashSet.contains and HashSet.contains are O(1) time.

Is it possible to implement sequence programming with vararg in Kotlin?

I've been trying sequence programming for processing the data I get from the vararg argument. I want to multiply every number in the list and add it to the new array list. Is it possible to use sequences.
I attach the code below:
fun main() {
val number = asList(10, 20, 30, 40, 50)
fun <T> asList(vararg input: T): List<T> {
val result = ArrayList<T>() {it * 2}.foreach(result.add(it))
return result
Here is the error I get:
enter image description here
Yes, it's possible to create a sequence from a vararg; I'll come back to that later.
First, the main problem in the code above is that, unfortunately, it can't be done generically.  The error you're getting is because T could be any type, and most types can't be multiplied, so the compiler is telling you that you can't do the * 2.
You might think of restricting T to subclasses of Number, but that doesn't help.  (Number is a very weak type; it doesn't let you do any arithmetic, probably because you can't tell what type the result would have to be, nor what rounding or overflow might occur.  All it lets you do is convert the value to specific types.)
But if you remove the type parameter and code it for a particular numeric type, such as Int, then it can work fine.
There are also spelling and syntax errors in the code around the foreach call.  Fixing those too gives e.g.:
fun asList(vararg input: Int): List<Int> {
val result = ArrayList<Int>(){ it * 2 }.forEach{ result.add(it) }
return result
That's doing a lot of unnecessary work, though; the map() already returns a list, so there's no point in creating a second list and copying to it element-by-element!  Also, the name is misleading.  So it could just be:
fun asListDoubled(vararg input: Int) ={ it * 2 }
Your question mentioned sequences; but your code uses normal eager lists.  If you want a lazily-evaluated sequence, you can just add an asSequence() call, e.g.:
fun asSequenceDoubled(vararg input: Int) = input.asSequence().map{ it * 2 }
But note that this now returns a Sequence<Int>, not List<Int>, so you can go on and do further lazy operations on it.  (If you want a List<Int>, then you can just append a toList() call — but there's little point in using a sequence only for the doubling, as the sequence overhead is probably far higher than any saving.)

Kotlin Generics - It is possible get integer position of an element of whatever type passed like ordinals method does for Enum defined classes?

There's an already built in way that fulfill my request?
I know Set are unordered
I need to do a vector based Set.
I need to know the position of any value of a generic type to place them in the corresponding index of the array, So I can avoid duplications of the elements.
I'm not ordering or defining an order of the Set.
I don't have any operators that missbehave or break any Set Costraint
Please note that I know this implementation is not efficient for any types that seems infinite like Integers.
I need to do it for an educational purpose.
I have already implemented List Ordered and Hash Table based ones.
For now I have this class, that works flawlessy:
package ads
class MySet<E : Enum<E>> {
//More details for clarify
private val maxSet = 127
private var myset = arrayOfNulls<Boolean>(maxSet)
private fun getOrdinal(eelement : E) : Int{
return eelement.ordinal
more set operators that needs of getOrdinal
fun insert(xelement: E){
myset[getOrdinal(xelement)] = true
import ads.MySet as RawSet
enum class MyColors{
fun main() {
val myfavc = RawSet<MyColors>()
val yourfavc = RawSet<MyColors>()
//Following operations...
I need now to make another class in the same way but working with whatever abstract type already defined in kotlin.
package ads
class MySet<T> {
//More details for clarify
private val maxSet = 127
private var myset = arrayOfNulls<Boolean>(maxSet)
private fun getOrdinal(telement : T) : Int{
For any abstract type return the order of any element
checks if the integer is not greater than maxSet otherwhise it
throws an Exception or manages this istance in other way
more set operators that needs of getOrdinal
fun insert(xelement: T){
myset[getOrdinal(xelement)] = true
import ads.MySet as RawSeT
//Istance using Int
fun main() {
val myfav = RawSet<Int>()
val yourfav = RawSet<Int>()
//Following operations...
I guess there's no built-in way to do so in a generic way.
but I'm still learning kotlin, so maybe I'm missing something useful.
I'm not asking to do my paper.
I don't need a full alternative solutions that I should find out by myself but
I'm opened to read about any tips or resources that can help me to clarify how abstract types works in Kotlin(or Programming Languages) infos like :
How are ordered.
If any value of any type can be compared based on their position
(like c > a for chars).
Range of values/Max values represented for any "apparently
infinite" type like Integers.
Thanks you!
P.S. = Please consider that I'm not an english native, be patient!
Enums are implicitly ordered in declaration order and amount of instances of each enum is finite, so they could be ordered globally and their ordinal could be represented as Int.
Ints (as well as Bytes and Chars) are naturally ordered and have ranges (Int.MIN_VALUE..Int.MAX_VALUE, etc.), so each of them could have an ordinal represented as Int too.
All types implementing Comparable interface could be compared in pairs and any subset of their instances could be ordered, but it doesn't mean that each of them have some global Int ordinal among all possible instances, because set of Ints is finite (2^32 items), and set of all unique instances of generic type T could be countably infinite (like BigInteger) or even uncountable (like Double) (see wiki about cardinality).
All other types couldn't be even compared in pairs (without respectful Comparator<T>).
So you need to manually limit instances of each T that are about to be added in your set and either maually order them or provide respectful Comparator<T> to construct a Map<T, Int> which you'll need to use for subsequent ordinal evaluation:
class SetOfSomehowOrderedInstancesOfType<T>(private val order: Map<T, Int>) {
private val maxSet = order.size
private var myset = BooleanArray(order.size)
private fun getOrdinal(eelement: T): Int {
return order[eelement] ?: throw RuntimeException("Order unknown")
fun insert(xelement: T) {
myset[getOrdinal(xelement)] = true
fun main() {
val myFavouriteRealNumbersInMyFavouriteOrder =
listOf(99.2123, -2355.12, 1.1, 3.14, 100.0, 123214214215.123331322145)
val myfavc = SetOfSomehowOrderedInstancesOfType<Double>(myFavouriteRealNumbersInMyFavouriteOrder.mapToIndex())
myfavc.insert(99.2123) //will be inserted with ordinal = 0
val myFavouriteRealNumbersInNaturalOrder = myFavouriteRealNumbersInMyFavouriteOrder.sorted()
val yourfavc = SetOfSomehowOrderedInstancesOfType<Double>(myFavouriteRealNumbersInNaturalOrder.mapToIndex())
yourfavc.insert(99.2123) //will be inserted with ordinal = 3
Alternatively you may define Orderable and Ordinator<T> interfaces (similar to Comparable<T> and Comparator<T>) and determine ordinal using them:
fun interface Ordinator<T> {
fun getOrderOf(x : T) : Int
interface Orderable {
val order : Int
class MySet<T>(private val ordinator: Ordinator<T>? = null) {
private val maxSet = 127
private var myset = BooleanArray(maxSet)
private fun getOrdinal(eelement: T) = when {
eelement is Orderable -> eelement.order
ordinator != null -> ordinator.getOrderOf(eelement)
else -> throw RuntimeException()
fun insert(xelement: T) {
myset[getOrdinal(xelement)] = true
Also you may define auxilary function, generalizing previous approach:
fun <T> ordinatorOf(order: List<T>) = object : Ordinator<T> {
private val order = order.mapToIndex()
override fun getOrderOf(x: T) = this.order[x] ?: throw RuntimeException()
val stringsOrderedByTheirLength = MySet<String> { it.length }
stringsOrderedByTheirLength.insert("aaa") //will be inserted with ordinal = 3
val myFavouriteRealNumbersInMyFavouriteOrder =
listOf(99.2123, -2355.12, 1.1, 3.14, 100.0, 123214214215.123331322145)
val myfavc = MySet(ordinatorOf(myFavouriteRealNumbersInMyFavouriteOrder))
myfavc.insert(99.2123) //will be inserted with ordinal = 0
As somebody pointed out to me that some abstract types representing for an istance Real Numbers can't be done so easily.
The implementation with the enum class works flawlessy but it's been refused from my university professor because I need to use the same syntax for every implementation of the same Data Structure.
Other implementation I have
- HashTableSet<T>
- OrderedListSet<T>
they ask only for an abstract type that can be whatever type, they will work without problem.
I need to do it the same with the
ArraySet<E : Enum<E>>
So if this can't be done easily with Generics, directly...
I'm thinking about mixing them.
Like whatever T type I have
it creates an object called "Domain" so whatever element it insert, before placing them in the array of the set, it place them inside there in a specific order so it simulates what enum it was doing.
I guess that Enumerations can't be defined during the runtime, dinamically.
Then probably I have to define Domain<T> as a private class/object(not sure) that :
Collect the element of the istance of ArraySet(above MySet) inserts with its opeator .insert()
It orders the element comparing to the ones that are already inside
Once is ordered delete all the duples
Re-arrange the whole Boolean Array everytime insert is used based on how Domain grows. (or find out a different algo that partially re-arrange the boolean array)
What do you think?
Advice me more, thanks.

Example of when should we use run, let, apply, also and with on Kotlin

I wish to have a good example for each function run, let, apply, also, with
I have read this article but still lack of an example
All these functions are used for switching the scope of the current function / the variable. They are used to keep things that belong together in one place (mostly initializations).
Here are some examples:
run - returns anything you want and re-scopes the variable it's used on to this
val password: Password = PasswordGenerator().run {
seed = "someString"
hash = {s -> someHash(s)}
hashRepetitions = 1000
The password generator is now rescoped as this and we can therefore set seed, hash and hashRepetitions without using a variable.
generate() will return an instance of Password.
apply is similar, but it will return this:
val generator = PasswordGenerator().apply {
seed = "someString"
hash = {s -> someHash(s)}
hashRepetitions = 1000
val pasword = generator.generate()
That's particularly useful as a replacement for the Builder pattern, and if you want to re-use certain configurations.
let - mostly used to avoid null checks, but can also be used as a replacement for run. The difference is, that this will still be the same as before and you access the re-scoped variable using it:
val fruitBasket = ...
apple?.let {
println("adding a ${it.color} apple!")
The code above will add the apple to the basket only if it's not null. Also notice that it is now not optional anymore so you won't run into a NullPointerException here (aka. you don't need to use ?. to access its attributes)
also - use it when you want to use apply, but don't want to shadow this
class FruitBasket {
private var weight = 0
fun addFrom(appleTree: AppleTree) {
val apple = appleTree.pick().also { apple ->
this.weight += apple.weight
fun add(fruit: Fruit) = ...
Using apply here would shadow this, so that this.weight would refer to the apple, and not to the fruit basket.
Note: I shamelessly took the examples from my blog
There are a few more articles like here, and here that are worth to take a look.
I think it is down to when you need a shorter, more concise within a few lines, and to avoid branching or conditional statement checking (such as if not null, then do this).
I love this simple chart, so I linked it here. You can see it from this as written by Sebastiano Gottardo.
Please also look at the chart accompanying my explanation below.
I think it as a role playing way inside your code block when you call those functions + whether you want yourself back (to chain call functions, or set to result variable, etc).
Above is what I think.
Concept Example
Let's see examples for all of them here
1.) myComputer.apply { } means you want to act as a main actor (you want to think that you're computer), and you want yourself back (computer) so you can do
var crashedComputer = myComputer.apply {
// you're the computer, you yourself install the apps
// note: installFancyApps is one of methods of computer
Yup, you yourself just install the apps, crash yourself, and saved yourself as reference to allow others to see and do something with it.
2.) myComputer.also {} means you're completely sure you aren't computer, you're outsider that wants to do something with it, and also wants it computer as a returned result.
var crashedComputer = myComputer.also {
// now your grandpa does something with it
3.) with(myComputer) { } means you're main actor (computer), and you don't want yourself as a result back.
with(myComputer) {
// you're the computer, you yourself install the apps
4.) { } means you're main actor (computer), and you don't want yourself as a result back. {
// you're the computer, you yourself install the apps
but it's different from with { } in a very subtle sense that you can chain call run { } like the following {
}.run {
// computer object isn't passed through here. So you cannot call installFancyApps() here again.
This is due to run {} is extension function, but with { } is not. So you call run { } and this inside the code block will be reflected to the caller type of object. You can see this for an excellent explanation for the difference between run {} and with {}.
5.) myComputer.let { } means you're outsider that looks at the computer, and want to do something about it without any care for computer instance to be returned back to you again.
myComputer.let {
The Way to Look At It
I tend to look at also and let as something which is external, outside. Whenever you say these two words, it's like you try to act up on something. let install virus on this computer, and also crash it. So this nails down the part of whether you're an actor or not.
For the result part, it's clearly there. also expresses that it's also another thing, so you still retain the availability of object itself. Thus it returns it as a result.
Everything else associates with this. Additionally run/with clearly doesn't interest in return object-self back. Now you can differentiate all of them.
I think sometimes when we step away from 100% programming/logic-based of examples, then we are in better position to conceptualize things. But that depends right :)
There are 6 different scoping functions:
I prepared a visual note as the below to show the differences :
data class Citizen(var name: String, var age: Int, var residence: String)
Decision depends on your needs. The use cases of different functions overlap, so that you can choose the functions based on the specific conventions used in your project or team.
Although the scope functions are a way of making the code more concise, avoid overusing them: it can decrease your code readability and lead to errors. Avoid nesting scope functions and be careful when chaining them: it's easy to get confused about the current context object and the value of this or it.
Here is another diagram for deciding which one to use from
Some conventions are as the following :
Use also for additional actions that don't alter the object, such as logging or printing debug information.
val numbers = mutableListOf("one", "two", "three")
.also { println("The list elements before adding new one: $it") }
The common case for apply is the object configuration.
val adam = Person("Adam").apply {
age = 32
city = "London"
If you need shadowing, use run
fun test() {
var mood = "I am sad"
run {
val mood = "I am happy"
println(mood) // I am happy
println(mood) // I am sad
If you need to return receiver object itself, use apply or also
let, also, apply, takeIf, takeUnless are extension functions in Kotlin.
To understand these function you have to understand Extension functions and Lambda functions in Kotlin.
Extension Function:
By the use of extension function, we can create a function for a class without inheriting a class.
Kotlin, similar to C# and Gosu, provides the ability to extend a class
with new functionality without having to inherit from the class or use
any type of design pattern such as Decorator. This is done via special
declarations called extensions. Kotlin supports extension functions
and extension properties.
So, to find if only numbers in the String, you can create a method like below without inheriting String class.
fun String.isNumber(): Boolean = this.matches("[0-9]+".toRegex())
you can use the above extension function like this,
val phoneNumber = "8899665544"
which is prints true.
Lambda Functions:
Lambda functions are just like Interface in Java. But in Kotlin, lambda functions can be passed as a parameter in functions.
fun String.isNumber(block: () -> Unit): Boolean {
return if (this.matches("[0-9]+".toRegex())) {
} else false
You can see, the block is a lambda function and it is passed as a parameter. You can use the above function like this,
val phoneNumber = "8899665544"
println(phoneNumber.isNumber {
println("Block executed")
The above function will print like this,
Block executed
I hope, now you got an idea about Extension functions and Lambda functions. Now we can go to Extension functions one by one.
public inline fun <T, R> T.let(block: (T) -> R): R = block(this)
Two Types T and R used in the above function.
T could be any object like String class. so you can invoke this function with any objects.
block: (T) -> R
In parameter of let, you can see the above lambda function. Also, the invoking object is passed as a parameter of the function. So you can use the invoking class object inside the function. then it returns the R (another object).
val phoneNumber = "8899665544"
val numberAndCount: Pair<Int, Int> = phoneNumber.let { it.toInt() to it.count() }
In above example let takes String as a parameter of its lambda function and it returns Pair in return.
In the same way, other extension function works.
public inline fun <T> T.also(block: (T) -> Unit): T { block(this); return this }
extension function also takes the invoking class as a lambda function parameter and returns nothing.
val phoneNumber = "8899665544"
phoneNumber.also { number ->
public inline fun <T> T.apply(block: T.() -> Unit): T { block(); return this }
Same as also but the same invoking object passed as the function so you can use the functions and other properties without calling it or parameter name.
val phoneNumber = "8899665544"
phoneNumber.apply {
You can see in the above example the functions of String class directly invoked inside the lambda funtion.
public inline fun <T> T.takeIf(predicate: (T) -> Boolean): T? = if (predicate(this)) this else null
val phoneNumber = "8899665544"
val number = phoneNumber.takeIf { it.matches("[0-9]+".toRegex()) }
In above example number will have a string of phoneNumber only it matches the regex. Otherwise, it will be null.
public inline fun <T> T.takeUnless(predicate: (T) -> Boolean): T? = if (!predicate(this)) this else null
It is the reverse of takeIf.
val phoneNumber = "8899665544"
val number = phoneNumber.takeUnless { it.matches("[0-9]+".toRegex()) }
number will have a string of phoneNumber only if not matches the regex. Otherwise, it will be null.
You can view similar answers which is usefull here difference between kotlin also, apply, let, use, takeIf and takeUnless in Kotlin
According to my experience, since such functions are inline syntactic sugar with no performance difference, you should always choose the one that requires writing the least amount of code in the lamda.
To do this, first determine whether you want the lambda to return its result (choose run/let) or the object itself (choose apply/also); then in most cases when the lambda is a single expression, choose the ones with the same block function type as that expression, because when it's a receiver expression, this can be omitted, when it's a parameter expression, it is shorter than this:
val a: Type = ...
fun Type.receiverFunction(...): ReturnType { ... }*apply*/ { receiverFunction(...) } // shorter because "this" can be omitted
a.let/*also*/ { it.receiverFunction(...) } // longer
fun parameterFunction(parameter: Type, ...): ReturnType { ... }*apply*/ { parameterFunction(this, ...) } // longer
a.let/*also*/ { parameterFunction(it, ...) } // shorter because "it" is shorter than "this"
However, when the lambda consists of a mix of them, it's up to you then to choose the one that fits better into the context or you feel more comfortable with.
Also, use the ones with parameter block function when deconstruction is needed:
val pair: Pair<TypeA, TypeB> = ...*apply*/ {
val (first, second) = this
} // longer
pair.let/*also*/ { (first, second) -> ... } // shorter
Here is a brief comparison among all these functions from JetBrains's official Kotlin course on Coursera Kotlin for Java Developers:
I must admit that the difference is not so obvious at first glance, among other things because these 5 functions are often interchangeable. Here is my understanding :
APPLY -> Initialize an object with theses properties and wait for the object
val paint = Paint().apply { = Paint.Style.FILL
this.color = Color.WHITE
LET -> Isolate a piece of code and wait for the result
val result = let {
val b = 3
val c = 2
b + c
val a = 1
val result = a.let {
val b = 3
val c = 2
it + b + c
val paint: Paint? = Paint()
paint?.let {
// here, paint is always NOT NULL
// paint is "Paint", not "Paint?"
ALSO -> Execute 2 operations at the same time and wait for the result
var a = 1
var b = 3
a = b.also { b = a }
WITH -> Do something with this variable/object and don't wait for a result (chaining NOT allowed )
with(canvas) {
RUN -> Do something with this variable/object and don't wait for a result (chaining allowed) {
or {this.draw(x)}.run {this.draw(x)}