How to get r_basicprofile access for linke in APIs - api

Am trying to call{name} but getting the following error
"serviceErrorCode": 100,
"message": "Not enough permissions to access: GET /people/q=firstName&firstName=ahmed",
"status": 403
How to enable my account to get access on r_basicprofile access

According to the migration docs, access to the basic profile fields is being restricted to developers that are members of the partner program. So you'll have to apply to a partner program to access those fields. However, LinkedIn has no clear documentation on which partner program developers should use for the simple use case of maintaining access to r_basicprofile. I've talked with a couple of their customer service reps and they eventually directed me to ask about it here but it seems no one has a clear answer for this...


how to fetch events data from LinkedIn APIs?

I am trying to fetch events data through LinkedIn API, but its throwing this error even I passed access token in my header. One more thing I am using postman to create API calls.
I am using this url to call API:-
"serviceErrorCode": 0,
"message": "Resource events does not exist",
"status": 404
I am rather new to working with these complex APIs, please help me
I read some more about it and it's written there that one need some special permissions to use event data ."r_events_leadgen_automation" permission is required. But how to get this permission, there is nothing on the docs about this.
You need to create an app and then request access to the Marketing Developer Platform under the Permissions tab. However, getting this access is not easy. You need to fill out and submit a detailed form asking questions about your business and what you intend to do with the access. And you may need to ask for more access after all. I have never gone that far.
You can find more information here.

Is there a limit on number of MS Graph API calls?

I have created an App in Azure and given, as I thought, sufficient privileges.
Now when using the Api from the App, I get occasional errors.
For example:$select=id,userPrincipalName
gives usually the correct result, i.e. the members of the group. When I run it multiple times, however, I get:
"error": {
"code": "Authorization_RequestDenied",
"message": "Insufficient privileges to complete the operation.",
"innerError": {
"request-id": "xxxxxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxxxxxxxxxx",
"date": "2020-04-27T07:35:43"
This happens not only from the app, but using Postman with the same credentials.
How can I have insufficient privileges, if the call has gone through multiple times already, then all of a sudden it does not.
Is there a limit on number of MS Graph API calls? I couldn't find any informatin on this.
Appreciate any help.
Thanks to everyone trying to help here. But the problem apparently was with Microsoft.
After seeing a couple of other people having the same problem, I put it aside for a few days.
Now revisiting my app, all the calls work fine.
You need to have Ms Graph level permissions for fixing the error. According to
List members documentation One of the following permissions is required to call this API. To Use Graph API in Postman find document here.
To learn more, including how to choose permissions, See permissions.

I am not able to get media details of instagram users through instagram API

Instagram is not giving Access to details other than basic.
I was using this API-{user-id}/media/recent/?access_token=ACCESS-TOKEN&count={number}
But not able to fetch details of users since 20th Mar 2018.
Error Getting:-
error_type: "OAuthException",
code: 400,
error_message: "Invalid scope field(s): public_content,basic"
Earlier it was working fine and I was getting details smoothly
You can review permissions here-
Here I am getting(applications no longer accepted)
Please guide anyone or give alternate?
Someone said that "Instagram reset the tokens for all users as a security precaution" from here, so you have to generate a new access token.
If you create token by yourself, explicit or implicit way, that token is always "basic" one, and I don't know why(I've tried so many times...)
If you seek websites that help you generate access token, mostly they generate "basic" permission as well.

LinkedIn API - get information about my ALL Connections

I have used Facebook API but I am new to Linkedin api.
I need some help on how to get information (name, birthday, etc) about my ALL Connections, and I need help with both the token and the info-related API calls.
As for the token -- in Facebook there is the Facebook Console to generate tokens at runtime and test our API calls... Does LinkedIn have something similar?
Update: I'm able to get list of connections using:
... but how can I also get birthdates (if shared publicly)? I've attempted:,first-name,last-name,date-of-birth)
...however, that shows me the first and last name but NOT the date of birth.
You can use the rest console here:
There is a template method you can use called "Get My Connections".
I hope this helps.
Update: LinkedIn has restricted their open API access, and this no longer works.
Select OAuth2, click connect, then allow LinkedIn to privede apigee to your LI profile. Then in the left collumn, select Get My Connections. apigee prepares most of params, except format (xml/json), which you can add yourself.
Looks like now no such API available(Looks like depricated by Linkedin). Please let me know if i am wrong and suggest other ways to achieve user's connections.
I am getting this in response
"errorCode": 0,
"message": "Access to connections denied",
"requestId": "6Sxxxxxxx",
"status": 403,
"timestamp": 14xxxxxxxxx
Please see :
I think what you are looking for, is the Linkedin Connections API. You can look at the documentation provided here ->
There are also various other APIs for accessing profile, groups, companies, and jobs.
It returns an XML document so, you should be able to generate tokens and test your API calls without any problem.
These APIs are no longer available
2019 still works but with a different approach.
Do this:
You may follow the steps from here:
1 - Create an APP with r_1st_connections permission
2 - Authorization (STEP 2 from link)
scope should be r_1st_connections (your app must have this permission)
3 - Log in with your username and password
4 - Linkedin will return you code
something like: ?code=QWERTY
5 - Get your Access Token (STEP 3 from link)
6 - Get your connections

Misleading errors of SalesForce API_DISABLED_FOR_ORG

I have seen this error when API has been enabled for all the Orgs in question. All I need is a read-only data dump, for which I figured the ("Read your data via the web") Permissions is the one that needs to be granted during OAuth. When this permission was omitted in the App spec, SalesForce API threw a "API_DISABLED_FOR_ORG" error. After changing the spec and asking for the Web part to be granted, this error goes away for some orgs.
Other orgs still throw the same error. Which leads me to believe this error is misleading, either the first situation was a different error or the Org has actually disabled API access, (which I don't need, just need read-only data access). Yet, when asked, during OAuth, the User actually agreed to supplying the data. I have this as scope: "id api web refresh_token", for an authenticated OAuth user.
What gives? What am I missing here? Can't seem to get a consistent process flow, data and in this case a proper error message from SalesForce.
I usually see this for editions that do not have API, e.g. Group Edition and Professional Edition.
Yep Salesforce support will do this for you - just if you want to use a MAC app such as OneSync to manage contacts on an on-going basis you are stuffed, unless you pay for the Enterprise version - hmm $60/year to $1200 don't think so