Pentaho - Reconnect option when connection is not stable - pentaho

I use Pentaho to migrate data from SQL server to MySQL. Unfortunately, the connection to MySQL is not stable and it sometimes failed in the middle.
Is there any option in Pentaho that allow Reconnect to MySQL when the package lost connection then the Pentaho package can continue running.

Try creating the DB connection using the wizard rather than using the new button.

I am using a share connection, so I just select connection name in the "Connection"

I applied a work around to by pass this case. That is auto retry logic which include a loop if ERROR and still have data then I go back some steps.


Query Editor cannot connect to Azure DB anymore

Before, I used the Query Editor to make some query on my Azure DB, but since some days, it's not working anymore.
Databases are on an SQL Database Server on my Azure Subscription.
To query or modify columns / tables I use Query Editor on
When we open a new query editor with SSMS, it shows us: disconnect:
And after a while, it will try to connect to the database:
Sometimes, I also have the same error. The query editor has opened for a long time and didn't use it. I reconnect the database and open a new query editor, it will works ok. As you said, you've juste tryied to reproduce and now it's working. So I think the reason is the connection lost or timeout.
Hope this helps.

Pentaho Connection to MultiSubnet SQL Server environment

In Hitachi Pentaho 8.2 Data Integration (Spoon) we are trying to configure "MultisubnetFailover=True" for a SQL Server database connection.
For database connections we are using "MS-SQL Server(Native)/Native JDBC". The problem is that I can't find where to set this property in the Database Connection component, and it doesn't look like I can specify the complete connection string for the driver to use. Where can I set this property?
It doesn't look like the Options tab is the correct place for setting this property, and I don't see a way to just specify the entire connection string myself. Also, ODBC can't work for us because the ETL changes the server and database dynamically (we use Pentaho variables to vary those) and ODBC is only one hardcoded connection.
Any help will be appreciate it.

SQL developer- the network adapter could not establish the connection

I am new to oracle database and i was trying to set up SQL developer.After installation when I open it and make a new connection it gives me "IO error: the network adapter could not establish the connection".I tried to look up for the solution everywhere but nothing worked.Can someone please explain me in detail hoe to fix this thing?
You have installed SQL Developer, the client.
It's effectively limited to working with files and offline data models.
If you want to do database work, you need a database.
Here's your options for getting started.
You have to start the listener with
lsnrctl start

Connecting to the built-in Anylogic DB

I've been using Anylogic's feature to collect data to a database provided by the program.
However I have trouble extracting the data again. I've tried using the export to excel function, but the program is getting stuck (probably because of the large amount of data).
Now I'm looking at connecting directly to the database. Anylogic provides me with a connection string: jdbc:hsqldb:hsql://localhost:9001/nau_sterilcentral;file:C:\Users\nbn\Models\NAU sterilcentral\database\db
I only use the first part (until the file:C:\...) since DBeaver doesn't ask for more. My connection string i DBeaver looks like this: jdbc:hsqldb:hsql://localhost:9001/nau_sterilcentral
I expect the db to be running since i can query it from Anylogic, but I'm not sure. When I try to connect i keep getting an error:
connection exception: connection failure:
org.hsqldb.HsqlException: connection exception: connection failure:
I don't know AnyLogic, but:
HSQLDB needs to be started in server mode to allow a connection from a different process. If AnyLogic starts HSQLDB in embedded mode, you can't access the database as long as AnyLogic is running.
Also the JDBC URL needs to be either a server URL using localhost:9001 or a "local" URL containing a file name, you can not mix both things (and the syntax for the file based URL was wrong as well)
Assuming AnyLogic starts HSQLDB in embedded mode, you have to stop AnyLogic, then you can connect using a file based URL. The syntax for that would be:
jdbc:hsqldb:C:\Users\nbn\Models\NAU sterilcentral\database\db

Extending the connection time limit in Oracle via SQL Developer?

I am trying to dump the whole data from the developer db server to my local machine using SQL Developer, but whenever I try to export, the connection gets halted before I finish dumping/exporting.
Is there a way to adjust that db connection timeout?
There is no connection time limit imposed by SQL Developer. If your connection is getting lost, that implies either that there is something in the network (a firewall for example) that limits the length of a connection or that there is something configured in the database (a profile, Resource Manager, etc.) that is causing the connection to be terminated. Since you haven't told us what error you get, it is impossible to guess which of these options is the most likely source of your problem.
Of course, it would probably be more effective to use the proper tools (the DataPump version of the export and import utilities) for this sort of thing.