Android Google Sign-In - google-drive-android-api

I need to enable server-side access to Google Drive. In this case a person is using his Android device. As far as I understood the steps are as follows:
1. Create GoogleSignInOptions
2. Using the GoogleSignInOptions create GoogleSignInAccount
3. Getting authCode from GoogleSignInAccount
4. Exchange the authCode for access/refresh/ID tokens
I am stuck on step 3. I followed the well-described tutorials without any success -,
Here is the code that initialize sign-in process:
final GoogleSignInOptions gso = new GoogleSignInOptions.Builder(GoogleSignInOptions.DEFAULT_SIGN_IN)
.requestScopes(new Scope(Scopes.DRIVE_APPFOLDER))
GoogleSignInClient google_api_client = GoogleSignIn.getClient(context, gso);
activity.startActivityForResult(google_api_client.getSignInIntent(), RC_SIGN_IN);
Here is the code that handles the sign-in result:
// data is the intent from onActivityResult callback
Task<GoogleSignInAccount> task = GoogleSignIn.getSignedInAccountFromIntent(data);
if (task.isComplete())
else {
task.addOnCompleteListener(new OnCompleteListener<GoogleSignInAccount>() {
public void onComplete(#NonNull Task<GoogleSignInAccount> task) {
And finally here is the handle function where is the problem:
public void handle(Task<GoogleSignInAccount> task) {
try {
GoogleSignInAccount account = task.getResult(ApiException.class);
} catch (ApiException e) {
//I'm always getting this exception with status code 10, which means DEVELOPER ERROR. Keys in Google API console are checked multiple times.
In handle function I'm always getting an exception with status code 10, which means DEVELOPER_ERROR. Keys in Google API console are checked multiple times. Code was rewritten few times.... I really have no idea what could be wrong.
Thank you :)

You might have forgotten to configure Google API Console. Follow the instructions:
You see to create OAuth client ID for Android with corresponding package name and signing certificate's SHA1. You do NOT have to enter this key anywhere in the code. It just have to exist in Google API Console.


Can I use DEFAULT_GAMES_SIGN_IN when Google Play Games is not installed?

If you install 'Google Play Games', you can log in, but if you delete it again, the login fails.
If DEFAULT_GAMES_SIGN_IN is used, 'Login fails when Google Play Games is not installed. (error code is 12501)
BUT, it doesn't happen in all situations, and there are accounts that have problems and some that don't, so it's confusing... :(
I tried to use DEFAULT_SIGN_IN as a workaround, but the problem is that getCurrentPlayer fails in this case!!!
GoogleSignInOptions gso = new GoogleSignInOptions.Builder(GoogleSignInOptions.DEFAULT_GAMES_SIGN_IN)
public void onSuccess(GoogleSignInAccount account)
PlayersClient playersClient = Games.getPlayersClient(Activity, account);
.addOnSuccessListener(new OnSuccessListener<Player>() {
public void onSuccess(Player player) {
String PlayerID= player.getPlayerId());
getId() cannot be used.
Because there are existing users.
GoogleSignInAccount account;
Is there a way to get "PlayersClient playersClient = Games.getPlayersClient" even if I use DEFAULT_SIGN_IN instead of DEFAULT_GAMES_SIGN_IN ?
or Do you know how to not automatically cancel the login if Google Play Games is not installed?
Attempt to sign in with GoogleSignInOptions.DEFAULT_GAMES_SIGN_IN
=> Result 1) if Google Play Games is installed : Success
=> Result 2) if Google Play Games is not installed : Failure (Error code 12501)
Attempt to sign in with GoogleSignInOptions.DEFAULT_SIGN_IN
=> Result) Login is successful,
But error occurred in getCurrentPlayer
(17: Error resolution was canceled by the user, original error message: CANCELED: null) or
(17: API: Games.API is not available on this device. Connection failed with: {statusCode=INVALID_ACCOUNT, resolution=null, message=null})

FirebaseAuthWithPlayGames Fatal Exception: java.lang.RuntimeException Caused by java.lang.IllegalArgumentException Given String is empty or null

Hello I have a fully working code for signing in a Player by Google Play Games Sign in. See this code snippet
GoogleSignInOptions gso = new GoogleSignInOptions.Builder(GoogleSignInOptions.DEFAULT_GAMES_SIGN_IN)
mGoogleSignInClient = GoogleSignIn.getClient(start.this, gso);
mGoogleApiClient = new GoogleApiClient.Builder(this)
.addApi(Auth.GOOGLE_SIGN_IN_API, gso)
private void startSignInIntent() {
GoogleSignInClient googleSignInClient = GoogleSignIn.getClient(this, GoogleSignInOptions.DEFAULT_GAMES_SIGN_IN);
Intent intent = googleSignInClient.getSignInIntent();
startActivityForResult(intent, RC_SIGN_IN);
protected void onActivityResult(int requestCode, int resultCode, Intent data) {
super.onActivityResult(requestCode, resultCode, data);
if (requestCode == RC_SIGN_IN) {
GoogleSignInResult result = Auth.GoogleSignInApi.getSignInResultFromIntent(data);
if (result.isSuccess()) {
// The signed in account is stored in the result.
GoogleSignInAccount signedInAccount = result.getSignInAccount();
assert signedInAccount != null;
Toast.makeText(start.this, "Google Play Games Connectet", Toast.LENGTH_SHORT).show();
} else {
String message = result.getStatus().getStatusMessage();
new AlertDialog.Builder(this).setMessage(message)
.setNeutralButton(android.R.string.ok, null).show();
The code above works perfektly. But if I want to trigger the following method the game crashes, and gets me the error in the title.
private void firebaseAuthWithPlayGames(GoogleSignInAccount acct) {
Log.d(TAG, "firebaseAuthWithPlayGames:" + acct.getId());
AuthCredential credential = PlayGamesAuthProvider.getCredential(acct.getServerAuthCode());
.addOnCompleteListener(this, task -> {
if (task.isSuccessful()) {
// Sign in success, update UI with the signed-in user's information
Log.d(TAG, "signInWithCredential:success");
FirebaseUser user = mAuth.getCurrentUser();
} else {
// If sign in fails, display a message to the user.
Log.w(TAG, "signInWithCredential:failure", task.getException());
Toast.makeText(start.this, "Authentication failed.",
// ...
I trigger this method by calling it in the on ActivityResult of startSignInIntent like this:
protected void onActivityResult(int requestCode, int resultCode, Intent data) {
super.onActivityResult(requestCode, resultCode, data);
if (requestCode == RC_SIGN_IN) {
GoogleSignInResult result = Auth.GoogleSignInApi.getSignInResultFromIntent(data);
if (result.isSuccess()) {
// The signed in account is stored in the result.
GoogleSignInAccount signedInAccount = result.getSignInAccount();
assert signedInAccount != null;
---------> firebaseAuthWithPlayGames(signedInAccount); <-----------
Toast.makeText(start.this, "Google Play Games Connectet", Toast.LENGTH_SHORT).show();
} else {
String message = result.getStatus().getStatusMessage();
new AlertDialog.Builder(this).setMessage(message)
.setNeutralButton(android.R.string.ok, null).show();
I hope someone has faced this issue and can help.
I believe this is because it is not getting the token correctly between Game Services and Firebase
You have to configure the web app that is linked to the same game in the play console. Then copy the client id from the web app and paste it into the setup dialog for the plugin.
Steps are here...
Double check these steps:
Enable Google Play Games as a sign-in provider:
Find your project's web server client ID and client secret. The web server client ID identifies your Firebase project to the Google Play auth servers.
To find these values:
Open your Firebase project in the Google APIs console credentials page.
In the OAuth 2.0 client IDs section, open the Web client (auto created by Google Service) details page. This page lists your web server client ID and secret.
Then, in the Firebase console, open the Authentication section.
On the Sign in method tab, enable the Play Games sign-in provider. You will need to specify your project's web server client ID and client secret, which you got from the APIs console.
I think I might have just bumped into the exact same issue you have experienced earlier. I see, already 1 year have passed since your question, but I hope maybe it still can help you or others.
I was doing the integration of Firebase with my existing game that had Google Play Games Services. I wanted Firebase to use Play Games authentication, but after I have done everything according to the manual, the sign-in into Firebase was unsuccessful with the error message: Given String is empty or null.
I have figured out that actually there was no problem with the code, nor with the integration setup. The solution was that simply I had to log out from my Google account and re-login again.
I think, at the time when I last logged in to my Google account and Games Services in my app, the info about the Firebase integration setup was not existing there yet, so my cached account on my phone did not know about it at all. The re-login refreshed the settings in the cache and the following authCode request could finally successfully return the needed string:
String authCode = signedInAccount.getServerAuthCode();

Android Google Auth Sign In get Id token handleSignInResult:false

I am setting GoogleSignInOptions and Google Api Client like this
GoogleSignInOptions gso = new GoogleSignInOptions.Builder(GoogleSignInOptions.DEFAULT_SIGN_IN)
mGoogleApiClient = new GoogleApiClient.Builder(this)
.enableAutoManage(this /* FragmentActivity */, this /* OnConnectionFailedListener */)
.addApi(Auth.GOOGLE_SIGN_IN_API, gso)
and my google web app client id like this:
but always at onActivityResult
if (requestCode == RC_SIGN_IN) {
GoogleSignInResult result = Auth.GoogleSignInApi.getSignInResultFromIntent(data);
is returning false
where am i doing wrong here :S
onStart Section
OptionalPendingResult<GoogleSignInResult> opr = Auth.GoogleSignInApi.silentSignIn(mGoogleApiClient);
if (opr.isDone()) {
// If the user's cached credentials are valid, the OptionalPendingResult will be "done"
// and the GoogleSignInResult will be available instantly.
Log.d(TAG, "Got cached sign-in");
// GoogleSignInResult result = opr.get();
// handleSignInResult(result);
} else {
// If the user has not previously signed in on this device or the sign-in has expired,
// this asynchronous branch will attempt to sign in the user silently. Cross-device
// single sign-on will occur in this branch.
opr.setResultCallback(new ResultCallback<GoogleSignInResult>() {
public void onResult(GoogleSignInResult googleSignInResult) {
onStop section
protected void onStop() {
if (mGoogleApiClient.isConnected()) {
private void handleSignInResult(GoogleSignInResult result) {
Log.e(TAG, "handleSignInResult:" + result.isSuccess());
if (result.isSuccess()) {
// Signed in successfully, show authenticated UI.
final GoogleSignInAccount acct = result.getSignInAccount();
Log.e(TAG, acct.getDisplayName());
I am also facing the same issue.First remove the current OAuth client ID,after that create one more OAuth client ID.Its worked for me.
Are you getting error 12501? I also had this issue because I was using debug.keystore which comes with the SDK (for some reason unknown to me, it didn't work). I created a new one on my own, got SHA-1 hash from it, entered in Google API console and then it worked.
Be sure you set up signing configs for both debug and release builds with the new keystore.
Follow all the step!!..
Release APK and debug APK has different SHA1 and different API keys for google services. Both of them must be added in Firebase Console -> Project settings. Then download google-services.json from here, add it to project and recompile with release keystore using the option "Build signed APK". That should work
and also read carefully...
I believe that you need a call to client.connect(); as per documentation example:
GoogleApiClient client = new GoogleApiClient.Builder(this)
Or is it missing from your question and you are calling connect somwhere else in your code?

ArgumentException: Precondition failed.: !string.IsNullOrEmpty(authorization.RefreshToken) with Service Account for Google Admin SDK Directory access

I'm trying to access the Google Directory using a Service Account. I've fiddled with the DriveService example to get this code:
public static void Main(string[] args)
var service = BuildDirectoryService();
var results = service.Orgunits.List(customerID).Execute();
foreach (var orgUnit in results.OrganizationUnits)
static DirectoryService BuildDirectoryService()
X509Certificate2 certificate = new X509Certificate2(SERVICE_ACCOUNT_PKCS12_FILE_PATH, "notasecret",
var provider = new AssertionFlowClient(GoogleAuthenticationServer.Description, certificate)
Scope = DirectoryService.Scopes.AdminDirectoryOrgunit.GetStringValue()
var auth = new OAuth2Authenticator<AssertionFlowClient>(provider, AssertionFlowClient.GetState);
return new DirectoryService(new BaseClientService.Initializer()
Authenticator = auth,
ApplicationName = "TestProject1",
When I run it, I get
ArgumentException: Precondition failed.: !string.IsNullOrEmpty(authorization.RefreshToken)
I'm going round in circles in the Google documentation. The only stuff I can find about RefreshTokens seems to be for when an individual is authorizing the app and the app may need to work offline. Can anyone help out or point me in the direction of the documentation that will, please.
Service Account authorization actually do not return Refresh Token - so this error makes sense. Do you know where this is coming from?
I am not too familiar with the .NET client library but having the full error trace would help.
As a longshot - The error might be a bad error -
Can you confirm that you've enabled the Admin SDK in the APIs console for this project
Can you confirm that you whitelisted that Client ID for the service account in the domain you are testing with (along with the Admin SDK scopes)
The above code will work if you replace the provider block with:
var provider = new AssertionFlowClient(GoogleAuthenticationServer.Description, certificate)
Scope = DirectoryService.Scopes.AdminDirectoryOrgunit.GetStringValue(),
ServiceAccountUser = SERVICE_ACCOUNT_USER //""
I had seen this in another post and tried it with my standard user account and it didn't work. Then I read something that suggested everything had to be done with an admin account. So, I created a whole new project, using my admin account, including creating a new service account, and authorising it. When I tried it, it worked. So, then I put the old service account details back in but left the admin account in. That worked, too.

Exception thrown when WebAuthenticationBroker receives an OAuth2 callback

The WebAuthenticationBroker doesn't seem to be able to handle navigation to my ms-app://. Just throws this ugly error as you will see below.
Call AuthenticateAsync(), including callback uri obtained at runtime: WebAuthenticationBroker.GetCurrentApplicationCallbackUri()
Go through authorize process, hit Allow.
Instead of returning, the broker shows the page Can't connect to service. We can't connect to the service you need right now. Unable to do anything, so I hit the Back button visible.
Debugger breaks on catch: "The specified protocol is unknown. (Exception from HRESULT: 0x800C000D)"
The callback for WebAuthenticationBroker.AuthenticateAsync() is received (according to Fiddler4 & the Event Viewer) but it throws the aforementioned exception as if it doesn't know how to interpret the ms-app:// protocol.
All examples imply my code should work but I think there's something less obvious causing an issue.
private static string authorizeString =
private Uri startUri = new Uri(authorizeString);
public async void RequestToken() {
try {
var war = await WebAuthenticationBroker.AuthenticateAsync(
, startUri);
// Imgur knows my redirect URI, so I am not passing it through here
if (war.ResponseStatus == WebAuthenticationStatus.Success) {
var token = war.ResponseData;
} catch (Exception e) { throw e; }
Event Viewer log excerpts (chronological order)
For information on how I obtained this, read the following MSDN: Web authentication problems (Windows). Unfortunately this is the only search result when querying authhost.exe navigation error.
Information: AuthHost redirected to URL: <ms-app://s-1-15-2-504558873-2277781482-774653033-676865894-877042302-1411577334-1137525427/#access_token=------&expires_in=3600&token_type=bearer&refresh_token=------&account_username=------> from URL: <> with HttpStatusCode: 302.
Error: AuthHost encountered a navigation error at URL: <> with StatusCode: 0x800C000D.
Information: AuthHost encountered Meta Tag: mswebdialog-title with content: <Can't connect to the service>.
Thanks for reading, Stack. Don't fail me now!
Afaik, you need to pass the end URL to AuthenticateAsync even if you assume that the remote service knows it.
The way WebAuthenticationBroker works is like the following: you specify an "endpoint" URL and when it encounters a link that starts with this URL, it will consider the authentication process complete and doesn't even try navigating to this URL anymore.
So if you specify "foo://bar" as callback URI, navigating to "foo://bar" will finish the authentication, as will "foo://barbaz", but not "foo://baz".
Resolved! #ma_il helped me understand how the broker actually evaluates the redirect callback and it led me back to square one where I realized I assumed WebAuthenticationOptions.UseTitle was the proper usage. Not so. Up against Imgur's API using a token, it requires WebAuthenticationOptions.None and it worked immediately.
As an example to future answer-seekers, here's my code.
private const string clientId = "---------";
private static Uri endUri = WebAuthenticationBroker.GetCurrentApplicationCallbackUri();
private static string authorizeString = ""
+ "client_id="
+ clientId
+ "&response_type=token"
+ "&state=somestateyouwant"
+ "&redirect_uri="
+ endUri;
private Uri startUri = new Uri(authorizeString);
public async void RequestToken() {
try {
WebAuthenticationResult webAuthenticationResult =
await WebAuthenticationBroker.AuthenticateAsync(WebAuthenticationOptions.None
, startUri
, endUri);
if (webAuthenticationResult.ResponseStatus == WebAuthenticationStatus.Success) {
string token = webAuthenticationResult.ResponseData;
// now you have the token
} catch { throw; }