Why React native navigation loads all components at the same time? - react-native

I am using react native navigation v2 by wix. I have a welcome screen with login screen and register. I start the startAuth.js from App.js. There are two tabs with login and register.
But as soon as app starts the componentWillMount methods runs in the register screen but yet i am at login tab.
Why is this happening?

react-native-navigation's Tab does not support lazy loading. But there are two special lifecyle functions where you can put your logic when component appear or disappear on screen
componentDidAppear(): called each time this component appears on screen
componentDidDisappear(): called each time this component disappears from screen
There is also a discussion about topic https://github.com/wix/react-native-navigation/issues/1250


Expo, usePreventScreenCapture how can i use preventCapture in modal? (React native)

I wanted to prevent screen shots in my app, similar to how Netflix uses PreventScreenCapture. I found the Expo package 'expo-screen-capture' and tried using the usePreventScreenCapture hook, but it only works for the current screen. This is a problem because I have a modal in my app, and it is not considered part of the current screen. Is there a way I can prevent screen shots from being taken of the entire app, even when the modal is displayed? I tried declaring the usePreventScreenCapture hook in the main component (which is at the top of the routes), but it doesn't seem to work for the modal.
*: I try declare inside the modal component too

React navigation modals on react native web - Prevent url path update

I have a react native app that we are implementing the react native web version using: React native web, the app uses the latests react native navigation library.
So far, mostly everything is working except for modals, the problem that i have is that when i open a modal, the URL path on web updates (I.E: from /signup if i open a modal it switch to /legalAgreementModal?QUERY_PARAMS....), so if i refresh the page the modal works but i can't close the modal anymore. I thought about adding a conditional on the modal to goBack if there is anything to go back to, but the problem is that i have too many modals that can go back to different screens so it will be a huge change if i have to add that logic to every modal.
My question is, is there a way to avoid modals to update my path? So if user refresh they lost the modal but they are on the original screen? Perhaps another workaround that you guys may know could help also!.
I tried adding a conditional on modal close action, adding empty string as the modal path.

is there any way to reload app with button is pressed in react native expo?

My drawer items like login user name doesn't get refreshed when presses logout...but when i save my code in visual studio code then app rebuilt and it shows drawer items updated...I want to do it when a user press button in drawer items the whole app should reload automatically.I make react native app using expo.
tried react-native-restart
Basically, when your program performs login or logout, you should update the login/logout text and call setState() in your drawer component to re-render it. In case your drawer is using FlatList, or some PureComponent, you can only re-render it via update props.
For more details, you should provide more code so we can take a look.

How can I show a splash screen in React Native with React Native Navigation while loading app Redux state?

I am trying to integrate React Native Navigation by Wix into my application and am not sure how to go about setting things up to handle a loading phase.
The library has a splash screen at the native layer but that is only displayed while the bundle is being parsed. Once that is complete and React Native takes over, I then rehydrate my Redux store (from Redux-Persist), make a couple checks, call out to an API to validate a token, and redirect the user to the proper screen. While all of this is happening, I want to display a loading screen but have no idea how to go about it using this library.
I don't want to show my app or let the user use the app until all of the loading and checks have completed.
Is this possible with this library? If so, how do I set it up? My navigation is tab based, no side drawer.
There're 2 options for you:
1. Call Navigation.startSingleApp with the only screen is "Loading Screen" when app start. At that time, you call rehydrate redux. When the call back invoked, you call Navigation.start (single or tab) to your main screen
2. Design the registerScreen with route "Loading" for loading screen. When app start, call Navigation.startSingleApp for the loading screen. On "componentDidMount" of loading screen, call rehydrate redux, when call back invoke, push to Main screen

cread custom splash / launch screen using an animated svg

I am trying to add an animated SVG as an application loader in a React native app. Their docs don't offer any solution on how I could approach this.
Back when I was working on a react native project, we had used a simple method to achieve splash screen effect.
We had called setTimeout() in componentDidMount() to navigate to the home-screen after 2 seconds. Also, we used to check whether the user is logged-in. If so, we'd navigate straight to the home screen skipping the annoying splash screen altogether.