SQL Server Dark Theme -- Drop down menu too dark, how do I change it? - sql

I have enabled the 'Dark Theme' on SQL Server 2017. It is all great, but when I right click in my Object Explorer on a task or something, it is too dark to read. Does anyone know how to change this? See screenshot for what I mean.
I've gone through tools -> environment -> fonts and colors and tried to find where these settings would be, but I'm sure what this element is called.

SSMS Dark Theme is still technically under development and not complete, to enable it you have to do a workaround in the first place modifying text files and uncommenting out some value (I forget the exact file). This is the best you get, unfortunately.


Remove PhpStorm blue tab underline

How can I remove the blue underline?
ATM you cannot.
It was introduced to make currently active tab more visible in Darcula GUI Theme (IDEA-131683, IDEA-103206) where tab backgrounds are too similar. Check comments there (mainly first ticket).
So far the best match would be https://youtrack.jetbrains.com/issue/IDEA-168708 -- watch this ticket (star/vote/comment) to get notified on any progress.
In meantime please try Active IntelliJ Tab Highlighter plugin -- it may provide such functionality (was created by one of the users before this new tab highlighting functionality was introduced) -- it's customizable so may not have such underline at all.
Your image link is broken.
Please, try to follow this path step by step:
File/Settings/Editor/Color Scheme/General
This General screen can remove with checkbox disable all underline
Also, you can look this image.
I hope have been helping you.

SSMS System Functions not right color

I recently installed SSMS 2016 and when I opened some code I have saved it looked a little strange. Then I noticed that a lot of keywords were not the right color. I figured out that all System Functions were not being colored correctly in the text editor. I did some digging but nothing I tried worked. I eventually went to try and manually set the color of the system functions by going Tools-->Options-->Environment-->Fonts and Colors. I could not find "SQL- System Functions" anywhere. Actually all of the list options that start with "SQL" were not available. I took a screenshot of the menu for reference.
Does anyone know how to fix this? the functions still work but its driving me nuts.Missing Font and Color option

Eclipse SQL Editor normal text color

I was able to change all the other SQL syntax coloring in Eclipse Preferences, but the normal (non-Sql-syntactic) text is still black and I couldn't find where to find the setting for that. Black text is kind of hard to read against an almost black background. Thank you!
If you are looking for the place to change the Text Editor color settings, go to Preferences->General->Editors->Text Editors, select "Foreground color" in "Appearance color options", uncheck "System Default", click on the color and choose the color you want.
If you want to change the SQL Editor color settings, go to Preferences->Data Management->SQL Development->SQL Editor->Syntax Coloring.
Edit: You need to change the "Others" item in SQL Editor's syntax coloring. It's working on my Mac, anyway. First uncheck "Default foreground color" and then choose the color you want.
Edit: For those not seeing the change, after selecting "Apply and Close", you must Restart your workspace to see the changes.
File -> Restart
Alexis Dufrenoy is absolutely right:
If you want to change the SQL Editor color settings, go to Preferences->Sata Management->SQL Development->SQL Editor->Syntax Coloring.
Edit: You need to change the "Others" item in SQL Editor's syntax coloring. It's working on my Mac, anyway. First uncheck "Default foreground color" and then choose the color you want.
Just in Luna release I have to restart Eclipse every time after changing SQL syntax coloring (other editors work without restart).
Its strange, but with Windows 7 its the only way.
I was having trouble with the existing answers on Version: 2019-03 (4.11.0)
Change the color of the "Others" option here to change the black text
You may also find it useful to similarly change the other options like "Single Quoted String" (blue default) , "Type" (purple default)
Since 2019-03-14 there is standalone and very simple SQL editor plugin available at eclipse marketplace: https://marketplace.eclipse.org/content/sql-editor - it's just for editing SQL files, syntax highlighting and contains an experimental SQL formatter. It has full customizable colour preferences and also good looking defaults for dark theme - see https://github.com/de-jcup/eclipse-sql-editor/wiki
It is open source, works out of the box, is small and has no dependencies.
So it could be a good alternative.
PS: I am the author of the mentioned plugin.

Multiple "right margins" or guides in PHPStorm

PHPStorm has a vertical line on what they call the "right margin" which is set by default to 120 characters or columns...
Given that PSR standards state There MUST NOT be a hard limit on line length; the soft limit MUST be 120 characters; lines SHOULD be 80 characters or less., it'd be nice if I could get another visual indicator at the 80 character mark...
I'm well aware that it says what line/column you're on in the status bar, but I typically hide most panels (status bar included) while coding.
Therefore, is there a way (feature or plugin) that would allow me to add a 2nd vertical line to indicate the 80th column?
It is not currently possible .. and no plugin comes into my mind.
https://youtrack.jetbrains.com/issue/IDEA-99875 -- star/vote/comment to get notified on progress.
P.S. Considering that this is rather PHP/Python specific (other languages do not care about this) .. I would not expect JB to have it implemented in nearest future...
I suggest the following workaround, it works for me on PhpStorm 9.0:
Open Settings page (usually Ctrl+Alt+S), go to Plugins -> Browse Repositories
Find and install BackgroundImage plugin
Restart IDE, it may output an error, something like "unknown protocol d" - don't worry, go forth
Make an image with height=1px, and width=(desired width of additional margin). Give it, say, white background and paint one rightmost pixel to say, black. I took a screenshot of an editor and cropped it in PS, to avoid annoying search and adjustment of the image width. Every change of background image requires to restart PhpStorm.
Open Settings again, goto Other settings -> BackgroundImage
Set Enabled checkbox, browse your created image, and check the FileSystem radio button
Restart IDE again and change the margin and you will get two margins
The image is left-aligned, so when you resize an editor on x-axis (move the splitter between Editor and Project View or File System View, etc.), the margin will remain truthy.
Some side-effects - it appears also on console window, event log, perhaps somewhere else.
If the plugin doesn't work, check out this page (there said that most JetBrains plugins should work on all products on IntelliJ Platform, and some workaround if they does not): http://www.jetbrains.org/intellij/sdk/docs/basics/getting_started/plugin_compatibility.html
ADDED: Doesn't work with scaling an editor (Ctrl + MouseWheel) - the scale of the image (fake margin), remains the same and the margin becomes not truthy.
In the latest PHPStorm, this is now possible. This would be PHPStorm 2017.3. The instructions on the ticket mentioned in the accepted answer explains it quite well:
Will be available in the next EAP build. You can set it up at
Settings|Editor|Code Style|Visual guides for all languages or on
"Wrapping and Braces" tab for a specific language ("Other" tab for
XML/HTML). You can change the visual indent guide color at
Settings|Editor|Color Scheme|General|Guides|Visual guides. Please
submit separate reports if you find any problems.
I personally found the setting in Settings|Editor|Code Style|PHP|Wrapping and Braces|Visual guides. It should be there for every language.

Change menu and window theme in IntelliJ

I'm using the Darcula theme in Intelli IDEAJ because it is easier on the eyes, but it seems to only affect the editor.
It really doesn't do much for me, since everything else (menus, etc.) are unaffected and contrast harshly.
Is there a way for me to change these as well?
I believe I saw someone do this once, but I may have been mistaken and looking at another IDE.
Quickest way: View menu -> Quick Switch Scheme -> 5. Switch Look and Feel -> Darcula
You need to also change Appearance theme in Preferences.
(It's confusing that changing the theme doesn't actually change the theme in the whole IDE.)