Converting Existing vue application into a vue CLI project - vue.js

I have an Existing Vue js app which was not built using Vue CLI, Now I want to convert this app to a Vue CLI project how can I achieve it and what changes I have to make to my existing app in order to make it successful


How to create web component for third party website with Vue 3.x

Recently I migrated my web application to Vue 3 which is implemented with Vue 2 earlier. This app is using as a web component for other websites with different frameworks. In vue 2 once the application is build as web component it is nicely generating the the compressed version of js files and can add to other website direcly. In vue 2 I used below command to build the web component.
vue-cli-service build --target wc --name widget-v2 ./src/components/EntryComponent.vue
It is generating the js files and we can simply import that files to other website and add the web component tag like : <widget-v2></widget-v2> to html and it works.
But once I migrated the app to Vue 3 when I try to build the app as web component it is showing the below error.
I search through internet and found out we have to change the build command like below.
vue-cli-service build --target lib --name widget-v3 src/components/EntryComponent.vue
But the issue is once the js files are generated and when I import the js to other web page and add the tag same as easier it does not work.
I checked the demo.html how the widget added in there. But it is different from earlier than Vue2 version which is added like this. But we can pass props in this method which I tried and generated errors.
My question is how can we add the web component as simply as in Vue 2 when we use Vue 3.

how to enable hot reload in newly created vue js project?

I am new to Vuejs. I have created a Vuejs project, but I have to re-run the project each time to reflect the changes in browser. The project is created by(default vue 3)
vue create projectname
Look into VITE. It's made by the same guy who made vuejs. It does what you're asking about with Hot module replacement (changes made show up instantly in the browser). It's amazing. I'm not sure if you can update an existing project to use vite, but it's dead easy to start a new vue3 project with vite.

How to adapt Vue component for browser build?

I have a legacy web application which I have introduced Vue into in a few places, via CDN. I have upgraded it from Vue 2 to Vue 3. There is a component used there which breaks with Vue 3, but there is a Vue 3 version of it. However, the author states this: "The component is packaged mainly for use with bundlers, if you require a browser build - post an issue." I do require a browser build. Is there some easy way I can do this for myself? I wasn't planning to use a bundler for this application, so I'm hoping I can use the existing modules to create a .js file I can use from the browser?

Vue CLI create separate bundle for Vue

Hi I want to initiate Vue application from separate project and import Vue components to it by another project. When working on I got an issue between multiple Vue instances . To solve that I'm trying to create separate bundle for Vue and try to initiate application on separate project by it which uses to create components. How to create separate bundle for Vue which can be used from different projects?
Hi for reference any one. Inside webpackconfig under externals can define as Vue : ['Vue'].

I've a project created with VUE CLI and I've installed vue-electron-builder plugin

I've a vue project created with vue cli 3 and I've installed vue-electron-builder plugin to make electron app with vuejs. Now I've an existing electron app and I want to move the files from the existing electron app to the vue project but I'm confused :(
Build your vue-electron5 project through
Then, insert the file associated with the vue from the renderer path and set it to the electron in the new project with the existing electron settings.