SAP PowerDesigner - alter model with SQL - sap

I have a SQL script which fixes/alters the production DB schema (deployed from current PDM).
I need to mirror the same changes to the current PDM. Is there a way to run the same SQL script somewhere within the PowerDesigner so the PDM updates exactly the same instead of doing it manually step-by-step?


Copy Database from server to local DB (I need copy only structure, without data)

I have a one problem. I have a database(MSSQL) on some server. I need copy this DB on my local DB. But! This DB is huge 7gb. I don't need data from this DB. I need just copy structure of this DB (What I mean about structure - all DB, all tables, connections, etc. (!!!But I don't need a data from this tables)). How I understand it - It will clean DB with the same structure.
I have no idea how implement it. I read what I can do it using PowerShell, Git and SQL manager. But i didn't find example. Could you tell me something about it?
Right click on your Database => Tasks => Generate Scripts
Screenshots shows this on a System Database. Don't do this on system databases.
Select the Tables / Views / Stored Procedures you want.
Change the scripting options depending on your preferences/requirements.
Generate the script
If you use MS SQL Server Management Studio, you can right-click on the tables you want to have in your other db -> Generate Script for -> Create -> and then choose one opion.
Only drawback is, that you have to do that for every table individually.

Azure SQL, Copy most of a database into an existing one (not new one) same server

I know I can clone DB into a new one with
CREATE DATABASE Database1_copy AS COPY OF Database1;
and this goes flawesly, except in Azure, where db properties are managed by Azure portal, so I am try to find a way to copy most of the schema/resources/data into an EXISTING DB
would be great for:
CLONE DATABASE Database_test AS COPY OF Database_production
[even first approach has been to "clone" the entire db, indeed few tables on destination db should be kept, so better approach would be to CLONE EVERYTHING EXCEPT ('table1','table2'). Actually plan to achieving this by scripting the few tables needed on destination db and overwriting them after import, but bet solution would be the other]
You can do this in several ways:
Through the Azure Portal
Open your database in the Azure Portal(
In the overview blade of your database select the "copy" option
Fill in the parameters, in which server would you like the copy
Using a sql server client and connecting to the server
Open your SQL Server blade in Azure
Select the "Firewall" option
Click on "Add client IP"
Connect to your database with your connection string and your favorite client, could be SSMS
Execute your sql query to clone the database in the same server
-- Copy a SQL database to the same server
-- Execute on the master database.
-- Start copying.
CREATE DATABASE Database1_copy AS COPY OF Database1;
The above SQL statement works perfectly fine as expected in Azure SQL Database.
Important Notes:
Log on to the master database (System Databases) using the
server-level principal login or the login that created the
database you want to copy.
Logins that are not the server-level principal must be members of
the dbmanager role in order to copy databases.
Use updated version of the SQL Server Management Studio

How to backup script for subset of tables in SQL Express DB

I have developed a SQL Express database. I need to backup all but one table in that database in an automated way. I was thinking i could write a SQL script to do this, trigger it using sqlcmd from a batch file but not sure how to write that SQL script.
I was also thinking, if nothing else possible, i could create a second db that has the tables i want to backup then i write a script that copys data 'into' the second db and then do a auto backup of that entire db. This has the disadvantage of having a procrastinated unpacking of that backup when wanting to use it - its not a small install script.
Is this a possibility, is it the only option or is there tools for SQL Express to do this?
There is no option to exclude just one table while backing up .Few things i could think of
1.Right click database ->Tasks ->generate scripts ->exclude the table you want and choose to save the script and run this every time could also choose Export option,but since you are using SQL Express,you wont have the option to save this package
Keep the large table in a different database and just backup the original database. You can still use the large table even in a different database, i.e.
FROM MyDb.dbo.SomeTable s
JOIN OtherDb.dbo.LargeTable l
ON (expression);

How to make a copy of a database in SQL Server

I can't seem to find any SQL that will clone one database in SQL Server within the same server.
Let's say I have a database called MyDB. I simply want to make a copy of MyDB to MyDb2. I thought that this would work:
But I get this error when I try to execute it:
Backup device 'DbTestBack' does not exist. To view existing backup devices, use the sys.backup_devices catalog view. To create a new backup device use either sp_addumpdevice or SQL Server Management Studio.
Does anyone know what the best way to do this is? I want an exact duplicate of the original including security permissions.
A simple way is taking a back up copy of current DB and restoring it.
You Can do this in single step with a simple script
backup database MyDB
to disk='D:\MyDB.bak';
restore database MyDB2
from disk='D:\MyDB.bak'
WITH move 'MyDB_Data' to 'D:\MyDB2_Data.mdf',
move 'MyDB_log' to 'D:\MyDB2_Data.ldf';
Note: I made an assumption on your current data file and log file name (MyDB_Data, MyDB_log), you need to check them and make correct
DBAtools is your friend here.
Use Copy-DbaDatabase
Copy-DbaDatabase -Source SRV1 -Destination SRV1 -Database myDB -BackupRestore -SharedPath \\<<your temporary server location such as c:\temp>>

How do I programmatically check if Infomatica target database table is being locked?

Is there a way to check if a target table is being locked in your target database in Informatica PowerCenter for an ETL workflow load (L) process? Or is it possible to get a list of all locked tables within all Informatica sessions? If there is a way to check what tables are being locked directly in Netezza DBMS, that's fine too.
Querying the system table _T_PG_LOCKS in Netezza will show which locks are currently active. You can do this in a mapping using a Lookup, SQL or Stored Procedure transformation, and apply logic based on the output.
There is also a Netezza utility called nz_show_locks that can be found in the 'bin' folder of an installation - this is handy if you need to retrieve locks at a Workflow level using a command task, if for example you only wanted to execute a Session task if there are no locks on the DB.