vuejs undefined value when switching template - vue.js

I'm porting a list to a table to further expand out the columns in the future, but I'm running into an undefined variable error, which I don't understand.
Here's the existing list:
<ul class="collection with-header">
<li class="collection-item" v-for="day in days">
<drop #drop="function(data, event) { handleDrop(data, day, event); }">
<div>{{ day.getLabel() }}</div>
<drag class="chip" v-for="meal in day.meals">{{ meal.title }}<i class="close material-icons" v-on:click="deleteMeal(meal)">close</i></drag>
And here's the new table:
<tr class="collection-item" v-for="day in days">
<td>{{ day.getLabel() }}</td>
<drop #drop="function(data, event) { handleDrop(data, day, event); }" tag="td">
<drag class="chip" v-for="meal in day.meals">{{ meal.title }}<i class="close material-icons" v-on:click="deleteMeal(meal)">close</i></drag>
When running the code, I get a "day is not defined" error, which seems to occur on the drag line as commenting it out fixes the error. What I don't understand is why that variable isn't defined. In both an element has access to the day object to get its label, but in the drop tag, which is identical in both examples, the day object is now out of scope.
Is there something about tables specifically that is causing a problem here?

The problem is that the replacement of the component tag with the tag passed to it in the props occurs after the template is transformed into DOM. And in the case of a table, tags that are not allowed to be inside the table are transferred to the DOM before the table:
new Vue({
el: "#app"
table {
border: 4px solid green;
td {
border: 1px solid red;
<script src=""></script>
<div id="app">
<td>First column</td>
<component :is="'td'" tag="td">Second column</component>
<td>Third column</td>
And, accordingly, there will be no variable day in tr scope. So do not use in this case the attribute tag:
<tr class="collection-item" v-for="day in days">
<td>{{ day.label }}</td>
<drop #drop="function(data, event) { handleDrop(data, day, event); }">
<drag class="chip" v-for="meal in day.meals">{{ meal.title }}
<i class="close material-icons" v-on:click="deleteMeal(meal)">x</i>


Vue - change/set a variable value in template

Working in Vue, I am trying to set a variable based on another variable within the template. This is within a loop, and I need to set a value that can be used in 'next' iteration of the loop (to change the way a table is rendered, based on the variable).
I have the following:
<tbody v-for="(lo,index) in learn" :key="">
<td colspan="2">LO{{index+1}} {{lo.attributes.field_lo}}</td>
<td v-if="!nextDist"> </td>
v-for="(pass,index) in lo.attributes.field_pass"
>P{{pStep()}} {{pass}}</div>
v-for="(merit,index) in lo.attributes.field_merit"
>M{{mStep()}} {{merit}}</div>
<td v-if="lo.attributes.field_dshared && next" ***SET VALUE OF*** rowspan="3">
<span class="has-text-weight-bold">D{{dStep()}} </span>{{lo.attributes.field_dist}}
<td v-else-if="!lo.attributes.field_dshared" ***SET VALUE of*** ><span class="has-text-weight-bold">D{{dStep()}} </span>{{lo.attributes.field_dist}}
***else render nothing***
export default {
name: "SpecUnit",
components: {
data() {
return {
unit: "",
learn: "",
nextDist: "",
next: ""
What I'd like to be able to do is set the value of 'next' ( so that when the loop iterates, I can check to see if I should which of the I should render or render nothing (because we are 'rowspanning').
I've tried computed and methods, but can't seem to get this working. I've looked to use Vue.set, but I'm struggling with that.
I'm still new to Vue, so any help would be greatly appreciated.
It looks like Florian Reuschel had a similar problem and already solved it (although with some caveats)
Let's say we have something like that:
<!-- List.vue -->
<li v-for="id in users" :key="id">
<img :src="getUserData(id).avatar"><br>
🏷️ {{ getUserData(id).name }}<br>
🔗 {{ getUserData(id).homepage }}
His approach is to use a helper renderless component with a scoped slot
const Pass = {
render() {
return this.$scopedSlots.default(this.$attrs)
and then
<!-- List.vue -->
<Pass v-for="id in users" :key="id" :metadata="getUserData(id)">
<li slot-scope="{ metadata }">
<img :src="metadata.avatar"><br>
🏷️ {{ }}<br>
🔗 {{ metadata.homepage }}
If you take a look at the comments section on his blog article, you will see other approaches, too. For example, you can use an expression inside v-bind
<li v-for="id in users" :key="id" :demo="item = getUserData(id)">
<img :src="item.avatar" /><br />
🏷️ {{ }}<br />
🔗 {{ item.homepage }}

Vue Component data object property's behavior not as expected [Solved]

I have an app with a child component that makes a call to an api for a player's season stats. You click on the players name and I emit click event to child from Parent component. The problem is when you click on Players name from parent all instances of the child component are revealed. I just want the one player. I thought because I have a showComponent instance for each child by toggling this.showComponent in child would get my expected behavior but no.
methods: {
emitPlayerSeasonStatsClicked: function(event) {
const target =;
EventBus.$emit("showPlayerTemplateClicked", target);
template: `
<div v-for="playerStats in props_box_game_scores[index].data.gameboxscore.awayTeam.awayPlayers.playerEntry">
<tr v-if="playerStats.player.Position === 'P'" class="d-flex" v-bind:data-player-id="playerStats.player.ID">
<td class="col-4 justify-content-center" scope="row" title="Click for Season Stats">
{{playerStats.player.FirstName}} {{playerStats.player.LastName}}
<span v-if="playerStats.stats.Wins['#text'] === '1'">(W)</span>
<span v-else-if="playerStats.stats.Losses['#text'] === '1'">(L)</span>
<span v-else-if="playerStats.stats.Saves['#text'] === '1'">(S)</span>
<td class="col-2 justify-content-center" justify-content="center">
<td class="col-2 justify-content-center">{{playerStats.stats.RunsAllowed['#text']}}</td>
<td class="col-2 justify-content-center">{{playerStats.stats.PitcherStrikeouts['#text']}}</td>
<td class="col-2 justify-content-center">{{playerStats.stats.EarnedRunAvg['#text']}}
<pitcher-season-stats v-bind:props_player_id="playerStats.player.ID"></pitcher-season-stats>
cumlativeStats: Vue.component("player-season-stats", {
props: ["props_player_id"],
data: function() {
return {
Hits: "",
HR: "",
RBI: "",
BattingAvg: "",
showComponent: false
mounted: function() {
EventBus.$on("showPlayerTemplateClicked", function(data) {
this.showComponent = !this.showComponent;
methods: {
retrievePlayerStats: function(playerId) {
const url = ``;
const params = {
playerstats: "AB,H,HR,RBI,AVG",
force: true
template: `
<tr class="d-flex" v-if:showComponent>
<td #click="retrievePlayerStats(props_player_id)" class="col-4 justify-content-center" scope="row">
Season Stats</td>
<td class="col-2 justify-content-center" justify-content="center">
{{ Hits }}</td>
<td class="col-2 justify-content-center">{{ HR }}</td>
<td class="col-2 justify-content-center"> {{ BattingAvg }}</td>
<td class="col-2 justify-content-center">{{ RBI }}</td>
` // End template
Any suggestions welcome. Sorry for the formatting.
Updated Working Solution:
methods: {
emitPlayerSeasonStatsClicked: function($event) {
let playerId = $;
EventBus.$emit("showPlayerTemplateClicked", playerId);
<table #click="emitPlayerSeasonStatsClicked($event)" class="table table-striped table-bordered table-hover table-sm collapse" v-bind:class="'multi-collapse-' + index">
<tr v-if="playerStats.stats.AtBats['#text'] > 0" class="d-flex">
<td class="col-4 justify-content-center" :data-player-id='playerStats.player.ID' scope="row" title="Click for Season Stats">
{{playerStats.player.FirstName}} {{playerStats.player.LastName}} ({{playerStats.player.Position}})</td>
mounted: function() {
methods: {
onShowPlayerTemplateClicked: function(playerId) {
if (playerId === this.props_player_id) {
this.loading = true;
this.showComponent = !this.showComponent;
template: `
<transition name="fade">
<tr class="d-flex" v-if="showComponent">
<td v-if="!loading" class="col-4 justify-content-center" scope="row">
Season Stats</td>
<td class="col-2 justify-content-center" justify-content="center">
{{ Hits }}</td>
<td class="col-2 justify-content-center">{{ HR }}</td>
<td class="col-2 justify-content-center"> {{ BattingAvg }}</td>
<td class="col-2 justify-content-center">{{ RBI }}</td>
` // End template
The code provided doesn't actually call emitPlayerSeasonStatsClicked but I assume that's supposed to go on the <td> that includes the name.
If you write the click listener like this:
class="col-4 justify-content-center"
title="Click for Season Stats"
Then include the id as part of the event emitted by the event bus:
emitPlayerSeasonStatsClicked: function(playerId) {
EventBus.$emit("showPlayerTemplateClicked", playerId);
Listening for this in the mounted would be:
mounted: function() {
EventBus.$on("showPlayerTemplateClicked", this.onShowPlayerTemplateClicked);
with method:
methods: {
onShowPlayerTemplateClicked: function(playerId) {
if (playerId === this.props_player_id) {
this.showComponent = !this.showComponent;
Assuming the player ids are unique that should be enough to get it working.
The choice of an event bus to pass data to a child seems a poor one. There are several ways this could be done. One way would be to only create it when it's showing (external v-if). Another would be to use props. Yet another would be to use refs to call a method on the child.
I don't understand how your code ever toggled anything. The this value for the listener in mounted will not be the component. I've fixed that by moving it to a method, which Vue will bind correctly. Another reason to move this to a method is that it allows you to remove the listener when the component is destroyed.
v-if:showComponent is not a thing. I assume that should be v-if="showComponent".
Your <tr> elements seem to be immediate children of <div> elements. That isn't correct HTML for tables.

v-for look using curly brackets

I ran into a situation that I need to loop true items without producing any HTML. I expect the code to look something like this.
<table id="detailTable">
<th class='editRow'></th>
<th class='editRow'></th>
<!-- <th class='editRow'></th> -->
<th v-for='(columns, index) in $parent.columns' :key='index'>{{ firstLetterCaps(columns) }}</th>
{{ for (row, index) in $parent.results }}
<resultsRows v-for='(row, index) in $parent.results' :key='index' :row='row' :index='index' :deleteQueryObjects='$parent.deleteQueryObjects'></resultsRows>
<resultsCommentRow v-for='(row, index) in $parent.results' :index='index'></resultsCommentRow>
{{ end-for}}
To make it clear I expect instead of using <div v-for=item in items></div> to this { for item in items } { end for } does this exist for vue ?
There is no such a syntax in vuejs, if you want to loop on something without touching it you can use <template> like :
<template v-for="element in elements" >
template tag description from :
you can go deeper :
In your case :
<template v-for='(row, index) in $parent.results' >
<resultsRows :row='row' :index='index' :deleteQueryObjects = '$parent.deleteQueryObjects' />
<resultsCommentRow :index='index' />

Vue: How to conditionally render tr in tbody

I have a table body with multiple rows, such as this:
I want to conditionally combine v-if an v-for, to conditionally render one or more additional rows. The Vue manual says to wrap the v-for in a v-if, such as follows:
<div v-if="team.positions != null">
<my-row v-for="position in team.positions"
The problem is that I can't put a div in a tbody, or any other element for that matter. What's the solution?
In those situations where no element would fit, you can use <template>, like:
<template v-if="team.positions != null">
<my-row v-for="position in team.positions"
new Vue({
el: '#app',
data: {
showTwoRows: true
<script src=""></script>
<div id="app">
<template v-if="showTwoRows">
<button #click="showTwoRows = !showTwoRows">Toggle two middle rows</button>
Though in that specific example of yours, it doesn't seem needed. Have you tried simply not using the v-if:
<my-row v-for="position in team.positions"
Because the v-for just won't iterate (without throwing errors) if its value is undefined/null/0/[]/'':
new Vue({
el: '#app',
data: {
message: "If I'm being displayed, Vue works!",
team: {
positionsU: undefined,
positionsN: null,
positionsZ: 0,
positionsE: [],
positionsS: ''
<script src=""></script>
<div id="app">
<p>{{ message }}</p>
<tr v-for="position in team.positionsU"><td>u: {{ position }}</td></tr>
<tr v-for="position in team.positionsN"><td>n: {{ position }}</td></tr>
<tr v-for="position in team.positionsZ"><td>z: {{ position }}</td></tr>
<tr v-for="position in team.positionsE"><td>e: {{ position }}</td></tr>
<tr v-for="position in team.positionsS"><td>s: {{ position }}</td></tr>
<tr v-for="position in team.positionsF"><td>f: {{ position }}</td></tr>
You can use v-for and v-if on the same tag, however, it works differently to how you'd expect it to.
within the v-if you can reference the iterated item since v-for is performed before v-if
<div v-if="team.positions != null">
<my-row v-for="position in team.positions" v-if="position"
this would still iterate through all positions in team.positions, and not halt the for loop if the condition in the v-if was not met, but rather skip it.
think of it like this:
for (var i = 0; i < array.length-1; i++) {
if (array[i]) {
I am not sure if this is exactly what the original question is looking for, but I just had a similar issue where I wanted to ignore rendering rows where the price of a item was 0.
I ran into the problem using v-if in the <tr> containing the v-for. I solved it by simply using a v-show instead.
So this worked perfectly in my case.
<tr v-show="item.price !== 0" :key="item._id" v-for="item in items"> ... </tr>

Child component not updating when data chaining - why does :key need to be the value that changes?

I had a table row that was like this:
<tr v-for="(pricing, idx) in pricings"">
<td>$ {{pricing.unconfirmed_price_formatted}}
I wanted to migrate this table row to a component. However, when I change the underlying data (this.pricings), the child component doesn't update. I am calling it like this:
<pricing-row v-for="(pricing, idx) in pricings" :key=" + pricing.description" :pricing=pricing v-on:updateAfterSave="savedData" v-on:showModal="showAddEditModal"></pricing-row>
The strange thing is that the underlying array is changing - just this component is not properly updating.
It's also clear that if we use as a key the value that changes (unconfirmed_price_formatted in this case), it does update.
I'm a bit baffled by this behavior. Any ideas on what is wrong?
edit 1
here is the component:
<td v-if="localPricing.price">$ {{localPricing.price_formatted}} {{localPricing.units_display}}</td>
<td v-else> </td>
<td v-if="localPricing.unconfirmed_price">$ {{localPricing.unconfirmed_price_formatted}} {{localPricing.unconfirmed_units_display}}</td>
<td v-else> </td>
<td v-if="localPricing.state != 'deleted'">
<!-- button class="btn btn-outline-secondary" #click="willShowModalWithBattery(pricing)">edit</button -->
<button class="btn btn-outline-secondary" #click="showModal(pricing)">edit</button>
<td v-else> </td>
export default {
props: ['pricing'],
data: function(){
return {
localPricing: this.pricing
showModal: function(pricing){
this.$emit('showModal', pricing);