Unable to manually trigger pipeline - Trigger button grayed out - azure-data-factory-2

The trigger button is grayed out and disabled. I cannot select it.
Pipeline has been published and zero errors on validation.
Pipeline is running on a schedule with no errors, but want to run manually as needed.
Tried Edge and Chrome

Didn't repro on my side. Which browser do you use? Could you share a screenshot of the disabled trigger button?
It seems like a bug, here is a workaround:
on top of the trigger button, right click and then left click inspect
find the trigger tag and remove disable
What's your factory version? If it's preview (2018-07-01-preview), then publish/debug/trigger are all blocked. Please refresh the page and go to overview page, you will see a prompt dialog suggesting you move to GA version.


ALM Workflow - Script Editor - Update custom field on Refresh of Execution Grid

In HP ALM, using the Script Editor in Workflow, I created some code to count the number of fails for a selected test in the Test Execution grid. This calculation updates in the TestSetTests_MoveTo module. Not the most elegant solution since the user has to click every line to update, but it works.
My lead wants to have all of the values update on using the ALM Refresh button on the same page. I am looking through all of the different modules, but I don't see anywhere that I can add an update on refresh. Any ideas on how to accomplish this?
I figured out how to add functionality to the refresh button. I created a message box that showed the Action being performed when it was clicked. It's ExecutionGrid.RefeshAllExecGrid Then I added an if statement on ActionName to call my update code and it worked. Hopefully, this helps someone else.
**The misspelling is correct, unfortunately.

XamlSpy prevent me from doing actions

I installed XamlSpy using NuGet in my UWP app.
I debug my application and connect it successfully using the XamlSpy.
The problem is that every mouse hover is responses by XamlSpy what prevents me from clicking on buttons etc'...
How can I start inspect only when needed ?
I tried CTRL+Shift without success...
How can I start inspect only when needed
According to this article, Ctrl+Shift is worked for XAML Spy 2. By testing on my side, I guess you are using XAML Spy 3.
In that case, when you are using the XAML Spy desktop app to inspect, the "Select Visual" button which is for moving your mouse to the app, and click to select a visual in the user interface, is highlighted by default. You may need to click it to not highlight the button to stop inspecting, and click again can start inspecting again when you needed.

IntelliJ bug: project pane is not in sync and refresh button does not work

From time to time my project pane in IntelliJ stops to reflect it's contents correclty. If I drag file from package to package it forget to show the result in the pane, so that I need to close and open nodes to refresh. It is annoying.
Is it possible to refresh content so that it starts to work ok?
Refresh button does not help. Even orphan nodes persist if it is pressed:
Only collapse/expand helps. But once you delete something more, you need to collapse/expand once more.

Can't update Android Studio - no "Update and Restart" button

My Android Studio (0.4.3 now) often displays a message that is ready to update, but the alert does not have an "Update and Restart" button:
I want to install this update but I don't know how I can do this. After I click the "Remind Me Later" button few times, the fourth button on the left is sometimes visible, allowing me to download and install the update. I haven't discovered any pattern when this button shows up and when it doesn't.
Why isn't it always visible?
This is bug https://code.google.com/p/android/issues/detail?id=56737. If you dismiss the dialog and check for updates again, you usually get the button you're looking for. I don't know why this happens.
I have found a temporary solution for this problem (until they release a fix for it).
When Android Studio opens and the update popup shows up without the button, close it with the X button.
Press Ctrl+Shift+A to open action search dialog, enter Event Log and open it.
There will be a message telling that Android Studio is ready to update and the word update is a link that will open a window with an Update and restart button.
Actually this issue is kind a bug not really a bug :). This is what you need to do
When an update is available, you'll see a balloon notification in the IDE.
Two important known issues:
1. The first time, you'll see a dialog that asks you to accept this channel. You need to press "More info" to accept this channel, otherwise you won't get notified about updates.
2. If you press the "Ignore This Update" button, there is currently no mechanism available to revert that decision and Android Studio will never tell you about that update ever again.
For more info. visit : Android Tools Project Sitebelow is snap from android tools official site
I am not sure why the button is not available, It might be possible that the version you have currently can't be upgraded to the latest version directly.
In such cases follow the steps mentioned below :
Download the latest OS respective Android Studio as zip(sdk excluded) from here :
Extract the downloaded Zip file somewhere
Close Android studio if running.
Go to current Android Studio installation directory.
Take a backup(safer side) of that and replace everything except sdk directory
with the content of extracted Zip file .
This also allows you to update studio in an offline system.
Clicking on 'ignore updates' and rerunning Check for updates for a couple of times did the trick for me.

Move target out of bounds exception

I am writing tests for a web application and all went well until I had to choose an option from a menu and that option displays a drop down list when hovered or clicked. When I click an option from the drop down list, I get the following error:
MoveTargetOutOfBoundsException: Element cannot be scrolled into view
Does anyone know what this error is about and what I should look for in my code?
Selenium version 2.25.0, java version 1.6.0_31
I've been checking some selenium and google groups regarding this issue in older versions https://groups.google.com/forum/?fromgroups=#!topic/selenium-users/EuZ7a6_lB9Q
a more recent discussion
Is it a known issue for Selenium 2.25.0 or is there a way to fix it? I recently upgraded to Firefox 15.0 :|
Note: I found a temporary solution until someone magically fixes this...since I can't find where the problem is...
I run the code before that point where it crashes, I put it to sleep for 10 seconds, I manually click the menu and the option from the drop down list, the window I want is displayed and the code continues with actions from that point. It works for now...I hope this will be fixed since I can't believe that I can run a script in Selenium IDE but I can't run my java code in WebDriver ...this is crazy :|
I guess you are trying to click an element from a dropdown.
You should keep in mind, that Selenium helps you replicate exact human behavior. So if the code fails because the element is not visible, it is probably because the element is not visible.
To make it work, you might want to put a click command on the menu before the failing bit of code.
(to replicate the sleep 10 seconds manually click the menu button method you are using)
Once again, if you can show us your code and also the HTML snippet of the Menu section, we can provide an exact solution.
Maybe you're opening new popup window while opening select box.
This may help you:
WebDriver.SwitchTo().Window("newDisplayedWindowPopupName"); // continue to test