Is there a way to uniquely identify function definition nodes in CDT AST?
void g() { ... }
void f() {
I need to store the function definition nodes for f and g in some structure and then, when I come to the function call node for g, I need to check if that node corresponds to the function definition node for g.
Right now I'm doing that by storing function's name.
The problem is that I cannot correctly handle the following case:
void f() {}
class F {
void f() {}
I would suggest the following:
Resolve the name to the function binding via IASTName.resolveBinding()
The binding will be an instance of ICPPFunction, which extends ICPPBinding. (I'm assuming this is C++ code as you mention a class.)
Use ICPPBinding.getQualifiedName() as the unique identifier for the function. In your example, the two functions would have different qualified names, f vs. F::f.
I have the following function in my OperationWalker:
public override void VisitDynamicInvocation(IDynamicInvocationOperation operation)
var memberReferenceOp = (IDynamicMemberReferenceOperation)operation.Operation;
switch (memberReferenceOp.Instance.Type)
case INamedTypeSymbol type:
var memberName = memberReferenceOp.MemberName;
var members = type.GetMembers(memberName);
if (members.Length > 1)
case IDynamicTypeSymbol dynamicType:
Unresolved.Add((operation.Syntax, memberReferenceOp.MemberName));
I am clueless when a method on a normal type (non dynamic) is called with a dynamic parameter and there is a choice of target methods with the same name. E.g.:
class A
public void Get(int i){}
public void Get(string s){}
public void Get(object o){}
public void Get(double s, int precision){}
dynamic x = ...;
A a;
In this case any of the first 3 A.Get methods may be called, depending on the actual type of x. But not the fourth method.
Is there a way in Roslyn to get this information? Specifically in this example, I would like to get the symbols for first 3 Get methods.
The logic is non trivial, because one needs to take into account:
Default parameters, so just counting the arguments may not be enough
Type conversions
Visibility Scope
Number of arguments
Parameters may be passed using the named syntax in arbitrary order
Combining it all together we get non trivial logic. Is there anything in the SemanticModel or anywhere else to help get the answer?
I figured it out and it is straightforward - SemanticModel.GetSymbolInfo. When there is exact match its Symbol property returns it. When there are multiple candidates, as may be the case when one of the passed arguments is dynamic, then the property CandidateSymbols holds all the options.
I have not tested it with extension methods, so it is possible there is a gap there.
I get the following error for the code below: "A C function pointer cannot be formed from a local function that captures context."
Does anyone propose a creative solution to populate x in this example? I'm stumped. The underlying types for _header and _int respectively are UnsafePointer<mach_header>? and Int
import MachO
class Example {
func test() {
var x: [Int] = []
_dyld_register_func_for_add_image { (_header, _int) in
You could make x a static variable so it is accessible from anywhere and not depending on context. But it depends on your use case whether this works.
I'm interested in defining a function that given a class variable, generates and a new instance of the class object with a randomly selected member attribute mutated.
Context: Consider an instance, circle1, of some class, Circle, has attributes color and radius. These attributes are assigned values of red and 5, respectively. The function in question, mutate, must accept circle1 as an argument, but reject non-class arguments.
For other data types, templates provide an answer in this context. That is, templates may be used to specify generic instances of functions that can accept arguments of multiple types.
How can a generic function that accepts (and returns) an instance of any class be defined using templates?
In general, if you need to restrict what a template can take, you use template constraints. e.g.
import std.traits : isIntegral;
auto foo(T)(T t)
import std.functional : binaryFun;
auto foo(alias pred, T, U)(T t, U u)
if(is(typeof(binaryFun!pred(t, == bool)
As long the condition can be checked at compile time, you can test pretty much anything. And it can be used for function overloading as well (e.g. std.algorithm.searching.find has quite a few overloads all of which are differentiated by template constraint). The built-in __traits, the eponymous templates in std.traits, and is expressions provide quite a few tools for testing stuff at compile time and then using that information in template constraints or static if conditions.
If you specifically want to test whether something is a class, then use an is expression with == class. e.g.
auto foo(T)(T t)
if(is(T == class))
In general though, you'll probably want to use more specific conditions such as __traits(compiles, MyType result = or is(typeof( == MyType). So, you could have something like
auto mutate(T)(T t)
if(is(T == class) &&
__traits(compiles, t.color = red) &&
__traits(compiles, t.radius = 5))
If the condition is something that you want to reuse, then it can make sense to create an eponymous template - which is what's done in Phobos in places like std.range.primitives and std.range.traits. For instance, to test for an input range, std.range.primitives.isInputRange looks something like
template isInputRange(R)
enum bool isInputRange = is(typeof(
R r = R.init; // can define a range object
if (r.empty) {} // can test for empty
r.popFront(); // can invoke popFront()
auto h = r.front; // can get the front of the range
Then code that requires an input range can use that. So, lots of functions in Phobos have stuff like
auto foo(R)(R range)
A more concrete example would be this overload of find:
InputRange find(alias pred = "a == b", InputRange, Element)
(InputRange haystack, Element needle)
if(isInputRange!InputRange &&
is(typeof(binaryFun!pred(haystack.front, needle)) : bool))
Ali Çehreli's book, Programming in D, has several relevant chapters, including:
I have a struct and I would like it to be initialised with some sensible default values.
Typically, the thing to do here is to use a constructor but since go isn't really OOP in the traditional sense these aren't true objects and it has no constructors.
I have noticed the init method but that is at the package level. Is there something else similar that can be used at the struct level?
If not what is the accepted best practice for this type of thing in Go?
There are some equivalents of constructors for when the zero values can't make sensible default values or for when some parameter is necessary for the struct initialization.
Supposing you have a struct like this :
type Thing struct {
Name string
Num int
then, if the zero values aren't fitting, you would typically construct an instance with a NewThing function returning a pointer :
func NewThing(someParameter string) *Thing {
p := new(Thing)
p.Name = someParameter
p.Num = 33 // <- a very sensible default value
return p
When your struct is simple enough, you can use this condensed construct :
func NewThing(someParameter string) *Thing {
return &Thing{someParameter, 33}
If you don't want to return a pointer, then a practice is to call the function makeThing instead of NewThing :
func makeThing(name string) Thing {
return Thing{name, 33}
Reference : Allocation with new in Effective Go.
There are actually two accepted best practices:
Make the zero value of your struct a sensible default. (While this looks strange to most people coming from "traditional" oop it often works and is really convenient).
Provide a function func New() YourTyp or if you have several such types in your package functions func NewYourType1() YourType1 and so on.
Document if a zero value of your type is usable or not (in which case it has to be set up by one of the New... functions. (For the "traditionalist" oops: Someone who does not read the documentation won't be able to use your types properly, even if he cannot create objects in undefined states.)
Go has objects. Objects can have constructors (although not automatic constructors). And finally, Go is an OOP language (data types have methods attached, but admittedly there are endless definitions of what OOP is.)
Nevertheless, the accepted best practice is to write zero or more constructors for your types.
As #dystroy posted his answer before I finished this answer, let me just add an alternative version of his example constructor, which I would probably write instead as:
func NewThing(someParameter string) *Thing {
return &Thing{someParameter, 33} // <- 33: a very sensible default value
The reason I want to show you this version is that pretty often "inline" literals can be used instead of a "constructor" call.
a := NewThing("foo")
b := &Thing{"foo", 33}
Now *a == *b.
There are no default constructors in Go, but you can declare methods for any type. You could make it a habit to declare a method called "Init". Not sure if how this relates to best practices, but it helps keep names short without loosing clarity.
package main
import "fmt"
type Thing struct {
Name string
Num int
func (t *Thing) Init(name string, num int) {
t.Name = name
t.Num = num
func main() {
t := new(Thing)
t.Init("Hello", 5)
fmt.Printf("%s: %d\n", t.Name, t.Num)
The result is:
Hello: 5
I like the explanation from this blog post:
The function New is a Go convention for packages that create a core type or different types for use by the application developer. Look at how New is defined and implemented in log.go, bufio.go and cypto.go:
// New creates a new Logger. The out variable sets the
// destination to which log data will be written.
// The prefix appears at the beginning of each generated log line.
// The flag argument defines the logging properties.
func New(out io.Writer, prefix string, flag int) * Logger {
return &Logger{out: out, prefix: prefix, flag: flag}
// NewReader returns a new Reader whose buffer has the default size.
func NewReader(rd io.Reader) * Reader {
return NewReaderSize(rd, defaultBufSize)
// New returns a new hash.Hash calculating the given hash function. New panics
// if the hash function is not linked into the binary.
func (h Hash) New() hash.Hash {
if h > 0 && h < maxHash {
f := hashes[h]
if f != nil {
return f()
panic("crypto: requested hash function is unavailable")
Since each package acts as a namespace, every package can have their own version of New. In bufio.go multiple types can be created, so there is no standalone New function. Here you will find functions like NewReader and NewWriter.
In Go, a constructor can be implemented using a function that returns a pointer to a modified structure.
type Colors struct {
R byte
G byte
B byte
// Constructor
func NewColors (r, g, b byte) *Colors {
return &Color{R:r, G:g, B:b}
For weak dependencies and better abstraction, the constructor does not return a pointer to a structure, but an interface that this structure implements.
type Painter interface {
paintMethod1() byte
paintMethod2(byte) byte
type Colors struct {
R byte
G byte
B byte
// Constructor return intreface
func NewColors(r, g, b byte) Painter {
return &Color{R: r, G: g, B: b}
func (c *Colors) paintMethod1() byte {
return c.R
func (c *Colors) paintMethod2(b byte) byte {
return c.B = b
another way is;
package person
type Person struct {
Name string
Old int
func New(name string, old int) *Person {
// set only specific field value with field key
return &Person{
Name: name,
If you want to force the factory function usage, name your struct (your class) with the first character in lowercase. Then, it won't be possible to instantiate directly the struct, the factory method will be required.
This visibility based on first character lower/upper case work also for struct field and for the function/method. If you don't want to allow external access, use lower case.
Golang is not OOP language in its official documents.
All fields of Golang struct has a determined value(not like c/c++), so constructor function is not so necessary as cpp.
If you need assign some fields some special values, use factory functions.
Golang's community suggest New.. pattern names.
I am new to go. I have a pattern taken from other languages, that have constructors. And will work in go.
Create an init method.
Make the init method an (object) once routine. It only runs the first time it is called (per object).
func (d *my_struct) Init (){
if !d.is_inited {
d.is_inited = true
d.value1 = 7
d.value2 = 6
Call init at the top of every method of this class.
This pattern is also useful, when you need late initialisation (constructor is too early).
Advantages: it hides all the complexity in the class, clients don't need to do anything.
Disadvantages: you must remember to call Init at the top of every method of the class.
I often have a situation where I need to do:
function a1() {
a = getA;
b = getB;
.... // do some things
return a - b;
function a2() {
a = getA;
b = getB;
.... // do some things, but different to above
return a - b;
I feel like I am repeating myself, yet where I have ...., the methods are different, have different signatures, etc..
What do people normally do? Add an if (this type) do this stuff, else do the other stuff that is different? It doesn't seem like a very good solution either.
Polymorphism and possibly abstraction and encapsulation are your friends here.
You should specify better what kind of instructions you have on the .... // do some things part. If you're always using the same information, but doing different things with it, the solution is fairly easy using simple polymorphism. See my first revision of this answer. I'll assume you need different information to do the specific tasks in each case.
You also didn't specify if those functions are in the same class/module or not. If they are not, you can use inheritance to share the common parts and polymorphism to introduce different behavior in the specific part. If they are in the same class you don't need inheritance nor polymorphism.
In different classes
Taking into account you're stating in the question that you might need to make calls to functions with different signature depending on the implementation subclass (for instance, passing a or b as parameter depending on the case), and assuming you need to do something with the intermediate local variables (i.e. a and b) in the specific implementations:
Short version: Polymorphism+Encapsulation: Pass all the possible in & out parameters that every subclass might need to the abstract function. Might be less painful if you encapsulate them in an object.
Long Version
I'd store intermediate state in generic class' member, and pass it to the implementation methods. Alternatively you could grab the State from the implementation methods instead of passing it as an argument. Then, you can make two subclasses of it implementing the doSpecificStuff(State) method, and grabbing the needed parameters from the intermediate state in the superclass. If needed by the superclass, subclasses might also modify state.
(Java specifics next, sorry)
public abstract class Generic {
private State state = new State();
public void a() {
return postProcess();
protected void preProcess(){
a = getA;
b = getB;
protected Object postProcess(){
return a - b;
protected void prepareState(){
private void clearState() {
protected abstract doSpecificStuf(State state);
public class Specific extends Generic {
protected doSpecificStuf(State state) {
public class Specific2 extends Generic {
protected doSpecificStuf(State state) {
In the same class
Another possibility would be making the preProcess() method return a State variable, and use it inthe implementations of a1() and a2().
public class MyClass {
protected State preProcess(){
a = getA;
b = getB;
return new State(a,b);
protected Object postProcess(){
return a - b;
public void a1(){
State st = preProcess();
return postProcess();
public void a2(){
State st = preProcess();
return postProcess();
Well, don't repeat yourself. My golden rule (which admittedly I break from time on time) is based on the ZOI rule: all code must live exactly zero, one or infinite times. If you see code repeated, you should refactor that into a common ancestor.
That said, it is not possible to give you a definite answer how to refactor your code; there are infinite ways to do this. For example, if a1() and a2() reside in different classes then you can use polymorphism. If they live in the same class, you can create a function that receives an anonymous function as parameter and then a1() and a2() are just wrappers to that function. Using a (shudder) parameter to change the function behavior can be used, too.
You can solve this in one of 2 ways. Both a1 and a2 will call a3. a3 will do the shared code, and:
1. call a function that it receives as a parameter, which does either the middle part of a1 or the middle part of a2 (and they will pass the correct parameter),
- or -
2. receive a flag (e.g. boolean), which will tell it which part it needs to do, and using an if statement will execute the correct code.
This screams out loud for the design pattern "Template Method"
The general part is in the super class:
package patterns.templatemethod;
public abstract class AbstractSuper {
public Integer doTheStuff(Integer a, Integer b) {
Integer x = b.intValue() + a.intValue();
Integer y = doSpecificStuff(x);
return b.intValue() * y;
protected abstract Integer doSpecificStuff(Integer x);
The spezific part is in the subclass:
package patterns.templatemethod;
public class ConcreteA extends AbstractSuper {
protected Integer doSpecificStuff(Integer x) {
return x.intValue() * x.intValue();
For every spezific solution you implement a subclass, with the specific behavior.
If you put them all in an Collection, you can iterate over them and call always the common method and evry class does it's magic. ;)
hope this helps