Send a request in soapUI impersonating someone other than oneself - ssl

I have a POST request step in soapUI that works successfully with my SSL certificate.
It uses the certificate (key may be more accurate) that I saved in soapUI's application configuration settings.
What I want to do is make this request as some test user Bob. Bob has a DN in the system under test.
How to do this?
Adding a header to the request had no effect. I tried X-ProxiedEntitiesChain.
Do I need to remove the key from the settings in order for soapUI to use the header I supply?


Apache mod auth mellon force to check signature

I am using the mod auth mellon on apache for authentication on my SP.
I have added on the SP metadata the directive to require signed resonses
But when receiving the response from the IdP I see that removing the signature does not render the response not-accepted, so I am still able to login.
The documentation for Mellon is somewhat outdated and other than the readme.doc there are not a lot of resources.
**Does anyone know how I can force mellon to check the SAML Response signature?
I tried already searching on SO for this. I made sure that all the SAML Responses had a signature value in their payload. I made sure that the signature value matched the public key value of the IDP.

Postman Tests: expect on SSL certificate expiry date

Is it possible to use Postman Monitors to check how many days the SSL certificate has left before it reaches its expiration date?
When creating a request in Postman it is possible to see a popup called "Network". It contains information such as TLS protocol, Cipher name, Issuer CN and most importantly Valid until.
Inspecting the pm. object in the Tests-tab and by reading through the documentation did not yield any apparent way to get this information programmatically.
Is there any trick to get the certificate in any way programmatically inside Postman? Either via another request, some variable or property that I didn't discover yet?

client certificate not sent by postman

Can anyone shet some light on how I can debug the matching of certificates configured in Postman?
I’m trying to connect to a REST service using a SSL client certificate. I configured it in the settings tab the same way as in set-and-view-ssl-certificates-with-postman
When checking the console I don’t see the certificate being sent and get failure:c:\projects\electron\vendor\node\deps\openssl\openssl\ssl\s3_pkt.c:1494:SSL alert number 40
Postman v 6.4.2 running on windows 10
(for security reasons some information below replaced by dummy info)
Using the same certificate/key/password I can setup a connection using openssl. (checked for validity of certificates, TSL v1.1 and v1.2 supported, no SNI issues)
The server certificate is signed by a trusted CA (I tested with both --SSL certificate verification-- on and off )
In the Postman console I dont see the certifciate being sent.
---- [console output] ----
GET https://somehost:443/somepath?someparameter=9076443&somedate=2017-02-17T00:00:00.000
Error: write EPROTO 101057795:error:14094410:SSL routines:ssl3_read_bytes:sslv3 alert handshake failure:c:\projects\electron\vendor\node\deps\openssl\openssl\ssl\s3_pkt.c:1494:SSL alert number 40 101057795:error:1409E0E5:SSL routines:ssl3_write_bytes:ssl handshake failure:c:\projects\electron\vendor\node\deps\openssl\openssl\ssl\s3_pkt.c:659:
Request Headers:
---- [end console output] ----
image of certificate configuration
I matched, matched and rematched the hostname
A search on the interweb did not learn me anything I did not try yet…
Is there any debug option that will show the way the certificates are matched
is there any way I can force postman to pick a configured certificate
any other ideas on how to proceed on this problem
any help appreciated
Additional info
Monitoring with wireshark shows no certificate is sent.
(Postman console did not show a certificate being sent. I assume from examples that it will log which certificates it will/does send for a given request)
snippet wireshark output
Postman app in chrome
it does work from chrome, using the chrome keystore
Using the pk12 form of the same key (original postman request uses the .cer form) imported into the chrome keystore, the requests work.
Chrome app will not do
Obvious question is: “why not keep using the chrome app”
because its depricated and we use the newer 6.x test functions not supported in version 5.x
Question posted on Postman help forum with no answer about a week ago:
OP on postman helpforum
Additional additional info
It works on newman
I had same issue when I typed path to CRT and KEY files instead of using file dialog.
Just click Choose File button instead of pasting file path when adding certificate.
If you can download postman app then there is an option under preference/certificate and under there is an option 'Client Certificate'.
You need to provide both .cert and .key file into respective section, provide host name and key password if any. Click "save". next time you send a request matching hostname , postman app will send the certificate along with the way. You can validate in console output.

Getting a 401 response on couchdb authentication

I've spent the last day or two pulling my hair out over this, so I thought I'd share the answer.
Problem: When trying to get an authentication cookie from the client side (using some http library or another), you get a 401 Unauthorised response. Even though you know the username and password are correct and you're doing it exactly how it's done in all the examples. Well my friend, your issue is that you expect things to make sense.
Turns out that if you have the require_valid_user set to true in the couch db config, and then don't include those credentials with an authentication request (even if the credentials you're authenticating are valid!) couch will reject it out of hand. So you've two options really,
Keep require_valid_user true and do your authentication on your own server where you can wack in the admin username and password as a part of the url (like so url = http://admin:password#url:5984). And then authenticate your credentials and pass back the ensuing cookie you get from that. (Make sure in subsequent requests straight from the client to the db you include withCredentials:true, so the browser sends the cookie with the request).
Say screw it and don't require a valid user with each request, and instead authenticate on the design doc and database security level only. I can't vouch for how secure this is, as I haven't done it.

JMETER-certificate is not trusted message while login the facebook account

When I was working on to recorded the login process using jmeter, then I came across the following error message. what should we do in such condition in order to surpass this step and directly gets login into the facebook application using the proxy server setting for the recording purpose.
The certificate is not trusted because the issuer certificate is unknown. (Error code: sec_error_unknown_issue)
As per Recording HTTPS Traffic with JMeter's Proxy Server I believe that it'll be quite enough to clear your browser history.