How to use "increment_build_number" in xcworkspace projects? - react-native

I am trying to automate my build process with fastlane in my react native project. I am following this article. In increment_build_number action I couldn't find any option to specify the .xcworkspace project. I tried using workspace tag, but didn't work.

The action does not have a workspace parameter:
increment_build_number is more or less a wrapper for agvtool from Apple. That tool unfortunately only works on xcodeproj files: You actually don't even specify the file, it looks for it in the folder you are executing the command in.
Which is also why increment_build_number only uses the xcodeproj parameter to change the directory before running the command:
You will probably have to modify your usage to specify the xcode project (that should exist next to the workspace anyway) or execute it in a way so the action can find it automatically.


HelloWorld in Kotlin gives error "Could not find or load main class"

I spent the last 1,5 hour trying to make this simple tutorial work in IntelliJ IDEA, as you can see in this video.
When trying to run the code, I get the error:
/[...] -Dfile.encoding=UTF-8 src.HelloKt
Error: Could not find or load main class src.HelloKt
Caused by: java.lang.ClassNotFoundException: src.HelloKt
I have tried setting up SDK, invalidating cache, removing .idea and .gradle, rebuilding project, deleting the profile and adding it again. I tried those actions in different orders.
Here's a screenshot of the project:
It also complains Kotlin is not configured, but I have already configured it.
Here's the run configuration:
Here are the project settings:
Your Hello.kt file needs to be somewhere inside the src/main folder, probably in src/main/kotlin. This is different from the tutorial, because your project is using Gradle, and the one in the tutorial isn't. I think this is because newer versions of IntelliJ use Gradle by default for new projects, which wasn't the case when the tutorial was written.
The use of src/main/kotlin and src/test/kotlin as source code directories is a convention in Gradle (and Maven). When importing a Gradle project into IntelliJ, main becomes a module, and kotlin becomes a source folder within that module. The same goes for test. In your screenshots, the bold text and blue icons on main and test confirm that's how your project is set up. Files outside of those folders aren't treated as source files, which explains why your Hello.kt file isn't being compiled or recognised correctly.
It's likely that the default behaviour of IntelliJ when creating a new project has changed since this tutorial was written. In the tutorial, they select "Kotlin" as the project type and this creates a project that doesn't use Gradle. As a result, the project doesn't use the src/main/kotlin directory structure.
I can see from your video that you selected the same option, but on the next screen, IntelliJ still automatically selected Gradle as the build system for the new project. To match the project structure used in the tutorial, I think you would need to select "IntelliJ" as the build system.

no such module SWXMLHash while building SourceKitten

I cloned SourceKitten from github and when I open the project in Xcode, I am not able to build
In class Clang+SourceKitten.swift, I am getting No such module SWXMLHash
I have tried running swift build and make install from command line, which works perfectly. But, I need to create my own custom command line tool (similar to sourcekitten) - for which I need to open project and should be able to build and run it.
Well, I needed to update the carthage and open xcworkspace and everything was fine.

VSTS build for UWP app not producing a .appxupload file

Issue: When building a UWP using the VSTS build service no .appxupload file for store submissions is created.
What I did: I created a build definition using the Universal Windows App template that contains 4 build steps. Apart from setting the repository to my external Git repository I didn't change anything.
After the build finishes I only have the _Test folder in my drop. No .appxupload file.
What I tried so far:
According to Build your Universal Windows Plattform app I have to add the UapAppxPackageBuildMode (set to CI) switch to the MSBuild arguments. I did it exactly as shown there. However, neither the .appxupload nor the _Test folder are created but the build step itself completes successfully. (Actually, the AppxPackages folder that is specified by default using the AppxPackageDir switch is missing, too)
I tried running the Create App Packages... option from within Visual Studio. This results in both, the .appxupload and _Test folder.
[Update] I found another switch to try at the MSBuild arguments which is AppxPackageIsForStore (set to true). This will generate the _Test folder but still not .appxupload package.
I could reproduce your issue. If don't use argument /p:UapAppxPackageBuildMode=CI, I could only get _Test folder. If add argument /p:UapAppxPackageBuildMode=CI, I'll get error message during Publish Artifact step:
Not found PathtoPublish: C:\a\1\b\AppxPackages
But I just tried argument /p:UapAppxPackageBuildMode=StoreUpload, it can generate both _Test folder and .appxupload file, you may have a try.

MSBuild - Can I build for a Build Configuration without a solution?

I want to build a project with a particular named Build Configuration, let's call it Conf-A.
This is running as an MSBuild step on TeamCity. When the build runs, it spits out:
The OutputPath property is not set for project ... You may be seeing this message because you are trying to build a project without a solution file, and have specified a non-default Configuration or Platform that doesn't exist for this project.
This project is part of a hulking great solution we load on our dev machines.
The error makes sense for my situation, since I'm building just the proj file, but I don't want to use the solution file since I'm trying break-up this monolithic app.
I want the build-server to treat this project as it's own component, even if for the moment it is part of a solution and has references to other projects (assemblies) in the solution.
Must I build this via a solution file?
I could potentially copy the solution file and prune off all the other projects that are not required, but that's more complexity.
(Maybe the error is a red-herring).
you dont need to build a sln. Its like the error says. You just havent specified a value for the variable OutputPath in your msbuild. You can add it to your files or you can pass it in at the cmd line - msbuild someproj.proj /p:OutputPath=C:\notallovermydrive

Xcode custom shell scripts are slowing down the compiling time

Testing any changes to my Xcode project has become an exercise in patience whenever I build. After all the source files have compiled, I get the following message in the activity window at the top of Xcode:
"Running 3 of 3 Custom Shell Scripts"
I have not added any of my own custom shell scripts but I am using quite a few dependencies via Cocoapods and I am using 2 frameworks for the build environment, Crashlytics and Tapstream. Crashlytics requires you add a run script in the build phases, other than that I don't know where the other ones are coming from and they appear to be the bottleneck in my build time.
Can anyone enlighten me as to what is going on and how i possibly speed it up?
I can't enlighten you but I can tell you how I stopped mine from running. This also happened after installing Cocoapods. In my main project's Target, under Build Phases, I noticed two entries entitled Check Pods Manifest.lock and another called Copy Pods Resources.
Under both there was an unchecked option Run script only when installing. I checked both and at least for now my projects build and run fine without running the scripts.
This is kind of a crappy answer because I can't really give you any more information, and it might not even work for your case, so hopefully someone comes along and enlightens us.
So I just had a frustrating experience debugging an issue where a pod installed library's NSLocalized strings file weren't working. Turns out it was because I checked the option mentioned above., which had the lines to install the bundle, wasn't running in debug mode. It was only running when installing - of course! Something to watch out for.
More info in this question:
NSLocalizedStringFromTable not working in CocoaPod dependency
To fix the slow "Copy pods resources" problem I figured out a solution to only copy the resources if they haven't been copied before.
For this purpose we have to patch the * files that are created by cocoapods such that the copy procedure only happens if a generated file in the target directory doesn't exist (it is created upon first copy). As long as this target directory exists and includes this autogenerated file, the copy resources phase is skipped. This saves me about 30 seconds in my project (of course depends on your project size). To accomplish this do the following:
Create a patch file called 'copy_pod_resources_once.patch' in your project root dir with the following contents:
> if [ -f "$NONCE_FILE" ]; then
> echo "already copied resources"
> exit 0
> else
> touch "$NONCE_FILE"
> fi
In the Podfile for your project add the following post install hook:
post_install do |installer_representation|
system('find "./Pods/Target Support Files" -name "*" | xargs -I{} patch -p0 {} -i ./copy_pod_resources_once.patch')
<other post install stuff>
For me, it was Crashlytics. There were some outstanding changes, as Crashlytics does auto-updating of its files. I reset/removed them and rebuilt and got past it.
So the general answer may be to check any third party components and make sure they're working properly.
As Ramsel has said in this answer,
I also went to Build Phases and cleared out all the possible links to PODs, after trying most of the other solutions and the three build issues shown regarding Pods were cleared out.
But then one file which was not list under the XCode Project navigator was missing, but they were in the Downloaded Git Zip folder! Obviously, I copied it and put into the XCode project and try running it runs cleanly! :)
I had a similar issue in my project (however not using Cocoapods). It ended up being an issue with an application external to Xcode (Spritebuilder) somehow holding onto a resource within my Xcode project when it crashed. I forced the non-xcode application to close and now the issue is gone
Check your project folder name have any space.Because space creates problem in directory path like "SRCROOT".I removed spaces and project run fine.
I've found that this happens to me frequently. Exact cause unknown, but appears to be switching between git branches that have differences in what pods are being used. In my case simply touching the shell script file causes it to speed back up.
Probably not going to work for you, but cleaning the project fixed it for me (Product -> Clean)