Managing email templates in FusionAuth - fusionauth

We are integrating FusionAuth into our user account / profile system for 3 SaaS apps. We'll have about 5 roles established and the onboarding process for each such user is different.
A new user signup could be brand new, could be existing but for a new role, or could be reactivation of an account. So roughly speaking we might need to establish 3 x 5 x 2 (new and returning user) emails for account verification and then the same number of welcome emails. Each email will have specific instructional text, email subject, and links.
The ability to duplicate email templates in the FusionAuth UI would be useful but clearly this isn't a complete solution. If I create multiple tenants to support our development, testing and production releases - it would really be great to be able to maintain a master list of versioned templates and to link any one of those email template versions to any tenant and app.
If you are familiar with SendGrid - the versioned templates there are pretty nice, as is the conditional logic that can be used in the templates to reduce the total number of documents that must be maintained.
For my sanity and for the maintenance burden associated with these emails, I'd like to use only FusionAuth or only SendGrid for these account maintenance emails. Since SendGrid is the more robust email solution it might be the better choice.
What can be accomplished with FusionAuth's User Actions? Can all FusionAuth email templates can be disabled from the FusionAuthUI and API?
Adding a user from our UI will require creating (or returning) the FusionAuth user, setting the FusionAuth App registration, setting the role, then triggering the necessary email.
It could be really cool if all that can be configured as a multistep User Action that creates / updates and configures the user and then triggers the SendGrid template email.

The versioning and duplicate options for email templates are great ideas. FusionAuth does not currently support email template versioning or copy / duplicate in the UI. Can you open these as feature requests in GitHub?
We do support conditional logic within the template. There is a brief tutorial in the FusionAuth docs.
To build conditional logic you can use essentially anything that FreeMarker supports.
For example
[#if == "blue"]
Hi ${user.firstName}, I see you like the color blue.
Hi ${user.firstName},
If you have some particular use cases or need some help building the logic in your template feel free to ask for help in the FusionAuth Slack channel or ask here.
That said - SendGrid is in the email game, they will likely have some powerful features not available in FusionAuth. If you require many power user features, I wouldn't try to dissuade you from using SendGrid. But do open feature requests so we can make our email templates as useful as possible.
What can be accomplished with FusionAuth's User Actions?
User actions are sort of free form events that will be sent using our Webhook configuration. They can only be taken on a user that already exists in FusionAuth, so it may not be the right fit for your use case. In addition to User Actions, you can enable events such as user.create, etc - so you can respond to these types of events in FusionAuth if that is helpful.
Can all FusionAuth email templates can be disabled from the FusionAuthUI and API?
Not sure what you mean - you can disable the SMTP email configuration which implicitly disables all use of email. This can be done via the System Configuration API. See systemConfiguration.emailConfiguration.enabled. FusionAuth is an API first, so everything you can do in the API you can do through an API.
It could be really cool if all that can be configured as a multistep User Action that creates / updates and configures the user and then triggers the SendGrid template email.
User Actions will not help with this use case. However, you may be able to accomplish this in fewer API calls. If you know the user does not yet exist, you can use the Combo API (Create User + Registration) to create and register the user in one step.
If you omit the roles from this request, the user will be assigned any default roles configured on the application.
If you enable Registration Verification, this will send the user an email of your choosing. This is primarily intended to verify the user intended to register for the application.
The custom workflow idea is a good one however, feel free to open an issue on GitHub. I would envision it as a work flow builder for an application.
On user registration:
1. Assign role(s): [x] user
[ ] manager
[ ] admin
2. Send email: [select box for email template]


How best to handle accounts across two different systems?

I want to use Shopify for our commerce solution but to build out a custom admin/user settings system. The key hurdle I'm dealing with is users and authentication. Let's assume my site is and my admin system is on a different host. I want the user to be able to log in to both the Shopify site and their custom admin/user page using the same username and password (effectively SSO but without a third-party service).
I don't want to build a custom application as I foresee us ultimately going fully custom at some point down the road
Just in case someone asks, yes the admin/user settings page is complex/unique enough that it warrants a custom solution to provide a good user experience.
Possible Solution 1
Have accounts created on the custom admin site and use the Create Customer API to keep the two databases in sync.
How do I handle the email validation coming from Shopify (the customer should be oblivious to Shopify as it's an implementation detail)
Possible Solution 2
Have all accounts created via Shopify and the admin site and create an associated on on the admin site.
How do I handle authentication for a specific user across origins. The only OAuth scenarios I seem to be able to track down are at the app level not per user.
I greatly appreciate any insights you all may have. Thank you.

How to enable registrationless auth (magic-links) with keycloak

we are trying to build an application which is accessable via onetime passwords without a "user" having the need to register.
We did came accross the term magic-links sent via email, but there is only some old experimental keycloack extention for this.
Is there any way to build some auth flow like the following with keycloack?
User A is a fully registered User creating some document. This document needs some interaction with a Third Party Person (TPP) not registered.
Now User A sends an E-Mail invite to the TPP with a link to the document. When the TPP opens the link our application should ask for the email address and send a magic link or code to this email. Whith that email or magic code the user gets access to the document for the time it takes to complete the approval process. After the work of the TTP is done, the access should expire (or expire automatically after X days not used).
It does sound quite similar to what is possible with SaaS offerings like or but we are using keycloack and would like to integrate it into it as well.
Does anyone have an idea how to achieve this with keycloak?
I know this is outdated, but perhaps someone else coming along may find this useful. There is a newer implementation of this feature provided here:
We have found it usable and useful for our needs and works well in the latest version of Keycloak (18.x).

How should I implement user authentication/roles for an Electron desktop app?

I'm designing the architecture for a college project and I don't know how to deal with the user authentication and authorization part of it. The project is a desktop Electron app which would need two types (hence the roles) of users. They both need to be authenticated in order to use the app, and depending on their identity, they will have different authorizations. Since the project is meant to be used by teachers and students as part of a laboratory class after it is done, I don't think more than 30 people will be using it at the same time.
My first thought was using a PostrgeSQL database in AWS for this and implementing the authentication myself, but this means that users will have to sign up and create a new profile, which means remembering yet another <username/email, password>. Trying to avoid this, I read a bit about OAuth 2.0 and OIDC, and how it can be used to authenticate and authorize users without implementing either of those tasks oneself, but rather delegating the task to OIDC. I created a free account with Auth0 and thought about using it for the OIDC integration but after reading about 40 pages of an "OIDC integration handbook" they offer for free, I could not know if I would be able to distinguish my user base through these roles or tags as I mentioned. I just followed the steps in the tutorial handbook and tried to understand how the auth flow worked, but that didn't give me any information on my question.
So all in all what I want to know is: is it possible to implement this with Auth0 (free account) without having to use a third-party database solution (such as PostgreSQL with AWS)? If not, what would you recommend me to look into? Preferrably a solution that will let me discriminate between the two types of users BUT at the same time taking advantage of the OIDC implementation of Google for example.
There are 2 separate solutions here:
The 2 standard requirements are:
Use Authorization Code Flow (PKCE)
Login via System Browser
You listen for a login response via one of these mechanisms (I prefer the latter):
Loopback web server
Private URI scheme OS notification
My blog has some tutorials + code samples that use Electron. You can run both of the above listening options and see what you prefer.
You need to make roles available to the API via claims. This can be done by either of these mechanisms (I prefer the latter):
Including roles in access tokens via Auth0
Get the API to read user roles from its own database
My Authorization blog post discusses building up a claims object in an easy to extend way. The main objective is usually for API OAuth processing to result in an object something like this:
class UserPrincipal {
// The technical user id from the access token
string sub;
// The user id from your own database
string userId;
// The user's roles
string[] roles;
Given that object you can do things like this:
Use role based authorization when needed
Serve up user resources after login from your application data
Auth0 will meet some of your requirements and may be all you need in the early days. You will probably need to manage non OAuth user data in your API at some point though.
Happy to answer any follow up questions ..

How to create different user account types in ASP.NET5 MVC6 with Google+ authentication

Suppose I started with an ASP.NET5 MVC6 webapp based on a default Visual Studio 2015 web application template with individual user accounts and Google+ (FB, LI) authentication enabled.
Then I created two signup pages, one for consumer users and one for professionals. I want the application to create consumer user accounts if users came from consumer signup page. And I want the app to create professional user accounts if users came from the professional signup page.
What should I do to customize the default solution?
pass role parameter to /Accounts/ExternalLogin, then somehow preserve it through OAuth process and fix user creation logic?
same but use cookies to pass role info?
or maybe have 2 copies of external login infrastructure - each responsible for its own account type?
Isn't is a common problem - how to pass additional information to the code responsible for account creation?
What should I do to customize the default solution?
Quite good explanation with examples:
ASP.NET 5 Documentation -> Authorization
I want ... create consumer user accounts ... and ... create professional user accounts...
In my opinion you can use (create) one account type for all (in common Db) and then during registration process you can assign additional properties to this account. You can use Roles or Claims, so this allows you to personalise user experience depends on 'account type' (using Authorisation).
If you just want have only customer/professional accounts, probably Role-Based Authorisation will be simpler to use, however Claims-Based Authorisation is little bit more elastic and will be beneficial in the future.

How to create restricted area in Grails?

How to set password (the best if it was in database, so Entity with one record) on some pages (create/edit/delete view and controllers)? It can be redirect to entrance page with form with password field.
I would also recommended you to go with 'spring security core' plugin.
By using spring security core you will be able to :
(1) secure all of your project's possible URLs
(2) provide access to required pages to particular role
(3) assign one or more then one role to particular user
(4) manage individual users with basic information as well as storing password into encrypted form etc.
(5) Its in-built reach set of tag library will help you alot to reduce the logical code.
Apart from the above, the major advantage of using spring security core would be its simplicity and extensibility. As its advance features like :
CAS etc
are available with different plugins.
Also there is one more plugin called 'spring security ui' is available, which will provide you all the UI pages (with gsps,controllers) just in a minute.
I have used this plugin in my project before one year, and I would strongly recommended everyone to use it...
You can have a look into its simple User guide which is available here.
Use one of the security plugins, and make the actions that you want to protect only available to users with a particular role. If an unauthenticated user tries to access one of these actions, they will be prompted to login and invocation of the action will only be allowed thereafter if they have been assigned the relevant role.
The spring security plugin is a reasonable choice as it provides the functionality you need and probably the most popular of the Grails security plugins.