Fortran read statement reading sequence - file-io

Suppose I have a file that each line contains an array index followed by the array value
i array(i)
Can I read in the data by just a naive read(unit=10, *) i, array(i)? Will Fortran always read i first and then use this i value to assign array(i)? Will certain read specifications or compiler flags influence the behavior?

The data transfer statement
read(unit=10,*) i, array(i)
is a legitimate one, and its behaviour is as desired: from the record the value for i is first read, then that value is used to identify the element of the array array(i) for the second value read.
This is a requirement of the Fortran specification, such as with (Fortran 2018,
All values needed to determine which entities are specified by an input/output list item are determined at the beginning of the processing of that item.
Of course, although this data transfer statement potentially works, that doesn't mean that it is desirable in all but the simplest cases where you trust the input data. In particular, it is not possible to do any checking of the bounds during this read statement. If the i value read corresponds to an invalid array element specification, the program is broken. You may want to use an intermediate value for the array element merely to handle potential problems with the input file.


LabVIEW - How to clear an array after each iteration in a for loop

I'm trying to clear an array after each iteration of a for loop in LabVIEW, but the way I've implemented it has the values not going directly to what I want, but it changes with previous values in other parts of the array.
It isn't shown, but this code is inside of a for-loop that iterates through another numeric array.
I know that if I get the array to clear properly after each loop iteration, this should work. How do I do that? I'm a beginner at Labview but have been coding for awhile - help is appreciated!!!
[![labview add to array][2]][2]
It looks as if you're not quite used to how LabVIEW passes data around yet. There's no need to use lots of value property nodes for the same control or indicator within one structure; if you want to use the same data in more than one place, just branch the wire. Perhaps you're thinking that a LabVIEW control or indicator is equivalent to a variable in text languages, and you need to use a property node to get or set it. Instead, think of the wire as the variable. If you want to pass the output of one operation to the input of another, just wire the output to the input.
The indicators with terminals inside your loop will be updated with new values every loop iteration, and the code inside the loop should execute faster than a human can read those values, so once the loop has finished all the outputs except the final values will be lost. Is that what you intended, or do you want to accumulate or store them in some way?
I can see that in each loop iteration you're reading two values from a config file, and the section is specified by the string value of one element of the numeric array Array. You're displaying the two values in the indicators PICKERING and SUBUNIT. If you can describe in words (or pseudocode, or a text language you're used to) what manipulation of data you're actually trying to do in the rest of this code, we may be able to make more specific suggestions.
First of all, I'm assuming that the desired order of operations is the following:
Putting the value of Pickering into Array 2
Extracting from Array 2 the values to put in Pickering 1 and Pickering 2
Putting Array 2 back to its original value
If this is the case, with your current code you can't be sure that operation 1 will be executed be fore operation 2. In fact, the order of these operations can't be pre-determined. You must force the dataflow, for example by creating a sequence structure. You will put the code related to 1 in the first frame, then code related to operation 2 in the second.
Then, to put Array 2 back to it's original value I would add a third frame, where you force an empty array into the Value property node of Array 2 (the tool you use for pickering, but as input and not as output).
The sequence structure has to be inside the for loop.
I have never used the property node Reinit to default, so I can't help you with that.
Unfortunately I can't run Labview on this PC but I hope my explanation was clear enough, if not tell me and I will try to be more specific.

ftell/fseek fail when near end of file

Reading a text file (which happens to be a PDS Member FB 80)
hFile = fopen(filename,"r");
and have reached up to the point in the file where there is only an empty line left.
FilePos = ftell(hFile);
Then read the last line, which only contains a '\n' character.
fseek(hFile, FilePos, SEEK_SET);
fails with:-
errno=(27) EDC5027I The position specified to fseek() was invalid.
The position specified to fseek() was returned by ftell() a few lines earlier. It has the value 841 in the specific error case I have seen. Checking through the debugger, this is also the value returned by ftell a few lines earlier. It has not been corrupted.
The same code works at other positions in the file, and only fails at the point where there is a single empty line left to read when the position is remembered.
My understanding of how ftell/fseek should work is succinctly captured by another answer on SO.
The value returned from ftell on a text stream has no predictable relationship to the number of characters you have read so far. The only thing you can rely on is that you can use it subsequently as the offset argument to fseek or fseeko to move back to the same file position.
It would seem that I cannot rely on the one thing I should be able to rely on.
My questions is, why does fseek fail in this way?
As z/OS has some file formats that are unique you might find the answer in this Knowledge Center article.
Given that you are processing a PDS member I would suspect that this is record level I/O which is handled differently than stream I/O which is more common in distributed implementations.
I do not know why fseek fails in this way, but if your common usage pattern is to use ftell to get the position and then fseek to go to that position, I strongly suggest using fgetpos and fsetpos instead for data set I/O. Not only will you avoid this problem that you are finding, but it is also better performing for certain data set characteristics.

Determining gnuradio block input and output types directly from block

I know that from their input and output signatures, it's possible to determine the size of a gnuradio block's input and output items. I am wondering whether it's also possible to directly determine input and output type (float vs complex etc) from a block.
Within the GNU Radio runtime, only the size is stored. Type information only exists in the source code, and in GNU Radio Companion if you are using that.
So, no, you cannot get type information from a block object that already exists — except by imperfect outside-information strategies like looking up the block's name in the installed GRC data files to guess what the type is.
Because there are no types but only sizes, items can be reinterpreted if they are the same size, which may occasionally be useful; for example, you can connect a block producing "complex" to one expecting "vector of 2 floats" and get a useful result since a complex is represented as two floats.

Lossless assignment between Field-Symbols

I'm currently trying to perform a dynamic lossless assignment in an ABAP 7.0v SP26 environment.
I want to read in a csv file and move it into an internal structure without any data losses. Therefore, I declared the field-symbols:
<lfs_field> TYPE any which represents a structure component
<lfs_element> TYPE string which holds a csv value
My current "solution" is this (lo_field is an element description of <lfs_field>):
IF STRLEN( <lfs_element> ) > lo_field->output_length.
RAISE EXCEPTION TYPE cx_sy_conversion_data_loss.
I don't know how precisely it works, but seems to catch the most obvious cases.
MOVE EXACT <lfs_field> TO <lfs_element>. me...
Unable to interpret "EXACT". Possible causes: Incorrect spelling or comma error
COMPUTE EXACT <lfs_field> = <lfs_element>.
...results in...
Incorrect statement: "=" missing .
As the ABAP version is too old I also cannot use EXACT #( ... )
In this case I'm using normal variables. Lets just pretend they are field-symbols:
DATA: lw_element TYPE string VALUE '10121212212.1256',
lw_field TYPE p DECIMALS 2.
lw_field = lw_element.
* lw_field now contains 10121212212.13 without any notice about the precision loss
So, how would I do a perfect valid lossless assignment with field-symbols?
Don't see an easy way around that. Guess that's why they introduced MOVE EXACT in the first place.
Note that output_length is not a clean solution. For example, string always has output_length 0, but will of course be able to hold a CHAR3 with output_length 3.
Three ideas how you could go about your question:
Parse and compare types. Parse the source field to detect format and length, e.g. "character-like", "60 places". Then get an element descriptor for the target field and check whether the source fits into the target. Don't think it makes sense to start collecting the possibly large CASEs for this here. If you have access to a newer ABAP, you could try generating a large test data set there and use it to reverse-engineer the compatibility rules from MOVE EXACT.
Back-and-forth conversion. Move the value from source to target and back and see whether it changes. If it changes, the fields aren't compatible. This is unprecise, as some formats will change although the values remain the same; for example, -42 could change to 42-, although this is the same in ABAP.
To-longer conversion. Move the field from source to target. Then construct a slightly longer version of target, and move source also there. If the two targets are identical, the fields are compatible. This fails at the boundaries, i.e. if it's not possible to construct a slightly-longer version, e.g. because the maximum number of decimal places of a P field is reached.
DATA target TYPE char3.
DATA source TYPE string VALUE `123.5`.
DATA(lo_target) = CAST cl_abap_elemdescr( cl_abap_elemdescr=>describe_by_data( target ) ).
DATA(lo_longer) = cl_abap_elemdescr=>get_by_kind(
p_type_kind = lo_target->type_kind
p_length = lo_target->length + 1
p_decimals = lo_target->decimals + 1 ).
DATA lv_longer TYPE REF TO data.
CREATE DATA lv_longer TYPE HANDLE lo_longer.
ASSIGN lv_longer->* TO FIELD-SYMBOL(<longer>).
<longer> = source.
target = source.
IF <longer> = target.
WRITE `Fits`.
WRITE `Doesn't fit, ` && target && ` is different from ` && <longer>.

VB.NET "For each" versus ".GetUpperBound(0)"

I would like to know what is preferred...
Dim sLines() As String = s.Split(NewLine)
For each:
For Each sLines_item As String In sLines
For i As Integer = 0 To sLines.GetUpperBound(0)
I have no idea why the "For Each" was introduced for such cases. Until now I have only used .GetUpperBound, and I don't see any PRO for the "For Each".
Thank you
ps: When I use ."GetUpperBound(0)", I do know that I am iterating over the vector.
The "For Each" in contrast sounds like "I don't care in which order the vector is given to me". But that is just personal gusto, I guess.
Short answer: Do not use GetUpperBound(). The only advantage of GetUpperBound() is that it works for multi-dimensional arrays, where Length doesn't work. However, even that usage is outdated since there is Array.GetLength() available that takes the dimension parameter. For all other uses, For i = 0 to Array.Length - 1 is better and probably the fastest option.
It's largely a personal preference.
If you need to alter the elements of the array, you should use For i ... because changing sLines_item will not affect the corresponding array element.
If you need to delete elements of the array, you can iterate For i = ubound(sLines) to 0 step -1 (or the equivalent).
Short answer
You should always use For Each on IEnumerable types unless you have no other choice.
Long answer
Contrary to the popular understanding, For Each is not a syntactic sugar on top of For Next. It will not necessarily iterate over every element of its source. It is a syntactic sugar on top of IEnumerable.GetEnumerator(). For Each will first get an enumerator to its source then loop until it cannot enumerate further. Basically, it will be replaced by the following code. Keep in mind that this is an oversimplification.
' Ask the source for a way to enumerate its content in a forward only manner.
Dim enumerator As IEnumerator = sLines.GetEnumerator()
' Loop until there is no more element in front of us.
While enumerator.Next() Then
' Invoke back the content of the for each block by passing
' the currently enumerated element.
End While
The major difference between this and a classical For Next loop is that it does not depend on any length. This fixes two limitations in modern .NET languages. The first one has to do with the Count method. IEnumerable provides a Count method, but the implementation might not be able to keep track of the actual amount of elements it stores. Because of this, calling IEnumerable.Count might cause the source to be iterated over to actually count the amount of element it contains. Moreover, doing this as the end value for traditional For Next loop will cause this process to be done for every element in the loop. This is very slow. Here is an illustration of this process:
For i As Integer = 0 To source.Count() ' This here will cause Count to be
' evaluated for every element in source.
The use of For Each fixes this by never requesting the length of the source.
The second limitation it fixes is the lack of a concept for arrays with infinite amount of elements. An example of such cases would be an array containing every digit of PI where each digit is only calculated when you request them. This is where LINQ makes its entrance and really shines because it enables you to write the following code:
Dim piWith10DigitPrecision = From d In InfinitePiSource
Take 10
Dim piWith250DigitPrecision = From d In InfinitePiSource
Take 250
Dim infite2PiSource = From d In InfinitePiSource
Select d * 2
Now, in an infinite source, you cannot depend on a length to iterate over all of its elements. It has an infinite length thus making a traditional For Next loop an infinite loop. This does not change anything for the first two examples I have given with pi because we explicitly provides the amount of elements we want, but it does for the third one. When would you stop iterating? For Each, when combined with Yield (used by the Take operator), makes sure that you never iterate until you actually requests a specific value.
You might have already figured it out by now but these two things means that For Each effectively have no concept of bounds because it simply does not require them. The only use for GetLowerBound and GetUpperBound are for non-zero-indexed arrays. For instance, you might have an array that indexes values from 1 instead of zero. Even then, you only need GetLowerBound and Length. Obviously, this is only if the position of the element in the source actually matters. If it does not, you can still use For Each to iterate over all elements as it is bound agnostic.
Also, as already mentioned, GetLength should be used for zero-indexed multi-dimensional arrays, again, only if the position of the element matters and not just the element itself.