Rally custom fields changes reflect other fields - rally

case 1
1. Create custom fields called "completion %" which depends on child user stories. How can i fill parent user story completion % based on child user stories completion
Create two custom fields - start and end date => parent user stories should NOT depend on child user stories start and end date
any idea on rally custom fields changes

It sounds like you should start using Portfolio items to be the parents. Having parent user stories and child user stories is from a time when Rally didn't have the capability it does now, and there are far better ways to manage your work breakdown.
What you are asking for is already available in Rally if you use Features as the parents of a collection of User Stories.


How to create filter on discussion comments in Rally?

I'm new to Rally tool. I need to create a filter on comments in Discussion of User stories. In the custom list view I was able to fetch the discussion field which displays number of comments inside the discussion and on click displays comments. However I'm struggling to create filter on this comments/discussion field. How can I achieve this?

Custom List App available to show user stories and defects for previous sprints

The custom list app is a nice app, to show a list of items that are currently in Rally.
What I would like to get out of this list as well, is UserStories and Defects from previous Iterations.
A page can be easily setup where you have an iteration filter on top, then a list app underneath. When the page is set to show closed / past iterations it should show the user stories and defects that have been previously assigned to the applied iteration (even if they have another iteration set currently).
Is such an app available? Searching a bit did provide any usefull apps,
Blocking history seems to do a little in that area, but looks only at things that had a blocker flag set:
The List from this app on the other hand cannot be modified, therefor I want to combine history with the Custom Grid app as provided by Rally.
What about the Iteration Scope Change app?
Source here:
It's available directly in the app catalog in the product as well.

Create custom report in Rally

I would like to create a custom report in Rally which does the following:
Show all the user stories which were added once the sprint started
Show all the user stories which were moved/split into the next sprint
I wasn't able to work with the current options while trying to create a custom report. Would appreciate if someone could help me with this.
There is an app called Iteration Scope Change you can add to your dashboard or a custom page which will show a lot of these details. It definitely will show items added/removed during the sprint. Not sure on the second bullet, but it's worth trying it out and seeing if it meets your needs...

Joomla, assing menu-item to particular user

I am designing a photographers website.
What i need to do is allow every logged in user to view -ONLY- his portfolio and no other.
Since i haven't found any extension that does that in style, i decided to use a general portfolio extension, and create a portfolio for each user.
Then i need to find a way so that when a user logs in, with his username/password, a menu-item will appear that will hold -ONLY- his portfolio.
So my question is, how can i do that???
Assign a single menuitem to a single user.
Thank you.
The only idea I have in mind is to use user groups here. Create the user, create the user group, assign the user to the group and assign that group to the object you want to protect.
If it's just about showing images I have another idea.
I build that user group specific handling into Event Gallery, a Joomla! gallery component: https://extensions.joomla.org/extensions/extension/photos-a-images/galleries/event-gallery/
Doing this make creating different menu items unnecessary. Once the user logs in he can see his content. In addition the content is protected. A simple menu item might not do that trick.

Getting id of created object similar to user>identity

When I create blog for user, before adding blog to database I can check user identity and get user ID, to write it in blogs database, so I know that this blog belongs to this user.
But What If I want to write a sub blog. In that case before starting adding it I need somehow parent blog ID in the controller. Can I get it the way $app->user->identity works ?
Yii::$app->user->identity holds the information of a logged in user and this is done automatically by Yii2 when you call the login() method of User object. So if you are asking if there's some way that you will get the parent blog ID automatically, then the answer is No.
However, there are several ways you can pass the parent blog ID to the controller action responsible for adding a sub blog. Following are some ways that come to mind:
I am assuming you will have some sort of a form where user will type the details of the sub blog. In this form you can have a drop down (mandatory field) showing the list of existing parent blogs (from Blog table). User must select a parent blog from this list and on submission of the form, inside the controller action you can easily write code to get the ID value of the parent blog from drop down.
Instead of having the user select the parent blog from drop down, you can pass the ID (as a query string parameter) of the parent blog when user clicks on a link/button to add a sub blog. And in the page with the form to add sub blog, you can set the parent blog ID from the query string into a hidden field. Finally, on submission of the form, inside the controller action you can easily write code to get the ID value of the parent blog from hidden input field.