Bind Key Vault settings to class -

In ASP.NET Core, if reading configuration from a JSON app.settings file I can bind a section to an object like this:
Is there a straightforward way to do this with a group of settings that are read from Azure Key Vault? I am following the guide as described in the MSDN documentation here
I can manually map them like this:
services.Configure<MyPocoConfig>(myPoco =>
myPoco.Option1 = Configuration["Option1"];
myPoco.Option2 = Configuration["Option2"];
I just wondered if there was a way to automap them as it works for config stored in app.settings JSON. I'm sure it could be done with reflection but I was hoping there'd be a built in way.
I tried putting the settings into a category using the category--setting syntax described in the article and reading them with services.Configure<MyPocoConfig>(Configuration.GetSection("category")), but this doesn't work.
It is now possible as of 2020 to put settings into a category using the category--setting syntax and read them like services.Configure<MyPocoConfig>(Configuration.GetSection("category"))

You can achieve the same by naming your Secret in the following pattern.
And you can use the following to get the values by section and .NetCore automatically maps it.
Refer link


mongodb differences between clients

I'm very confused and I can't seem to find any explanations on the web. windowStart is a ISODate in my documents.
When using the mongodb-java-driver (via the mongoTemplate in Spring) the following works fine...
{windowStart : {$lt : new Date()}}
When I use MongoDb Compass GUI and type the above in the Filter it is marked as not valid. If I change it to...
{windowStart : {$lt : new Date('2018-10-01')}}
...then it is marked as valid and works
Another example...
{windowStart : {$gt : new Date(new Date('2018-10-01').getTime()+1000*60*60*24*64)}}
Does not work in mongodb-java-driver (via the mongoTemplate in Spring).
Does work in MongoDb Compass GUI
So I just can't work out what I can and cannot do. There is something I'm missing about how the client drivers work and the differences? I see lots of examples on the web for searching date ranges etc yet most don't work for me, so again I'm wondering what client they have been written for
In the below script, you will get data between the given date

JSONAPIAdapter - Use camel case instead of dasherized case

Is there a quick and easy way to use camel case when serializing a JsonApi model? By default is is using dasherized case for both url and field names.
Look at EmberJS guides for an example how to make user-profile-related adapter hit user_profile instead:
export default DS.JSONAPIAdapter.extend({
pathForType: function(type) {
return Ember.String.underscore(type);
Requests for person would now target /person/1. Requests for user-profile would now target /user_profile/1
If you need to serialize attributes, not just the model names, you can find related section to the topic at the very same place, direct link here.
Since the example above uses Ember.String.underscore(), I am attaching a link to very useful String helpers Ember provides by default, Ember.String API:

Recursive/Exploded uri variable with restlet

Does Restlet support exploded path variable (reference to URI Template RFC)?
An example would be /documents{/path*} where path can be for example "a/b/c/d/e".
This syntax doesn't seem to work with Restlet.
I'm creating a folder navigation api and I can have variable path depth, but I'm trying to have only one resource on the server side to handle all the calls. Is this something I can do with Restlet? I suppose I could create a custom router but if there is another way to do this I would like to know.
It is possible to support this using matching modes.
For example:
Hope this helps!
I'm doing the following
myRouter.attach("/documents/{path}", MyResource.class).setMatchingMode(Template.START_WITH);
Now I do get inside the resource GET method, but if I request the value of the path variable, I only get the first part (for example, /documents/a/b/c, path returns "a".) I use getRequest().getAttributes().get("path") to retrieve the value. Am I doing something wrong ?

Serializing Typesafe Config objects

I'd like to persist a Config object ( as a serialized string(maybe JSON ??) and read it back when required. However, I didnt find any API on the Config api docs that supports. Any help on this is appreciated.
I tried
but the result looks like
Try this:
Of course you can also adjust a few parameters, for example:
val renderOptions = ConfigRenderOptions
println(config.root().render(renderOptions)) MVC: Execute Razor from DB String?

I was thinking about giving end users the ability to drop Partial Views (controls) into the information being stored in the database. Is there a way to execute a string I get from the database as part of the Razor view?
Update (I forgot all about this)
I had asked this question previously (which lead me to create RazorEngine) Pulling a View from a database rather than a file
I know of at least two: RazorEngine, MvcMailer
I have a bias towards RazorEngine as it's one that I've worked on but I have a much simpler one at Github called RazorSharp (though it only supports c#)
These are all pretty easy to use.
string result = RazorEngine.Razor.Parse(razorTemplate, new { Name = "World" });
I haven't used this one so I can't help.
RazorSharp also supports master pages.
string result = RazorSharp.Razor.Parse(new { Name = "World" },
masterTemplate); //master template not required
Neither RazorSharp, nor RazorEngine support any of the Mvc helpers such as Html and Url. Since these libraries are supposed to exist outside of Mvc and thus require more work to get them to work with those helpers. I can't say anything about MvcMailer but I suspect the situation is the same.
Hope these help.