Word Print Preview not honoring my SSRS format settings - sql

When I print preview after exporting it to word:
Custom Page Size 10.36" x 11"
My margins are fine, but the wording goes off the page and gets cut off.
Is there any way to force the page size to be 8.5x11?

Check if some of the elements are wider than thr max width. Usually when I have this issue it turns out that a page header/footer/tablix is a few milimeters longer than it should. Also, check if the content AND the margins fit in the dimension for the word page you want.


iText7 - create PDF with exact dimensions when printed - how?

I'm creating a simple PDF using iText7 (C#) but I need it to be printed at exactly the right size. Here's my code:
PdfWriter writer = new PdfWriter("output.pdf");
PdfDocument pdf = new PdfDocument(writer);
var page = pdf.AddNewPage();
page.SetCropBox(new iText.Kernel.Geom.Rectangle(36, 36, 7.5f * 72, 10 * 72));
PdfCanvas canvas = new PdfCanvas(page);
canvas.MoveTo(36, 36);
canvas.LineTo(36, 36 + 72); // Draw a line 1 inch long
canvas.LineTo(36 + 72, 36 + 72); // Draw a second line, perpendicular to the first, also 1 inch long
If I right-click the resulting PDF and select "Print", my triangle is off the bottom of the page.
When I open the resulting PDF in the PDF program I'm using (PDF Architect), it gives me a few options:
If I just click "Print", it gives me lines that are 1 1/16" long and start about 1/8" from the edge of the page, so by default PDF Architect seems to be taking the contents of my crop box and expanding it to the maximum page availability.
If I click on "Fit" before clicking "Print", that results in the desired output - lines 1" long, starting 1/2" from each side of the page. That works but is error-prone - too easy to forget to click "Fit" every time.
Is there a way to generate a PDF that contains information that says "I'm targeting this document at letter size, but I'm staying 1/2" away from all the edges, so when you print, if the printer has margins <= 1/2 inch you should be fine, and just print it exactly how I've described without any shrinking or enlarging"?
You will not be able to completely control this from the PDF document. The PDF processor (e.g. viewing application) or the printer (driver) will always be able to scale the content up or down.
Apparently, PDF Architect has the "Fit" option enabled by default, so it scales the page to the selected paper size.
You are setting a crop box of 7.5x10 in. I assume you're printing to Letter sized (8.5x11 in) paper. So the 7.5x10 page will indeed be scaled up, and your content will become slightly larger.
Is there a way to generate a PDF that contains information that says "I'm targeting this document at letter size, but I'm staying 1/2" away from all the edges, so when you print, if the printer has margins <= 1/2 inch you should be fine, and just print it exactly how I've described without any shrinking or enlarging"?
I would not set the crop box. When the pages in the PDF document are Letter size and the output paper is also Letter size, it should not matter whether the "Fit" option is enabled or not, as not scaling needs to happen. It's definitely not a fool proof solution, but at least it's less error prone.

empty column in pdf version of ssrs report

My report structure:
tablix in rectangle
from reportviewer and visual studio all looks great, but when i render pdf i'm getting document consisting of 3 pages, first (with header) is ok, but the rest gets an empty column on the right
i try to put each column and row in rectangle etc.
i'm sure that size of my report body is ok (body + margins <= page)
example with colors (dark blue - subreport in rectangle, yellow - main container):
height is correct, but width from second page is too large
Not sure if this is your issue, but I have found that I get that kind of issue when the width of report + left margin + right margin is too close to page size. An easy way to see if this may be the issue is to see if you have random blank pages. I would also suggest attempting to shorten the columns to all fit on one page width. Another thing to try is export it to Word. Strangely enough, if the report goes over the width that you specify for a page, Word will accommodate your report and become a bigger page size. See if you are still missing columns in those cases.

How to avoid data being cut when presenting a BIRT report as PDF?

After exporting report in PDF format I realized that a few rows were hidden. As you can see in the image:
Notice that the 1st row in the second page is not the next row fetched by the data set, which should actually be 10 January 15 03:00.
Also, there's no Page Break, instead the default layout comes from the Master Page which is US letter.
I've been trying different solutions for this problem and after checking
M Williams and James Jenkins suggestions (among others) I still couldn't find it.
Perhaps Dominique could help? Dom?
The large blank space we can see below this table suggests there is a fixed margin or something like that which prevents all rows to be displayed. What is the value of the "Page break interval" property of the table? By default it is 40, try to decrease it until all rows are displayed in PDF. Otherwise you need to find out which element of the report has a fixed height or margin, This blank space might also be due to a property of the master page such margins and footer size

How to generate pdf from a libreoffice calc sheet fitting the page width?

Using LibreOffice in Ubuntu 13.10 I am desperately trying to export the content of a sheet (4 columns) into a pdf (portrait), so all 4 columns fit on a page. A page nicely explains all the settings - but they do not have any effect!
I select all the range I want to export to a pdf (the 4 columns previously mentioned), click File -> Export as PDF, and no matter what I change (e.g. zoom to 7%), the generated pdf contains two pages: One page with the first three columns, and another page with the fourth column.
This is quite cumbersome and ridiculous, and any help is appreciated to solve this problem.
Maybe the LibreOffice Help is misleading here. Those settings (Fit width etc) just affect how to display the resulting PDF. If you want to scale the output to make it fit to a certain number of pages, you will have to modify the page styles's properties: Menu Format -> Page... -> Sheet Tab.
Here, you have three options:
Reduce / enlarge printout: set a fixed scaling factor (e.g. 50 %);
Fit print range(s) to width / heigth: set either the maximum width or maximum heigth in pages, scaling will be proportionally in every case;
Fit print range(s) on number of pages: set the maximum page number.
In your case, just select the third option and set the page number to 1:
I had the same settings as in tohuwawohu's answer, though page still ended too early after column EF, no matter of Scale, Page width or margin settings.
Then I discovered Format -> Print Ranges -> Edit menu with custom range - .
Changing to last column solved my problem. HTH somebody.
Go to File > Print Preview, and adjust the content size with the zoom slider. Click Export and you're done.

Using whole space of pdf file

I am using prawn to create pdf file but it always leaves some spaces/margins around the page. Can't we use whole space of the pdf file not leaving any margins around?
Thanks !!!
Are you referring to the page bounds ?
The general space that is consumed on the page can be shown by the example code:
require 'prawn/core'
require 'prawn/layout'
Prawn::Document.generate('padded_box.pdf') do
text "Margin box"
padded_box(25) do
text "Bounding box padded by 25 on all sides from the margins"
padded_box(50) do
text "Bounding box padded by 50 on all sides from the parent bounds"
This will draw the bounds of the page showing the margin. There is a gap, which is the margins typically defined for the printing area