Starting from the universal-sentence-encoder in TensorFlow.js, I noticed that the range of the numbers in the embeddings wasn't what I expected. I was expecting some distribution between [0-1] or [-1,1] but don't see either of these.
For the sentence "cats are great!" here's a visualization, where each dimension is projected onto a scale from [-0.5, 0.5]:
Here's the same kind of visualization for "i wonder what this sentence's embedding will be" (the pattern is similar for the first ~10 sentences I tried):
To debug, I looked at whether the same kind of thing comes up in the demo Colab notebook, and it seems like it is. Here's what I see if I see for the range of the embeddings for those two sentences:
# NEW: added this, with different messages
messages = ["cats are great!", "sometimes models are confusing"]
values, indices, dense_shape = process_to_IDs_in_sparse_format(sp, messages)
with tf.Session() as session:[tf.global_variables_initializer(), tf.tables_initializer()])
message_embeddings =
feed_dict={input_placeholder.values: values,
input_placeholder.indices: indices,
input_placeholder.dense_shape: dense_shape})
for i, message_embedding in enumerate(np.array(message_embeddings).tolist()):
print("Message: {}".format(messages[i]))
print("Embedding size: {}".format(len(message_embedding)))
message_embedding_snippet = ", ".join(
(str(x) for x in message_embedding[:3]))
print("Embedding: [{}, ...]\n".format(message_embedding_snippet))
# NEW: added this, to show the range of the embedding output
print("Embedding range: [{}, {}]".format(min(message_embedding), max(message_embedding)))
And the output shows:
Message: cats are great!
Embedding range: [-0.05904272198677063, 0.05903803929686546]
Message: sometimes models are confusing
Embedding range: [-0.060731519013643265, 0.06075377017259598]
So this again isn't what I'm expecting - the range is more narrow than I'd expect. I thought this might be a TF convention that I missed, but couldn't see it in the TFHub page or the guide to text embeddings or in the paper so am not sure where else to look without digging into the training code.
The colab notebook example code has an example sentence that says:
Universal Sentence Encoder embeddings also support short paragraphs.
There is no hard limit on how long the paragraph is. Roughly, the
longer the more 'diluted' the embedding will be.
But the range of the embedding is roughly the same for all the other examples in the colab, even one word examples.
I'm assuming this range is not just arbitrary, and it does make sense to me that the range is centered in zero and small, but I'm trying to understand how this scale came to be.
The output of the universal sentence encoder is a vector of length 512, with an L2 norm of (approximately) 1.0. You can check this by calculating the inner product
ip = 0
for i in range(512):
ip += message_embeddings[0][i] * message_embeddings[0][i]
> 1.0000000807544893
The implications are that:
Most values are likely to be in a narrow range centered around zero
The largest possible single value in the vector is 1.0 - and this would only happen if all other values are exactly 0.
Similarly the smallest possible value is -1.
If we take a random vector of length 512, with values distributed uniformly, and then normalize it to unit magnitude, we expect to see values in a range similar to what you see.
rand_uniform = np.random.uniform(-1, 1, 512)
l2 = np.linalg.norm(rand_uniform)
plt.plot(rand_uniform / l2, 'b.')
axes = plt.gca()
axes.set_ylim([-0.5, 0.5])
Judging visually, the distribution of excitations does not look uniform, but rather is biased toward extremes.
I cannot see the difference between what I am doing and the working Google TFP example, whose structure I am following. What am I doing wrong/should I be doing differently?
[Setup: Win 10 Home 64-bit 20H2, Python 3.7, TF2.4.1, TFP 0.12.2, running in Jupyter Lab]
I have been building a model step by step following the example of TFP Probabilistic Layers Regression. The Case 1 code runs fine, but my parallel model doesn't and I cannot see the difference that might cause this
yhat = model(x_tst)
to fail with message Input 0 of layer sequential_14 is incompatible with the layer: : expected min_ndim=2, found ndim=1. Full shape received: (2019,) (which is the correct 1D size of x_tst)
For comparison: Google's load_dataset function for the TFP example returns y, x, x_tst, which are all np.ndarray of size 150, whereas I read data from a csv file with pandas.read_csv, split it into train_ and test_datasets and then take 1 col of data as independent variable 'g' and dependent variable 'redz' from the training dataset.
I know x, y, etc. need to be np.ndarray, but one does not create ndarray directly, so I have...
x = np.array(train_dataset['g'])
y = np.array(train_dataset['redz'])
x_tst = np.array(test_dataset['g'])
where x, y, x_tst are all 1-dimensional - just like the TFP example.
The model itself runs
model = tf.keras.Sequential([
tfp.layers.DistributionLambda(lambda t: tfd.Normal(loc=t, scale=1)),
# Do inference.
model.compile(optimizer=tf.optimizers.Adam(learning_rate=0.01), loss=negloglik), y, epochs=1, verbose=False);
(and when plotted gives the expected output for the google data - I don't get this far):
But, per the example when I try to "profit" by doing yhat = model(x_tst) I get the dimensions error given above.
What's wrong?
(If I try mode.predict I think I hit a known bug/gap in TFP; then it fails the assert)
Update - Explicit Reshape Resolves Issue
The hint from Frightera led to further investigation: x_tst had shape (2019,)
Reshaping by x_tst = x_tst.rehape(2019,1) resolved the issue. Is TF inconsistent in its requirements or is there some good reason that the explicit final dimension 1 was required? Who knows. At least predictions can be made now.
In this question Difference between numpy.array shape (R, 1) and (R,), the OP asked for the difference between (R,) and (R,1) but the answers given did not address this specific point.
Similarly in this question Difference between these array shapes in numpy
I believe the answer lies in the numpy glossary, where it says of (n,) that
A parenthesized number followed by a comma denotes a tuple with one
element. The trailing comma distinguishes a one-element tuple from a
parenthesized n.
Which, naturally, echoes the Python statements concerning tuples here
Thus an array of shape (R,) is a tuple describing an array as being 1D of a certain extent R, where the comma is appended to distinguish the tuple (R,) from the non-tuple (R).
However, for a 1D array, there is no sense of row or column ordering; (R,1) is R rows by 1 column, but (1, R) would be 1 row of R columns, and though it shouldn't matter to a 1D iterator either it does or the iterator doesn't correctly recognise ( ,) and thinks it is 2D. (i.e. I don't know the technical details of that part, but these seem to be the only options that account for the behaviour.)
This issue is unrelated to the indeterminacy of size that occurs in tensor definition in Tensorflow. In the context of Tensorflow, Tensors (arrays) may have indeterminate shapes, so that more data may be added along a certain axis as processing occurs, e.g. in batches, in which case the initial Tensor shape includes a leading None to indicate where array expansion is expected to occur. (See e.g. tensor's shape here)
I have a term-document matrix (X) of shape (6, 25931). The first 5 documents are my source documents and the last document is my target document. The column represents counts for different words in the vocabulary set. I want to get the cosine similarity of the last document with each of the other documents.
But since SVD produces an S of size (min(6, 25931),), If I used the S to reduce my X, I get a 6 * 6 matrix. But In this case, I feel that I will be losing too much information since I am reducing a vector of size (25931,) to (6,).
And when you think about it, usually, the number of documents will always be less than number of vocabulary words. In this case, using SVD to reduce dimensionality will always produce vectors that are of size (no documents,).
According to everything that I have read, when SVD is used like this on a term-document matrix, it's called LSA.
Am I implementing LSA correctly?
If this is correct, then is there any other way to reduce the dimensionality and get denser vectors where the size of the compressed vector is greater than (6,)?
P.S.: I also tried using fit_transform from sklearn.decomposition.TruncatedSVD which expects the vector to be of the form (n_samples, n_components) which is why the shape of my term-document matrix is (6, 25931) and not (25931, 6). I kept getting a (6, 6) matrix which initially confused me. But now it makes sense after I remembered the math behind SVD.
If the objective of the exercise is to find the cosine similarity, then the following approach can help. The author is only attempting to solve for the objective and not to comment on the definition of Latent Semantic Analysis or the definition of Singular Value Decomposition mentioned by the questioner.
Let us first invoke all the required libraries. Please install them if they do not exist in the machine.
from sklearn.metrics.pairwise import cosine_similarity
import pandas as pd
from sklearn.feature_extraction.text import TfidfVectorizer
Let us generate some sample data for this exercise.
df = {'sentence': ['one two three','two three four','four five','six seven eight nine ten']}
df = pd.DataFrame(df, columns = ['sentence'])
The first step is to get the exhaustive list of all the possible features. So collate all of the content at one place.
all_content = [' '.join(df['sentence'])]
Let us build a vectorizer and fit it now. Please note that the arguments in the vectorizer are not explained by the author as the focus is on solving the problem.
vectorizer = TfidfVectorizer(encoding = 'latin-1',norm = 'l2', min_df = 0.03, ngram_range = (1,2), max_features = 5000)
We can inspect the vocabulary to see if it makes sense. If needed, one could add stop words in the vectorizer above and supress them to see if they are indeed supressed.
Let us vectorize the sentences for us to deploy cosine similarity.
s1Tokens = vectorizer.transform(df.iloc[1,])
s2Tokens = vectorizer.transform(df.iloc[2,])
Finally, the cosine of the similarity can be computed as follows.
cosine_similarity(s1Tokens , s2Tokens)
I'm playing around with the new Modules which are available on the tensorflow-hub (which I really like - thanks for that).
Whats unclear to me, is the preprocessing which should take place when feeding a sentence. The module documentation says, that in the preprocessing step the inputj sentences gets splitted at the spaces.
However, when I run the following program, I only get a single vector:
with tf.device("/cpu:0"):
embed = hub.Module("")
global_step1 = tf.train.get_or_create_global_step()
with tf.device("/cpu:0"):
embeddings = embed({"default": ["Cat sat on mat"]})
with tf.train.MonitoredTrainingSession(is_chief=True) as sess:
message_embeddings_cat =
print(message_embeddings_cat.shape) # (result: (1, 128))
How do I get the embeddings for each word, and what does the single vector represents? A fixed-dimensional representation of the sentence, the Unknown-Word embedding or something else?
Thanks in advance!
Edit: It seems the result is a combined embedding created with tf.nn.embedding_lookup_sparse. (Thanks for the confirmation #svsgoogle)
Yes, the output represents a fixed-dimensional representation of the entire sentence.
You can also embed single words to get their vectors. In your case:
embeddings = embed({"default": ["Cat", "sat", "on", "mat"]})
Should give you a result with shape (4, 128).
This question is rather abstract and not necessarily tied to tensorflow or keras. Say that you want to train a language model, and you want to use inputs of different sizes for your LSTMs. Particularly, I'm following this paper:
The authors use, among other things, word embeddings and one-hot encoding of characters. Most likely, the dimensions of each of these inputs are different. Now, to feed that into a network, I see a few alternatives but I'm sure I'm missing something and I would like to know how it should be done.
Create a 3D tensor of shape (instances, 2, max(embeddings,characters)). That is, padding the smaller input with 0s.
Create a 3D tensor of shape (instances, embeddings+characters, 1)). That is, concatenating inputs.
It looks to me that both alternatives are bad for efficiently training the model. So, what's the best way to approach this? I see the authors use an embedding layer for this purpose, but technically, what does that mean?
Here are more details. Let's call these inputs X (character-level input) and E (word-level input). On each character of a sequence (a text), I compute x, e and y, the label.
x: character one-hot encoding. My character index is of size 38, so this is a vector filled with 37 zeros and one 1.
e: precomputed word embedding of dimension 200. If the character is a space, I fetch the word embedding of the previous word in the sequence, Otherwise, I assign the vector for incomplete word (INC, also of size 200). Real example with the sequence "red car": r>INC, e>INC, d>INC, _>embeddings["red"], c>INC, a>INC, r>INC.
y: the label to be predicted, which is the next character, one-hot encoded. This output is of the same dimension as x because it uses the same character index. In the example above, for "r", y is the one-hot encoding of "e".
According to keras documentation, the padding idea seems to be the one. There is the masking parameter in the embedding layer, that will make keras skip these values instead of processing them. In theory, you don't lose that much performance. If the library is well built, the skipping is actually skipping extra processing.
You just need to take care not to attribute the value zero to any other character, not even spaces or unknown words.
An embedding layer is not only for masking (masking is just an option in an embedding layer).
The embedding layer transforms integer values from a word/character dictionary into actual vectors of a certain shape.
Suppose you have this dictionary:
1: hey
2: ,
3: I'm
4: here
5: not
And you form sentences like
[1,2,3,4,0] -> this is "hey, I'm here"
[1,2,3,5,4] -> this is "hey, I'm not here"
[1,2,1,2,1] -> this is "hey, hey, hey"
The embedding layer will tranform each of those integers into vectors of a certain size. This does two good things at the same time:
Transforms the words in vectors because neural networks can only handle vectors or intensities. A list of indices cannot be processed by a neural network directly, there is no logical relation between indices and words
Creates a vector that will be a "meaningful" set of features for each word.
And after training, they become "meaningful" vectors. Each element starts to represent a certain feature of the word, although that feature is obscure to humans. It's possible that an embedding be capable of detecting words that are verbs, nouns, feminine, masculine, etc, everything encoded in a combination of numeric values (presence/abscence/intensity of features).
You may also try the approach in this question, which instead of using masking, needs to separate batches by length, so each batch can be trained at a time without needing to pad them: Keras misinterprets training data shape
I am trying to use pymc to find a change point in a time-series. The value I am looking at over time is probability to "convert" which is very small, 0.009 on average with a range of 0.001-0.016.
I give the two probabilities a uniform distribution as a prior between zero and the max observation.
alpha = df.cnvrs.max() # Set upper uniform
center_1_c = pm.Uniform("center_1_c", 0, alpha)
center_2_c = pm.Uniform("center_2_c", 0, alpha)
day_c = pm.DiscreteUniform("day_c", lower=1, upper=n_days)
def lambda_(day_c=day_c, center_1_c=center_1_c, center_2_c=center_2_c):
out = np.zeros(n_days)
out[:day_c] = center_1_c
out[day_c:] = center_2_c
return out
observation = pm.Uniform("obs", lambda_, value=df.cnvrs.values, observed=True)
When I run this code I get:
ZeroProbability: Stochastic obs's value is outside its support,
or it forbids its parents' current values.
I'm pretty new to pymc so not sure if I'm missing something obvious. My guess is I might not have appropriate distributions for modelling small probabilities.
It's impossible to tell where you've introduced this bug—and programming is off-topic here, in any case—without more of your output. But there is a statistical issue here: You've somehow constructed a model that cannot produce either the observed variables or the current sample of latent ones.
To give a simple example, say you have a dataset with negative values, and you've assumed it to be gamma distributed; this will produce an error, because the data has zero probability under a gamma. Similarly, an error will be thrown if an impossible value is sampled during an MCMC chain.