Pandas apply function on multiple columns - pandas

I am trying to apply a function to every column in a dataframe, when I try to do it on just a single fixed column name it works. I tried doing it on every column, but when I try passing the column name as an argument in the function I get an error.
How do you properly pass arguments to apply a function on a data frame?
def result(row,c):
if row[c] >=0 and row[c] <=1:
return 'c'
elif row[c] >1 and row[c] <=2:
return 'b'
return 'a'
cols = list(df.columns.values)
for c in cols
df[c] = df.apply(result, args = (c), axis=1)
TypeError: ('result() takes exactly 2 arguments (21 given)', u'occurred at index 0')
Input data frame format:
d = {'c1': [1, 2, 1, 0], 'c2': [3, 0, 1, 2]}
df = pd.DataFrame(data=d)
c1 c2
0 1 3
1 2 0
2 1 1
3 0 2

You don't need to pass the column name to apply. As you only want to check if values of the columns are in certain range and should return a, b or c. You can make the following changes.
def result(val):
if 0<=val<=1:
return 'c'
elif 1<val<=2:
return 'b'
return 'a'
cols = list(df.columns.values)
for c in cols
df[c] = df[c].apply(result)
Note that this will replace your column values.
A faster way is
import numpy as np
values = ['c', 'b']
for col in df.columns:
df[col] =[0<=df[col]<=1, 1<df[col]<=2], values, default = 'a')


Conditional lambda apply across dataframe based on list equality

I have a dataframe df whos columns contain lists of strings
df = A B
['-1'] , ['0','1','2']
['2','4','3'], ['2']
['3','8'] , ['-1']
I want to get the length of all the lists except the ones that are ['-1'] for the lists that are ['-1'] I want them to be -1
Expected output:
df = A B
-1, 3
3, 1
2, -1
I've tried
df.apply(lambda x: x.str.len() if not x == ['-1'] else -1)
and got the error ('Lengths must match to compare', (132,), (1,))
I have also tried
data_copy[colBeliefs] = data_copy[colBeliefs].apply(lambda x: x.str.len() if '-1' not in x else -1)
but this produces the wrong output where ['-1'] becomes 1 rather than -1
I'm not sure how I can apply functions to a dataframe based on the whether an entry in a dataframe is equal to a list, or whether an item is in a list.
EDIT: Output of df.head().to_dict()
{'A': {0: ['-1'],
1: ['2','4','3'],
2: ['3','8']},
'B': {0: ['0','1','2'],
1: ['2'],
2: ['-1']}}
You could do:
df.applymap(lambda x: -1 if (ln:=len(x)) == 1 and x[0] == '-1' else ln)
0 -1 3
1 3 1
2 2 -1
If yousing python < 3.8 Use the following:
df.applymap(lambda x: -1 if len(x) == 1 and x[0] == '-1' else len(x))

Pandas create new column base on groupby and apply lambda if statement

I have the issue with groupby and apply
df = pd.DataFrame({'A': ['a', 'a', 'a', 'b', 'b', 'b', 'b'], 'B': np.r_[1:8]})
I want to create a column C for each group take value 1 if B > z_score=2 and 0 otherwise. The code:
from scipy import stats
df['C'] = df.groupby('A').apply(lambda x: 1 if np.abs(stats.zscore(x['B'], nan_policy='omit')) > 2 else 0, axis=1)
However, I am unsuccessful with code and cannot figure out the issue
Use GroupBy.transformwith lambda, function, then compare and for convert True/False to 1/0 convert to integers:
from scipy import stats
s = df.groupby('A')['B'].transform(lambda x: np.abs(stats.zscore(x, nan_policy='omit')))
df['C'] = (s > 2).astype(int)
Or use numpy.where:
df['C'] = np.where(s > 2, 1, 0)
Error in your solution is per groups:
from scipy import stats
df = df.groupby('A')['B'].apply(lambda x: 1 if np.abs(stats.zscore(x, nan_policy='omit')) > 2 else 0)
ValueError: The truth value of an array with more than one element is ambiguous. Use a.any() or a.all()
If check gotcha in pandas docs:
pandas follows the NumPy convention of raising an error when you try to convert something to a bool. This happens in an if-statement or when using the boolean operations: and, or, and not.
So if use one of solutions instead if-else:
from scipy import stats
df = df.groupby('A')['B'].apply(lambda x: (np.abs(stats.zscore(x, nan_policy='omit')) > 2).astype(int))
print (df)
a [0, 0, 0]
b [0, 0, 0, 0]
Name: B, dtype: object
but then need convert to column, for avoid this problems is used groupby.transform.
You can use groupby + apply a function that finds the z-scores of each item in each group; explode the resulting list; use gt to create a boolean series and convert it to dtype int
df['C'] = df.groupby('A')['B'].apply(lambda x: stats.zscore(x, nan_policy='omit')).explode(ignore_index=True).abs().gt(2).astype(int)
0 a 1 0
1 a 2 0
2 a 3 0
3 b 4 0
4 b 5 0
5 b 6 0
6 b 7 0

How can I flatten the output dataframe of pandas crosstab from two series x and y into a series?

I have the following series x and y:
x = pd.Series(['a', 'b', 'a', 'c', 'c'], name='x')
y = pd.Series([1, 0, 1, 0, 0], name='y')
I call pd.crosstab to get the following dataframe as output:
pd.crosstab(x, y)
y 0 1
a 0 2
b 1 0
c 2 0
I want to transform this into a single series as follows:
x_a_y_0 0
x_a_y_1 2
x_b_y_0 1
x_b_y_1 0
x_c_y_0 2
x_c_y_1 0
For a specific dataframe like this one, I can construct this by visual inspection:
But given arbitrary series x and y, how do I generate the corresponding final output?
Use DataFrame.stack with change MultiIndex by map:
s = pd.crosstab(x, y).stack()
s.index = x: f'x_{x[0]}_y_{x[1]}')
print (s)
x_a_y_0 0
x_a_y_1 2
x_b_y_0 1
x_b_y_1 0
x_c_y_0 2
x_c_y_1 0
dtype: int64
Also is possible pass s.index.names, thank you #SeaBean:
s.index = x: f'{s.index.names[0]}_{x[0]}_{s.index.names[1]}_{x[1]}')

How to show rows with data which are not equal?

I have two tables
import pandas as pd
import numpy as np
df2 = pd.DataFrame(np.array([[1, 2, 3], [4, 5, 6], [7, 8, 9]]),
columns=['a', 'b', 'c'])
df1 = pd.DataFrame(np.array([[1, 2, 4], [4, 5, 6], [7, 8, 9]]),
columns=['a', 'b', 'c'])
I want to compare them. I want the same result if I would use function or at least something close to it. Can't use above fnction as my complier states that 'DataFrame' object has no attribute 'compare'
First approach:
Let's compare value by value:
In [1183]: eq_df = df1.eq(df2)
In [1196]: eq_df
a b c
0 True True False
1 True True True
2 True True True
Then let's reduce it down to see which rows are equal for all columns
from functools import reduce
In [1285]: eq_ser = reduce(np.logical_and, (eq_df[c] for c in eq_df.columns))
In [1288]: eq_ser
0 False
1 True
2 True
dtype: bool
Now we can print out the rows which are not equal
In [1310]: df1[~eq_ser]
a b c
0 1 2 4
In [1316]: df2[~eq_ser]
a b c
0 1 2 3
Second approach:
def diff_dataframes(
df1, df2, compare_cols=None
) -> Tuple[pd.DataFrame, pd.DataFrame, pd.DataFrame]:
Given two dataframes and column(s) to compare, return three dataframes with rows:
- common between the two dataframes
- found only in the left dataframe
- found only in the right dataframe
df1 = df1.fillna(pd.NA)
df = df1.merge(df2.fillna(pd.NA), how="outer", on=compare_cols, indicator=True)
df_both = df.loc[df["_merge"] == "both"].drop(columns="_merge")
df_left = df.loc[df["_merge"] == "left_only"].drop(columns="_merge")
df_right = df.loc[df["_merge"] == "right_only"].drop(columns="_merge")
tup = namedtuple("df_diff", ["common", "left", "right"])
return tup(df_both, df_left, df_right)
In [1366]: b, l, r = diff_dataframes(df1, df2)
In [1371]: l
a b c
0 1 2 4
In [1372]: r
a b c
3 1 2 3
Third approach:
In [1440]: eq_ser = df1.eq(df2).sum(axis=1).eq(len(df1.columns))

Pandas dataframe append to column containing list

I have a pandas dataframe with one column that contains an empty list in each cell.
I need to duplicate the dataframe, and append it at the bottom of the original dataframe, but with additional information in the list.
Here is a minimal code example:
df_main = pd.DataFrame([['a', []], ['b', []]], columns=['letter', 'mylist'])
> df_main
letter mylist
0 a []
1 b []
df_copy = df_main.copy()
for index, row in df_copy.iterrows():
row.mylist = row.mylist.append(1)
pd.concat([ df_copy,df_main], ignore_index=True)
> result:
letter mylist
0 a None
1 b None
2 a [1]
3 b [1]
As you can see there is a problem that the [] empty list was replaced by a None
Just to make sure, this is what I would like to have:
letter mylist
0 a []
1 b []
2 a [1]
3 b [1]
How can I achieve that?
append method on list return a None value, that's why None appears in the final dataframe. You may have use + operator for reassignment like this:
import pandas as pd
df_main = pd.DataFrame([['a', []], ['b', []]], columns=['letter', 'mylist'])
df_copy = df_main.copy()
for index, row in df_copy.iterrows():
row.mylist = row.mylist + list([1])
pd.concat([df_main, df_copy], ignore_index=True).head()
Output of this block of code:
letter mylist
0 a []
1 b []
2 a [1]
3 b [1]
A workaround to solve your problem would be to create a temporary column mylist2 with np.empty((len(df), 0)).tolist()) and use np.where() to change the None values of mylist to an empty list and then drop the empty column.
import pandas as pd, numpy as np
df_main = pd.DataFrame([['a', []], ['b', []]], columns=['letter', 'mylist'])
df_copy = df_main.copy()
for index, row in df_copy.iterrows():
row.mylist = row.mylist.append(1)
df = (pd.concat([df_copy,df_main], ignore_index=True)
.assign(mylist2=np.empty((len(df), 0)).tolist()))
df['mylist'] = np.where((df['mylist'].isnull()), df['mylist2'], df['mylist'])
df= df.drop('mylist2', axis=1)
letter mylist
0 a []
1 b []
2 a [1]
3 b [1]
Not only does append method on list return a None value as indicated in the first answer, but both df_main and df_copy contain pointers to the same lists. So after:
for index, row in df_copy.iterrows():
both dataframes have updated lists with one element. For your code to work as expected you can create a new list after you copy the dataframe:
df_copy = df_main.copy()
for index, row in df_copy.iterrows():
row.mylist = []
This question is another great example why we should not put objects in a dataframe.