Can I use Geolocation in a React Native unejected Expo Project? - react-native

The React Native docs give instructions on using Geolocation, but:
This section only applies to projects made with react-native init or
to those made with expo init or Create React Native App which have
since ejected.
Is it possible to use geolocation on projects that are still fully running in expo (without having been ejected?

Expo does provide api to get the current location. Please have a look over herelocation


Integrate Tamagui with existing Expo React Native app

After a while of reading Tamagui docs
I think Tamagui is used in Expo only when it is generated along with Expo project with this command npm create tamagui.
If Tamagui actually can be integrated with existing Expo React Native app, please drop me docs or tutorials.
Thanks in advance.

Can I use Expo to run a react-native project created by RN CLI?

I was wondering if I could use Expo to run the react-native project that I created using the npx react-native init command, since it generates a better structure for real-world applications.
The reason I want to do this is to avoid the countless erros that I had while running and debugging the app.
You can't do that..
React native and expo are different.
You can run expo projects on react native by detaching them. Expo has limitations.
You can not run react native projects on expo, i.e projects made by react native init/npx can't run on expo
You can use a package made available by the expo
for any React Native project using some resources made available by the expo.

Using native modules like Google Maps in a React Native app and Expo

Relatively new to React Native, I’m using AirBnb’s react native maps package in my app, and all the tutorials talk about getting Google Maps (rather than Apple Maps) to work in iOS by going into my iOS folder and managing the cocoapods dependencies etc.
I don’t completely remember, but I created my app with expo init, or maybe with create-react-native-app, and I don’t have an iOS folder. From what I’ve read it looks like I can get the separate folders by ejecting my app.
Here is what my actual question is about: The question is basically “Can I use Google Maps in an iOS MapView and still code my app in React Native and run it in Expo in both Xcode simulator and Android emulator, and still have hot/live loading?”
You could abstract the question just a bit and phrase it as “Can I follow the instructions on, say, a MapView tutorial, to use native dependencies, having iOS and Android folders, and still write my app in React Native and run it in both simulators with hot/live loading?”
(Or, once I’m using the native stuff do I have to code in Swift/Java and Xcode/Android Studio?)
As noted in the expo documentation, expo already contains a google maps map view.
if you didn't create your app with expo but just with the create-react-native-app command you can use this package maintained by the RN community:
This package uses native components so you need to link it (only if you don't use expo) and then you can just use it in your screens as a normal component.

React Native: How do you find PRODUCT_BUNDLE_IDENTIFIER using expo?

I am trying to implement Auth0 on my react native app and right off the bat you need to identify your PRODUCT_BUNDLE_IDENTIFIER for the callback the server uses through this template URL.
But since I'm using an Expo project I don't have the ios or android project folders. Am I missing something here or is it just impossible to configure an Auth0 with Expo created project?
The Auth0 React Native package uses native code; therefore, it's not compatible with Expo.
It looks like you may be able to work around this by using the web version instead, though. Expo has a repo (possibly out of date) which demonstrates this.

How to transfer EXPO project to React Native project?

I build an app with Expo tool .. but now I what to move to react native without expo .. I tried to just create a new project in react native and then transfer the code that I had written and install components that I had used in my app .
the app with Expo work as expected put with moved to react native without Expo works as unexpected and crashes.
you don't need to transfer the code like that, the expo provides us to detach our code from expo to without expo react-native projects.
please refer to this link expokit eject
if you want to use expo API in your project then you can detach your app using detach-with-expokit.
use expo eject to add ExpoKit (choose the "ExpoKit" option).