Block/Blur Screenshot IOS React-Native - react-native

Using React-Native I can not block the screenshot. I need to block or blur the screen for IOs. I've tried several things but I could not. Does anyone have a solution?

i think this libary should be helping

Currently the best method to do prevention in IOS is using
However, I created a lib to block screenshot (on android) and detect screenshot action on IOS.


ReactNative TextInput GIF Keyboard Insert

I want to utilize the GIF insertion features of Android and iOS keyboards, but when I try, I get a notify that, "____ doesn't support image insertion here". How can I get around this?
I installed this package and it worked

InputAccessoryView for Android?

For those of you using the InputAccessoryView component on iOS what are you doing for Android since it only works on iOS?
I've found these two libraries on github:
Anything else out there to use or maybe some other approach I'm not thinking about?

How To add Focus, Brightness and Zoom controls to react native camera?

I used react-native-camera on my iOS app and now trying to add Focus, Brightness and Zoom controls to it. So far I was unable to come up with a solution. Any idea how to do this?
I tried to find an option in different react native camera packages. Also posted in their git repos for help. Finally tried this post: Where they take a photo from the camera every 5 milliseconds and adjust its brightness which seems to be very unstable and it makes the app crash.
It is not possible to use the focus and zoom functionalities with react-native-camera.
Unluckily the focus api has many bugs and the zoom functionalities will not render fast enough with javascript.
Maybe a solution is not using react-native-camera and instead just writing an intent to open the default camera application
The following app uses this solution, all the camera functionalities work perfectly.
Could they re-open the issue as it seems to not be solved?
Developers may need to review all the open issues to estimate the project deadlines.

How to get notification badge in actionbar item using Titanium

I am developing application using Titanium and want feature to have a badge of notification in the action bar in Android as shown in attached image.
From Android native we can achieve the same using actionLayout property from the menu >> item tag.
But not clear how can we do the same using Titanium.
At least I need suggestion or guidance from where I can move ahead.
Check Android Notification tutorial from Titanium documentation.
There should be all you need. However, I'm not sure what do you mean by badge. There is appBadge property but it works only for iOS system.

UIWebView orientation change

I want to launch a mobile website as an app on iPhone so I've use the UIWebView component.
I want my app to support orientation change,so I've written the following code but I'm not getting expected result.
Please suggest me what changes to be made in order to fix the problem.
Here is my code.
Perfect solution for you question,
which version is your test device?
you should notice that
- (BOOL)shouldAutorotateToInterfaceOrientation:(UIInterfaceOrientation)interfaceOrientation is deprecated in ios6