React Native Bullet Character? or Unicode? - react-native

I want to use Bullet Character/ Small Circles used for passwords in React Native Text component. Is there a way to create them without using package.
I am thinking of creating a rounded View with background filled. However, kindly let know if a simpler solution exists.

There is a much simpler way,
Try using Unicode.
2B24, 25CF, 26AB, etc... these are Unicode for black filled dots.
USAGE: <Text>{'\u2B24'}</Text>.
You can search more Unicode here,

If you're wanting to create a TextInput that obscures the entries (e.g. for a password input), TextInput has a secureTextEntry prop.


react native text align by justify adds whitespace between letters

when using
text-align: justify
on react native it adds whitespace between the letters as well for some reason and is supposted to just add whitespace between words
i have tried removing letter-spacing but it just makes it worst because the whitespace between letters is based on the screen size so it just makes the text look bad on other devices
Unfortunately this how justify work you can check this old answer for more details about why/how it's works like that in react native from here.

TextInput that only accepts certain input of user without flickering issues

I have a textinput lets say :
onChangeText={val => {
setExpiry(val.replace(/[^0-9]/g, ''));
I want to restrict user to only add numbers, or any specific format using regex or simple loops.
The above is achieved, working without any functional issues.
But what seems to be off about this method is that it takes a little time (1ms may be) when you enter something unwanted, it shows entered character then removes that character. Overall, this doesn't look that great when it comes to user experience.
What I have tried:
Loop through the input and remove unwanted characters
It works but is slow and give the above flickering issues.
Use regex to replace with empty string
It works and is better at performance than above method, but still it gives the flickering issue.
So My question is that
is there any other way to have the same text box as on a native platform that doesn't have this flickering issue.
For Example: On native android, this issue is not faced.
Regexp with textinput
Loop with textinput
Issue in GitHub repo
Handling TextInput Docs
If the requirement is to allow only numbers, using keyboardType='numeric' will eliminate everything besides numbers (and some punctuation on Android, see the docs on TextInput). Your regex solution will still be required to prevent non-number content, but it should be used less this way.
Have you tested your flickering issue on a release build of your app? The debug version will always be slower, and the flickering problem may not exist in a release build.

How to code a input mask for currency using TextInput in React Native (using Expo)

I have an app that makes extensive use of react-native-paper's TextInput. Many of these inputs have to deal with monetary units. I know that TextInput from react-native-paper provides a render prop that allows you to add a text input mask and many have already been written. However, I can't seem to find one that works with expo and I only want to eject if absolutely necessary (I like many of the conveniences that expo brings to the table).
Can anyone show me an example of how to use onChangeText to accomplish this on my own?
These are my requirements:
I want 2 decimal places
I want to prevent the user from entering more than 1 decimal (maybe it's better not to allow them to enter a decimal at all - I'll do it once they enter more than 2 digits)
Check out this sample
Of course you can use any regex

React Native TextInput flickering on setState

I am building a Currency Input component using React Native TextInput.
While the user is typing, the requirement is that the text should always be format in this way:
$ + [integer-part] . [2 digits decimals]
So for example if the user enters 2, it should be automatically formatted to $0.02. I am able to perform a formatting while the user is typing as illustrated in the below screenshot:
Basically, using onChangeText, I apply some formatting and then call setState with the formatted value.
The problem here is that the newly typed character says for one second before being correctly formatted. And this causes the TextInput to flicker briefly.
I have looked at this similar question. But not only I could not understand how the accepted answer can solved my problem. And even when I did as suggested, it did not work.
I don't know how to go about with this problem: it seems that the TextInput cannot be fully "controlled" since it is displaying an input character although I have explicitly stated:
Any help from the community would be greatly appreciated
There is an open issue in the react-native github:
TextInput flickering when format the text closed, releated to:
Can't modify text in TextInput onChangeText callback on Android (open since 2019)
Even in the v0.68.1 (latest we have today) the same problem is happening.
I have a particullary case where I need to use currency masks and I have two choices:
Accept the flickering issue and keep the mask
Remove the mask and let the user put any plain text value. (in my case, forcing the keyboardType as 'numeric' was enough.

React native issue with special character

I creating an app in react native and using German language for labels.
I am using text "Passwort ändern" for "change password"; but when the screen is rendering all the special characters are changing into '?'.
Could you please help me out to render the special characters in react-native?
you can try this
<Text>Password {'ä'}ndern</Text>