Outlook DASL results to datagridview - vba

I am trying to populate the DASL query results (Outlook Table) to a DataGridView in VB.NET Form using below code. Although Outlook table has results, data is not getting populated in the form - no error appears too. Any help please.
Dim oT As Outlook.Table = eFolder.GetTable(strFilter)
oT.Sort("[SentOn]", True)
Me.DataGridView1.DataSource = oT

DataGridView.DataSource has no knowledge of the Outlook.Table COM object. It is your responsibility to convert it into something that the control understands.

Outlook's tables and DataSource instances are entirely different entities. You need to create a binding object in the code on your own extracting the required fields from the Items collection.
The DataGridView class supports the standard Windows Forms data-binding model. This means the data source can be of any type that implements one of the following interfaces:
The IList interface, including one-dimensional arrays.
The IListSource interface, such as the DataTable and DataSet classes.
The IBindingList interface, such as the BindingList class.
The IBindingListView interface, such as the BindingSource class.
As you can see, Outlook doesn't provide anything for that.

For anyone looking for the answer, below is the code
Dim RowCount As Integer = oT.GetRowCount
Dim DtaSet(RowCount, 6) As String
Dim VarArray As Array
VarArray = oT.GetArray(RowCount)
Dim myarr(RowCount) As mystructure
For ix As Integer = 0 To RowCount - 1
myarr(ix) = New mystructure With
.From = VarArray(ix, 0).ToString,
.EmailTo = VarArray(ix, 1).ToString,
.CC = VarArray(ix, 2).ToString,
DataGridView1.DataSource = myarr
Continues as below:
Structure mystructure
Private mFrom As String
Private mEmailTo As String
Private mCC As String
Public Property From() As String
Return mFrom
End Get
Set(ByVal value As String)
mFrom = value
End Set
End Property
Public Property EmailTo() As String
Return mEmailTo
End Get
Set(ByVal value As String)
mEmailTo = value
End Set
End Property
Public Property CC() As String
Return mCC
End Get
Set(ByVal value As String)
mCC = value
End Set
End Property


Properties, Arrays and ArrayLists using vb.net

In my code behind in my Web project I have a Property
Public Shared UserAttributes(2) As String
Public Property _UserAttributes(ByVal Index As Integer) As String
Return UserAttributes(Index)
End Get
Set(value As String)
UserAttributes(Index) = value
End Set
End Property
And I also have an ArrayList declared as Friend
Friend UserParameters As New ArrayList
I call my property like that:
_UserAttributes(0) = "parameter1"
_UserAttributes(1) = "parameter2"
_UserAttributes(2) = "parameter3"
_UserAttributes(0) = "parameter1,1"
_UserAttributes(1) = "parameter2,1"
_UserAttributes(2) = "parameter3,1"
From the above code we may see the two pairs of Attributes having one text each one.
What I need now is:
After I add the three Attributes from my Property to my ArrayList
The second three Attributes of my property NOT to spoil the first one.
Which by now that they are doing
And finally I have two(2) _items in my ArrayList which they have the same text on each _item (which is the last one).
What I need is to write the second (or more) set of Attributes without spoiling the previous _items from ArrayList.
Finally I've made it to solve this puzzle as follows
One Property as ArrayList
Public Property _UserParameters As ArrayList
Return UserParameters
End Get
Set(value As ArrayList)
UserParameters = value
End Set
End Property
Second Property as Array
Public Property _UserAttributes(ByVal Index As Integer) As String
Return UserAttributes(Index)
End Get
Set(value As String)
UserAttributes(Index) = value
End Set
End Property
And from code behind I use this code:
Dim UserAttributes As New Hashtable
Dim key As Object = Nothing
Dim Param As Object = Nothing
Dim myList As New ArrayList
Dim item As Object = UserAttributes
UserAttributes.Add("UserId", "Parametr1")
UserAttributes.Add("UserName", "Parametr2")
UserAttributes.Add("UserMail", "Parametr3")
For Each item In UserAttributes
key = item.Key
Param = item.value
logHandler._UserParameters.Add(key & "^" & Param)
UserAttributes.Add("UserId", "Parametr1-1")
UserAttributes.Add("UserName", "Parametr2-1")
UserAttributes.Add("UserMail", "Parametr3-1")
For Each item In UserAttributes
key = item.Key
Param = item.value
logHandler._UserParameters.Add(key & "^" & Param)
The use of HashTable solves my issue, Along with the conversion from HashTable parameters to String
Which add them first to the ArrayList Property
And after that add them to the second ArrayList
And the result of these ArrayList I add it to a Pull Down menu control.
And Why I'm doing all that?
That is because I have many users with the same attributes as keys but deferent values
Good day to all, with many thanks.

For a combobox with item = a datarow, how to point ValueMember to one of it's columns

I add items to a combobox like this:
For each R as DataRow in MyDataTable.Rows
If R("ID") > 10 then MyCombo.Items.Add(R)
And now I need to set the DisplayMember and ValueMember to a column of the datarow:
MyCombo.ValueMember = R("ID")
MyCombo.DisplayMember = R("Name")
I know it doesn't make sence to to use "R" as it doesn't reference to anything at this point but it's just to make an indication of what I mean ;-)
The documentation for ValueMember says:
"A String representing a single property name of the DataSource property value, or a hierarchy of period-delimited property names that resolves to a property name of the final data-bound object"
I know I can add the rows to a new datatable and set it to the DataSource, but as you can add any object to the combobox items, it would be nice to use the rows directly, just can't figures out how to make a reference the particular column as a string.?
Maybe you cannot use a row object directly. I guess to use Valuemember you need your item objects to be wrapped in a collection which implement an ilist interface.
In the old MS-Access days combobox items had natively Display- and ValueMember properties, I've always missed that in the .Net combobox control.
My work-around is to use this class, which then can be used for all your ComboBoxes:
Class oComboItems
Public items As New List(Of oDVpairs)
Class oDVpairs
Implements IComparable(Of oDVpairs)
Private myDM As String
Private myVM As Object
Sub New(DM As String, VM As Object)
myDM = DM
myVM = VM
End Sub
Public ReadOnly Property DM() As String
Return myDM
End Get
End Property
Public ReadOnly Property VM() As Object
Return myVM
End Get
End Property
Public Function CompareTo(other As oDVpairs) As Integer Implements IComparable(Of oDVpairs).CompareTo
Return Me.myDM.CompareTo(other.myDM)
End Function
End Class
Public Sub AddItems(DisplayMember As String, ValueMemeber As Object)
items.Add(New oDVpairs(DisplayMember, ValueMemeber))
End Sub
Public ReadOnly Property DisplayMember() As String
Return "DM"
End Get
End Property
Public ReadOnly Property ValueMember() As Object
Return "VM"
End Get
End Property
End Class
And now add my datarows(or any other objects) to the ComboBox:
Dim CI As New oComboItems
For Each R As DataRow In DT_U.Rows
If R("medlnr") > 10 Then
CI.AddItems(R("name"), R("ID"))
end if
MyCombo.DataSource = CI.Items
MyCombo.DisplayMember = CI.DisplayMember
MyCombo.ValueMember = CI.ValueMember

How Do I loop through this class once I have added items

How do i loop through this class once I add items via this method. Just I am quite new to generic lists so was wonding if someone could point me in right direction in datatables im used to doing the following:
For Each thisentry In dt.rows
What do I use in collections
Calling Code
Calling this in my delciarations of main class
Dim infoNoProductAvail As List(Of infoProductsNotFound) = New List(Of infoProductsNotFound)()
this is how i am adding the files but I have checked in the routine and the count for the list is at 2 products
If medProductInfo.SKU.SKUID = 0 Then
infoNoProductAvail.Add(New infoProductsNotFound(thisenty2.Item("EAN13").ToString(), True))
End If
this is the class itselfs
Public Class infoProductsNotFound
Public Sub New(tbcode As String, notfound As Boolean)
Me.tagbarcode = tbcode
Me.notfound = notfound
End Sub
Private tagbarcode As String = String.Empty
Private notfound As Boolean
Public Property tbcode() As String
Return tagbarcode
End Get
Set(ByVal value As String)
tagbarcode = value
End Set
End Property
Public Property isNotFound() As Boolean
Return notfound
End Get
Set(ByVal value As Boolean)
notfound = value
End Set
End Property
End Class
I tried using the following
Function BuildExceptionsForEmail()
Dim retval As String = ""
Dim cnt As Int32 = 0
retval = "The following products are not avialable" & vbCrLf
For Each info As infoProductsNotFound In infoNoProductAvail
retval &= info.tbcode
cnt &= 1
Return retval
but for some reason at this point my info noproductAvail is blank even though in the routine above its sitting at count of 2 what gives?
First I'd shrink that declaration a bit:
Dim infoNoProductAvail As New List(Of infoProductsNotFound)
Next, to iterate there are several options. First (and what you're likely most used to):
For Each info as infoProductsNotFound in infoNoProductAvail
If info.tbCode = "xyz" Then
End If
Or you might want to use lambda expressions (if you're using .Net 3.5 and above I think - might be .Net 4):
infoNoProductAvail.ForEach (Function(item) DoSomething(item))
Remember that generics are strongly typed (unlike the old VB collections) so no need to cast whatever comes out: you can access properties and methods directly.
If infoNoProductAvail(3).isNotFound Then
'Do something
End If
(Not that that is a great example, but you get the idea).
The For Each syntax is the same. It works the same way for all IEnumerable objects. The only "trick" to it is to make sure that your iterator variable is of the correct type, and also to make sure that you are iterating through the correct object.
In the case of the DataTable, you are iterating over it's Rows property. That property is an IEnumerable object containing a list of DataRow objects. Therefore, to iterate through it with For Each, you must use an iterator variable of type DataRow (or one of its base classes, such as Object).
To iterate through a generic List(Of T), the IEnumerable object is the List object itself. You don't need to go to one of it's properties. The type of the iterator needs to match the type of the items in the list:
For Each i As infoProductsNotFound In infoNoProductAvail
' ...
Dim i As infoProductsNotFound
For Each i In infoNoProductAvail
' ...
For Each i As Object In infoNoProductAvail
' ...

Returning Class Object from Inherited class

I'm trying to teach myself reflection and have been googling but I can't wrap my head around it entirely. I created a class called DataClass which contains a method called GetClassFromDB as you can see below, which will be inherited from multiple classes.
What I am attempting to do is have my dataclass read the TableName property that is defined within objResults. Once I pull in the tablename from objResults I would query the SQL database for a dataset. Once I have the dataset I would create a new object of the same TYPE inheriting this class (Which will be different types) and populate it from the dataset. Once I have the newly populated class I will return it for use.
I believe I have gotten most of the way there properly (Please correct me if there is a better way), but my real question is this. How can I create a new class of the type thats deriving that class from that string name that I getting in my code, or the type. I would want to have all the accessible properties from objResults available.
Namespace MyApp
Public Class DataClass
Private _TableName As String
Private _Name As String
Overridable ReadOnly Property TableName As String
Return _TableName
End Get
End Property
Public Overloads Function GetClassFromDB() As Object
Dim BaseObject As New Object
'Get the object name
Dim objName As String = MyBase.GetType().Name
'Gets the type thats calling this method
Dim objDerived As Type = MyBase.GetType()
'Get the property info to request the tablename from the derived class
Dim TableName As PropertyInfo = objDerived.GetProperty("TableName")
Dim TableNameString As String = TableName.GetValue(Me, Nothing).ToString
'Once I get the table name from objResults I can perform the SQL
Dim QueryResults as DataSet = SQLiteCLass.Query("Select * FROM TableNameString")
'Once I get data from the SQL I want to create a new object of the type deriving this method.
'In this example is objResults
Dim NewObject as objDerived
'Now I can fill my new object with the results and return it as an object
'THIS IS MY QUESTION - How can I create a new object of the TYPE that I receive from Reflection
Return False
Catch ex As Exception
Return False
End Try
End Function
End Class
End Namespace
and this is a sample class that would inherit my dataclass.
Public Class objResults
Inherits MyApp.DataClass
Private _GameID As Guid
Public Property GameID As Guid
Return _GameID
End Get
Set(ByVal value As Guid)
_GameID = value
End Set
End Property
Public Overrides ReadOnly Property TableName As String
Return "This is my tablename"
End Get
End Property
End Class
and this is how I would use this in code.
Dim objResult as New objResults
Dim TodaysResult as objResultsCollection
TodaysResult = objResult.GetClassFromDB()

Populate an Array of Object Based on DataReader Data

I am not sure how to phrase my question properly but I want to achieve something like this.
I have a class named Products
public class Products
private ID as Integer
private Name as String
Public Property ProductID()
Return ID
End Get
Set(ByVal value)
ID = value
End Set
End Property
In one of my code behind pages, I am retrieving data from an SQL Command and placing the same into a datareader object.
How would I be able to declare the class so that each row in my datareader would actually be an instance of the said class?
Like for example:
Dim myProduct() as New Product
Dim intCnt as Integer
While datareaderData.read()
intCnt += 1
myProduct(intCnt) = new Product
myProduct(intCnt).ID = datareaderData("ID")
myProduct(intCnt).Name = datareaderData("Name")
End While
When I do the same, I am getting an error "Object Reference Not Set to an Instance of an Object.
I am quite stumped on this one. Any tips greatly appreciated. Thanks.
You should use an Arraylist or -better- a generic List(of Product).
Besides i would strongly recommend to set Option Strict On in your project's Compiler Settings.
Dim products As New List(Of Product)
While datareaderData.read()
Dim nextProduct As New Product
nextProduct.ProductID = CType(datareaderData("ID"), System.Int32)
nextProduct.Name = datareaderData("Name").ToString
End While