What is a clean way to wait for a response? - kotlin

I am sending a message(custom protocol, no HTTP) to my server and want to wait for a response. It is working with the following code:
class Connection {
val messages: Observable<Message>
fun sendMessageWithAnswer(message: Message, timeout:Int = 10): Observable<Answer> {
if (!isConnected) {
return Observable.just(Answer.NoConnection)
val result = BehaviorSubject.create<Answer>()
val neverDisposed = messages.filter {
it.header.messageId == message.header.messageId
.map { Answer.Success(it) as Answer}
.mergeWith(Observable.timer(timeout.toLong(), TimeUnit.SECONDS)
.map { Answer.Timeout })
// Should never happen
throw IllegalStateException("Waiting for answer failed: $it")
return result
The problem with this solution that "neverDisposed" gets never disposed, is this a memory leak?
My other solutions are not working for this test case:
fun ImmediateAnswer() {
val message = ...
val answerObservable = connection.sendMessageWithAnswer(message, timeout = 1)
val answer = answerObservable.test()
Assert.assertEquals(1, answer.valueCount())
Assert.assertEquals(Answer.Success(message), answer.values()[0])
Do you have a cleaner solution for this problem?


How to create a polling mechanism with kotlin coroutines?

I am trying to create a polling mechanism with kotlin coroutines using sharedFlow and want to stop when there are no subscribers and active when there is at least one subscriber. My question is, is sharedFlow the right choice in this scenario or should I use channel. I tried using channelFlow but I am unaware how to close the channel (not cancel the job) outside the block body. Can someone help? Here's the snippet.
fun poll(id: String) = channelFlow {
while (!isClosedForSend) {
try {
} catch (throwable: Throwable) {
Timber.e("error -> ${throwable.message}")
invokeOnClose { Timber.e("channel flow closed.") }
You can use SharedFlow which emits values in a broadcast fashion (won't emit new value until the previous one is consumed by all the collectors).
val sharedFlow = MutableSharedFlow<String>()
val scope = CoroutineScope(Job() + Dispatchers.IO)
var producer: Job()
scope.launch {
val producer = launch() {
.map {count -> count > 0}
.collect { isActive -> if (isActive) stopProducing() else startProducing()
fun CoroutineScope.startProducing() {
producer = launch() {
fun stopProducing() {
First of all, when you call channelFlow(block), there is no need to close the channel manually. The channel will be closed automatically after the execution of block is done.
I think the "produce" coroutine builder function may be what you need. But unfortunately, it's still an experimental api.
fun poll(id: String) = someScope.produce {
invokeOnClose { Timber.e("channel flow closed.") }
while (true) {
try {
// delay(MIN_REFRESH_TIME_MS) //no need
} catch (throwable: Throwable) {
Timber.e("error -> ${throwable.message}")
fun main() = runBlocking {
val channel = poll("hello")
The produce function will suspended when you don't call the returned channel's receive() method, so there is no need to delay.
UPDATE: Use broadcast for sharing values across multiple ReceiveChannel.
fun poll(id: String) = someScope.broadcast {
invokeOnClose { Timber.e("channel flow closed.") }
while (true) {
try {
// delay(MIN_REFRESH_TIME_MS) //no need
} catch (throwable: Throwable) {
Timber.e("error -> ${throwable.message}")
fun main() = runBlocking {
val broadcast = poll("hello")
val channel1 = broadcast.openSubscription()
val channel2 = broadcast.openSubscription()

How to create a flow with a few subscribtions in Kotlin?

I need to run a task, which emits some data. I want to subscribe to this data like PublishSubject. But I can't solve a problem of one-instance flow. If I try to call it again, it will create another instance and the job will be done twice.
I tried to run the flow internally and post values to the BroadcastChannel, but this solution doesn't seem correct.
What is the best practice for such a task?
This will do the magic:
fun <T> Flow<T>.refCount(capacity: Int = Channel.CONFLATED, dispatcher: CoroutineDispatcher = Dispatchers.Default): Flow<T> {
class Context(var counter: Int) {
lateinit var job: Job
lateinit var channel: BroadcastChannel<T>
val context = Context(0)
fun lock() = synchronized(context) {
if (++context.counter > 1) {
context.channel = BroadcastChannel(capacity)
context.job = GlobalScope.async(dispatcher) {
try {
collect { context.channel.offer(it) }
} catch (e: Exception) {
fun unlock() = synchronized(context) {
if (--context.counter == 0) {
return flow {
try {
} finally {

RxJava : How to maintain Observable alive even after getting error in onError() or ReSubscribe the same Observable

Actually I have created a RxSearch type configuration. In which I have attached an Edittext textChangeListener with the PublishSubject. Using the events to send the characters to the Observable which is being used as input for the retrofit API call.
Only issue I m facing is sometime I got the error from API "unexpected end of stream" inside onError() callback of observable. Once I got the error, Observable stops working.
Observable shuts down, not able to get the characters from PublishSubject's onNext().
Look at RxSearchObservable
class RxSearchObservable {
companion object {
fun fromView(editText: EditText): Observable<String> {
val subject = PublishSubject.create<String>()
editText.addTextChangedListener(object : TextWatcher {
override fun afterTextChanged(s: Editable?) {
override fun beforeTextChanged(s: CharSequence?, start: Int, count: Int, after: Int) {
override fun onTextChanged(s: CharSequence, start: Int, before: Int, count: Int) {
if (s.isNotEmpty()) subject.onNext(s.toString())
return subject
How I subscribing and Making an Retrofit API call in side SwitchMap.
.debounce(700, TimeUnit.MILLISECONDS)
.retryWhen { t -> t.delay(3, TimeUnit.SECONDS) }
.switchMap { searchTerm ->
runOnUiThread { progressBar.visibility = View.VISIBLE }
.subscribe({ response ->
Log.i("Called subscribe", ":::::::::::+++++++++++++++ GONE")
progressBar.visibility = View.GONE
if (response.isSuccessful) {
val units = response.body()
val searchedDatasets = units?.dataset
if (searchedDatasets?.size!! > 0) {
val searchAdapter = SearchAdapter(this#MapActivity, searchedDatasets, false)
listSearch.visibility = View.VISIBLE
listSearch.adapter = searchAdapter
} else {
toast("No items found !!!")
} else {
apiError = ErrorUtils.parseError(response)
}, { t: Throwable? ->
progressBar.visibility = View.GONE
Any Idea, Help, Suggestion will be appreciated. Thanks in advance.
A stream which errors is terminated. You can retry() the subscription, but this should be done conditionally only. Maybe with timeout, maybe only a few times, maybe on certain errors only.
In your case you should consider handling the error of the API call within the switchMap. Like this the error doesn't reach the main stream.
.switchMap { searchTerm ->
runOnUiThread { progressBar.visibility = View.VISIBLE }

How to make a sync call using RxJava

I need to make a sync call to reauthenticate the user and get a new token, but I haven't found a way that works. The code below blocks the thread and it is never unblocked, ie. I have an infinite loop
class ApolloAuthenticator(private val authenticated: Boolean) : Authenticator {
override fun authenticate(route: Route, response: Response): Request? {
// Refresh your access_token using a synchronous api request
if (response.request().header(HEADER_KEY_APOLLO_AUTHORIZATION) != null) {
return null //if you've tried to authorize and failed, give up
synchronized(this) {
refreshTokenSync() // This is blocked and never unblocked
val newToken = getApolloTokenFromSharedPreference()
return response.request().newBuilder()
private fun refreshTokenSync(): EmptyResult {
//Refresh token, synchronously
val repository = Injection.provideSignInRepository()
return repository
fun signInGraphQL() : Observable<EmptyResult> =
.flatMap { result -> graphqlAuthenticationDataSource.getAuth(result) }
.flatMap { result -> sharedPreferencesDataSource.saveApolloToken(result) }
.onErrorReturn { EmptyResult() }
---------- Use of it
val apollAuthenticator = ApolloAuthenticator(authenticated)
val okHttpBuilder =
I haven't found a way to make a sync call using RxJava, but I can make it by using kotlin coutorine runBlocking, which will block the thread until the request is finished:
synchronized(this) {
runBlocking {
val subscription = ApolloReauthenticator.signInGraphQl() // await until it's finished
fun signInGraphQl(): Subscription {
return repository.refreshToken()
{ Observable.just(EmptyResult()) },
{ Observable.just(EmptyResult()) }

Fan-out / fan-in - closing result channel

I'm producing items, consuming from multiple co-routines and pushing back to resultChannel. Producer is closing its channel after last item.
The code never finishes as resultChannel is never being closed. How to detect and properly finish iteration so hasNext() return false?
val inputData = (0..99).map { "Input$it" }
val threads = 10
val bundleProducer = produce<String>(CommonPool, threads) {
inputData.forEach { item ->
println("Producing: $item")
println("Producing finished")
val resultChannel = Channel<String>(threads)
repeat(threads) {
launch(CommonPool) {
bundleProducer.consumeEach {
println("CONSUMING $it")
resultChannel.send("Result ($it)")
val iterator = object : Iterator<String> {
val iterator = resultChannel.iterator()
override fun hasNext() = runBlocking { iterator.hasNext() }
override fun next() = runBlocking { iterator.next() }
println("Starting interation...")
val result = iterator.toList()
println("finish: ${result.size}")
You can run a coroutine that awaits for the consumers to finish and then closes the resultChannel.
First, rewrite the code that starts the consumers to save the Jobs:
val jobs = (1..threads).map {
launch(CommonPool) {
bundleProducer.consumeEach {
println("CONSUMING $it")
resultChannel.send("Result ($it)")
And then run another coroutine that closes the channel once all the Jobs are done:
launch(CommonPool) {
jobs.forEach { it.join() }