Unmount or re-render screen in drawer navigator - react-native

I just added drawer navigator recently and wrapped my screens in createDrawerNavigator()
These are my current routes:
When a user navigates from Home to Post I pass a param that has the post data.
onPress={() => this.props.navigation.navigate('Post', {postData: postData})}
When ever the user goes back to Home from Post, then post will be unmounted. and mounted back again with fresh data when another post is clicked.
My issue is that with implementing the drawer, the Post screen does not get unmounted when navigating back to home, I keep gettings the same props and screen of the first post opened, over and over again.
This is my route setup:
import React from "react";
import { createDrawerNavigator, createStackNavigator, createAppContainer } from 'react-navigation';
import Home from './screens/Home';
import Post from './screens/Post';
import Settings from './screens/Settings';
import SideBar from './screens/sidebar';
const Drawer = createDrawerNavigator(
Home: {screen: Home},
Post: {screen: Post},
Settings: {screen: Settings}
initialRouteName: "Home",
backBehavior: 'initialRoute',
contentOptions: {
activeTintColor: "#e91e63"
contentComponent: props => <SideBar {...props} />,
const AppNavigator = createStackNavigator(
Drawer: {screen: Drawer},
initialRouteName: "Drawer",
headerMode: "none",
export default createAppContainer(AppNavigator);
What am I doing wrong?
I want each post screen to open and re render as new when navigating to it from Home.

For those using react-navigation v5. I faced the same issue my component was not unmounting by using goBack() for a screen link in drawer. After little research I found our that in latest version of react-navigation they have added an attribute unmountonblur in screen options for drawer navigator by default its false that's why component doesn't unmount. I am using this to solve my problem.
Here is my code
<Drawer.Screen name="ResetLogsStack" component={ResetLogsStack} options={{unmountOnBlur:true}}/>
Here is the link for that: unmountonblur

I use to face the same issue. I made my screen Post listen to navigation focus event triggered by react-nativation here instead of componentDidMount.
import React from 'react';
import { View } from 'react-native';
import { NavigationEvents } from 'react-navigation';
const Post = () => (
onWillFocus={payload => console.log('will focus',payload)}
onDidFocus={payload => console.log('did focus',payload)} //
onWillBlur={payload => console.log('will blur',payload)}
onDidBlur={payload => console.log('did blur',payload)}
Your view code
With onDidFocus, you may get the navigation param, fetch data, and/or update state. You may clear screen state with onDidBlur if needed.
Alternatively, you can do imperative coding as this doc here
Update :
By the way, I am wondering why you put Post with Drawer? Is it just to have a link in the drawer that can access to the Post page?
In my opinion, you should move Home and Post to new stack and make Home as initial Route. This will make sure that the Post is unmounted after navigating back to Home.
Check out my sample below
const HomeStack = createStackNavigatior({
Home: {screen: Home},
Post: {screen: Post},
}, {
initialRouteName: 'Home',
const Drawer = createDrawerNavigator(
Settings: {screen: Settings}
initialRouteName: "HomeStack",
backBehavior: 'initialRoute',
contentOptions: {
activeTintColor: "#e91e63"
contentComponent: props => <SideBar {...props} />,

It's the way react-navigation works, to counter this you can add listeners, like so:
onDidFocus={payload => { console.log(payload.state.params,'<- this has your new params') }}
this.props.navigation.addListener('didFocus', payload=>{console.log(payload)})
Check this for more information

I lost several hours on this after updating React Navigation from 2.14.2 to 3.11.0. The funny thing is that it was working perfectly and after upgrade pages were not re-rendering which was causing to wrong language and not actual data on the pages.
What I have found is the issue DrawerNavigator screen shouldn't unmount
So part of us complain why it is not rerendering screens and part was complaining why it was rerendering. The second part won the battle :)
Basically the solution was as expected: to listen to WillFocus event...
Just add this to code to your component if you want it to be rerendered on each visit.
* When using React Navigation Component is not umnounted and instead stored in navigator.
* We need component to be rerendered during each visit to show right info and language
componentDidMount() {
//this.props.navigation will come in every component which is in navigator
focusSubscription = this.props.navigation.addListener(
payload => {
this.forceUpdate();//Native react function to force rerendering
this.setState({focusSubscription: focusSubscription});
componentWillUnmount() {

I tried to use the method suggested in the answers but they didn't work perfectly with my case.
I tried to flip createDrawerNavigator() with createStackNavigator() and it worked perfectly like before!
I don't have to use react navigation events, normal event like componentWillUnmount and componentWillMount work perfectly.
const MainScreens = createStackNavigator(
Home: {screen: Home},
Post: {screen: Post},
Settings: {screen: Settings}
initialRouteName: "Home",
headerMode: "none",
const AppNavigator = createDrawerNavigator(
Main: {screen: MainScreens},
initialRouteName: "Main",
backBehavior: 'initialRoute',
contentOptions: {
activeTintColor: "#e91e63"
contentComponent: props => <SideBar {...props} />,
export default createAppContainer(AppNavigator);
Not sure if there's anything wrong in what I did, but its working fine until now.

As per Muhammad Zain response, if you are using react navigation v5, you can pass directly to the Drawer screen the option unmountOnBlur
and that will be enough.
React navigation docs

I'm using react-navigation for months. But placing screens directly into Drawer navigator prevents willunmount method to be called. First place screen in a stack navigator then place it into drawer navigator.


React native react-navigation drawer not opening

I am using react-navigation as the navigation package for my react native application. and have also installed and configured react-native-gesture-handler along with react-navigation as mentioned in the documentation.
The problem i am facing is that the drawer doesn't open at random times. mostly this occurs when user goes through along the main stack navigation and comes back to home to open the drawer. otherwise the drawer seems to be working without any issues.
this is how i have configured my navigation,
const AppStack = createStackNavigator(
DrawerNav: DrawerNav,
Home: Home,
Notification: Notification,
HomeSearch: HomeSearch
const MyDrawerNavigator = createDrawerNavigator(
Home: Home,
MyAccount: MyAccount,
ContactUs: ContactUs,
InviteFriend: InviteFriend,
Terms: Terms,
SignOut: SignOut
And the MAIN STACK also contains a few TAB STACK also,
I want to know why the drawer doesn't respond.
The Code i used to open the drawer was
bu the above code gave
this.props.navigation.openDrawer() undefined
when ever the above crash i mentioned occurs
as a fix i used,
import { DrawerActions } from "react-navigation";
the above code also stop working after a the user goes through the STACK navigation a few times, but doesn't give any errors on development.
This error occurs both on production as well as development
currently running
react native : 0.59.8
react : 16.8.3
react navigation: 3.9.1,
any help would be much appreciated,
Thanks in advance
Try wrapping all your stack navigation with Drawer navigation.
const StackNav = createStackNavigator({
Home: Home,
Notification: Notification,
HomeSearch: HomeSearch
Now wrap the above with Drawer navigation
const AppStack = createDrawerNavigator({
StackNav: {
screen: StackNav,
navigationOptions: {
drawerLabel: <Hidden />,
Home: Home,
MyAccount: MyAccount,
ContactUs: ContactUs,
InviteFriend: InviteFriend,
Terms: Terms,
SignOut: SignOut
Now the StackNav will be showing in the Drawer as one of the screens. So create a class and return null then pass it down to Drawer label.
class Hidden extends Component {
render() {
return null;
Now you'll be able to call the this.props.navigation.openDrawer(); anywhere on the app. Let me know if it works.
I think you can use another easy way to handle this problem :
You can use react-native-drawer that is available in this link now i'm going to show you how you can work with it :
AppStack :
const AppStack = createStackNavigator(
Home: Home,
Notification: Notification,
HomeSearch: HomeSearch
Home Navigation
const MyHomeNavigator = createStackNavigator(
Home: Home,
MyAccount: MyAccount,
ContactUs: ContactUs,
InviteFriend: InviteFriend,
Terms: Terms,
SignOut: SignOut
Now lets assume this is your HomePage :
import Drawer from 'react-native-drawer'
import DrawerComponent from '../components/drawer'
export default class HomePage extends Component{
render() {
return (
<Drawer ref={(ref) => this._drawer = ref} content={<DrawerComponent {...this.props}/>} side='right' captureGestures openDrawerOffset={0.3} acceptTap>
//your home page components
as you can see you can access to the drawer by this._drawer and here i will show you how does <DrawerComponent> like :
DrawerComponent :
export default class DrawerComponent extends React.Component {
navigateTo = (path) => {
<Item path='MyAccount' navigate = {this.navigateTo}/>
<Item path='ContactUs' navigate = {this.navigateTo}/>
<Item path='InviteFriend' navigate = {this.navigateTo}/>
//And you add all the item you need here with navigateTo function
//LogOut Section
This Works for me fine, I hope this works for you too.
Best regards .

React-Navigation showing Bottom menu and Drawer menu in the same screen

I am using React-Navigation, and I want to have a bottom tab menu and a drawer menu. After a bit of fiddling, I guess I am getting close but kind of stuck. Anyway here's my codes:
import { createStackNavigator,
} from 'react-navigation';
//import my screens... etc
class HomeScreen extends React.Component {
//Other contents.....
//Create my main navigation stacks here
const Home = createStackNavigator({
//navigation stack for the bottom tab menu
const CalendarScreen = createStackNavigator({ myCalendar });
const GraphScreen = createStackNavigator({ myGraph });
//Botton Tab menu
const TabNavigator = createBottomTabNavigator({
Home, CalendarScreen, GraphScreen
//Drawer menu
const DrawerNavigator = createDrawerNavigator(
Tab: { screen: TabNavigator },
Setting: { screen: SettingScreen },
Profile: { screen: ProfileScreen }
drawerWidth: 300,
drawerPosition: 'right',
export default createAppContainer(DrawerNavigator);
The result is that the screen loads with the Bottom menu showing, and swiping from the right side will open the Drawer menu.
The problem is that it displays "Tab" as one of the menu in the Draw menu. And if I click on the "Setting" or "Profile", it will close/hide the Bottom menu. I had to click on "Tab" in the Drawer menu to make the Bottom menu show again.
What I want to achieve is to have the Bottom menu always showing, and a drawer menu with only "Setting" and "Profile". How can I achieve this?
I'm having this same issue while developing using React Native.
I read some issues on their (react-navigation) GitHub and some Stack Overflow answares as well but nothing helped much.
My solution to this was to create a StackNavigation with all my screens and then a Drawer Navigation only with the ones I wanted to put in the drawer (unfortunately this keeps the problem of showing the "Home" link in the drawer).
This is my Routes.js
import HomeScreen from "./components/HomeScreen";
import ProfileScreen from "./components/ProfileScreen";
import AnimalsScreenfrom "./components/AnimalsScreen";
import DoctorsScreenfrom "./components/DoctorsScreen";
import { createStackNavigator, createDrawerNavigator } from "react-navigation";
const BottomNavigator = createStackNavigator(
Home: { screen: HomeScreen, name: "Home" },
Profile: { screen: ProfileScreen, name: "Profile" },
Animals: { screen: AnimalsScreen, name: "Animals" },
Doctors: { screen: DoctorsScreen, name: "Doctors" }
headerMode: "none"
const AppNavigator = createDrawerNavigator({
Mapa: BottomNavigator,
Animals: { screen: AnimalsScreen, name: "Animals" },
Doctors: { screen: DoctorsScreen, name: "Doctors" }
export default AppNavigator;
After that, in all my components, I manually added the buttons as if they were regular BottomTabNavigator. Each of the buttons is binded on their onPress function to navigate to a different screen, so it simulates pretty well the function.
Something like this (it is not styled, jut setted to be on the bottom of the screen yet):
<View style={{ flex: 1, position: "absolute", bottom: 0 }}>
onPress={() => this.props.navigation.openDrawer()}
onPress={() => this.props.navigation.navigate("Home")}
onPress={() => this.props.navigation.navigate("Profile")}
My first button opens the Drawer, the second goes to the HomeScreen and the third to the profileScreen while in my drawer I have the first button to Home, the second to AnimalsScreen and the third to DoctorsScreen
I am still developing this app, but you can check the code in my github Repository:
React-native-sample-app. Some of the components names are different but the logic is the same.
Hope it helps

How to implement Drawer and TabBar in StackNavigator

I always use react-native-router-flux for navigation, but on this project I need to use react-navigation and I got some troubles with it. I need to implement drawer and tabBar inside stack navigator.
I use header component from native-base library but i can't open
How to use my own customized component for drawer and tabBar?
Maybe I need to chage structure. I will consider any recommendations how to improve structure.
I used version 3 of react-navigation.
My code:
const AppStackNavigator = createStackNavigator({
loginFlow: {
screen: createStackNavigator({
intro: { screen: Intro },
login: { screen: Login },
registration: { screen: Registration },
navigationOptions: {
header: null
mainFlow: {
screen: createStackNavigator({
MyDrawer: createDrawerNavigator({
Dashboard: {
screen: Home,
first: {
screen: first,
second: {
screen: second
third: {
screen: third
last: {
screen: last
// settings: { screen: SettingsScreen },
someTab: {
screen: createBottomTabNavigator({
main: { screen: Home },
firsrTab: { screen: Screen1 },
secondTab: { screen: Screen2 },
thirdTab: { screen: Screen3 },
nextTab: { screen: Screen4 }
navigationOptions: {
header: null
navigationOptions: {
header: null
const AppContainer = createAppContainer(AppStackNavigator);
import React from 'react';
import { Header, Left, Icon, Right } from 'native-base';
const CustomHeader = (props) => {
onPress={() => {this.props.navigation.openDrawer()}}
export { CustomHeader }
You might wanna consider the SwitchNavigator for the authentication flow instead of a Stack at the top as it replaces the routes so that you can never navigate back to the login/signup/splash once you get into the application and for accessing Tabs and Drawer inside stack/switch, you can wrap the Drawer inside your top level navigator and tab inside the drawer.
So you root navigation would look like this.
export default RootNavigation = createSwitchNavigator({
LoginScreen: {screen: LoginContainer},
Application: {screen: AppDrawer},
Your drawer navigator should be like the following:
const AppDrawer = createDrawerNavigator({
ApplicationTab: {screen: TabBar},
... other screen that you might want to use in drawer navigation.
}, {
contentComponent : (props) => <MyCustomDrawer {...props} />
and, Tab Navigator would be,
const TabBar = createBottomTabNavigator({
TabScreen1: {screen: Tab1},
... other tabs...
}, {
tabBarComponent : (props) => <MyTabBar {...props} />
If you put each of those navigators in single file then please do declare Tab before Drawer and Drawer before the Switch, else it would give errors.
In my experience, customising drawer navigator is very simple and fruitful but customising tab is not, there aren't proper API doc for the same and community answers are also somewhat misleading.
BUT, with normal use cases and for most of the vivid ones too, you can do your job without needing to override the default one as it is already highly operable and customisable in terms of icons, materialism and each tab exposes its on onPress that can also be easily overriden.
and as you as the drawer is not getting operated from/via the header, then can you please ensure that the navigation prop you are using to operate the drawer open close or toggle action is the one given by drawer ?

React Native : From within DrawerNavigator's contentComponent, how to exit DrawerNavigator completely to other screen component?

I have a problem to navigate away from a drawer navigator's content component
Nav's (navigator root screen component) render()
render() {
const Drawer = createDrawerNavigator({
Home : {screen : Home},
Settings : {screen : Settings}
contentComponent: DrawerContent,
drawerWidth: 200,
drawerPosition: 'left',
drawerOpenRoute: 'DrawerOpen',
drawerCloseRoute: 'DrawerClose',
drawerToggleRoute: 'DrawerToggle',
return (<Drawer/>);
DrawerContent's render()
render() {return (<FlatList
data : ['Home', 'Settings', 'Logout'],
renderItem : {({item, index}) => {
return (<Button
title = {item}
onPress = {() => {
if(index != 2) this.props.navigation.dispatch(NavigationActions.navigate({routeName: item}));
else this.pleaseTakeMeOutOfHere();
Suppose I want to get out from Nav to an external screen component called Login, how I should define pleaseTakeMeOutOfHere ?
You would probably need to use a SwitchNavigator for this.
You can define two stacks for this LoginStack, HomeStack.
export default createSwitchNavigator(
LoginStack: LoginStack,
HomeStack: HomeStack,
initialRouteName: 'HomeStack',
and then use this.props.navigation.navigate('HomeStack'); to navigate out of LoginStack
Switch navigator does not handle back actions and it resets routes to their default state when you switch away.
If I export to the parent navigator (like StackNavigator or SwitchNavigator), the component which render the DrawerNavigator as a child like I did in the question, calling this.props.navigation.navigate('Login'); from contentComponent not working at all. I don't know why. I guess because the navigation chain is broken by doing such. I can't even remember why I did that. I've finally fixed it by export the DrawerNavigator directly
const Drawer = createDrawerNavigator({...},{...});
export default Drawer;
And to exit the DrawerNavigator instead of adding it to the stack, I have to replace StackNavigator with SwitchNavigator. Thanks to Pritish Vaidya for the answer
Though this question is specific to my case, I hope anyone will get an idea from here when they face the same issue. Thank you

How do i make a TabNavigator button push a modal screen with React Navigation

Using the React Navigation tab navigator https://reactnavigation.org/docs/navigators/tab how do I make one of the tab buttons push the screen up as a full screen modal? I see the stack navigator has a mode=modal option. how do I get that mode to be used when clicking on the TakePhoto tab button? Clicking on it currently still shows the tab bar on the bottom.
const MyApp = TabNavigator({
Home: {
screen: MyHomeScreen,
TakePhoto: {
screen: PhotoPickerScreen, // how can I have this screen show up as a full screen modal?
Actually, there is no support in react-navigation to change the way of presentation on the fly from default to modal (see the discussion about this here). I ran into the same issue and solved it by using a very top StackNavigator with headerMode set to none and mode set to modal:
const MainTabNavigator = TabNavigator(
Tab1Home: { screen: Tab1Screen },
Tab2Home: { screen: Tab2Screen }
const LoginRegisterStackNavigator = StackNavigator({
Login: { screen: LoginScreen }
const ModalStackNavigator = StackNavigator({
MainTabNavigator: { screen: MainTabNavigator },
LoginScreenStackNavigator: { screen: LoginRegisterStackNavigator }
}, {
headerMode: 'none',
mode: 'modal'
This allows me to do the following (using redux) in Tab1Screen and Tab2Screen to bring up the modal view from wherever I want:
Not sure if this is still relevant for you, but i've managed to find away to achieve this.
So i've managed to get it working by using the tabBarComponent inside the tabNavigatorConifg, you can stop the tab navigation from navigating depending on the index.
tabBarComponent: ({jumpToIndex, ...props, navigation}) => (
jumpToIndex={index => {
if (index === 2) {
else {
Once you've done this, my method of showing the view modally on top of the tab views was to put the tabnavigator inside of a stacknavigatior and then just navigate to a new screen inside of the stacknavigator.
react-navigation's bottomTabNavigator has a tabBarOnPress navigation option you can use to override tab presses:
const AppContainer = createStackNavigator(
default: createBottomTabNavigator(
TAB_0: Stack0,
TAB_1: Stack1,
TAB_2: Stack2,
TAB_3: View // plain rn-view, or any old unused screen
defaultNavigationOptions: {
// other tab navigation options...
tabBarOnPress: ({ navigation, defaultHandler }) => {
if (navigation.state.key === 'TAB_3') {
} else {
tabToOpenAsModal: {
screen: TabToOpenAsModalScreen
mode: 'modal',
headerMode: 'none'
If you nest your tab navigator within a stack navigator with a modal, you can open this when the tab bar button is pressed. Since the modal was opened and not the tab, when the modal is closed the app returns to the screen that was visible before the modal tab was pressed.
One way to make the tab bar go away is to hide the tabBar with visible: false:
const MyApp = TabNavigator({
Home: {
screen: MyHomeScreen,
TakePhoto: {
screen: PhotoPickerScreen,
navigationOptions: {
tabBar: {
visible: false,
However, that does not seem to trigger any transition to fullscreen, which I guess is desired?
Another option could be to wrap PhotoPickerScreen inside a new StackNavigator and set that navigator to mode='modal'.
You might have to trigger the navigation to that modal from onPress on the tabItem somehow (eg. navigation.navigate('TakePhoto').)
Note, I'm trying to wrap my head around how best to structure navigation myself, so …
Third option, implementing a StackNavigator as parent, then adding the MyApp TabNavigator as the first route inside of it, could be the most flexible solution. Then the TakePhoto screen would be on the same level as the TabNavigator, allowing you to route to it from wherever.
Interested to hear what you come up with!
I suggest two solution
First one is about hide it
For seconde one please read that: https://reactnavigation.org/docs/hiding-tabbar-in-screens
// name={Routes.TEST_SCREEN}
tabBarVisible: false, <----- solution 1
tabBarButton: (props) => ( <----- or solution 2
onPress={() => {
Docs are patchy in some areas, but here it is:
export default class HomeScene extends Component {
static navigationOptions = {
title: 'foo',
visible: true