How to get the equivalent of combinig [contains] and [in] operators in the same query? - directus

So I have a field that's a multi-choice on the Directus back end so when the JSON comes out of the API it's a one-dimensional array, like so:
"field_name": [
"option 6",
"option 11",
(btw I have no idea why all these fields produce those blank values, but that's a matter for another day)
I am trying to make an interface on the front end where you can select one or more of these values and the result will come back if ANY of them are found for that record. Think of it like a tag list, if the item has just one of the values it should be returned.
I can use the [contains] operator to find if it has one of the values I'm looking for, but I can only pass a single value, whereas I need all that have either optionX OR optionY OR optionZ. I would basically need a combination of [contains] and [in] to achieve what I'm trying to do. Is there a way to achieve this?
I've also tried setting the [logical] operator to OR, but then that screws up the other filters that need to be included as AND (or I'm doing something wrong). Not to mention the query gets completely unruly.


ERROR: function regexp_matches(jsonb, unknown) does not exist in Tableau but works elsewhere

I have a column called "Bakery Activity" whose values are all JSONs that look like this:
{"flavors": [
{"d4js95-1cc5-4asn-asb48-1a781aa83": "chocolate"},
{"dc45n-jnsa9i-83ysg-81d4d7fae": "peanutButter"}],
"degreesToCook": 375,
"ingredients": {
"d4js95-1cc5-4asn-asb48-1a781aa83": [
"numOfPiesBaked": 1,
"numberOfSlicesCreated": 6
I'm trying to extract the number of pies baked with a regex function in Tableau. Specifically, this one:
REGEXP_EXTRACT([Bakery Activity], '"numOfPiesBaked":"?([^\n,}]*)')
However, when I try to throw this calculated field into my text table, I get an error saying:
ERROR: function regexp_matches(jsonb, unknown) does not exist;
Error while executing the query
Worth noting is that my data source is PostgreSQL, which Tableau regex functions support; not all of my entries have numOfPiesBaked in them; when I run this in a simulator I get the correct extraction (actually, I get "numOfPiesBaked": 1" but removing the field name is a problem for another time).
What might be causing this error?
In short: Wrong data type, wrong function, wrong approach.
REGEXP_EXTRACT is obviously an abstraction layer of your client (Tableau), which is translated to regexp_matches() for Postgres. But that function expects text input. Since there is no assignment cast for jsonb -> text (for good reasons) you have to add an explicit cast to make it work, like:
SELECT regexp_matches("Bakery Activity"::text, '"numOfPiesBaked":"?([^\n,}]*)')
(The second argument can be an untyped string literal, Postgres function type resolution can defer the suitable data type text.)
Modern versions of Postgres also have regexp_match() returning a single row (unlike regexp_matches), which would seem like the better translation.
But regular expressions are the wrong approach to begin with.
Use the simple json/jsonb operator ->>:
SELECT "Bakery Activity"->>'numOfPiesBaked';
Returns '1' in your example.
If you know the value to be a valid integer, you can cast it right away:
SELECT ("Bakery Activity"->>'numOfPiesBaked')::int;
I found an easier way to handle JSONB data in Tableau.
Firstly, make a calculated field from the JSONB field and convert the field to a string by using str([FIELD_name]) command.
Then, on the calculated field, make another calculated field and use function:
REGEXP_EXTRACT([String_Field_Name], '"Key_to_be_extracted":"?([^\n,}]*)')
The required key-value pair will form the second caluculated field.

Can't quote array - rails sql

Im trying to create a sql query dynamically with the following syntax:
.where("people.first_name like people[:first_name]", {people: {first_name: 'm%'}})
But running this on the rails console gives me TypeError: can't quote Array. Im guessing this is not how we use the where string? What's the right way to fix this error? Thanks.
One reason this error can occur is with a nested array used as SQL value.
Article.where(author: ['Jane', 'Bob'])
works, but:
Article.where(author: ['Jane', ['Bob']])
would give the error. A quick fix would be to run flatten on the array.
(Mentioning this since this page comes up when searching for the confusing error "Can't quote array".)
You could bind any value and then assign it, this way they should coincide in numbers, like:
.where('models.first_attribute LIKE ? AND models.second_attribute LIKE ?', value_for_first_attr, value_for_second_attr)
If using an array you should access each index you want to compare, or you can precede a splat *, and specify just one value, like:
.where('models.first_attribute LIKE ? AND models.second_attribute LIKE ?', *array_of_values)
Note although this way you're passing the "whole" array it should also coincide in size or numbers, otherwise it'd raise an ActiveRecord::PreparedStatementInvalid error depending if there are more or less elements than needed.

SSRS if field value in list

I've looked through a number of tutorials and asks, and haven't found a working solution to my problem.
Suppose my dataset has two columns: sort_order and field_value. sort_order is an integer and field_value is a numerical (10,2).
I want to format some rows as #,#0 and others as #,#0.00.
Normally I would just do
iif( fields!sort_order.value = 1 or fields!sort_order.value = 23 or .....
unfortunately, the list is fairly long.
I'd like to do the equivalent of if fields!sort_order.value in (1,2,21,63,78,...) then...)
As recommended in another post, I tried the following (if sort in list, then just output a 0, else a 1. this is just to test the functionality of the IN operator):
=iif( fields!sort_order.Value IN split("1,2,3,4,5,6,8,10,11,15,16,17,18,19,20,21,26,30,31,33,34,36,37,38,41,42,44,45,46,49,50,52,53,54,57,58,59,62,63,64,67,68,70,71,75,76,77,80,81,82,92,98,99,113,115,116,120,122,123,127,130,134,136,137,143,144,146,147,148,149,154,155,156,157,162,163,164,165,170,171,172,173,183,184,185,186,192,193,194,195,201,202,203,204,210,211,212,213,263",","),0,1)
However, it doesn't look like the SSRS expression editor wants to accept the "IN" operator. Which is strange, because all the examples I've found that solve this problem use the IN operator.
Any advice?
Try using IndexOf function:
Note all values must be inside quotations.
Consider the recommendation of #Jakub, I recommend this solution if
your are feeding your report via SP and you can't touch it.
Let me know if this helps.

Cloudant - Lucene range search using numbers stored as text

I have a number of documents in Cloudant, that have ID field of type string. ID can be a simple string, like "aaa", "bbb" or number stored as text, e.g. "111", "222", etc. I need to be able to full text search using the above field, but I encountered some problems.
Assuming that I have two documents, having ID="aaa" and ID="111", then searching with query:
ID:[aaa TO zzz]
ID:["aaa" TO "zzz"]
returns first document, as expected
returns nothing, but
returns second document, so at least there is a way to retrieve it.
Unfortunately, when searching for range:
ID:[111 TO 999]
ID:["111" TO "999"]
I get no results, and I have no idea what to do to get around this problem. Is there any special syntax for such case?
Index function:
if(!doc.ID) return;
index("ID", doc.ID, { index:'not_analyzed_no_norms', store:true });
Changing index to analyzed doesn't help. Analyzer itself is keyword, but changing to standard doesn't help either.
Just to add some more context, because I think I missed one key point. The field I'm indexing will be searched using ranges, and both min and max values can be provided by user. So it is possible that one of them will be number stored as a string, while other will be a standard non-numeric text. For example search all document where ID >= "11" and ID <= "foo".
Assumig that database contains documents with ID "1", "5", "alpha", "beta", "gamma", this query should return "5", "alpha", "beta". Please note that "5" should actually be returned, because string "5" is greater than string "11".
Our team just came to a workaround solution. We managed to get proper results by adding some arbitrary character, e.g. 'a' to an upper range value, and by introducing additional search term, to exclude documents having ID between upper range value and upper range value + 'a'.
When searching for a range
actual query would be
(ID:[X TO Ya] AND -ID:{Y TO Ya])
For example, to find a documents having ID between 23 and 758, we execute
(ID:[23 TO 758a] AND -ID:{758 TO 758a]).
First of all, I would suggest to use keyword analyzer, so you can control the right tokenization during both indexing and search.
"analyzer": "keyword",
"index": "function(doc){\n if(!doc.ID) return;\n index(\"ID\", doc.ID, {store:true });\n}
To retrieve you document with _id "111", use the following range query:
curl -X GET "http://.../facetrangetest/_design/ddoc/_search/f?q=ID:\[111%20TO%A\]"
If you use a query q=ID:\[111%20TO%20999\], Cloudant search seeing numbers on both size of the range, will interpret it as NumericRangeQuery; and since your ID of "111" is a String, it will not be part of the results returned. Including a string into query [111%20TO%20A], will make Cloudant interpret it as a range query on strings.
You can get both docs returned like this:
q=ID:["111" TO "CCC"]
Here's a working live example:[%22111%22%20TO%20%22CCC%22]
I found something quirky. It seems that range queries on strings only work if at least one of the range values is a string. Querying on ID:["111" TO "555"] doesn't return anything either, so maybe this is resolving to a numeric query somehow? Could be a bug.
This could also be achieved using regular expressions in queries. Something line this:
curl -X POST "https://.../facetrangetest/_design/ddoc/_search/f" -d '{"q":"ID:/<23-758>/"}' | jq .
This regular expressions means to retrieve all documents with ID field from 23 to 758. Slashes: / / are used to enclose a regular expression; the interval is enclosed inside <>.

Extract terms from query for highlighting

I'm extracting terms from the query calling ExtractTerms() on the Query object that I get as the result of QueryParser.Parse(). I get a HashTable, but each item present as:
Key - term:term
Value - term:term
Why are the key and the value the same? And more why is term value duplicated and separated by colon?
Do highlighters only insert tags or to do anything else? I want not only to get text fragments but to highlight the source text (it's big enough). I try to get terms and by offsets to insert tags by hand. But I worry if this is the right solution.
I think the answer to this question may help.
It is because .Net 2.0 doesnt have an equivalent to java's HashSet. The conversion to .Net uses Hashtables with the same value in key/value. The colon you see is just the result of Term.ToString(), a Term is a fieldname + the term text, your field name is probably "term".
To highlight an entire document using the Highlighter contrib, use the NullFragmenter