Heroku adding 'undefined' to BASE_URL environment variable - express

attempting to deploy a vuejs, express app to heroku. The app displays, but cannot access the api, because heroku seems to add 'undefined' in the middle of the base_url. Everything works locally as expected.
Here is my heroku config var:
BASE_URL: https://goore-todos.herokuapp.com/
Here is the Vuejs component api request:
fetchTodo () {
let uri = process.env.BASE_URL + '/api/all';
axios.get(uri).then((response) => {
this.todos = response.data;
As mentioned, this works locally.
the console shows the following error:
VM71:1 GET https://goore-todos.herokuapp.com/undefined/api/all 404 (Not Found)
and the view is empty.
requests to https://goore-todos.herokuapp.com/api/ via Postman work as expected.

In this case it looks like process.env.BASE_URL is undefined. As it is undefined, the url you're trying to access is considered to be relative. That means it uses your current domain and appends the path to it.
If your frontend and backend are running on the same domain there is no reason to try to pass the API url as a variable as you can just use relative URLs.
If you want to access the URL via an environment variable it is a bit trickier with a frontend app. The Vue app is running on the user's browser, not on your server so you can't directly access it.

I had this problem and had to go through and hard code all of my URLs with the heroku URL. I tried resetting the config variables in Heroku which had an extra slash at the end, but in the end hard-coding each API call was the only thing that fixed it.


How to pass runtime environment variables to client side in NuxtJS SSR application

My NuxtJS applications makes HTTP request to a backend API. I am using nuxtjs/axios pluging to make these requests. I have configured base URL for API in nuxt.config.js like below
axios: {
baseURL: process.env.BASE_URL,
In Local, I have a .env like below
On AWS ECS Container, I have declared environment variable with
Key: BASE_URL and Value: https://example.com
On running the application following happens
When application is server-side rendered, base URL for API is resolved correctly e.g https://example.com/previews
When application is client-side rendered, base URL for API is not resolved to https://example.com but rather to the same IP address that my web application is accessible on.
So, what I understand might be happening is, that the process.env.BASE_URL is not getting passed from the server-side(NodeJS server) to client-side(Web Browser). Hence it is falling back to the application's IP address.
Any idea why such a behavior and how to pass the environment variable to client-side as well? Or what might be causing this.

Next-auth Receiving 404 after login attempt in deployed Vercel application

Developing a next.js application that uses next-auth for authentication. It is currently setup with GitHub as the only Provider.
In development, the authentication works just fine.
In production, after I click "Sign in with GitHub", I am directed to a 404.
I'm 99% sure this has to do with the callback URL I have setup in my GitHub OAuth app. For dev purposes it is set to http://localhost:3000/api/auth/callback/github. Obviously this is no good for a deployed app, but I don't know what to set it to. I've tried a couple of different URL's with no luck.
Other than the callback URL is there anything else I need to set up in my code to get this working in production?
Other than the callback URL, this is from the docs:
When deploying your site set the NEXTAUTH_URL environment variable to the canonical URL of the website.
You should set this as a production environment variable on the Vercel dashboard to link to the URL where Vercel deployed your site.
It is possible that this is because you changed your .env.local file to contain your GITHUB_ID value, but did not restart next.js to pick up the new value.
Try stopping your dev sever, and restarting it (with npm run dev).
The clue is that the Github authentication URL contains &client_id= at the end, with no Github ID token.
I ran into the same issue and I used next export for static HTML export. Without next export, just simply to use next build, it worked for me on vercel.
I had the same 404 problem, it was due to the changes in Version 4 of NextAuth, I was getting a 404 page when logging in and changing the code in nextauth.js fixed it for me, you could try the following:
import NextAuth from 'next-auth'
import GitHubProvider from 'next-auth/providers/github'
export default NextAuth({
providers: [
clientId: process.env.GITHUB_CLIENT_ID,
clientSecret: process.env.GITHUB_CLIENT_SECRET,

VueJS Router cuts query params on live site, works on localhost

In my VueJS app I want to confirm a registration by traditional confirmation link.
This link looks like this
Inside my register-confirm component I got the following method
beforeCreate () {
const query = this.$route.query // Is empty object on live page, works on localhost
It is also very weird, that when I copy the original link to the browser and enter the site, it automatically cuts the query parameter, so the link looks like this
no matter what I type in as a query parameter.
Found the issue. We are hosting the site on AWS Amplify. It's caused by the rewrites / redirects.
GitHub Issue

$.get request shopify error

I've have weird issue, on dev theme (preview mode) $.get request works fine -> https://woolet-co.myshopify.com/blogs/news
but on active theme on main domain https://woolet.co/blogs/news there is an error, I can't figure it out why its happening.
If you try this code in console on both URLs you will see the response code error on main domain:
$.get('/admin/blogs/19692355/articles/229491718.json', function(data) {
I guess that it's connected with domains, on https://woolet-co.myshopify.com/blogs/news $.get request works fine and on https://woolet.co/blogs/news it shows error in console.
I've tried to execute $.get request through Shopify Private App with login and password included but without any result.
This isn't working for you because your XMLHttpRequest is for a different domain than the one the page is on.
For this to properly work, you need to enable CORS. I would also suggest putting in the absolute URL of where this JSON file is located.
It would work on your preview mode. Because there both shop url and admin url are on same domain
But when you try to browse using your real domain "https://woolet.co/". The domain from where you are making the get request and the domain from where the file is coming becomes different. ( https://woolet-co.myshopify.com/admin/blogs/19692355/articles/229491718.json )
As far i know you can not enable cors on shopify
It wont work because "https://woolet-co.myshopify.com/admin/blogs/19692355/articles/229491718.json" requires you to be logged it to the store as admin.
Try some other way.

How to do routing/navigation in Elm without the # (hash) in the URL?

Using the UrlParser.parseHash function i was able to successfully parse the following url:
The behavior is as expected, when i copy paste this in the browser and hit enter - the app loads with the appropriate view.
But now i want to remove the # and for this i used UrlParser.parsePath function. I kept the rest of the code exactly as before - but for some reason this doesn't work.
When i copy paste this and hit enter:
http://localhost:8000/MyRepl.elm/home/something-else - notice no #.
The browser creates a direct request to the elm -reactor localhost server.
There is no routing happening. The elm reactor server returns a 404 - as if there is no file named /MyRepl.elm/home/something-else
But routing without # should be possible because the http://package.elm-lang.org/packages - Docs site is written in elm and there is no # in the url as you can see.
Anyone has experienced the same problem? Any ideas how to fix this?
Or can you point me to a repo where navigation without # works as expected?
You need a backend that servers your index page for every request. After serving the index page the routing will happen as usual in Elm.
For example in express it would look something like:
router.get('/', function(req, res) {
res.sendFile(path.join(__dirname, 'public/index.html'));
router.get('/*', function(req, res) {
res.sendFile(path.join(__dirname, 'public/index.html'));
Elm reactor doesn't support this.
If you are using webpack you can do the same with the historyApiFallback attribute How to tell webpack dev server to serve index.html for any route