Vue leayk custom event being registered by multiple components - vue.js

I have a custom event which is added via
mounted() {
and am using event.stop.prevent but whereever I have those statements the events are registered, event when I do not want them to.
In the sandbox the event is defined in highlighter.vue
Highlighting a line of text should only add one sub array, but it is always registering 4...

So each component mounted adds an event to the "eventarray".
One possibility is to add this event to the component itself
or to filter by
like so:


How could the Vue app pass the additional parameters to the event listener when using vm.$once()?

In the Vue app , it could add the event listener that is called one time by using vm.$once.
For example, in the child component of Vue App, it could emit the event using vm.$emit('myEvent', data). emit event
And then it could be processed by adding the event listener to this event using vm.$once in the Vue app.
At this time, I want to pass the additional data to event handler.
I've tried as following. But it throws an error.
Uncaught ReferenceError: $event is not defined
//In the Vueapp
'myEvent', this.eventHandler($event, additional_data)
But I think that it could pass the additional data when using v-on.
<child-component ref="child" v-on:myEvent="eventHandler($event, additional_data)"></child-component>
//$event is the data emitted from the event , "myEvent".
When using vm.$once or vm.$on, couldn't it pass the additional parameter?
Note: the reason that I use vm.$once is that I want to execute the eventHandler only one time when emitting the custom event, myEvent and add it dynamically .
You need to capture the arguments passed into the event handler. You can do this by using an anonymous function for the handler that calls your method. For example
this.$refs.child.$once('myEvent', $event => {
this.eventHandler($event, additional_data)
You could also get fancy with Function.prototype.bind() however you would have to reverse the arguments list as bind prepends arguments.
For example
methods: {
eventHandler(data, $event) { // reversed argument list
// etc
this.$refs.child.$once('myEvent', this.eventHandler.bind(this, additional_data))

Event custom event from main vue instance, listen from component

Pretty new to vue js here,
Just want to know if is it possible to emit a custom event from the main vue instance (parent) and the components could listen to that custom event and act accordingly when that event is triggered?
I want to trigger a custom event on vue instance mounted lifecycle function then all components can initialize themselves.
Main vue instance
new Vue( {
el : '#main-app',
mounted : function() {
this.$emit( 'init-app' );
} );
Then on the various components, it can listen for the 'init-app' custom event then act accordingly when it is triggered or emitted.
Not sure how to do this coz in vue js event listeners are attached to the html tags? can an event listener or a function in a component be triggered by just the emitting of the event from the parent alone?
Note: I'm using vue js 2.0.3
and my components are global, they are not inline
Vue.component('my-component', {
template: '#component-template'
I could add more components later on.
Thanks in advance.
The correct way to initialize your child components is to use created: life-cycle hook for each of your child components.
Reason: It is quite possible that your child component may not be instantiated when you send your init-app event from the parent component. So, it will never get initialized.
Additional note on events: If you are sending an event from child component to parent component, you should use this.$parent.$emit("my-event-code") and receive it on the parent side as this.$on("my-event-code"). I figured it out recently after hours of trying various methods.
So, if you are trying to send an init-app event from parent to child, you might have to listen on child component as this.$parent.$on("init-app", ...) - I haven't verified this yet, this is my current understanding.

Broadcasting event from parent to child fires all parent's children in Vue.js

I have a parent component and a child component.
In my parent component I have an event on a span:
<span #click="toggle(" class="open-folder">[{{open ? '-' : '+'}}]</span>
which fires the toggle function
methods: {
toggle: function(id_epic) { = !;
this.$broadcast('loadTasks', id_epic);
in this function I call the loadTasks method from the child component with id_epic parameter.
The parent can have n children linked to it, but I only want to fire the first child method not all.
When I click on the span it fires the event for all n children of the parent's tree.
EDIT: The parent and it's children are generated recursively, so the child can also be a parent on it's own.(Like a folder structure)
How can I fix this ?
Thank you.
$broadcast is used to send event to child components. In your parent component you're triggering the event loadTasks from the toggle method. This is good.
You're sending a parameter along in the event, in your case id_epic
Now in your child component, you will need something like this. You need to get the id you're sending in your child component.
events : {
'loadTask' : function(param) {
//check for the id_epic here
EDIT: The parent and it's children are generated recursively, so the child can also be a parent on it's own.(Like a folder structure)
You should also re-think that part, if you have too many nested components, things can get easily out of hand.
You should be able to stop the propagation of an event by using a second parameter in the child listener. The second parameter is passed the event object to which you can can call stopProgation() and prevent additional children from also receiving the broadcasted event.
Consider adding the following code to your child listener.
'loadTask': function(param,event){
// Handle the param as needed.
Of course this system of event handling is only for Vue.js 1.0 as in Vue.js 2.0+ event broadcasting and dispatching has been depreciated in favor of a data store such as Vuex. So you may want to consider using a method which will upgrade compatible.
You can try using this.$children[0].$emit() to send the event to the first child instance. though it would probably be better to use a more explicit scheme and have children register handlers with the parent or vice versa.

accessing dojo attach point outside templated widget

I have a dojo attach point for list item which is inside a templated widget.I need to access the dojo attach point outside the widget in order to assign onclick to the list item created by the template.How do I do it?
Well, if you want to attach an event handler to it, you have to provide a function. You can override functions/properties from outside using getters and setters.
I also suggest using data-dojo-attach-event if you only need the node for attaching event handlers. For example by using: data-dojo-attach-event="onclick: myFunction". By doing this, it needs a function called myFunction in your templated widget, provide a default function (in your widget) for example:
myFunction: function() {
/** Stub */
And then you can do something like this from outside:
myWidget.set("myFunction", function(evt) {
console.log("Someone clicked on the list item");
Because the myFunction event handler is overriden, it will execute the function provided in the setter.
You could also directly access the attach points from outside using:
When you have a data-dojo-attach-point="listItemNode". However, I don't think it's recommended to use it this way because now your widget is tightly coupled (you use the internal functionality of the widget).
HTML template:-
<div data-dojo-attach-point="infoDialog" >
Save this as "Template.html"
load this html file using "dojo\text" plugin in your widget i.e.
and store as template in widget main function
assign it as template string to the widget.
templateString: template,
now this template attachpoint(infoDialog) will be the part of your current widget scope.
attach event:-
alert("hello world")

ComponentQuery for a parent with ExtJS4?

Is there a way to query "up"? I'm in a Component and want to register listeners to it's parents events with control(). This requires a Query which gets me the parent of my main view.
In ExtJS4, you can use 'up()' from an Ext Element.
The params are a string of the parent element you wish to find e.g:
var parentEl = Ext.get('childID').up('div.parentClass');
If you provide some details about the structure of your components/elements I can give a specific example which should fit.
EDIT: To show going 'up' from a component
var myComponent = // however you've got it
var theParentEl = myComponent.getEl().up('div.parentClass');
Usually up('PARENTCLASS') is enough for what you're trying to do. Here is what I do all over the code so elements generates event for the form they are in:
items: [
{ xtype: 'checkbox', listeners: {
change: function() { this.up('window').fireEvent('checkboxchanged'); }
As I understand, you want to listen to events dispatched by a component's parent from the child component's controller control function specifically.
There is not a query selector like 'parent < component' which you can put in the child controller's control function to listen to parent events.
Normally I would just add the parent view to the child's controller, then you could listen to it's events. But I assume you are not doing this because you are trying to delegate to different controllers or something.
You could fire an event in the child component whenever that parent event occurs. Inside the parent controller you could do it like this:
var child = parent.down('child');
child.fireEvent('myOwnEventName', arg1, arg2, arg3, etc);
Then you would add a handler for 'myOwnEventName' in the child controller's control function to run the logic you wanted for it.
If the parent doesn't have a controller then you should just add the parent component as a view in the child's controller.
The Sencha help says "Member expressions from candidate Components may be tested. If the expression returns a truthy value, the candidate Component will be included in the query:" in the!/api/Ext.ComponentQuery help.
Took me a while to realize I can do the following in my controller:
'window{down("testcomp")}[down]': { beforedestroy: this.doNotCloseIfUnsaved }
Using the {} operation, we can call any arbitrary code. Really bad from an efficiency standpoint, but it got the job done. I had to add the [down] because it runs component queries from right to left, so we have to be sure down() exists before we try running it (on every component). Thus, I was able to attach an event to whatever window holds my component.
Of course, other functions can be used too, like child() instead of down() if you want to ensure it is the immediate child rather than just anywhere below.