Crystal 2016 pull from 2 unrelated tables in one report - sql

I have searched and the only answers I found were for cross joining.
I have 3 tables that are related by 1 field only. I'm trying to pull data from 2 tables that are linked to the other table.
The first table contains salesman data IDnumber, name, address, phone number, hire date, wage, etc.
There is a sales table that contains salesmanIDnumber, date of sale, object sold, and price.
There is a purchases table that contains salesmanIDnumber, date of purchase, object purchased, and price.
The date fields in sales and purchases are unrelated. I know the easiest solution would be to have the sales and purchase table combined with a column for buy/sell, but I didn't create the database and I'm working with what I've got. basically I want to pull all purchases or sales by salesmanID in one report.
I have linked the salesman table to the sales table and the purchases table with left outer joins by the salesman ID. What I'm getting in results is cross join with each result from the purchase table displayed once for each result in the sales table, which gives me multiplied results instead of added. for example, 4 sales and 6 purchases would be 10 entries, but I'm getting 24 results.
I tried entering an example but the site stripped the spacing and pushed everything together basically making it unreadable.
how can I get it to show data from both tables independently?
I do have access to create views in the database if that's the best solution, but I'm not proficient at it.

Create 2 views (one for sales, the other for purchases), each Grouped By SalesMan.
Since each SalesMan would have only one row in each view, you can join them without record inflation.
Or use a UNION to append Purchase records to Sales Records, taking care of including a 'Type' column ('Sales' as Type, or 'Puurchases' as Type) and/or reverse sign on quantities to allow summarizing things in a logical.


SQL Databricks - Selecting the number of customers that have not bought anything from certain product categories

Do you know how I can select the number of customers that have not bought anything from specific product categories, for a 6 months period of time?
The result should look something like that:
I tried to full outer join the sales table, the product categories table and the customer ids table, then count the null values from the customer ids table. Returned no results.

Left Join misbehaving - VBA SQL

Table 1: Customer Info Data (has ~50K records)
Table 2: Sales by customer ID (has ~25K records)
When I am performing a left join of Sales data from Table 2 on Table 1 based on the Customer ID, the output has a handful of records (~500) with a unit increase in the sales quantity. For e.g. sales quantity for customer #1 is 200, the sale quantity that I am getting in my joined output is 201. Note again that this is only for handful of records, for the majority of the data, it is joined absolutely correctly.
The SQL query is a pretty standard one:
SELECT [Table1$].[ID], Name, Volume, Amount
FROM [Table1$] LEFT JOIN [Table2$] ON [Table1$].[ID] = [Table2$].[ID]
What is weird is that this error is only for a few records and it is changing only by a unit for all of them. What do you think could be the potential reason here? Note that I run this SQL query from VBA.
Maybe if I add an image, it would help, I have masked my data:
Table1, blue colored column is the joined column, I have filtered for the ID where there is a problem:
Table2, source of the joined column, as you can see it is 20, but the value that has been joined with table 1 is 21. Interestingly, there is no ID with value 21 in table2
There is certainly a space or something that makes seemingly identical IDs different. To make sure do a select distinct id on the sales table.

Compare the sum of rows with shared reference in one table with a single value in another

I have a list of my stock in one table, stock, and I reserve portions of that stock to an order in another table, orders
I have a feeling my data is no longer in a good state, and I need to compare the amount I have reserved from a chunk of stock in the orders table to the total I have in the reserved stock table.
Each stockref has a unique entry in stock but can occur multiple times in orders if it represents a quantity that is split across multiple orders.
The ideal query would show me stockrefs that are over-reserved. Once I have these I can then check my code to see what caused the issue and fix it before I go bust selling items I no longer have stock of.
I think this should resolve your problem
Select s.reservedqty,s.stockref,O.Total_reservedqty from stock S join
Select sum(reservedqty) as Total_reservedqty,stockref from orders group by stockref
) O
On S.stockref=O.stockref
where O.Total_reservedqty !=s.reservedqty

Oracle SQL: Show Individual Count Even if There are Duplicates

this is my first question on here, so please forgive me if I break any rules.
Here is what I need to know:
How do I create an Oracle SQL query that will display a unique count of something even if there are duplicates in the results?
Example: a customer table has a list of purchases made by various customers. The table lists the customer ID, name, category of purchase (ie Hardware, Tools, Seasonal) ect. The outcome of the query needs to show each customer id, customer name and the category of the purchase, and a count of the individual customer. SO customer ID 1 for John Smith has made a purchase in each department. If I do a count of the customer, he will appear three times as he has made three purchases, but I also need a column to count the customer only once. The count in the other rows returned for the other departments should show a 0 or Null.
I normally achieve this by pulling everything and exporting to excel. I add a column that uses an IF formula on the ID to only show a 1 on the first occurrence of the customer IE: IF(A3=A2,0,1) (if a3 is the same as A2, show a 0, if it's not the same as A2 then show a 1). This will give me a unique count of customers for one part of the report and will still show me how many purchase the customer made in another part of the report.
I want to do this directly in the SQL query as I have a large set of data this needs to be done on, and adding any formulas in excel will make the sheet huge. This will also make it easier to host the query results in ACCESS so excel can pull it from there.
I have tried to find a solution to this for a while, but any searching on Google will usually return results on how to remove duplicates form a table or how to count the duplicates in a table.
I am sorry if this is long question, but I wanted to be through so I do not waste anyone's time on back an fourth comments (I have seen this many times on here and else where when the OP asks a very cryptic question and expects everyone to understand them without further expiation).
Using distinct can be used in a count to only count the unique values of a field.
cust.customer_id, cust.customer_name, p.category,
count(distinct p.department_id) as total_departments,
count(*) as total_purchases
FROM customers cust
LEFT JOIN purchase_table p on (cust.customer_id = p.customer_id)
GROUP BY cust.customer_id, cust.customer_name, p.category
ORDER BY cust.customer_id;
Such method is not limited to the Oracle RDBMS.

SQL query (in ZOHO reports) to join two tables by subtotas :-O

if you are out there, please help me:
I have 2 different tables, with different columns and no primary key:
1 - daily actual sales data
2 - monthly budget sales data
I need:
- one consolidated table with monthly actual sales (counted) and montly budget sales, to compare monthly sales vs budget.
Is it possible?
Of course.
You can aggregate the numbers for every month from the actual sales data table using sum() and group by and can join into this the budget table via the month column.