How do I get and use value from a tensor within a TF 2.0 Dataset map step? - tensorflow

I'm using TensorFlow Alpha 2.0.
I have TFRecords files I'm reading from, each one holding a short video clip with each frame encoded as jpeg byte string to save space:
'numframes':[], tf.int64),
I have a map step in my pipeline that successfully parses each example:
def parse_tfrecord(p):
return, example_schema)
My next step is to read out the number of frames from numframes and run the function on each frame in frames.values[i] with i being from range(numframes):
def parse_jpegs(p):
numframes = p['numframes']
return tf.map_fn(, [p['frames'].values[i] for i in range(numframes)])
My dataset pipeline for completeness:
def dataset():
dataset ="*.tfrecord")
dataset =
dataset = dataset.shuffle(1000).repeat()
dataset =
dataset =
return dataset
If I exclude the line it all works alright, showing me something like {'frames': <tensorflow.python.framework.sparse_tensor.SparseTensor at 0x7f394c285518>, 'numframes': <tf.Tensor: id=2937, shape=(), dtype=int64, numpy=25>}
(Note that the numframes tensor includes a numpy value of 25. I can get that outside my dataset pipeline with the tensor.numpy() method)
Within that map function though, I can't call .numpy() to get the value out of the tensor, and when printing the tensor itself it hasn't been evaluated or something because there is no value shown yet.
What is the best way to parse all these frames within the dataset pipeline?
EDIT: Error message I'm getting is TypeError: 'Tensor' object cannot be interpreted as an integer in parse_jpegs when trying to get numframes. This makes sense to me why a tensor can't be interpreted as an int, but how can I get the value from that tensor to use to set the range?
The problem I'm running into comes down to the fact that each "frames" object has a different number of frames. If I can apply to each frame in that list without needing to record number of frames separately I would be fine with that, but I have "numframes" here so I know how many frames need to be decoded in my "frames" list.
EDIT: I'll heave the question up for anyone else who might find it helpful, but I ended up just returning the raw bytestrings and doing the decode_jpeg in a separate generator function outside the dataset API. It was much easier that way, even if it might be slower.

In my specific case, I ended up finding out that map_fn was trying to turn my input tensor into an output tensor of the same type. In this case, takes in a string (of bytes) and outputs a uint8 array, which was causing problems. Another argument to tf.map_fn(... output_type=tf.uint8) seems to have fixed it for me! Maybe not exactly as written since I continued tinkering with it since asking the question, but I got it working now.


In MediaPipe, is it possible to see augmented landmarks rendered in real time?

So I am using MediaPipe Holistic Solutions to extract keypoints from a body, hands and face, and I am using the data from this extraction for my calculations just fine. The problem is, I want to see if my data augmentation works, but I am unable to see it in real time. An example of how the keypoints are extracted:
lh_arr = (np.array([[result .x, result .y, result .z] for result in results.left_hand_landmarks.landmark]).flatten()
if I then do lets say, lh_arr [10:15]*2, I cant use this new data in the draw_landmarks function, as lh_arr is not class 'mediapipe.python.solution_base.SolutionOutputs'. Is there a way to get draw_landmarks() to use an np array instead or can I convert the np array back into the correct format? I have tried to get get the flattened array back into a dictionary of the same format of results, but it did not work. I can neither augment the results directly, as they are unsupported operand types.

tf.reshape with the tensor size raises mismatched number of values

I have the following code:
shape = tf.shape(tensor, out_type=tf.int64, name='sparse_shape')
nelems = tf.size(tensor, out_type=tf.int64, name='num_elements')
indices = tf.transpose(
tf.unravel_index(tf.range(nelems, dtype=tf.int64), shape),
values = tf.reshape(tensor, [nelems], name='sparse_values')
This code snippet is simply transforming a dense tensor into a sparse tensor. However I found that the reshape op sometimes raises an error in runtime:
tensorflow.python.framework.errors_impl.InvalidArgumentError: Input to reshape is a tensor with 906 values, but the requested shape has 1024
It's hard to write a simple demo to reproduce this bad case. So please understand that I cannot provide a reproducible demo.
But notice that my code is very simple. The reshape op is simply reshaping the tensor into a 1D tensor with the dimension size as the tensor's size, which is the number of elements of the tensor (illustrated in TensorFlow's doc). And in my mind, the number of elements here simply means the number of of values in the error message. Thus the above error should never appear.
I tried to use production of the shape as the target dimension size instead of tf.size but it was no use:
shape = tf.shape(tensor, out_type=tf.int64, name='sparse_shape')
# use production as the number of elements
nelems = tf.reduce_prod(shape, name='num_elements')
values = tf.reshape(tensor, [nelems], name='sparse_values')
So my question is, why is there a possibility that, for a certain tensor tensor, tf.size(tensor) or tf.shape(tensor) does not tell the actual number of elements of tensor? Can anyone remind if I have missed anything? Thanks.
I have figured out the problem on myself.
In my project, the problem is that, tensor is produced by a third-party library. The library called tensor.set_shape([1024]) before returning tensor. While it can't ensure that there must be 1024 elements in tensor.
According to these codes, in TensorFlow's python frontend implementation, when the shape is fully determined, tf.shape and tf.size can go a fast way to get the result without really running the ShapeOp or SizeOp, and returning a constant tensor of the determined shape dimensions as the result.
As a result, in my case, the shape is obviously fully determined as [1024], so the code goes in the fast way and returned tf.constant([1024]). However the real shape of the Tensor object in the backend is [906].
According to the previously mentioned codes, we can see that tf.shape and tf.size actually calls shape_internal and size_internal defined in tensorflow.python.ops.array_ops. The latter functions takes one more argument optimize with default value True. And if optimize is false, the fast way will be ignored.
So the solution is to replace the tf.shape or tf.size with shape_internal or size_internal, and pass optimize=False.
# internal functions are not exposed by `tensorflow` root package
# so we have to import the `array_ops` package manualy
from tensorflow.python.ops import array_ops
shape = tf.shape(tensor, out_type=tf.int64, name='sparse_shape')
#nelems = tf.size(tensor, out_type=tf.int64, name='num_elements')
nelems = array_ops.size_internal(tensor, optimize=False, out_type=tf.int64, name='num_elements')
values = tf.reshape(tensor, [nelems], name='sparse_values')

Applying Tensorflow Dataset .map() to subsequent dataset elements

I've got a TFRecordDataset and I'm trying to preprocess the features of two subsequent elements by means of the map() API.
dataset_ext = x: tf.py_function(parse_data, [x], [tf.float32]))
As map applies the function parse_data to every dataset element, I don't know what parse_data should look like in order to keep track of the feature extracted from the previous dataset element.
Can anyone help? Thank you
EDIT: I'm working on the Waymo dataset, so each element is a frame. You can refer to for its structure.
This is my parse function parse_data:
from waymo_open_dataset import dataset_pb2 as open_dataset
def parse_data(input_data):
frame = open_dataset.Frame()
av_speed = (frame.images[0].velocity.v_x, frame.images[0].velocity.v_y, frame.images[0].velocity.v_z)
return av_speed
I'd like to build a dataset whose features are the car speed and acceleration, defined as the speed variation between subsequent frames (the first value can be 0).
One way I thought about is to give the map function dataset and dataset.skip(1) as inputs but I'm not sure about it yet.
I am not sure but it might be unnecessary to make your mapped function a tf.py_function. How parse_data is supposed to look like depends on your dataset dataset_ext. If it has for example two file paths (1 instace of input data and 1 instance of output data), the mapping function should have 2 arguments and should return 2 arguments.
For example: if your dataset contains images and you want them to be randomly cropped each time an example of your dataset is drawn the mapping function looks like this:
def process_img_random_crop(img_in, img_out, output_shape):
merged = tf.stack([img_in, img_out])
mergedCrop = tf.image.random_crop(merged, size=(2,) + output_shape)
img_in_cropped, img_out_cropped = tf.unstack(mergedCrop, 2, 0)
return img_in_cropped, img_out_cropped
I call it as follows:
image_ds_test = i, o: process_img_random_crop(i, o, output_shape=(64, 64, 1)),
What exactly is your plan with dataset_ext and what does it contain?
Okay, got what you meant with you the two frames. So the map function is applied to each entry of your dataset separatly. If you need cross-entry information, a single entry of your dataset needs to contain two frames. With this more complicated set-up, I would suggest you to use a tensorflow Sequence: The explanation from the tensorflow team is pretty straigth forward. Hope this help!

TF object detection: return subset of inference payload

I'm working on training and deploying an instance segmentation model using TF's object detection API. I'm able to successfully train the model, package it into a TF Serving Docker image (latest tag as of Oct 2020), and process inference requests via the REST interface. However, the amount of data returned from an inference request is very large (hundreds of Mb). This is a big problem when the inference request and processing don't happen on the same machine because all that returned data has to go over the network.
Is there a way to trim down the number of outputs (either during model export or within the TF Serving image) so allow faster round trip times during inference?
I'm using TF OD API (with TF2) to train a Mask RCNN model, which is a modified version of this config. I believe the full list of outputs is described in code here. The list of items I get during inference is also pasted below. For a model with 100 object proposals, that information is ~270 Mb if I just write the returned inference as json to disk.
dict_keys(['detection_masks', 'rpn_features_to_crop', 'detection_anchor_indices', 'refined_box_encodings', 'final_anchors', 'mask_predictions', 'detection_classes', 'num_detections', 'rpn_box_predictor_features', 'class_predictions_with_background', 'proposal_boxes', 'raw_detection_boxes', 'rpn_box_encodings', 'box_classifier_features', 'raw_detection_scores', 'proposal_boxes_normalized', 'detection_multiclass_scores', 'anchors', 'num_proposals', 'detection_boxes', 'image_shape', 'rpn_objectness_predictions_with_background', 'detection_scores'])
I already encode the images within my inference requests as base64, so the request payload is not too large when going over the network. It's just that the inference response is gigantic in comparison. I only need 4 or 5 of the items out of this response, so it'd be great to exclude the rest and avoid passing such a large package of bits over the network.
Things I've tried
I've tried setting the score_threshold to a higher value during the export (code example here) to reduce the number of outputs. However, this seems to just threshold the detection_scores. All the extraneous inference information is still returned.
I also tried just manually excluding some of these inference outputs by adding the names of keys to remove here. That also didn't seem to have any effect, and I'm worried this is a bad idea because some of those keys might be needed during scoring/evaluation.
I also searched here and on tensorflow/models repo, but I wasn't able to find anything.
I was able to find a hacky workaround. In the export process (here), some of the components of the prediction dict are deleted. I added additional items to the non_tensor_predictions list, which contains all keys that will get removed during the postprocess step. Augmenting this list cut down my inference outputs from ~200MB to ~12MB.
Full code for the if self._number_of_stages == 3 block:
if self._number_of_stages == 3:
non_tensor_predictions = [
k for k, v in prediction_dict.items() if not isinstance(v, tf.Tensor)]
# Add additional keys to delete during postprocessing
non_tensor_predictions = non_tensor_predictions + ['raw_detection_scores', 'detection_multiclass_scores', 'anchors', 'rpn_objectness_predictions_with_background', 'detection_anchor_indices', 'refined_box_encodings', 'class_predictions_with_background', 'raw_detection_boxes', 'final_anchors', 'rpn_box_encodings', 'box_classifier_features']
for k in non_tensor_predictions:'Removing {0} from prediction_dict'.format(k))
return prediction_dict
I think there's a more "proper" way to deal with this using signature definitions during the creation of the TF Serving image, but this worked for a quick and dirty fix.
I've ran into the same problem. In the exporter_main_v2 code there is stated that the outputs should be:
and the following output nodes returned by the model.postprocess(..):
* `num_detections`: Outputs float32 tensors of the form [batch]
that specifies the number of valid boxes per image in the batch.
* `detection_boxes`: Outputs float32 tensors of the form
[batch, num_boxes, 4] containing detected boxes.
* `detection_scores`: Outputs float32 tensors of the form
[batch, num_boxes] containing class scores for the detections.
* `detection_classes`: Outputs float32 tensors of the form
[batch, num_boxes] containing classes for the detections.
I've submitted an issue on the tensorflow object detection github repo, I hope we will get feedback from the tensorflow dev team.
The github issue can be found here
If you are using file to export your model, you can try this hack way to solve this problem.
Just add following codes in the function _run_inference_on_images of file:
detections[classes_field] = (
tf.cast(detections[classes_field], tf.float32) + label_id_offset)
############# START ##########
ignored_model_output_names = ["raw_detection_boxes", "raw_detection_scores"]
for key in ignored_model_output_names:
if key in detections.keys(): del detections[key]
############# END ##########
for key, val in detections.items():
detections[key] = tf.cast(val, tf.float32)
Therefore, the generated model will not output the values of ignored_model_output_names.
Please let me know if this can solve your problem.
Another approach would be to alter the signatures of the saved model:
model = tf.saved_model.load(path.join("models", "efficientdet_d7_coco17_tpu-32", "saved_model"))
infer = model.signatures["serving_default"]
outputs = infer.structured_outputs
for o in ["raw_detection_boxes", "raw_detection_scores"]:
signatures={"serving_default" : infer},

Tensorflow error:The graph couldn't be sorted in topological order

When I run my loss function and it will be occur this error or warning.
I really can not figure out what cause it.
I guess that maybe I didn't use the origin input,for example:
def loss(predict,label):
#because some reason I need to extract some values in predict
predictProcessed = process(predict)
#predictProcessed is a subset of predict
loss = tf.square(predict - label)
return loss
My guess is right or not?
And I also use double for-loop in this code,Should the code use less for for-loop?thanks