Look up BernoulliNB Probability in Dataframe - pandas

I have some training data (TRAIN) and some test data (TEST).
Each row of each dataframe contains an observed class (X) and some columns of binary (Y). BernoulliNB predicts the probability of X given Y in the test data based on the training data. I am trying to look up the probability of the observed class of each row in the test data (Pr).
Edit: I used Antoine Zambelli's advice to fix the code:
from sklearn.naive_bayes import BernoulliNB
BNB = BernoulliNB()
# Training Data
TRAIN = pd.DataFrame({'X' : [1,2,3,9],
'Y1': [1,1,0,0],
'Y4': [1,0,0,0]})
# Test Data
TEST = pd.DataFrame({'X' : [5,0,1,1,1,2,2,2,2],
'Y1': [1,1,0,1,0,1,0,0,0],
'Y2': [1,0,1,0,1,0,1,0,1],
'Y3': [1,1,0,1,1,0,0,0,0],
'Y4': [1,1,0,1,1,0,0,0,0]})
# Add the information that TRAIN has none of the missing items
diff_cols = set(TEST.columns)-set(TRAIN.columns)
for i in diff_cols:
TRAIN[i] = 0
# Split the data
Se_Tr_X = TRAIN['X']
Se_Te_X = TEST ['X']
df_Tr_Y = TRAIN .drop('X', axis=1)
df_Te_Y = TEST .drop('X', axis=1)
# Train: Bernoulli Naive Bayes Classifier
A_F = BNB.fit(df_Tr_Y, Se_Tr_X)
# Test: Predict Probability
Ar_R = BNB.predict_proba(df_Te_Y)
df_R = pd.DataFrame(Ar_R)
# Rename the columns after the classes of X
df_R.columns = BNB.classes_
df_S = df_R .join(TEST)
# Look up the predicted probability of the observed X
# Skip X's that are not in the training data
def get_lu(df):
def lu(i, j):
return df.get(j, {}).get(i, np.nan)
return lu
df_S['Pr'] = [*map(get_lu(df_R), df_S .T, df_S .X)]
This seemed to work, giving me the result (df_S):
This correctly gives a "NaN" for the first 2 rows because the training data contains no information about classes X=5 or X=0.

Ok, there's a couple issues here. I have a full working example below, but first those issues. Mainly the assertion that "This correctly gives a "NaN" for the first 2 rows".
This ties back to the way classification algorithms are used and what they can do. The training data contains all the information you want your algorithm to know and be able to act on. The test data is only going to be processed with that information in mind. Even if you (the person) know that the test label is 5 and not included in the training data, the algorithm doesn't know that. It is only going to look at the feature data and then try to predict the label from those. So it can't return nan (or 5, or anything not in the training set) - that nan is coming from your work going from df_R to df_S.
This leads to the second issue which is the line df_Te_Y = TEST .iloc[ : , 1 : ], that line should be df_Te_Y = TEST .iloc[ : , 2 : ], so that it does not include the label data. Label data only appears in the training set. The predicted labels will only ever be drawn from the set of labels that appear in the training data.
Note: I've changed the class labels to be Y and the feature data to be X because that's standard in the literature.
from sklearn.naive_bayes import BernoulliNB
from sklearn.metrics import accuracy_score
import pandas as pd
BNB = BernoulliNB()
# Training Data
train_df = pd.DataFrame({'Y' : [1,2,3,9], 'X1': [1,1,0,0], 'X2': [0,0,0,0], 'X3': [0,0,0,0], 'X4': [1,0,0,0]})
# Test Data
test_df = pd.DataFrame({'Y' : [5,0,1,1,1,2,2,2,2],
'X1': [1,1,0,1,0,1,0,0,0],
'X2': [1,0,1,0,1,0,1,0,1],
'X3': [1,1,0,1,1,0,0,0,0],
'X4': [1,1,0,1,1,0,0,0,0]})
X = train_df.drop('Y', axis=1) # Known training data - all but 'Y' column.
Y = train_df['Y'] # Known training labels - just the 'Y' column.
X_te = test_df.drop('Y', axis=1) # Test data.
Y_te = test_df['Y'] # Only used to measure accuracy of prediction - if desired.
Ar_R = BNB.fit(X, Y).predict_proba(X_te) # Can be combined to a single line.
df_R = pd.DataFrame(Ar_R)
df_R.columns = BNB.classes_ # Rename as per class labels.
# Columns are class labels and Rows are observations.
# Each entry is a probability of that observation being assigned to that class label.
predicted_labels = df_R.idxmax(axis=1).values # For each row, take the column with the highest prob in that row.
print(predicted_labels) # [1 1 3 1 3 2 3 3 3]
print(accuracy_score(Y_te, predicted_labels)) # Percent accuracy of prediction.
print(BNB.fit(X, Y).predict(X_te)) # [1 1 3 1 3 2 3 3 3], can be used in one line if predicted_label is all we want.
# NOTE: change train_df to have 'Y': [1,2,1,9] and we get predicted_labels = [1 1 9 1 1 1 9 1 9].
# So probabilities have changed.
I recommend reviewing some tutorials or other material on clustering algorithms if this doesn't make sense after reading the code.


Tensorflow Quantum: PQC not optimizing

I have followed the tutorial available at: https://www.tensorflow.org/quantum/tutorials/mnist. I have modified this tutorial to the simplest example I could think of: an input set in which x increases linearly from 0 to 1 and y = x < 0.3. I then use a PQC with a single Rx gate with a symbol, and a readout using a Z gate.
When retrieving the optimized symbol and adjusting it manually, I can easily find a value that provides 100% accuracy, but when I let the Adam optimizer run, it converges to either always predict 1 or always predict -1. Does anybody spot what I do wrong? (and I apologize for not being able to break down the code to a smaller example)
import tensorflow as tf
import tensorflow_quantum as tfq
import cirq
import sympy
import numpy as np
# used to embed classical data in quantum circuits
def convert_to_circuit_cont(image):
"""Encode truncated classical image into quantum datapoint."""
values = np.ndarray.flatten(image)
qubits = cirq.GridQubit.rect(4, 1)
circuit = cirq.Circuit()
for i, value in enumerate(values):
if value:
return circuit
# define classical dataset
length = 1000
# create a linearly increasing set for x from 0 to 1 in 1/length steps
x_train_sorted = np.asarray([[x/length] for x in range(0,length)], dtype=np.float32)
# p is used to shuffle x and y similarly
p = np.random.permutation(len(x_train_sorted))
x_train = x_train_sorted[p]
# y = x < 0.3 in {-1, 1} for Hinge loss
y_train_sorted = np.asarray([1 if (x/length)<0.30 else -1 for x in range(0,length)])
y_train = y_train_sorted[p]
# test == train for this example
x_test = x_train_sorted[:]
y_test = y_train_sorted[:]
# convert classical data into quantum circuits
x_train_circ = [convert_to_circuit_cont(x) for x in x_train]
x_test_circ = [convert_to_circuit_cont(x) for x in x_test]
x_train_tfcirc = tfq.convert_to_tensor(x_train_circ)
x_test_tfcirc = tfq.convert_to_tensor(x_test_circ)
# define the PQC circuit, consisting out of 1 qubit with 1 gate (Rx) and 1 parameter
def create_quantum_model():
data_qubits = cirq.GridQubit.rect(1, 1)
circuit = cirq.Circuit()
a = sympy.Symbol("a")
return circuit, cirq.Z(data_qubits[0])
model_circuit, model_readout = create_quantum_model()
# Build the Keras model.
model = tf.keras.Sequential([
# The input is the data-circuit, encoded as a tf.string
tf.keras.layers.Input(shape=(), dtype=tf.string),
# The PQC layer returns the expected value of the readout gate, range [-1,1].
tfq.layers.PQC(model_circuit, model_readout),
# used for logging progress during optimization
def hinge_accuracy(y_true, y_pred):
y_true = tf.squeeze(y_true) > 0.0
y_pred = tf.squeeze(y_pred) > 0.0
result = tf.cast(y_true == y_pred, tf.float32)
return tf.reduce_mean(result)
# compile the model with Hinge loss and Adam, as done in the example. Have tried with various learning_rates
loss = tf.keras.losses.Hinge(),
# fit the model
qnn_history = model.fit(
x_train_tfcirc, y_train,
validation_data=(x_test_tfcirc, y_test),
results = model.predict(x_test_tfcirc)
results_mapped = [-1 if x<=0 else 1 for x in results[:,0]]
print(np.sum(np.equal(results_mapped, y_test)))
After 20 epochs of optimization, I get the following:
1000/1000 [==============================] - 0s 410us/sample - loss: 0.5589 - hinge_accuracy: 0.6982 - val_loss: 0.5530 - val_hinge_accuracy: 0.7070
This results in 700 samples out of 1000 predicted correctly. When looking at the mapped results, this is because all results are predicted as -1. When looking at the raw results, they linearly increase from -0.5484014 to -0.99996257.
When retrieving the weight with w = model.layers[0].get_weights(), subtracting 0.8, and setting it again with model.layers[0].set_weights(w), I get 920/1000 correct. Fine-tuning this process allows me to achieve 1000/1000.
Update 1:
I have also printed the update of the weight over the various epochs:
4.916246, 4.242602, 3.3765688, 2.6855211, 2.3405066, 2.206207, 2.1734586, 2.1656137, 2.1510274, 2.1634471, 2.1683235, 2.188944, 2.1510284, 2.1591303, 2.1632445, 2.1542525, 2.1677444, 2.1702878, 2.163104, 2.1635907
I set the weight to 1.36, a value which gives 908/1000 (as opposed to 700/100). The optimizer moves away from it:
1.7992111, 2.0727847, 2.1370323, 2.15711, 2.1686404, 2.1603785, 2.183334, 2.1563332, 2.156857, 2.169908, 2.1658351, 2.170673, 2.1575692, 2.1505954, 2.1561477, 2.1754034, 2.1545155, 2.1635509, 2.1464484, 2.1707492
One thing that I noticed is that the value for the hinge accuracy was 0.75 with the weight 1.36, which is higher than the 0.7 for 2.17. If this is the case, I am either in an unlucky part of the optimization landscape where the global minimum does not correspond to the minimum of the loss landscape, or the loss value is determined incorrectly. This is what I will be investigating next.
The minima of the Hinge loss function for this examples does not correspond with the maxima of number of correctly classified examples. Please see plot of these w.r.t. the value of the parameter. Given that the optimizer works towards the minima of the loss, not the maxima of the number of classified examples, the code (and framework/optimizer) do what they are supposed to do. Alternatively, one could use a different loss function to try to find a better fit. For example binarized l1 loss. This function would have the same global optimum, but would likely have a very flat landscape.

How to select almost equally distributed classes in training,validation,test samples?

I am working on MNIST Sign Language dataset to classify images using Keras. There are 24 different classes in the dataset. But the problem is that the distribution of classes of very different.
I used sklearn.model_selection.train_test_split to stratify=df['label'] but still some classes have 5% while others have 3% of the whole data. How can I make them to choose a data that is around 4% distributed among the classes.
My test_df has 7172 rows and 785 columns one of which is a label column and remaining 784 are grayscale pixel values (28*28)
test_df = pd.read_csv(TEST_PATH)
# shuffle and split validation,test data
test_df = test_df.sample(frac=1.0,random_state=SEED).iloc[:2000,:] # shuffle the whole data, get first 2000 rows
val_df,test_df = train_test_split(test_df,test_size=0.5,random_state=SEED,stratify=test_df['label'])
# stratify the labels so that distribution of classes is almost same
# extract pixels and labels for both validation,test data
X_val = val_df.drop('label',axis=1).values.reshape((val_df.shape[0],28,28))/255.0 # validation images
y_val = val_df['label'].ravel() # validation label
X_test = test_df.drop('label',axis=1).values.reshape((test_df.shape[0],28,28))/255.0 # test images
y_val = test_df['label'].ravel() # test label
this line enables you to have a uniform distribution with val and test. you can play also with the number of samples
SEED = 42
n_classes = 24
test_df = pd.read_csv(TEST_PATH)
test_df = [test_df.loc[test_df.label==i].sample(n=int(2000/n_classes),random_state=SEED) for i in test_df.label.unique()]
test_df = pd.concat(test_df, axis=0, ignore_index=True)
val_df,test_df = train_test_split(test_df,test_size=0.5,random_state=SEED,stratify=test_df['label'])

LSTM Keras input and output dimensions

I have 30 time steps with 26 features, so I would imagine my input into the first layer would be of dimension #_samples x 30 x 26.
One problem I have is that my # of samples varies by the time step. Should I pad to make them uniform?
Another is that I am trying to create the time-indexed 3D array by separating out the dataset into their respective time steps and combining them into a 3D array, but all the different methods I've tried have failed so far.
Here's my latest attempt:
def lstm_data_processing(X_data, Y_data):
num_time_steps = X_data['month_id'].nunique()
month_ids = X_data['month_id'].unique()
X_processed = []
X_processed.reshape(X_data.shape[0], X_data.shape[1], num_time_steps)
for i in range(num_time_steps):
month_df = X_data.loc[X_data['month_id'] == month_ids[i]].copy()
month_df.drop('month_id', axis=1, inplace=True)
np.stack(X_processed, month_df)

What does batch, repeat, and shuffle do with TensorFlow Dataset?

I'm currently learning TensorFlow but I came across a confusion in the below code snippet:
dataset = dataset.shuffle(buffer_size = 10 * batch_size)
dataset = dataset.repeat(num_epochs).batch(batch_size)
return dataset.make_one_shot_iterator().get_next()
I know that first the dataset will hold all the data but what shuffle(),repeat(), and batch() do to the dataset?
Please help me with an example and explanation.
Update: Here is a small collaboration notebook for demonstration of this answer.
Imagine, you have a dataset: [1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6], then:
How ds.shuffle() works
dataset.shuffle(buffer_size=3) will allocate a buffer of size 3 for picking random entries. This buffer will be connected to the source dataset.
We could image it like this:
Random buffer
| Source dataset where all other elements live
| |
↓ ↓
[1,2,3] <= [4,5,6]
Let's assume that entry 2 was taken from the random buffer. Free space is filled by the next element from the source buffer, that is 4:
2 <= [1,3,4] <= [5,6]
We continue reading till nothing is left:
1 <= [3,4,5] <= [6]
5 <= [3,4,6] <= []
3 <= [4,6] <= []
6 <= [4] <= []
4 <= [] <= []
How ds.repeat() works
As soon as all the entries are read from the dataset and you try to read the next element, the dataset will throw an error.
That's where ds.repeat() comes into play. It will re-initialize the dataset, making it again like this:
[1,2,3] <= [4,5,6]
What will ds.batch() produce
The ds.batch() will take the first batch_size entries and make a batch out of them. So, a batch size of 3 for our example dataset will produce two batch records:
As we have a ds.repeat() before the batch, the generation of the data will continue. But the order of the elements will be different, due to the ds.random(). What should be taken into account is that 6 will never be present in the first batch, due to the size of the random buffer.
The following methods in tf.Dataset :
repeat( count=0 ) The method repeats the dataset count number of times.
shuffle( buffer_size, seed=None, reshuffle_each_iteration=None) The method shuffles the samples in the dataset. The buffer_size is the number of samples which are randomized and returned as tf.Dataset.
batch(batch_size,drop_remainder=False) Creates batches of the dataset with batch size given as batch_size which is also the length of the batches.
An example that shows looping over epochs. Upon running this script notice the difference in
dataset_gen1 - shuffle operation produces more random outputs (this may be more useful while running machine learning experiments)
dataset_gen2 - lack of shuffle operation produces elements in sequence
Other additions in this script
tf.data.experimental.sample_from_datasets - used to combine two datasets. Note that the shuffle operation in this case shall create a buffer that samples equally from both datasets.
import os
os.environ["TF_CPP_MIN_LOG_LEVEL"] = "3" # to avoid all those prints
os.environ["TF_GPU_THREAD_MODE"] = "gpu_private" # to avoid large "Kernel Launch Time"
import tensorflow as tf
if len(tf.config.list_physical_devices('GPU')):
tf.config.experimental.set_memory_growth(tf.config.list_physical_devices('GPU')[0], True)
class Augmentations:
def __init__(self):
def filter_even(self, x):
if x % 2 == 0:
return False
return True
class Dataset:
def __init__(self, aug, range_min=0, range_max=100):
self.range_min = range_min
self.range_max = range_max
self.aug = aug
def generator(self):
dataset = tf.data.Dataset.from_generator(self._generator
, output_types=(tf.float32), args=())
dataset = dataset.filter(self.aug.filter_even)
return dataset
def _generator(self):
for item in range(self.range_min, self.range_max):
# Can be used when you have multiple datasets that you wish to combine
class ZipDataset:
def __init__(self, datasets):
self.datasets = datasets
self.datasets_generators = []
def generator(self):
for dataset in self.datasets:
return tf.data.experimental.sample_from_datasets(self.datasets_generators)
if __name__ == "__main__":
aug = Augmentations()
dataset1 = Dataset(aug, 0, 100)
dataset2 = Dataset(aug, 100, 200)
dataset = ZipDataset([dataset1, dataset2])
epochs = 2
shuffle_buffer = 10
batch_size = 4
prefetch_buffer = 5
dataset_gen1 = dataset.generator().shuffle(shuffle_buffer).batch(batch_size).prefetch(prefetch_buffer)
# dataset_gen2 = dataset.generator().batch(batch_size).prefetch(prefetch_buffer) # this will output odd elements in sequence
for epoch in range(epochs):
print ('\n ------------------ Epoch: {} ------------------'.format(epoch))
for X in dataset_gen1.repeat(1): # adding .repeat() in the loop allows you to easily control the end of the loop
print (X)
# Do some stuff at end of loop

Linear Regression overfitting

I'm pursuing course 2 on this coursera course on linear regression (https://www.coursera.org/specializations/machine-learning)
I've solved the training using graphlab but wanted to try out sklearn for the experience and learning. I'm using sklearn and pandas for this.
The model overfits on the data. How can I fix this? This is the code.
These are the coefficients i'm getting.
[ -3.33628603e-13 1.00000000e+00]
poly1_data = polynomial_dataframe(sales["sqft_living"], 1)
poly1_data["price"] = sales["price"]
model1 = LinearRegression()
model1.fit(poly1_data, sales["price"])
plt.plot(poly1_data['power_1'], poly1_data['price'], '.',poly1_data['power_1'], model1.predict(poly1_data),'-')
The plotted line is like this. As you see it connects every data point.
and this is the plot of the input data
I wouldn't even call this overfit. I'd say you aren't doing what you think you should be doing. In particular, you forgot to add a column of 1's to your design matrix, X. For example:
# generate some univariate data
x = np.arange(100)
y = 2*x + x*np.random.normal(0,1,100)
df = pd.DataFrame([x,y]).T
df.columns = ['x','y']
You're doing the following:
model1 = LinearRegression()
X = df["x"].values.reshape(1,-1)[0] # reshaping data
y = df["y"].values.reshape(1,-1)[0]
Which leads to:
plt.plot(df['x'].values, df['y'].values,'.')
plt.plot(X[0], model1.predict(X)[0],'-')
Instead, you want to add a column of 1's to your design matrix (X):
X = np.column_stack([np.ones(len(df['x'])),df["x"].values.reshape(1,-1)[0]])
y = df["y"].values.reshape(1,-1)
And (after some reshaping) you get:
plt.plot(df['x'].values, df['y'].values,'.')
plt.plot(df['x'].values, model1.predict(X),'-')