create the symlink failed in yocto project - cmake

Error log, do_package_qa:
QA Issue: non -dev/-dbg/nativesdk- package contains symlink .so
source code, CMakeList.txt:
Whether I need to add some parameter like -dev or -dbg??

You need to either manually install those *.so files and symlinks to them in do_install() for PACKAGE_${PN}-dev, or add the following to the recipe:
SOLIBS = ".so"


How do I tell meson setup about the location of a dependency?

I'm trying to build celluloid, which uses meson. I ran meson, but it failed to find an appropriate version of mpv:
Determining dependency 'mpv' with pkg-config executable '/usr/bin/pkg-config'
Called `/usr/bin/pkg-config --modversion mpv` -> 1
Found CMake: /usr/bin/cmake (3.13.4)
Determining dependency 'mpv' with CMake executable '/usr/bin/cmake'
Try CMake generator: auto
Called `/usr/bin/cmake --trace-expand -DNAME=mpv .` in /tmp/celluloid-0.20/build/meson-private/cmake_mpv -> 0
Dependency mpv found: NO (tried pkgconfig and cmake)
src/ ERROR: Dependency "mpv" not found, tried pkgconfig and cmake
so I downloaded and built the latest mpv release (0.33.0), built and installed it at /opt/mpv.
Now - how do I tell meson to take mpv from this new path?
Note: The relevant snippet of the meson files seems to be:
executable('celluloid', sources,
dependencies: [
meson.get_compiler('c').find_library('m', required: false),
dependency('mpv', version: '>= 1.107'),
link_with: extra_libs,
include_directories: includes,
c_args: cflags,
install: true
You tell meson about your dependency by letting pkgconfig know about your dependency...
and that can be done by adding your dependency's path to the PKG_CONFIG_PATH environment variable; it is delimited by colons, just like PATH, e.g. /opt/foo:/opt/extra/baz.
Remember that you may also need to add associated paths to LD_LIBRARY_PATH after building and installing with a custom-built directory.

pkg_config_modules dependency fails because version in "Uncontrolled"

The Problem
I've got a CMakeLists.txt file with this content:
pkg_check_modules(FOO REQUIRED foo>=
When I run Cmake v3.17.2 with cmake3 -G Ninja . in that directory:
Checking for module 'foo>='
Requested 'foo >=' but version of foo is Uncontrolled
This is running inside RHEL7
yum info foo | grep Version returns Version :
The foo module is created by the team I'm on
The Question
How can I tell CMake what version my foo library is so that it isn't "Uncontrolled"?
In the output of the foo project, inside of the generated lib64 directory, there's a pkgconfig directory which contains foo.pc.
Inside of that file, version info is as follows:
Version: HEAD
Change this to be the intended version. In my case this was automated by the build process of foo, so what was required was to add a git tag for the current version and rebuild.

Installing no longer existing files

I have a list of various files that I want to install, by executing a resulting INSTALL project. This works, but sometimes files are no longer available, when the install operation is executed. Environment is a build server, where files get moved around -> this causes the build to be faulty.
An easy way to fix this behaviour is in the OPTIONAL parameter of the install command. So my question is: Is there a way to output warnings at runtime, if the install command failed?
Here is my code, to recreate the issue. In the src directory there are files "1.txt" and "2.txt". I build the cmakelists.txt and then delete "2.txt". After that, I execute the INSTALL solution I got.
cmake_minimum_required(VERSION 3.0)
set(SOURCEDOCUMENTATION "D:/projects/side_master/src/documentation/src")
set(TARGETDOCUMENTATION "D:/projects/side_master/src/documentation/tgt")
file (GLOB files_to_install "${SOURCEDOCUMENTATION}/*")
foreach(file_to_install ${files_to_install})
The error (without the OPTIONAL parameter):
-- Install configuration: "Debug"
-- Installing: D:/projects/side_master/src/documentation/tgt/1.txt
CMake Error at cmake_install.cmake:56 (file):
file INSTALL cannot find
What I want to get is a generated message, like this:
File "D:/projects/side_master/src/documentation/src/2.txt" not found.
You could make use of the install(SCRIPT ...) or install(CODE ...) signatures of the CMake install command, to run custom installation steps specific to your use case. The custom steps here would check for the existence of the files (using CMake's EXISTS logic) to be installed, and print a warning message if the file does not exist. The custom installation command could look something like this:
install(CODE "
if(NOT EXISTS ${file_to_install})
message(WARNING \"File ${file_to_install} not found during installation.\")

How to use CMake to create a package that installs to '/etc' and '/var'?

I've got CMake (3.02) installing to a DESTDIR when I invoke:
$ make -C build DESTDIR=$(pwd)/build/rootfs install
This results in a file layout that I'm happy with: binaries are located in the .../build/rootfs/usr/local/bin directory and the init scripts are in .../build/rootfs/etc/init.d. To accomplish that, I used a mixture of relative and absolute paths in my CMakeLists.txt file:
set(ROOTFS_ETC_INITD_DIR /etc/init.d)
With that, I think 'working', I'm trying to create a simple tarball package which will eventually become a debian package (with pre/post install/remove scripts) but when I invoke:
$ make -C build DESTDIR=$(pwd)/build/rootfs package
I'm getting errors because cpack is attempting to write my init scripts to the system's /etc/init.d directory (instead of $(pwd)/build/rootfs/etc/init.d). If I wanted that, then $sudo !! would solve the problem. The error (replaced full path with ...):
CMake Error at .../build_src/cmdServer/cmake_install.cmake:44 (file):
file INSTALL cannot copy file
".../src/cmdServer/" to
I'm not using a lot of CPACK directives: in my top level CMakeLists.txt file I have:
How can I package my init scripts correctly?
I've been referencing:

Cmake with bitbake recipe

I am trying to build an yocto image with my own package. I have OpenCV code on github which uses cmake.
I trying to write a recipe for it and facing lot of errors. Can any one give some hints on what functions or parameters to include in my recipe. My recipe looks as following
DESCRIPTION = "cameracapture application"
SECTION = "examples"
PR = "r0"
DEPENDS += "opencv"
SRC_URI = "git://;protocol=https;tag=v0.1"
do_configure() {
cmake ../
inherit pkgconfig cmake
I followed these tutorials to write my recipe with cmake but in vain:
Bitbake Player recipe
The correct way of writing own recipes with cmake as follows:
DESCRIPTION = "cameracapture application"
SECTION = "examples"
PR = "r0"
DEPENDS = "opencv"
SRC_URI = "git://;protocol=https;tag=v0.1"
S = "${WORKDIR}/git"
inherit pkgconfig cmake
do_install() {
install -d ${D}${bindir}
install -m 0755 cameracapture ${D}${bindir}
Previously I didn't add do_install that's the reason yocto downloads the recipe but unable to include it Image.
If the CMakeLists.txt uses the install command then bitbake will do the install for you and you won't need to define you own do_install.
install(TARGETS cameracapture DESTINATION bin)
add the source directory in your recipe.
S = "${WORKDIR}/cameracapture
S is the source code path where your CMakeList.txt.
any how your are inheriting the cmake bbclass in your recipe, so it will take care of all configure , compile and install functionalities.
after doing this you can remove you do_configure function in the above recipe also.
you can add your make options if any to the below macro (as you kept empty).