First Come First Served Algorithm - process

So according to google, first come first served algorithm is a non-preemptive scheduling algorithm but it also mentions that it's a preemptive algorithm. Does this mean that it can be both?
Also, if it is the case that it is non-preemptive can the process get blocked during mid-execution for I/O?

First-Come-First-Served (FCFS)
The simplest scheduling policy is first-come-first served (FCFS), also known as first-in-first-out (FIFO) or CPU Scheduling Algorithms a strict queuing scheme. As each process becomes ready, it joins the ready queue. When the currently running process ceases to execute, the process that has been in the ready queue the longest is selected for running.
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Are delayed messages in Redis reliable?

I have an architecture solution that relies on the delayed messages.
In short:
There are many clients (mostly mobile devices running android or ios) that can process a given job.
I am creating a job delegation (in RDBMS) for a given client expecting it to be picked up within a certain period of time and the "chosen" client receives a push notification that there is something for it to process. IMO the details about the algorithm of choosing single client out of many is irrelevant to the problem so skipping this part.
When the client pulls a job delegation then the status of it is changed from pending to processing.
As mentioned clients are mobile devices and are often carried by people in move and thus can, due to many reasons, be unable to pull the job delegation from the server and process it.
That's why during the creation of the job delegation, there is also a delayed message dispatched in Redis which is supposed to check in now() + 40 seconds if the job was pulled or not (so if the status is pending or not).
If the delegation hasn't been pulled by the client (status = pending) server times it out and creates a new job delegation with status = pending for a different client. As so on as so for.
It works pretty well except the fact that I've noticed the "check if should timeout" jobs do not ALWAYS run at the time I would expect them to be run. The average is 7 seconds later and the max is 29 seconds later for the analyzed sample of few thousands of jobs. Redis is used as a queue but also as a key-value cache store and in general heavily utilized by the system. May it become that much impacted by the load? I've sort of "reproduced" the issue also on my local environment with a containerized setup with much less load so I doubt it's entirely due to the Redis being busy.
The delay in execution (vs expected) is quite a problem here because it may happen that, especially in case of trying few clients from the list, the total time since creation of the job till it's successfully processed can increase a lot.
So back to the original question. Is the delayed messaging functionality in Redis reliable?
Are there any good recommended docs about it?
Are there any more reliable solutions designed to solve that issue?
Expecting that messages set to be executed in a given timestamp is executed no later than 2-3 seconds from that timestamp.

When to use - Delayed Job vs RabbitMQ

Can someone give me the clarity of the advantages of using RabbitMQ(message queue) instead of Delayed Job(background processing) ?
Basically I want to know when to use background processing and messaging queue ?
My web application has 3 components one main server which will handle all user requests and 2 app servers where all the background jobs(like es reindex, es record update, sending emails, crons) should be run.
I saw articles which say Database as a queue(delayed job) is very bad as the consumers will be polling the database for new jobs and updating the statuses of jobs which will lock the tables. Then how does rabbit MQ or other messaging queues store to avoid this problem.
There are other alternatives for delayed job like sidekiq which will run over redis instead of mysql. It is better to use sidekiq instead of rabbitmq?
And are there any advantages of using sidekiq over delayed job?
You have 2 workers and 1 web server: I guess your web app dispatches some delayed jobs to your workers. So you need a way to store the data related to those background jobs.
For that, you can use both a database (like Redis, this is what sidekick is doing) or a message queue (like RabbitMQ). A message queue is a specialized system that is very efficient for this use case (allowing a much higher throughput). A database would let you have a better introspection (as you can request the jobs table to see what your current situation is), while the queuing system would be more efficient but also is more a black box and will require new skills.
If you do not have performance issues, the simpler the better, even a simple mysql database should be enough. If you want a more powerful system or need a lot of monitoring you can also consider using a specialized hosted service such as zenaton (I'm founder) that will do all the heavy lifting for you, including scheduling or more sophisticated orchestration of your background jobs.
Both perform the same task, i.e executing jobs in the background, but go about it differently.
With delayed job one uses some sort of a database for storage, queries for the jobs thereafter then processes them. It's simple to set up but the performance and scalability aren't great.
RabbitMQ or its alternatives Redis e.t.c are harder to set up but their performance, flexibility and scalability is great, we are talking in the upwards of 5000 jobs per second besides you have tend to use less code.
Another option is to use task orchestration system like Cadence Workflow. It supports both delayed execution and queueing, but provides higher level programming model and tons of features that neither queues or delayed execution frameworks.
Cadence offers a lot of advantages over using queues for task processing.
Built it exponential retries with unlimited expiration interval
Failure handling. For example it allows to execute a task that notifies another service if both updates couldn't succeed during a configured interval.
Support for long running heartbeating operations
Ability to implement complex task dependencies. For example to implement chaining of calls or compensation logic in case of unrecoverble failures (SAGA)
Gives complete visibility into current state of the update. For example when using queues all you know if there are some messages in a queue and you need additional DB to track the overall progress. With Cadence every event is recorded.
Ability to cancel an update in flight.
Built in distributed CRON
See the presentation that goes over Cadence programming model.

How do I wait for all work to complete in Akka.Net?

I have successfully sent work to a pool of actors to perform my work, but now I want to do some aggregation on the results returned by all the workers. How do I know that everyone is done?
The best I have come up with is to maintain a set of requests ids and wait for that set to go to zero, but this seems inelegant.
Generally, you want to use what we call the "Commander" pattern for this. Essentially, you have one stateful actor (the Commander) that is responsible for starting and monitoring the task. You then farm out the actual work across the actor pool, and have them report back to the Commander as they finish. The commander can then track the progress of the job by calculating # completions / size of worker pool.
This way, the workers can be monitored and restarted independently as they do the work, but all the precious task-level state and information lives in the Commander (this is called the "Error Kernel pattern")
You can see an example of this in the Akka.NET scalable webcrawler demo.

Bigquery streaming inserts taking time

During load testing of our module we found that bigquery insert calls are taking time (3-4 s). I am not sure if this is ok. We are using java biguqery client libarary and on an average we push 500 records per api call. We are expecting a million records per second traffic to our module so bigquery inserts are bottleneck to handle this traffic. Currently it is taking hours to push data.
Let me know if we need more info regarding code or scenario or anything.
Since streaming has a limited payload size, see Quota policy it's easier to talk about times, as the payload is limited in the same way to both of us, but I will mention other side effects too.
We measure between 1200-2500 ms for each streaming request, and this was consistent over the last month as you can see in the chart.
We seen several side effects although:
the request randomly fails with type 'Backend error'
the request randomly fails with type 'Connection error'
the request randomly fails with type 'timeout' (watch out here, as only some rows are failing and not the whole payload)
some other error messages are non descriptive, and they are so vague that they don't help you, just retry.
we see hundreds of such failures each day, so they are pretty much constant, and not related to Cloud health.
For all these we opened cases in paid Google Enterprise Support, but unfortunately they didn't resolved it. It seams the recommended option to take for these is an exponential-backoff with retry, even the support told to do so. Which personally doesn't make me happy.
The approach you've chosen if takes hours that means it does not scale, and won't scale. You need to rethink the approach with async processes. In order to finish sooner, you need to run in parallel multiple workers, the streaming performance will be the same. Just having 10 workers in parallel it means time will be 10 times less.
Processing in background IO bound or cpu bound tasks is now a common practice in most web applications. There's plenty of software to help build background jobs, some based on a messaging system like Beanstalkd.
Basically, you needed to distribute insert jobs across a closed network, to prioritize them, and consume(run) them. Well, that's exactly what Beanstalkd provides.
Beanstalkd gives the possibility to organize jobs in tubes, each tube corresponding to a job type.
You need an API/producer which can put jobs on a tube, let's say a json representation of the row. This was a killer feature for our use case. So we have an API which gets the rows, and places them on tube, this takes just a few milliseconds, so you could achieve fast response time.
On the other part, you have now a bunch of jobs on some tubes. You need an agent. An agent/consumer can reserve a job.
It helps you also with job management and retries: When a job is successfully processed, a consumer can delete the job from the tube. In the case of failure, the consumer can bury the job. This job will not be pushed back to the tube, but will be available for further inspection.
A consumer can release a job, Beanstalkd will push this job back in the tube, and make it available for another client.
Beanstalkd clients can be found in most common languages, a web interface can be useful for debugging.

Do RabbitMQ, Beanstalk or Resque support scheduling a task at a certain date?

I've looked at RabbitMQ, Beanstalk and Resque, which all seem geared towards asynchronous, non-delayed tasks (i.e., run all of these as quickly as possible).
Do any of them support scheduling a task on a certain timestamp?
Beanstalk has provisions for a "delay" parameter whereby you can delay the message on a delay queue for a specific period of time.
Resque has one or more scheduling add-ons to it that will provide for scheduling tasks.
With queues, the delay is often an integer specifying the number of seconds to delay (in which case you'll need to convert to the delta you need). More robust scheduling -- as part of a task queue for example -- will often take datetime values via a client library.
Note that you can also use IronMQ push queues (with a delay like beanstalk) or IronWorker (scheduling a task instead of queuing it). (Note that I work for
Deplayed_job does this:
Delayed::Job.enqueue([:id]), 3, 3.days.from_now)