Dynamic import fails with stencil js - stenciljs

I have some web components created using stenciljs. When I include them in the html from the beginng everything work fine, see example
<codext-gradient-button color="darkblue" class="hydrated">Gradient
Button - Darkblue</codext-gradient-button>
<script type="text/javascript" src="https://unpkg.com/#codext/stencil-
But when I add dynamically the component the operation fails, see example
let script = document.createElement('script');
script.src = "https://unpkg.com/#codext/stencil- components#0.0.6/dist/gradient-button.js";
<codext-gradient-button color="darkblue" class="hydrated">Gradient Button
- Darkblue</codext-gradient-button>
I did open a bug in the stenciljs project on github, you may find there more details https://github.com/ionic-team/stencil/issues/1429.

This is an issue for the es5 bundle loader for older web browsers. In case anyone is having trouble with this make sure you dynamically append the script as the last item on the page, otherwise it will fail to lazy load additional scripts.
I posted the issue on the stencil github: https://github.com/ionic-team/stencil/issues/1981


Vue: Stripe is not defined - does stripe need to be included everywhere?

When I tried to include the stripe dependency only for the template where I need it (in laravel blade):
#push ('head_scripts')
<script src="https://js.stripe.com/v3/"></script>
..I got the error 'ReferenceError: Stripe is not defined'. So I included it in my main "head" partial, so it was included everywhere. Then I ran into the same error when going into the admin section, because it's not included in that template.
But does it really need to be included everywhere?
It is only used in one vue component like this:
let stripe = Stripe(`pk_test_zzzzzzzzzzzzzzz`);
let elements = stripe.elements();
let card = undefined;
This component seems to be evaluated even when it isn't rendered. Can I get around this issue in some way?
I was having this problem in a Vue app not using Laravel.
But to fix it i put the script <script src="https://js.stripe.com/v3/"></script> in my index.html
Then when referencing Stripe in a component i used window.Stripe That pointed to the script and fixed the ReferenceError: Stripe is not defined error.
Putting script in my index.html worked, but gave me performance issues when I published because it loads the script on every single page, instead of just where it's needed.
So instead I used import {loadStripe} from '#stripe/stripe-js/pure';. It delays loading Stripe until loadStripe is called.
This article helped me use the import:
Importing Stripe.js as an ES Module into Vue

Is it possible to make a distributable Vue widget with Single File Components?

This might be a bit of an odd question, but I'll try to explain.
I'm looking to build a vue based video player widget for a client's Drupal website. The idea is to create something he can just drop in, like a JQuery plugin. However, I'd really like to leverage Vue's Single File Components (with Webpack) so I can keep everything all bundled together.
My first thought would be to use the Vue CLI, npm build and then reach into the dist/ folder and pull out the following to drop in:
<link href=/static/css/app.cf6f127cf50f4c0b2424d30fdc56c3a4.css rel=stylesheet>
<div id="my-widget"></div>
<script type=text/javascript src=/static/js/manifest.e12c1c4a9566f686d69f.js></script>
<script type=text/javascript src=/static/js/vendor.47037dd92c40b3f38949.js></script>
<script type=text/javascript src=/static/js/app.3f1bab5cc5b1be1127b2.js></script>
Although this feels off, is there a better way to achieve this? Keep in mind his website is NOT a Vue app, but I want this widget to be built LIKE a Vue app.
I don't know if I understand 100 percent, as far as I know, it is possible. It doesn't matter how you bundle your app. It is a matter of architecture. You can use vue.js partly, like widget.
First when you set Vue instance, just set element with your target element.
new Vue({
el: '#my-widget'
If you want your client to set element himself, make some functions to create vue widget. (considering multiple vue instance or state sharing blah blah...)
// you can provide simple function like this (I'm sure it needs to be more.)
const Widget = {
createWidget(el) {
new Vue({
el: el
// on client side
On bundling, if you want your widget to be bundled together with client's Drupal website. Let him import your widget like other libraries. You can build your widget with npm run build in vue-cli and then give it to him so that he can include it.
Thanks to #yuriy636 for answering my question. The CLI 3.0 allows to build as a library or a web component. docs
Also I found the following article which goes into more depth

Elm to manage a particular section of a site

Hi I am new to elm and would like to know if it would be possible to set up elm such that it manages only one section of a website. the rest of the site would be in plain javascript, html, css.
but i would like to load up the compiled elm app in a separate script tag and it should manage only a particular section
let us say that the website is divided into 10 divs vertically of height 300px. i would want only the 3rd div to be an elm app.
is such a thing possible? if so how can i get this working
You can use Html packages embed function for this. I once did this just to try it out, but unfortunately cannot recall any details of it. I did found some source code though.
The html page would be something like this
<div id="personnel"></div>
<script src="elm.js"></script>
By including elm.js, you'll get the Elm runtime. Here Person is my compiled Elm module. Something like
module Person exposing (..)
-- Module details here...
main =
Html.beginnerProgram { model = init, view = view, update = update }
Elm code is compiled to JavaScript with command
elm-make Person.elm --output elm.js
My knowledge on this is quite limited, but I did investigate it enough to be certain that with by doing this, one can add multiple components made with Elm to an html page / existing application.
Addendum: I found the source of my information
In addition to previous answer perhps you would like to take a look on:

What's the best way to add JQuery to Enduro.js

I'd like to be able to use Jquery in my Enduro.js project, but there is not a single sample using it on github Enduro.js page
Libraries seem to be loaded in Enduro.js using RequireJS, wth the line found at the bottom of the default index.hbs :
{{!-- <script data-main="/assets/js/main.js" src="/assets/vendor/requirejs/require.js"></script> --}}
and the following code found un "assets/js/main.js" by default in all Enduro.js samples :
baseUrl: '/assets/',
paths: {
// 'jquery': 'vendor/jquery/dist/jquery.min',
require(['jquery'], function ($) {
$(document).ready(function () {
console.log('requirejs ready to use')
The Jquery "path" line is commented out, and there is no /vendor directory in /assets by default.
Is there an automated way to install jquery in Enduro.js or is it just simply about creating by hand a /vendor folder, and copying /Jquery inside it ?
Well, there are many ways to use JQuery in Enduro. I'm not sure if it is the best way to import it (it could exist better ones).
In my current project, I'm using the CDN for reasons of efficiency. If you have no problem using CDNs I'd recommend it.
just copy this code:
And then, paste it just before closing the body tag.
Another way is to create a folder inside /assets/js called 'vendor' and there, you cat put the jquery-3.3.x.min.js (Or whatever version you would like to use). Of course, you have to download it first from the official site.
After doing that, you just have to import it via HTML (before closing body tag):
<script src="assets/js/vendor/jqueryfile.js"></script>
NOTE: Creating the folder called 'vendor' is optional, you just could paste the file inside /assets/js. And make sure you type the right path to import it.
NOTE 2: remember that you should never touch the files inside _generated, so if you paste the file inside _genereated/assets/js, everything is going to work, but when you migrate your site to production or anywhere else the app will crash.
Hope this helps.

How do I use Dojo Toolkit in an Electron application?

I'm exploring Electron and I've run into a roadblock. I can't figure out how to load the Dojo Toolkit and use it in Electron.
For example, here is the simple "Hello World" for Dojo:
<!DOCTYPE html>
<title>Tutorial: Hello Dojo!</title>
<h1 id="greeting">Hello</h1>
<!-- load Dojo -->
<script src="//ajax.googleapis.com/ajax/libs/dojo/1.10.4/dojo/dojo.js"
data-dojo-config="async: true"></script>
], function (dom, domConstruct) {
var greetingNode = dom.byId('greeting');
domConstruct.place('<em> Dojo!</em>', greetingNode);
That works fine in a browser, but doesn't work at all in Electron. After a couple hours of googling and trying 50 different experiments I've gotten nowhere.
Can someone please enlighten me?
While you can disable node-integration as Shwany said, I believe that will effectively render the ipc modules useless, which will probably pose undesirable limitations since you won't be able to communicate between the main and renderer processes.
However, it is possible, with a bit of finagling, to get Dojo to play nice with Electron. There are only a couple of things you need to do in your entry page.
Firstly, force the host-node has feature to false. This can be done by setting it in dojoConfig.has, e.g.:
var dojoConfig = {
async: true,
has: {
'host-node': false
Secondly, as Shwany pointed out, Dojo is going to see the already-existing require, so we need to move that out before loading Dojo:
// Move Electron's require out before loading Dojo
window.electronRequire = require;
delete window.require;
After loading dojo.js, you can move Dojo's require elsewhere and move Electron's back, if you wish. Whether you want to do this may depend on how you intend to code the client side of your application. Ostensibly, Dojo's global require is never needed, since you can request a context-sensitive require in any defined module via the 'require' module ID.
If you want to see a scaffolded Electron application incorporating Dojo, I created a boilerplate a few weeks ago (though be advised it's currently relying on a fork of electron-packager). If you want to see an example of a more full-blown Electron/Dojo application, I wrote a music player called Nukebox a couple of months ago which uses Dojo and dgrid (though its scaffolding is a bit different than the newer boilerplate).
I have your test code working in Electron.
First, I assume you are trying to load dojo.js from the web. //ajax.googleapis... etc will probably attempt to pull the file from the file system. I added http: to the front of it. That allowed me to open a .html file in the browser and work. I am not sure if that was an oversight or not.
Secondly, because the browser-window has node-integration on by default, 'require' is already defined and it does not understand what you are passing to it because it expects a path not an array. If you construct your browser window with node-integration turned off it should work:
app.on('ready', function() {
mainWindow = new BrowserWindow({width: 800, height: 600, "node-integration": false});
mainWindow.loadUrl('file://' + __dirname + '/index.html');
mainWindow.on('closed', function() {
mainWindow = null;
Note the "node-integration": false. This may cause additional issues if you want to use node integrations in your app. However, your code should work.