autohide an element in VueJS after 1 second - vue.js

OK, so I'm new to Vue ( basically, new to JS in general, but I'm playing with Vue right now ) and what I want to do, is to auto hide an element ( not on click ) inside the template tag of a component. In jQuery this would look like:
$(function() {
setTimeout(function() {
}, 1000);
but how this works in Vue? my component looks like this:
<h1 class="hideElement"> HELLO </h1>
<script> // nothing here
<style> // nothing here
I know how to toggle the element on click of a button, but I just want to auto hide it after 1 second without any click events everytime the users enter this component ( which is a new "page" )

You could just add a property in the data object and use v-show directive to determine whether the element should be visible or not. If the boolean is false the element is hidden, if true the element is visible.
Method Created called synchronously after the instance is created.
<h1 v-show="elementVisible" class="hideElement"> HELLO </h1>
export default {
data() {
return {
elementVisible: true
created() {
setTimeout(() => this.elementVisible = false, 1000)


Why does a keydown event get broadcasted to a newly rendered component?

I want to conditionally render a component based on the user's keypress.
Once the new component is rendered, an input field should get focused.
For some reason, Vue broadcasts the keypress I use to render the component to the new component! The result is that the key I pressed to render the component gets displayed in the input field!
How is that even possible? The keypress triggers the mounting of the new component and the focusing of the input only happens after it is mounted.
Minimum working example:
// App.vue
<Hello v-if="view == 'hello'" />
import Hello from "./components/Hello.vue";
export default {
components: {
data() {
return {
view: null
methods: {
changeView() {
this.view = "hello";
created() {
document.addEventListener("keydown", this.changeView);
// Hello.vue
<input ref="input" type="text" />
export default {
mounted() {
This is because the events are flowing like this:
keydown renders the new component -> focus moved to new component -> keyup fires in new component (where is focus now) and character stays there.
Change the trigger to keyup and it should work.

how do I pass the value from child to parent with this.$emit

What I trying to achieve here is to pass the const randomNumber inside the child component [src/components/VueForm/FormQuestion.vue] that need to be passed to parent component [src/App.vue]. Therefore I use $emit to pass the date, but since this is my first time working with $emit, I am not really sure how to do that. Could someone help me with this.
In order to run this app, I would add a working code snippet. Click on the start button and fill in the input fields. When the input field validates correctly it will pop up the button and if the user clicks on that is should pass the data to the parent. At the end it should be stored inside the App.vue in localStorage, so therefore I want to receive the randomNumber from that child component.
working code snippet here
// child component
<div class="vue-form__question">
<span class="question" :class="{ big: !shouldShowNumber }"> {{ getRandomNumber() }} </span>
export default {
methods: {
getRandomNumber() {
const randomNumber = Math.floor((Math.random() * 3) + 1);
const question = this.question.question;
this.$emit('get-random-number', question[randomNumber]);
return question[randomNumber];
// parent component
<div id="app">
import VueForm from "#/components/VueForm";
import data from "#/data/demo";
export default {
data() {
return {
formData: data
components: {
created() {
methods: {
complete(data) {
// Send to database here
// localStorage.setItem('questions', => d.question[this.randomNumber] + ': ' + d.answer));
v-on:get-random-number (or the superior short-hand syntax: #get-random-number). Just like you'd listen to any other event, such as #click or #mouseenter.
Though I don't know off the top of my head if dashes are valid in event names. Might have to camelcase it.

Caret position in editable div after prop change using Vue.js

I'm using Vue.js and have the following code.
When I type in div and this.content is updated, the caret is always reset to the beginning.
<div contenteditable="true"
export default {
props: ['content'],
methods: {
onContentChange: function(e) {
this.content =;
How can I preserve the caret's position and update the content?
I've seen some other similar posts, but the solutions there either are not for Vue.js, or don't work in my case, or I might have failed to apply them correctly.
I've tested a few scenarios and I think what you actually need is plainly the Create a reusable editable component in this post.
However, if you want to have everything in one component, in chrome the following code works:
export default {
data () {
return {
content: 'hello world'
mounted () {
this.$refs.editable.innerText = this.content
methods: {
onInput (e) {
this.content =
Note that the Vue plugin in Chrome doesn't seem to update correctly the value of content in this scenario, therefore you have to click on refresh on the top right of the vue plugin.
First we preserve current click on the contenteditable, then change HTML content, and set new selection.
const range = document.getSelection().getRangeAt(0)
const pos = range.endOffset
this.$el.innerHTML = this.content
const newRange = document.createRange()
const selection = window.getSelection()
const node = this.$el.childNodes[0]
newRange.setStart(node, node && pos > node.length ? 0 : pos)

How to re-mount a component in VueJS?

I have a component which is mounted as part of the DOM rendering. The skeleton of the application is
<!DOCTYPE html>
<meta charset="UTF-8">
<div id="app">
<button>press this button to reload the component</button>
<my-component> is functional (it displays a few form inputs) and $emit data to the parent.
Is there a way to re-mount it? The goal is to have a component content and setup as if it was just rendered for the first time (including a reset of the data() elements which hold its state).
There are some solutions to that but they all assume a rewrite of data(), which I would like to avoid.
My understanding is that a component is actuall HTML/CSS/JS code injected in the dom in the right place during the rendering so I fear that the concept of "re-mounting" it does not exist - I just wanted to make sure before going the data()-rewrite way.
The trick is to alter the key
When the key changes, vue regards it as a new component, so it will unmount the "old" component, and mount a "new" component.
See example, the created() hook will only run once, so if you see the value change, you're seeing a brand new object.
Vue.component('my-component', {
template: `<div>{{ rand }}</div>`,
data() {
return {
rand: ''
created() {
this.rand = Math.round(Math.random() * 1000)
new Vue({
el: '#app',
data: {
<script src=""></script>
<div id="app">
<my-component :key="componentKey"></my-component>
<button #click="componentKey=!componentKey">press this button to reload the component</button>
In your template you'll add the v-if directive:
<my-component v-if="renderComponent" />
In your script you'll add in this method that uses nextTick:
export default {
data() {
return {
renderComponent: true,
methods: {
forceRerender() {
// Remove my-component from the DOM
this.renderComponent = false;
this.$nextTick(() => {
// Add the component back in
this.renderComponent = true;
This is what's going on here:
Initially renderComponent is set to true, so my-component is rendered
When we call forceRerender we immediately set renderComponent to false
We stop rendering my-component because the v-if directive now evaluates to false
On the next tick renderComponent is set back to true
Now the v-if directive evaluates to true, so we start rendering my-component again

How to set keyup on whole page in Vue.js

Is it possible to set a v-on:keyup.enter on the whole page, not only for an input element in javascript framework Vue.js ?
Perhaps a better way to do this is with a Vue component. This would allow you to control when you listen to events by including or not including the component. Then you could attach event listeners to Nuxt using the no-ssr component.
Here is how you create the component:
export default {
created() {
const component = this;
this.handler = function (e) {
component.$emit('keyup', e);
window.addEventListener('keyup', this.handler);
beforeDestroy() {
window.removeEventListener('keyup', this.handler);
<style lang="stylus" scoped>
div {
display: none;
Then on the page you want to use that component you'd add this HTML:
<keyboard-events v-on:keyup="keyboardEvent"></keyboard-events>
And then you'll have to add your event handler method:
methods: {
keyboardEvent (e) {
if (e.which === 13) {
// run your code
Short answer is yes, but how depends on your context. If you are using vue-router as I am on a current project, you would want to add to the outer-most element you want that applied to. In my case I'm using the actual app.vue entry point's initial div element.
There is one catch that I believe is a hard requirement, the element has to be within the potentially focusable elements. The way I'm dealing with that is setting a -1 tabindex and just declaring my super-hotkeys (mostly for debug purposes right now) on the parent element in my app.
As a side note, I also added a touch of additional configuration to my vue-router to make sure the right element is focused when I transition pages. This allows the pageup/pagedown scrolling to already be in the right section based on the content area being the only scrollable section. You'd also have to add the tabindex="-1" to the app-content element as well.
router.afterEach(function (transition) {
and the basis of my app-content component:
<div id="app-content" tabindex="-1">
I created a small npm module that takes care of global keypress events in Vue, hope it makes someone's life easier:
My simplest approach:
Add into your root Vue component (or any other component):
new Vue({
created() {
window.addEventListener('keypress', this.onKeyPress);
beforeDestroy() {
window.removeEventListener('keypress', this.onKeyPress);
methods: {
onKeyPress(e) {
console.log('KEYPRESS EVENT', e)
//... your code
In Vue 3 composition API, you can do it with a composable:
import { onMounted, onUnmounted } from "vue";
export function useKeyupEvent(handler) {
onMounted(() => document.addEventListener("keyup", handler));
onUnmounted(() => document.removeEventListener("keyup", handler));
and then in your component setup:
useKeyupEvent( event => console.log(event))