Calculate MinDate and MaxDate based on table relationship - sql

Following is the condition to write a create a query has per the requirement.
Visit 1 Date for the Patient(Abc) should be calculated fom the "Screening" visit of the patient.
For example if the Patient (Abc) has visited on 23/Mar/2019 then with Min Date (22/Mar/2019) and MaxDate (25/Mar/2019).
In the VisitWindow I am linking the VisitWindowId to VisitId in the table for VisitEntry.
So if you see the visitWindowId you can see that I have mention MinDays (1) and MaxDays(2) which is to be calculated using the VisitDate for the VisitName is equal to "Screening".
For example I expecting the query or write the query to give the below result.
I struck with writing the desired query to get the result
Table - VisitEntry
RecordId VisitId VisitName VisitDate PatientId PatientName
1 1 Screening 23/Mar/2019 100 Abc
2 2 Visit 1 Date 23/Mar/2019 100 Abc
Table - VisitWindow
RecordId VisitId VisitWindowId MinDays MaxDays
1 2 1 1 2
Expected QueryResult
RecordId VisitId VisitName VisitDate PatientId MinDate MaxDate
1 1 Screening 23/Mar/2019 100 NUll Null
2 2 Visit 1 Date 23/Mar/2019 100 22/Mar/2019 25/Mar/2019

You didn't mention the db, so I'll give you 2.
SQL Server:
SELECT ve.RecordID, ve.VisitID, ve.VisitName, ve.VisitDate, ve.PatientID, ve.PatientName,
dateadd(d, sd.VisitDate, -1 * vw.MinDays) MinDate,
dateadd(d, sd.VisitDate, vw.MaxDays) MaxDate
FROM VisitEntry ve
LEFT JOIN VisitEntry sd ON (ve.PatientId=sd.PatientId AND sd.VisitName='Screening')
LEFT JOIN VisitWindow vw ON ve.VisitID=vw.VisitID
SELECT ve.RecordID, ve.VisitID, ve.VisitName, ve.VisitDate, ve.PatientID, ve.PatientName,
sd.VisitDate - vw.MinDays MinDate,
sd.VisitDate + vw.MaxDays MaxDate
FROM VisitEntry ve
LEFT JOIN VisitEntry sd ON (ve.PatientId=sd.PatientId AND sd.VisitName='Screening')
LEFT JOIN VisitWindow vw ON ve.VisitID=vw.VisitID


Find the people who are login 3 consecutive dates

LoginHistory table
Date Name Login
03/20/2021 Amy 1
03/20/2021 Lily 1
03/20/2021 Nancy 1
03/21/2021 Amy 1
03/21/2021 Lily 1
03/21/2021 Leo 1
03/22/2021 Amy 1
03/22/2021 Lisa 1
03/22/2021 Leo 1
03/23/2021 Lily 1
03/23/2021 Lisa 1
03/23/2021 Leo 1
I want to find the people and their login date who was login instance 3 times in consecutive dates. For example, my output should has Amy, because she was login 3/20,3/21 and 3/22. For Lily, she shouldn't be in my output, because even she login 3 times, the date(3/20,3/21 and 3/23) is not in consecutive order.
output should be:
Date Name Login
03/20/2021 Amy 1
03/21/2021 Amy 1
03/21/2021 Leo 1
03/22/2021 Amy 1
03/22/2021 Leo 1
03/23/2021 Leo 1
Based on the specific sample data provided, you could use analytic min and max to get the first and last date for each name, count the difference in days and the number of logins which must be 3 with 2 days between first and last date.
You haven't specific a RDBMS so the date functions may need amending as appropriate, however all RDBMS support the same functionality.
select date, name
from (
select *,
DateDiff(day,Min(date) over(partition by name),
Max(date) over(partition by name))diff,
Count(*) over(partition by name) qty
from t
where diff=2 and qty=3
order by date;
To produce a table of the consecutive logins, you can first anchor your search on the action that is the last in the sequence. Then, you can join all the preceding dates to that original result:
with vals(v) as (
select 1
union all
select 2
select c2.* from (
select c.* from loginhistory c where
(select count(*) from loginhistory c1 cross join vals v
where = and c.dt = c1.dt + interval '1' day * v.v) = 2
) t1
join loginhistory c2 on = and c2.dt <= t1.dt and (c2.dt + interval '2' day) >= t1.dt
order by c2.dt
select * from LoginHistory where name in (
select name
from LoginHistory
where date between <start> and <end> -- must be exactly three dates in the range
group by name
having count(distinct date) = 3

Select based on max date from another table

I'm trying to do a simple Select query by getting the country based on the MAX Last update from the other table.
The other table contains the country and the last update:
Order# Cntry Last Update
1 12/21/2019 9:19 PM
1 US 1/10/2020 1:07 AM
2 JP 7/29/2020 12:15 PM
3 CA 4/12/1992 2:04 PM
3 GB 11/6/2001 9:26 AM
3 DK 2/1/2005 3:04 AM
4 CN 8/20/2013 12:04 AM
4 10/1/2015 4:04 PM
My desired result:
Order# Country
1 US
2 JP
3 DK
Not sure the right solution for this. So far i'm stuck with this:
SELECT Main.[Order#], tempTable.Cntry
SELECT [Order#], Cntry, Max([Last Update]) as LatestDate FROM Country
GROUP BY [Order#], Cntry
) as tempTable ON Main.[Order#] = tempTable.[Order#];
Thanks in advance!
If needs only number of order and country,maybe don't need two tables:
SELECT distinct order, country
SELECT order, LAST_VALUE (country) OVER (PARTITION by [order] order by last_update) country FROM Country
) X
In SQL Server, you can use a correlated subquery:
update main
set country = (select top (1)
from secondtable s
where s.order# = main.order#
order by s.lastupdate desc
A select would look quite simimilar:
select m.*,
(select top (1) country
from secondtable s
where s.order# = main.order#
order by s.lastupdate desc
from main m
I don't have time to try it with sample data, but is that what you are looking for?
select order orde, cntry
from table
where last_update =
(select max(last_update) from table where order = orde)

Sql Server group by sets of columns

I have a data set where I need to count patient visits with such rules:
Two or more visits to the same doctor in the same day count as 1 visit, regardless of the reason
Two or more visits to different doctors for the same reason count as 1 visit
Two or more visits to different doctors on the same day for different reasons count as two or more visits.
Example data:
DoctorId PatientId VisitDate ReasonCode RowId
-------- --------- --------- ---------- -----
1 100 2014-01-01 200 1
1 100 2014-01-01 210 2
2 100 2014-01-01 200 3
2 100 2014-01-11 300 4
1 100 2014-01-15 200 5
2 400 2014-01-15 200 6
In this example, my final count would be based on grouping rowId 1, 2, 3 for 1 visit; grouping row 4 as 1 visit, grouping row 5 as 1 visit for a total of 3 visits for patient 100. Patient 400 has 1 visit as well.
patientid visitdate numberofvisits
--------- --------- --------------
100 2014-01-01 3
100 2014-01-11 1
100 2014-01-15 1
400 2014-01-15 1
Where I'm stuck is how to handle the group by so that I get the different scenarios covered. If the grouping were doctor, date, I'd be fine. If it were doctor, date, ReasonCode, I'd be fine. It's the logic of the doctorId and the ReasonCode in the scenario where 2 doctors are involved, and doctorid and date in the other when it's the same doctor. I've not been deeply into Sql Server in a long time, so it's possible that a common table expression is the solution and I'm not seeing it. I'm using Sql Server 2014 and there's a decent lattitude in performance. I would be looking for a sql server query that produces the results above. As best I can tell, there's no way to group this the way I need it counted.
The answer was an except clause and grouping each of the sets before a final count. Sometimes, we over-complicate things.
, PatientId INT NOT NULL
, ReasonCode INT NOT NULL
INSERT #tblAllData
DECLARE #tblTempCountedRows AS TABLE
, VisitDate DATE
, ReasonCode INT
INSERT #tblTempCountedRows
SELECT PatientId, VisitDate,0
FROM #tblAllData
GROUP BY PatientId, DoctorId, VisitDate
SELECT PatientId, VisitDate, ReasonCode
FROM #tblAllData
GROUP BY PatientId, VisitDate, ReasonCode
select * from #tblTempCountedRows
DECLARE #tblFinalCountedRows AS TABLE
, VisitCount INT
INSERT #tblFinalCountedRows
, count(1) as Member_visit_Count
GROUP BY PatientId
SELECT * from #tblFinalCountedRows
Here's a Sql Fiddle with the results:
Sql Fiddle

How to Retrieve Maximum Value of Each Group? - SQL

There is a table tbl_products that contains data as shown below:
Id Name
1 P1
2 P2
3 P3
4 P4
5 P5
6 P6
And another table tbl_inputs that contains data as shown below:
Id Product_Id Price Register_Date
1 1 10 2010-01-01
2 1 20 2010-10-11
3 1 30 2011-01-01
4 2 100 2010-01-01
5 2 200 2009-01-01
6 3 500 2011-01-01
7 3 270 2010-10-15
8 4 80 2010-01-01
9 4 50 2010-02-02
10 4 92 2011-01-01
I want to select all products(id, name, price, register_date) with maximum date in each group.
For Example:
Id Name Price Register_Date
3 P1 30 2011-01-01
4 P2 100 2010-01-01
6 P3 500 2011-01-01
10 P4 92 2011-01-01
from tbl_products tp
cross apply (
select top 1 price
from tbl_inputs ti
where ti.product_id =
order by register_date desc
) tii
Although is not the optimum way you can do it like:
;with gb as (
,max(register_date) As max_register_date
from tbl_inputs
group by product_id
from tbl_inputs ti
join gb
on ti.product_id=gb.product_id
and ti.register_date = gb.max_register_date
But as I said earlier .. this is not the way to go in this case.
;with cte as
select,, t1.code, t2.price, t2.register_date,
row_number() over (partition by product_id order by register_date desc) rn
from tbl_products t1
join tbl_inputs t2
on = t2.product_id
select id, name, code, price, register_date
from cte
where rn = 1
Something like this..
select id, product_id, price, max(register_date)
from tbl_inputs
group by id, product_id, price
you can use the max function and the group by clause. if you only need results from the table tbl_inputs you even don't need a join
select product_id, max(register_date), price
from tbl_inputs
group by product_id, price
if you need field from the tbl_prducts you have to use a join.
select, p. code,, i.price, max(i.register_date)
from tbl_products p join tbl_inputs i on
grooup by, p. code,, i.price
Try this:
SELECT id, product_id, price, register_date
FROM tbl_inputs T1 INNER JOIN
SELECT product_id, MAX(register_date) As Max_register_date
FROM tbl_inputs
GROUP BY product_id
) T2 ON(T1.product_id= T2.product_id AND T1.register_date= T2.Max_register_date)
This is, of course, assuming your dates are unique. if they are not, you need to add the DISTINCT Keyword to the outer SELECT statement.
Sorry, I didn't explain it very well. Your dates can be duplicated, it's not a problem as long as they are unique per product id. if you can have duplicated dates per product id, then you will have more then one row per product in the outcome of the select statement I suggested, and you will have to find a way to reduce it to one row per product.
If you have records like that (when the last date for a product appears more then once in your table with different prices)
id | product_Id | price | register_date
1 | 1 | 10.00 | 01/01/2000
2 | 1 | 20.00 | 01/01/2000
it will result in having both of these records as outcome.
However, if the register_date is unique per product id, then you will get only one result for each product id.

SQL join two record into one row with multiple column

i want to join two record (from same table) into one row with multiple column.
employment history structure as follows:
StaffID StartDate EndDate DeptID
1 2010-10-01 2011-01-19 1
1 2011-01-20 2012-12-31 2
1 2013-01-01 2013-05-29 4
how can i join the two rows into one row if same StaffID and the 2nd record startdate is 1 day after the enddate of 1st record (continuous employment)
the output should like this
StaffID EffectiveDate New_DeptID Prev_DeptID
1 2011-01-20 2 1
1 2013-01-01 4 2
the following is my sql statement but it doesn't work
select distinct
ca1.ProjectDepartment as Prev_DeptID, ca1.StartDate, ca1.EndDate,
ca2.ProjectDepartment as New_DeptID, ca2.StartDate, ca2.EndDate
emp_hist as ca1,
emp_hist as ca2
(ca1.StaffID = ca2.StaffID)
and ca1.StartDate<>ca2.StartDate
and ca1.EndDate <>ca2.EndDate
and ca2.startdate= DATEADD(day, 1, ca1.enddate)
for example,
two records (true data) in the table:
StaffID StartDate EndDate DeptID
1 2010-04-12 12:00:00.000 2013-02-28 00:00:00.000 1
1 2013-03-01 12:00:00.000 2013-08-29 11:02:59.877 2
i cannot retrieve this record by using my sql statement
Your problem is that the dates have a time component. You appear to be using SQL Server. You can fix your query by doing this:
select ca1.StaffID,
ca1.ProjectDepartment as Prev_DeptID, ca1.StartDate, ca1.EndDate,
ca2.ProjectDepartment as New_DeptID, ca2.StartDate, ca2.EndDate
from emp_hist as ca1 join
emp_hist as ca2
on ca1.StaffID = ca2.StaffID and
cast(ca1.StartDate as date) <> cast(ca2.StartDate as date) and
cast(ca1.EndDate as date) <> cast(ca2.EndDate as date) and
cast(ca2.startdate as date) = DATEADD(day, 1, cast(ca1.enddate as date));
I also replaced the implicit join with improved join syntax.
If you're using SQL 2012 try the lag functions.
select distinct
ca1.ProjectDepartment as New_DeptID,
LAG(ca1.ProjectDepartment) OVER (PARTITION BY ca1.StaffId ORDER BY ca1.EndDate) as Prev_DeptID
emp_hist as ca1
If you're not, use the RANK function and a subquery
eh.ProjectDepartment as New_DeptID,
eh1.ProjectDepartment as Prev_DeptID
(select *, RANK(EndDate) OVER (PARTITION BY StaffId ORDER BY EndDate) as Rank
from emp_hist) eh left join (
select distinct
RANK(EndDate) OVER (PARTITION BY StaffId ORDER BY EndDate) as Rank
emp_hist) eh1 on eh1.staffid=a.staffid and eh1.rank=eh.rank-1