pytest, any way to include a test file or list of test files? - module

I am looking for best practices advices regarding the following context:
I am using pytest to run integration tests on my IAC deployment
My IAC code base is structured as:
| |_role1
| |_role2
I'd like to use the same kind of structure for my test files.
Tests are currently divided in file matching roles (role1, role2):
which lead to duplicated code, e.g:
role1 is a tomcat base app,
role2 holds pure java code,
So in both test files ( and there will be a java test function.
If I could add a dir structure as:
| |
| |
Then I could just "include / import" the functions to use them in and without duplicating code...
What's the best way to achieve this ?
I am already using fixtures (defined in, and I feel that the solution to my duplicated code is something along fixture or test modules but my poor python / pytest knowledge is keeping me away from the actual solution.

If you don't mind running your tests as a module, you could turn your Python files into packages by placing a file called '' in the root of the project, in the directory with the code to be tested and in the directory with the testing code.
You can then perform relative imports to access the functions you need:
eg to access "" from ""
from ../_roles import _test_java
A single dot represent the current directory. Two dots represents the parent directory.
You will need to use the -m flag when calling your code so Python understands you are running a module with relative imports.
In your case you might consider performing the messy relative imports in
This post explains the above in more detail:


Is there a way to test roblox games?

As I started to understand a little bit more about Roblox, I was wondering if there is any possible way to automate the testing. As a first step only on the Lua scripting, but ideally also simulating the game and interactions.
Is there any way of doing such a thing?
Also if there are already best practices on doing testing on Roblox(this includes Lua scripting) I would like to know more about them.
Unit Testing
For lua modules, I would recommend the library TestEZ. It was developed in-house by Roblox engineers to allow for behavior driven tests. It allows you to specify a location where test files exist and will gives you pretty detailed output as to how your tests did.
This example will run in RobloxStudio, but you can pair it with other libraries like Lemur for command-line and continuous integration workflows. Anyways, follow these steps :
1. Get the TestEZ Library into Roblox Studio
Download Rojo. This program allows you to convert project directories into .rbxm (Roblox model object) files.
Download the TestEZ source code.
Open a Powershell or Terminal window and navigate into the downloaded TestEZ directory.
Build the TestEZ library with this command rojo build --output TestEZ.rbxm .
Make sure that it generated a new file called TestEZ.rbxm in that directory.
Open RobloxStudio to your place.
Drag the newly created TestEZ.rbxm file into the world. It will unpack the library into a ModuleScript with the same name.
Move this ModuleScript somewhere like ReplicatedStorage.
2. Create unit tests
In this step we need to create ModuleScripts with names ending in `.spec` and write tests for our source code.
A common way to structure code is with your code classes in ModuleScripts and their tests right next to them. So let's say you have a simple utility class in a ModuleScript called MathUtil
local MathUtil = {}
function MathUtil.add(a, b)
assert(type(a) == "number")
assert(type(b) == "number")
return a + b
return MathUtil
To create tests for this file, create a ModuleScript next to it and call it MathUtil.spec. This naming convention is important, as it allows TestEZ to discover the tests.
return function()
local MathUtil = require(script.parent.MathUtil)
describe("add", function()
it("should verify input", function()
local result = MathUtil.add("1", 2)
it("should properly add positive numbers", function()
local result = MathUtil.add(1, 2)
it("should properly add negative numbers", function()
local result = MathUtil.add(-1, -2)
For a full breakdown on writing tests with TestEZ, please take a look at the official documentation.
3. Create a test runner
In this step, we need to tell TestEZ where to find our tests. So create a Script in ServerScriptService with this :
local TestEZ = require(game.ReplicatedStorage.TestEZ)
-- add any other root directory folders here that might have tests
local testLocations = {
local reporter = TestEZ.TextReporter
--local reporter = TestEZ.TextReporterQuiet -- use this one if you only want to see failing tests
TestEZ.TestBootstrap:run(testLocations, reporter)
4. Run your tests
Now we can run the game and check the Output window. We should see our tests output :
Test results:
[+] ServerStorage
[+] MathUtil
[+] add
[+] should properly add negative numbers
[+] should properly add positive numbers
[+] should verify input
3 passed, 0 failed, 0 skipped - TextReporter:87
Automation Testing
Unfortunately, there does not exist a way to fully automate the testing of your game.
You can use TestService to create tests that automate the testing of some interactions, like a player touching a kill block or checking bullet paths from guns. But there isn't a publicly exposed way to start your game, record inputs, and validate the game state.
There's an internal service for this, and a non-scriptable service for mocking inputs but without overriding CoreScripts, it's really not possible at this moment in time.

Jenkins Allure report is not showing all the results when we have multiple scenarios

I have the following scenario outline and I am generating allure report, But in the report we are not getting all the scenarios data, its showing only last run data.
It is showing only | uat1_nam | Password01 | test data result
Jenkins plugin version i am using is 2.13.6
Scenario Outline: Find a transaction based on different criteria and view the details
Given I am login to application with user "<user id>" and password "<password>"
When I navigate to Balances & Statements -> Find a transaction
Then I assert I am on screen Balances & Statements -> Find a transaction -> Find a transaction
| user id | password |
| uat1_moz | Password01 |
| uat1_nam | Password01 |
I got a similar issue.
We are running test with the same software on Linux and Windows, and generating results into 2 separate folders.
Then we have:
|_ linux_report
|_ windows_report
Then we are using the following command in the Jenkinsfile:
includeProperties: false,
jdk: '',
properties: [],
reportBuildPolicy: 'ALWAYS',
results: [[path: 'allure-reports/linux-report'], [path: 'allure-reports/windows-report']]
Similar to Sarath, only the results of the from the last run are available...
I also tried to run the cli directly on my machine, same results.
allure serve allure-reports/linux-report allure-reports/windows-report
I already found many methods, actually this one is very similar to my use case, but I do not understand why it works here, and not for me...
I also tried with the following method, but the Docker container is not running properly on Linux, due to permission issues... But I am running the container from a folder where I got all permissions. Same results if I give my userID in parameters:
I was able to get deeper into the topic, and I am finally able to prove why the data are overwritten.
I used a very simple example to generate 2 different reports, where only allure.epic was different.
As I thought, if we generate 2 different reports, with the same source folder, but generate 2 separate reports, then only the latest report will be considered (allure.epic name was updated in between).
If I have 2 different folders, with the same code (but only the allure.epic is different), then I have the all data available, and stored in different Suites!
Then, to make sure that allure considers the reports as different, and make a different classification for each OS, we have to make tests on code which is stored in different locations. Which does not fit with my usecase, as the same code is tested on both Linux and Windows.
Or maybe is there an option for pytest-allure to specify the root classification?

rstan() should not run in #'#example?

In package development, each example requires <5s. However, the pair of stan_model() and rstan::sampling() take long times more than 5s as follows:
Examples with CPU or elapsed time > 5s
user system elapsed
fit 1.25 0.11 32.47
So I put \donttest{} for each rstan::sampling() in roxygen comments #'#examples
In examples#'#examples, we should not run sampling() or is there any treatment ?
I had tried to create my package based on the code rstan_package_skeleton(path = 'BayesianAAA') when I was taught from you (Thank you !!) but, I do not understand many things about it.
Previously, rstan_package_skeleton(path = 'BayesianAAA') launched the errors in my computer ( but now the error does not occur).
So, I made my package without the rstan_package_skeleton(), say BayesianAAA, and in my original making, I put the Model_A.stan,Model_B.stan,Model_C.stan,.... in the inst/extdata and I refer my stan files as follows;
scr <- system.file("extdata", "Model_A.stan", package="BayesianAAA")
scr <- rstan::stan_model(scr)
I have many questions about the code rstan_package_skeleton(path = 'BayesianAAA').
1) The first question is How to include my existing stan files and how to refer my .stan files for the rstan::stan_model() ?
According to the page following page, it said that
If we had existing .stan files to include with the package we could use the optional stan_files argument to rstan_package_skeleton to include them.
So, I think I should execute, I am not sure but the following like manner is required;
`rstan_package_skeleton(path = 'BayesianAAA', stan_files = "Model_A.stan" )`.
But I do not know how to write the code for several stan files, say Model_A.stan,Model_B.stan,Model_C.stan in my existing package made without the rstan_package_skeleton(). I do not understand , but the following code is correct ? Since I do not where the files described in the variable stan_files is reflected in the new project created by the rstan_package_skeleton().
`rstan_package_skeleton(path = 'BayesianAAA', stan_files = c("Model_A.stan",`Model_B.stan`,`Model_C.stan` )`.
Here, the another question arise, that is,
2) The second question: Where I execute the code rstan_package_skeleton(path = 'BayesianAAA', stan_files = "Model_A.stan" ) ? I execute it form the R studio console in my existing package project. Is it correct ? And then, the new project arise and it is contained the old existing project. What should I do ?
3) I do not quite know about the packages "rstanarm" , but I try to imitate it for my package, but I can not fined any .stan file in it, I am wrong ?
I am sorry for my poor English, and Lack of study about these things.
I would be grateful if you could tell me.
You generally should not be writing a package that calls stan_model at runtime, unless like brms or tmbstan you are generating a Stan program at runtime as opposed to writing it statically. There are dozens of packages on CRAN that provide compiled Stan programs basically by following the build process developed for rstanarm, which is facilitated by the rstantools::rstan_package.skeleton function, the step-by-step guide, and the developer guidelines which directly address your question
CRAN policy permits long installation times but imposes restrictions on the time consumed by examples and unit tests that are much shorter than the time that it takes to compile even a simple Stan program. Thus, it is only possible to adequately test your package if it has pre-compiled Stan programs.
Even then, it can be difficult to sample from a posterior distribution (adequately) in five seconds, so you often have to use small datasets, one chain, a small number of iterations, etc.
It is best to pass the names of your Stan programs (which should end in a .stan extension, not use a period otherwise, and only have ASCII letters, numbers, and the underscore in their names) to rstantools::rstan_package_skeleton(). If doing so from RStudio, I would call it while not in an existing project. Then
During installation, all Stan programs will be compiled and saved in the list stanmodels that can then be used by R function in the package. The rule is that the Stan program compiled from the model code in src/stan_files/foo.stan is stored as list element stanmodels$foo.
There are dozens of R packages that have Stan programs in their src/stan_files directory (although the locations of the Stan programs are going to move to inst/stan for the next rstantools release) that for the most part just followed the vignettes and did not have to do any additional steps except write more R functions.

boost build - sources with the same name

| |--Manager.cpp
Building this Boost.Build tries to create
but fails. How to resolve this automatically? I read FAQ item, but I don't like the solution, as I have to fix things manually when I have a same class name, but different namespace. Would it be possible to make Boost.Build automatically prefix object file names with directory?
Or duplicate the source directory tree?
| |--Manager.o
This behavior has been changed a long time ago and should just work. Boost.Build now mimics the source structure, i.e. you should get both bin/Manager.o and bin/Specializations/Manager.o.

extra-paths not added to python path with zc.recipe.testrunner

I am trying to run tests by adding a version of tornado downloaded from in the sys.path.
recipe = zc.recipe.testrunner
extra-paths = ${buildout:directory}/parts/tornado/
defaults = ['--auto-color', '--auto-progress', '-v']
But when I run bin/tests I get the following error :
ImportError: No module named tornado
Am I not understanding how to use extra-paths ?
Have you tried looking into generated bin/tests script if it contains your path? It will tell definitely if your buildout.cfg is correct or not. Maybe problem is elsewhere. Because it seem that your code is ok.
If you happen to regularly include various branches from git/mercurial or elsewhere to buildout, you might be interested in mr.developer. mr.developer can download and add package to develop =. You wont need to set extra-path in every section.